HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00061505FYI and Pass Along [ I TO: Staff Report Recommendation [ ] (Belinda Henson WOOOO' Complaint Investigation [ ] [U--Vf'ike Lawyer Spill / ER Follow-up up [ ] [ ] Dale Lopez Please Complete by [ ] [6 lark Brantley_ Please Investigate by [ ] [ ] Trent Allen Last Person, Please file had [ ] CTurlin ton g Return to [ ] Hughie White Return to Belinda Henson [ ] Danny Strickland i [ ] Paul Rawls [ ] Kim McKoy • [ ] Mason Herndon DEQ-CFW 00061505 6�+ 6eieo. e,,, ^r`�dal z DEQ-CFW 00061506 r NR- PC NOV 2 G 2012 DuPont Chemicals & Fluoroproducts U ®Dwo Fayetteville Works Plant 22828 NC Hwy 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306.7332 November 20, 2012 Ms. Belinda S. Henson Surface Water Protection Section Supervisor NCDENR — Division of Water Quality 225 Green Street — Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5095 SUBJECT: Effluent Channel Visual Assessment Report for 2011 and 2012 DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works Bladen County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Henson: Per the submitted 2011 Effluent Channel Visual Assessment Protocol, attached is the combined report that describes the condition of the DuPont Company — Fayetteville Works ("DuPont") effluent channel in 2011 prior to the removal of the site's effluent flow from the channel, and the condition of the channel in 2012 following the removal of the site's effluent flow from the channel. As is consistent with the agreed upon protocol, this report has been generated as a good -faith effort by DuPont to ensure compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations, and represents the first two of a series of assessments that aims to understand the trend of stabilization that is achieved by the construction of the new Clutfall 002 system and subsequent flow redirection away from the effluent channel. ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION The United States Department of Agriculture (`USDA") Strean, Visual Assessment Protocol was followed to perform the two reported assessments of the DuPont effluent channel. The USDA Protocol provides a basic level of stream health evaluation and is based primarily on physical E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company DEQ-CFW 00061507 } Ms. Belinda S. Henson NCDENR — Division of Water Quality November 20, 2012 Page 2 of 2 conditions within the assessment area. The protocol's methodology for assessing the effluent channel consisted of visual observations and scoring of five (5) conditions, specifically Channel Condition, Hydrologic Alteration, Vegetation, Bank Stability, and Water Appearance. The DuPont effluent channel's length was divided and assessments are made at nine (9) locations, which are called "reaches" in the USDA protocol. The coordinates of the nine reaches are used to ensure the same exact locations are assessed each year. For each specific reach, all five of the above conditions were rated using a scoring range of 1 (worst) to 10 (best). An average score is then calculated as the overall assessment of a reach. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The effluent channel's overall assessment score was 3.5 in 2011, which is rated as "Poor" in the USDS protocol. The effluent channel's overall assessment score was 6.1 in 2012, which is rated as "Fair" in the USDS protocol. From 2011 to 2012 there was an improvement in all assessed conditions except for Bank Stability (see Table 1 "Assessment Summary"). A comparison of the photographs found in the report shows vegetation appearing in areas of the channel where there had been none. It is expected that this increase of vegetation will continue during the coming years. It is obvious from the 2012 photographs that there was a continuous flow of water in the channel at the time of the assessment. This was either caused by the intrusion of the surficial groundwater into the channel or by the residual effect of rainfall runoff from storm events preceeding the assessment. Future observations should determine if the channel has a perpetual surface water flow to the Cape Fear River. If you should have any questions or need additional information, feel free to call me at (910) 678-1155. Michael E. Johnson Environmental Manager Attachment DEQ-CFW 00061508 TABLE 1 ASSESSMENT SUMMARY 2011 ASSESSMENT Reach Channel Condition Hydrologic Alteration Vegetation Bank Stability Water Appearance AVERAGE SCORE OVERALL RATING 1 1 1 N/A 7 3 3.0 POOR 2 1 1 5 1 7 3.0 POOR 3 1 1 5 1 7 3.0 POOR 4 1 1 5 1 7 3.0 POOR 5 1 3 5 1 1 2.2 POOR 6 1 1 3 1 5 2.2 POOR 7 7 7 7 7 5 6.6 FAIR 8 3 3 3 5 5 3.8 POOR 9 3 3 7 5 5 4.6 POOR AVERAGE 2.1 2.3 5.0 3.2 5.0 3.5 POOR 2012 ASSESSMENT Reach Channel Condition Hydrologic Alteration Vegetation Bank Stability Water Appearance AVERAGE SCORE OVERALL RATING 1 5 7 7 2 n/a 5.3 POOR 2 4 7 7 1 9 5.6 POOR 3 4 7 7 1 9 5.6 POOR 4 4 7 5 1 9 5.2 POOR 5 4 7 6 1 9 5.4 POOR 6 4 7 6 1 8 5.2 POOR 7 8 9 8 8 9 8.4 GOOD 8 6 7 7 6 9 7.0 FAIR 9 6 6 8 6 9 7.0 FAIR AVERAGE 5.0 7.1 6.8 3.0 8.9 6.1 FAIR Overall Score Rating: Poor < 6.0 Fair 6.1 - 7.4 Good 7.5 - 8.9 Excellent > 9.0 DEQ-CFW 00061509 2011 Effluent Channel Visual Assessment Report DEQ-CFW 00061510 Visual Assessment Protocol Kyle A. Smith Ownersname DuPnn . Evaluator's name David Barker Date 7/15/2011 Stream name Unnamed Tributary WaterbodylD number N/A Reach location 4; A-4—deg g e =1 T9 ' W 9—e6-6-L 834 a $0. sit 70 * S40,1.Z 1 r Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest 10 0 % residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny/Partly Cloudy Past 2-5days No Precipitation Active channel width Approx. 