HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079804G R-0 t�J'� I P June 21, 2017 VIA. ENTAIL TO.— Jiii-iie,K-ritzer@denr.gov TO - Department of Environmental Quality Public Information atio Officer ;farme fCritzer, Communications Director 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 RE, Request for Records elated to Gen , Post-GenX Chemicals, Pf,'ECAs, and. Post-PFECA Chemicals Dear 1: epaitmcrat of Environmental Quality, Under the North Carolina Public Records Law, C.Q.S. § 132-1. T am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies ofpubl c records of any kind, wlicther paper, electronic, entail or fax transmissions, voice recordings, photographs, or any other type of records, that are in the posse,".ion or the control of the Department of Environmental Quality, its agents, employees, or offices, which relate to the following: 1 e Chemicals collectively identified by DuPont Company and The; Chenlow's Coin any 20 Chemicals that arc structurally car .frtrtctlonal.ly or ot.herw se sirn lar to C enX that result from the manufacture, use processing, trcati.nent, or disposal of Gen ("Po�,t- GenX Chemicals"); 1 Pcrfluoroalkyl ether carboxylic. acid: (P CBAss); 4o Chemicals that are stratc,tu.rally or functionally or otherwise similar to PFEC A's that result frc n.i the manufacture, use, processing, treatment, or disposal of P 'E1'-". s ("Post-P EC: A Chemicals,") 5, Toxicity cifC1enX.. Post-(3enX Chenticals, Pf'EC"As, and Post--PFEC:;A Chemicals to humans; 6Toxicity of GenX, Post -Gen Chemicals, PF�EC: As, and Post- FEC A Chemicals to aquatic organisms; 7. Any DEQ investigation related. to GEE , Past-C enX C°lrrrai.cals-, P EC°A. car Post- PFEC�A Chemicals; DEQ-CFW 00079804 8. Any regulatory action, permitting action, enforcernents action, or other action considered, proposed, or taken by DEQ related to Genf, Post-GenX Chemicals, PPECAs, or Post-PFECA Chemicals. If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me if the cost will exceed 100.00. The. law requires that you respond to and fulfill this request "as promptly as passible." If you expect a significant delay in responding to and fulfilling this request; please contact me with information about when I might expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records. If you deny any or all of this request; please cite each specific exemption you feel justifies the refusal to release the information and notify me of the appeal. procedures available to me under the law. `hank you for considering my request, Sincerely, ftt [JEW Kepley at Lda DEQ-CFW 00079805