Sent: 7/5/20I75:37:29PM
To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group
Subject: FVV:PFA3inCape Fear Drinking Water NC/R4/N[RLCollaboration
Location: Conference Call: DGG299.3I88;code: 9195412454k
Sta rt: 7/5/20176:30:00PK8
End: 7/5/20177:30:00PK8
Show Time As: Tentative
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 10:37 AM
To: Buckley, Timothy; Strynar, Mark; Lindstrom, Andrew; Medina'Vena,K4yham; Sivertsan,Scott; Johnson, Chris;
/U|enbach,Becky; Culpepper, Linda; Perez, Helen |; Jones, Nick; Karo|y,[yndi;Satterwhite, Dana; Brantley, Mark; King,
Morella s; Maddaloni, Mark; Hall, Renea; France, Danny; Risen, Amy J; Shehee, Mina; Langley, Rick; Sink, Marla; Munger,
Bridget; Smith, Emily l;Newton, Seth; Maguire, Megan; Ton8'Ar8ao,5ania
Cc: Hubbard, Carolyn; Gregson,Jim
Subject: PFASinCape Fear Drinking Water N[/R4/NERLCollaboration
When: Wednesday, July OS JO17Z:3UPK4'3:3OPK4(UT[-O5:0U)Eastern Time (US &[anada).
Where: Conference Call: O66.299.3183;code: 9l9S4l24S4;
Feel free to offer additional agenda items if I have left something important out.
Sampling Update
o Addition ufFayetteville
o Samples delivered
o Samples analyzed
o Incorporation ofperformance standards
o Extending the sampling period
* Results status
* Communications Plan Status
w Scheduling next meeting
Notes / Follow-up from Linda Culpepper following 6/27 conference call
Follow up items from today's conf. call:
* Regional staff have GPScoordinates for sampling locations. Will send anemail with those from the Wilmington area. Mark
w Mark Brantley knows we also want a sample from the City of Fayetteville water intake on Monday. Mark appreciate you
making arrangements inadvance.
• Chemours production staff will be onsite Monday July 3rd and production processes will be active, but some of the other
staff will not beatthe plant. Arrangements are being made for Mark to get access to outfall 002 for sampling. Test
America will not be open July 4th. Due to their requirement to ice the samples, the samples from July 3rd will be held at
the Fayetteville Regional Office in the lab refrigerator until Weds. July 5th at which time they will be shipped to Test
America in ice. We will include that description in the QAPP and note on the Chain of Custody.
w The sampling process at Chemours outfall 002 does involve using a dipper to collect the sample and then pour it into a
container clue tothe access point being 6'above the uutfa||. The dipper is^rinsed^inoutfaU0O2effluent prior to
sampling. VVewill include that description inthe OAPP.
* Chemours will pay for the trip blank, high spike and low spike analysis at Test America. Michael Aucoin, Chemours' AECOM
consultant coordinating sampling for Chemoursand the analysis for all the samples going toTest America, istalking with
Test America about the subject EPA sample containers containing nitric acid. The sample kits DEQ received from Test
America were riot prepped with nitric acid. We will forward the response upon receipt.
* Test America isonly reporting results for GenX HFPOdimeracid.
w Chris Johnson brought up the concept of getting production samples from the site. Michael Johnson will ask his
management. We let Michael know we were going to take the upriver sample and Chris indicated that sample will help us
know what they may be bringing into the plant and help understand the effluent leaving the plant. Chris indicated having
the production samples will help verify we are analyzing for the correct chemicals. Becky know you were going to see if
the EPA T3CAinspectors could/would take production process samplings. Wanted togive you aheads upabout our
* 1 will get refinement on DEQ and DHHS contacts for collaboration on future sampling/analysis conceptsduring our
Weds morning call with DECi&DHHS. Look forward tnthose planning discussions.