80 ft . Dominant substrate: boulder gravel X sand silt mud Site Diagram j DEQ-CFW 00061511 Reachl Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont : Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061512 I a Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition Hydrologic alteration Vegetation... NA,... Bank stability F Water appearance 3❑ Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 3 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend N/A: Trend cannot be established until after flow has been removed. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only DEQ-CFW 00061513 &Z&A 2- Visual Assessment Protocol Kyle A. Smith Owners name DuPont Evaluator's name David Barker Date 7 / 15 /2 011 Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number N/A Reach location N 38 deg 51.333' W 094 deg 47.941' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N /A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture 4 0 % forest ti n 0 residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny/Partly Cloudy Past 2-5 days No Precipitation Active channel width Approx. 30 ft . Dominant substrate: boulder X gravel sand silt mud Site Diagram DEQ-CFW 00061514 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition Hydrologic alteration a Vegetation a Bank stability Water appearance 7 Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 3 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend N/A: Trend cannot be established until after flow has been removed. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only DEQ-CFW 00061515 �' � e '. �.' �^ 3s Via• 1. �.* i NG �,f`� ► r� dE�ti��.t9 r 1' .. ,... �. �. r: , �` `'r , � ��r►#��% ' rya ` �.`. .,..y` �::,.r� •-may .}.;,�� � � �I s .. � � •oi_ - ygEr; - oft l y f 1 lid w 1�r4 Y°f 7'ld�ttJ�^ • 'a ! r'if ` .-1 &U,A, 3 Visual Assessment Protocol Kyle A. Smith Owners name DuPont Evaluator's name David Barker Date 7/15/2011 Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number N /A Reach location N 34 dea 50 122' W 078 dea 49 975' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest ] 0 0 % residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny/Partly Cloudy Past 2-5 days No precipitation Active channel width 3 0 0 f t Dominant substrate: boulder gravel sand X silt mud Site DiagramIV s `Y�r7 tj vt k i\6V` =/42r U \ DEQ-CFW 00061518 Reac'k 3 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition FI Hydrologic alteration Vegetation Bank stability Water appearance M Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 3 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends DEQ-CFW 00061519 - + � R �, a^' `.' j � �,,. ,'ter• _ } <AIR 3J k '4 Reach 3 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont : Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061521 gear-/ Z4 Visual Assessment Protocol Kyle A. Smith Owners name name id 7/I5/20II omeamnamo Unnamed Tributary wawmvdy/onmnum 0 Reach muumon Cape Fear River �mmm Drainage area Applicable reference site Land use within drainage (m):row crop _____xav/mm_____grazing/pasture ______forest 10 0 %_momomia/______ confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today past 2-5 days . No Precipitation Active channel width Approx 50 ft Dominant substrate: uoumar_____gravel _sand lam_____m"u_____ OEQ-CFVV_00061522 Aug 4 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition FTI Hydrologic alteration Vegetation Bank stability 1❑ Water appearance F Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 3 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score N/A: Trend cannot be established until flow is removed. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends DEQ-CFW 00061523 Reach 4 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont : Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061524 Reach 4 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont : Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061525 Reach 4 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont : Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061526 I 96ac A 5 Visual Assessment Protocol Kyle A. Smith Owners name DuPont Evaluator'sname David Barker Date 7/15/2011 Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number N/A Reach location N 34 deg 49.982' W 078 deg 49.783' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River G Applicable reference site Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industria Weather conditions -today Sunny/Partly Cloudy Past 2-5 days No Precipitation forest 10 0 o residential Other: Active channel width Approx . 