HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079949From: K8ackey, Chris [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=AEF8F68OGB2]42C5B2D2AE08D2B4510E'CK8ACKEY3] Sent: 7/1I/I0I77:I9:40PW1 To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] Subject: FVV:Draft news release Attachments SenXO7I1ZOI7_NTedits zmdocx Can we make these few tweeks? Sent: Tuesday, July 11,Z0l71:J9PM To: Mackey Chris <Chris.K4ackey@dhhs.ncBov>;Benton, Mark xMark.Benton @dhhsoc.8ov>; Staley, Danny <Danny.Sta|ey@dhhs.nc.8ov> Cc: Coleman, Scott <Scott.Coleman@dhhs.nc.gov>; Shehee, Mina <mina.shehee@dhhs.nc.gov> Subject: RE: Draft news release My comments are attached. Thanks. Zack Moore, MD, MPH State Epidemiologist and EpidemimlogySection Chief Division n{Public Health North Carolina Department m{Health and Human Services 918546-1725 office 9187330480 fax (secure) zack.mnnnn&dhhs.noonv 225N.McDowell St. Raleigh, NC278O8 1AU2Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC278AQ-1AU2 �k 'mRe- am/mndo,aybm���o�o��o0n���mr6ox Twitter YouTube unauthorized disclosure oxjuvenile, health, legally privileged, momamAsnconfidential mmmamon.im,luu/nouoofidanms|inmnnauonrelaum:toa0000000utate. From: Mackey, Chris To: Benton, Mark; Moore, Zack; Staley, Danny Cc: Coleman, Scott Subject: FW: Draft news release Importance: High From: Talley, Noe||eS Sent: Tuesday, July 11,Z0l71JxY8PK4 To: Kritzer, Jamie Cc: Mackey, Chris Coleman, Scott ; Tarr, Jeremy M Subject: RE: Draft news release Thank you again for your work on this. Attached please find my suggested edits and a few questions. I'm happy to talk through any of these if they are unclear oranyone has concerns about them. If DHHS has already made some changes, I can look at their updated version as well. Chris/Scott, ify'aUhaven't made changes yet, perhaps you could add yours to this version and then share again. Thank, NoeUe From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Tuesday, July 1l2Ol711x4OAK4 To: TaUey,NoeUe5 Cc: Mackey, Chris Coleman, � Tan�Jeremy K8 Subject: RE: Draft news release I'll be available when you need me. If you don't catch me in the office, try my cell. Jamie Kritzer N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 419-707-8602 �0���W, '�y ����m��a�����u����e N��h�ann0naPo�0Re:nn%sLmwm, d"",c����h7����axf�� From: Talley, Noe||e8 Sent: Tuesday, July 1l2Ol711:31AK4 To: Kritzer, Jamieit Cc: Mackey, Chris ; Coleman, Scott Col ; Tarr, Jeremy K8 Subject: Re: Draft news release Jamie, thank you. Chris, can you and the folks at DHHS please review quickly, make any needed changes from your end and then circulate a revised draft? Then Jeremy and I can review quickly. On Jul 11, 2017, at 11:13 AM, Kritzer, Jamie <i,)mie.kntzer@1ncdenr. Lov> wrote: ME Attached is the news release for today. I've incorporated stuff from us and DHHS. If you need to add/suggest, send it in the news release and I'll add/subtract it. Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919-707-8602 011114608 "'s S ad� c-ss i &,.,,,kb ft"', Recx,ol,_ La-a,-?d b- <GenX 07112017.docx> C..." � n""', P�jz 'Oe J o Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile, health, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort, is prohibited by law. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records of this email. DEQ-CFW-00079951