55 ft Dominant substrate: boulder gravel sand X silt mud t r" DEQ-CFW 00061527 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition FI Hydrologic alteration ❑3 Vegetation 5❑ Bank stability 1❑ Water appearance Fil Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 2 . 2 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score N/A: Trend cannot be established until existing flow is removed. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only DEQ-CFW 00061528 Reach 5 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont : Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061529 Reach 5 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont : Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061530 ReacA �6 Visual Assessment Protocol Kyle A. Smith Owners name DuPont Evaluator's name David Barker Date 7/15/2011 Stream name Unnamed Tributary WaterbodylD number N/A Reach location N 34 deg 50.012' W 078 deg 49.692' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest 10 0 % residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny/Partly Cloudy Past 2-5days No Precipitation Active channel width Approx . 60 f t Dominant substrate: boulder gravel sand X_ silt mud Site Diagram CrUtat\1 f: . — "_*b U F X r DEQ-CFW 00061531 �efiylh �0 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition Hydrologic alteration ❑1 Vegetation ❑3 Bank stability ❑1 Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 2.2 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score N/A: Trend cannot be established until existing flow is removed. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only DEQ-CFW 00061532 Reach 6 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont : Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW-00061533 nr 1 ` �� �,�i.,,�,�y . '• ,# '�. _ � -,,..- YES �, 4 Peac,A Y7 Visual Assessment Protocol Kyle A. Smith Owners name DuPont Evaluator's name David Barker Stream name Unnamed_ Tributary Waterbody ID number N/A Reach location N 34 deg 49.988' W 078 deg 49.526' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Applicable reference site Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Weather conditions -today Sunny/Partly Cloudy Past 2-5days. o Precipitation Active channel width Approx . 30 ft Dominant substrate: boulder gravel Gradient forest 100% residential Other: 7/15/2011 sand X silt mud DEQ-CFW 00061535 • 7 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition M Hydrologic alteration M Vegetation %❑ Bank stability ❑7 Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 6.6 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend N/A: Trend cannot be assessed until existing flow is removed. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061536 Reach 7 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont: Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061538 M-S Visual Assessment Protocol Kyle A. Smith Owners name DuPont Evaluator's name David Barker Date 7/15/2011 Stream name Unnamed tributary WaterbodylD number N/A Reach location Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N /A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest 10 0 % residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny/Partly Cloudy Past 2-5days No Precipitation Active channel width Approx. 25 ft Dominant substrate: boulder gravel sand X silt mud Site Diagram DEQ-CFW 00061539 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition P Hydrologic alteration 3❑ Vegetation 3❑ Bank stability ❑5 Water appearance 5❑ Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 3.8 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend N/A: Trend cannot be established until after flow has been removed. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061540 ' i (r d �tti i�i,,il•; I •�..� � - - - Yy`"� .fie•`' ..�� '*o`'b,. Reach 8 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont: Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061542 Zadli 9 Visual Assessment Protocol Kyle A. Smith DuPont David Barker Owners name Evaluator's name Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number N/A Reach location -f/i 9920 Q, 3744 N 34 deg �..�' W 078 deg /4'/' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N /A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest 8 0 ° residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny/Partly Cloudy Past 2-5days No Precipitation Active channel width Approx . 60 f t . Dominant substrate: boulder gravel Site Diagram -i IN a1� f y/ 7/15/2011 sand X silt mud DEQ-CFW 00061543 peru� 9 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition M Hydrologic alteration ❑3 Vegetation 7❑ Bank stability ❑5 Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 4 . 6 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend N/A: Trend cannot be established until flow has been removed. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061544 M Reach 9 Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont : Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW-00061545 7z� Reach 9: Entry of channel into Cape Fear River Stream Visual Assessment Protocol, DuPont: Fayetteville, North Carolina DEQ-CFW 00061546 2012 Effluent Channel Visual Assessment Report DEQ-CFW 00061547 Visual Assessment Protocol David Barker DuPont Kyle A. Smith Date 6/21/12 Owners name Evaluator's name Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number Reach location 5013 it / �C) 4) N 34 deg ,5A�36'3' W 078 deg 44--�Pmn' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N /A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture 4 0 ° forest 6 0 ° residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny Past 2-5 days Active channel width Approx . 3 0 f t Dominant substrate: boulder gravel sand Ix— silt mud DEQ-CFW 00061548 A Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition _� t Hydrologic alteration Vegetation Bank stability Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 5.25 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score There is an overall positive trend that indicates natural reclammation Is in progress. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061549 Reach 1, Picture 1 DEQ-CFW 00061550 w z Reach 1, Picture 3 DEQ-CFW 00061552 Visual Assessment Protocol David Barker 6/21/12 Ownersname DuPont Evaluator'sname Kyle A. Smith Date Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number Reach location N 34 deg 50.198' W 078 deg 50.066' F-core9 ion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N/A Land use within drainage (%100% ): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny Past 2-5 days Active channel width Approx . 8 0 f t . Dominant substrate: boulder gravel sand slit mud Site Diagram +ti U��1 �v1,' 1 I rt' 0 t .. Lo So DEQ-CFW 00061553 zekl� Z Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition I t I Hydrologic alteration Vegetation f Bank stability. Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 5.6 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend There ;s an overall positive trend that indicates natural reclammation Is in progress. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061554 Reach 2, Picture 5 DEQ-CFW 00061555 r Visual Assessment Protocol David Barker Owners name DuPont Evaluators name Kyle A. Smith Date 6 / 21 / 12 Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number Reach location N 34 deg 50.122' W 078 deg 49.975' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N/A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/posture forest 10 0 '-residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Weather conditions -today Sunny Past 2-5days ,_ Active channel width Approx . 3 0 Of t Dominant substrate: boulder gravel Other: sand x silt mud DEQ-CFW 00061556 Ppa'r'� .3 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition Hydrologic alteration Vegetation Bank stability M Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (fetal divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 5.6 7.5 -- 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend There is an overall positive trend that indicates natural reclammation Is in progress. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061557 OEQ-CFVV_00061558 m A Visual Assessment Protocol David Barker Owners name DuPont Evaluator`s name Kyle A. Smith Date 6/21/12 stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody 1D number Reach location N 34 deg 50.121' W 078 deg 49.975' Ecoreg ion Middle Coastal Atlantic Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N/A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture ,______ forest 10 0 ° residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny Past 2-5 days Active channel width Approx . 5 0 f t Dominant substrate; boulder graves sand X slit mud ti I r k �SL 71 DEQ-CFW 00061560 �,ea,r"44 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition Hydrologic alteration d Vegetation Bank stability Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 5.2 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Tre There is an overall positive trend that indicates natural reclammation Is in progress. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061561 00 i Twj Visual Assessment Protocol David Barker Owners name DuPont Evaluator's name Kyle A. Smith Date 6 / 21 / 12 Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number Reach location N 34 deg 49.982' W 078 deg 49.783' Ecoreglon Middle Coastal Atlantic Forest Drainage area Gradient Applicable reference site N/A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest 10 0 oresldential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny Past 2.6 days Active channel width Approx . 5 5 f t Dominant substrate: boulder graves sand X Site V Wir silt mud V1 DEQ-CFW 00061564 rea,r,k 5 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition Hydrologic alteration Vegetation Bank stability a Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 5.4 7.5 — 8.9 Good _— > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend There is an overall positive trend that indicates natural reclammation is in progress. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) i I i DEQ-CFW 00061565 O T5 z y i ,� L" �t• ice-. co LO 0 0 0 I LL U C� W 0 0 � b", J, �e Visual Assessment Protocol David Barker Owners name DuPont Evaluatorsname Kyle A. Smith Date 6/21/12 streamname Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number Reach location N 34 deg 50.012' W 078 deg 49.692' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N/A Land use within drainage {%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest 10 0 o residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather condit[ons-today Sunny Past 2-5 days Active channel width Approx . 6 0 f t Dominant substrate: boulder gravel d silt mud site Diagram `--1 TV'2 v Lb W N5"W--,r AP .I-",.,----_ t✓S�� R A G� DEQ-CFW 00061570 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition Hydrologic alteration Fil Vegetation Bank stability Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 5.2 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend There is an overall positive trend that indicates natural reclammation is in progress. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061571 Reach 6 Plagcl4 �§ DEQ CFW-0 00615 2 - OEQ-CFVV_00061573 'ht fr - - 1.;a � .T k�ti, •. a Reach 6, Picture 16 DEQ-CFW 00061574 Visual Assessment Protocol David Barker Owners name DuPont Evaluator's name Kyle A. Smith Date 6/21/12 Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody ID number Reach location N 34 deg 49.988' W 078 deg 49.526' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N/A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest 10 0 o residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Weather conditions -today Sunny Past 2-6 days Active channel width Approx . 3 0 f t Dominant substrate: boulder gravel C Other: sand X silt mud DEQ-CFW 00061575 A,e,q e4 7 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition Hydrologic alteration Vegetation Sank stability Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 8.2 7.6 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score T There is an overall positive trend that indicates natural reclammation is in progress. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends DEQ-CFW 00061576 Reach 7, Picture 17 DEQ-CFW 00061577 t �1� 4. Reach 7, Picture 18 DEQ-CFW-00061578 Visual Assessment Protocol David Barker Ownersname DuPont Evaluator's name Kyle A. Smith Date 6/21/12 Stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody Ip number Reach location N 34 deg 49.899' W 078 deg 49.419' Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N / A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest 10 0 o residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial _ Weather conditions -today Sunny Past 2-5 days Active channel width Approx . 2 5 f t Dominant substrate: boulder gravel Other: sand X silt mud DEQ-CFW 00061579 Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition Hydrologic alteration Vegetation j Bank stability Water appearance Overall score < 6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.a Fair 7 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score Trend There is an overall positive trend that indicates natural reclammation is in progress. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061580 A- t Visual Assessment Protocol David Barker owners name DuPont Evaluator's name Kyle A. Smith Date 6/ 21 / 12 stream name Unnamed Tributary Waterbody 1D number Reach location . 4p© 720" r7, 17j tP N 34 deg a/ 34,E -'' W 078 deg .c. 7/'`O Ecoregion Middle Atlantic Coastal Forest Drainage area Cape Fear River Gradient Applicable reference site N/A Land use within drainage (%): row crop hayland grazing/pasture forest 10 0 %residential confined animal feeding operations Cons. Reserve industrial Other: Weather conditions -today Sunny Past 2-5 days Active channel width Approx . 6 0 f t Dominant substrate: boulder gravel sand X slit mud Site 11) 1_ �f Y Gj 0, DEQ-CFW 00061584 Zea-d.A i Reach Assessment Scores Channel condition KPI Hydrologic alteration (n Vegetation Bank stability Water appearance Overall score <6.0 Poor (Total divided by number scored) 6.1 — 7.4 Fair 7 7.5 — 8.9 Good > 9.0 Excellent Visual Assessment Score There is an overall positive trend that indicates natural reclammation is in progress. Recommendations (Applies to Negative Stabilization Trends Only) DEQ-CFW 00061585 Reach 9, Picture 22 DEQ-CFW-00061586 M N cU U a U 70 A &OWN0�1 zz Reach 9, Picture 24 DEQ-CFW-00061588