HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00061042y�NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY January 22, 1999 Ms. Janet Waters E.I. Dupont 22828 NC Hwy. 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306 SUBJECT: Compliance Evaluation Inspection E.I. Dupont de Nemours & Company, Inc Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit No. NC0003573 Bladen County Dear Ms. Waters: Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection conducted January 20, 1999. As part of the inspection a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant was conducted. All observations and recommendations are in Part D. Summary of Findings/Comments of this inspection report. Please remember it is priority to discharge a good quality effluent which will not pose any problems to the receiving stream. Please review the attached report. If you or your staff have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at (910)486-1541. Sincerely, -j ens Belinda S. Henson Environmental Chemist /bsh Enclosures 225 GREEN STREET, SUITE 714, FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301-5043 PHONE 910-486-1 S41 FAX 910-486-0707 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST -CONSUMER PAPER DEQ-CFW 00061042 NPDES COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT North Carolina Division of Water Quality Fayetteville Regional Office - Transaction Code: N NPDES NO. NC0003573 Date: 990120 Inspection Type: C Inspector: S Facility Type: 2 Reserved: Facility Evaluation Rating: 4 BI: N QA: N Reserved: Name and Location of Facility Inspected: E.I. Dupont de Nemours WWT P Entry Time: 9:30am Exit Time/Date: 12:30pm/990120 Name(s), Title(s) of On -Site Representative(s): Permit Effective Date: 960901 Permit Expiration Date: 010531 Robert Geddie-(Certified Grade IV )-"ORC" Kenneth Mark Hall -(Certified Grade IV) -"Backup Operator" Murray Batton -(Certified Grade IV) -"Operator" Phone Number(s): (910) 678- 1219 Name, Title and Address of Responsible Official: Ms. Janet Waters 22828 NC Hwy. 87 West Fayetteville, NC 28306 Contacted: yes Section C• Areas Evaluated During Inspection N = .qaticfactnrv_ M = Marginal_ I = IJnsatisfactorv. N = Not Evaluated. N/A = Not Annlicable) Permit: S Records/Reports: S Facility Site Review: S Flow Measurement: S Laboratory: S Effluent/Receiving Waters: S Pretreatment: N/A Compliance Schedule: N/A Self -Monitoring Program: S Operation & Maintenance: S Sludge Disposal: S Other: DEQ-CFW 00061043 Section D. Summary of Findings/Comments: 1. Laboratory results were reviewed for the months October and November, 1998. All records were neat and in order. - 2. Aqua -Tech Environmental Laboratories, Inc. is the commercial lab that analyzes all parameters other than pH and temperature which are done in house. Calibration logs were on site for pH. 3. NPDES permit was available upon request. 4. The effluent flow meter was calibrated October 7, 1998 by Fisher &Porter. It is advisable that the flow meter calibration document contain the % error before and after calibration in the future by the technician. astewater from the BCH Energy company because it no longer 5. This facility no longer receives w exists. 6. The Predigester tank was out of service due to pipe replacement. 7. The Equalization Basin was operational. 8. Clarifier #1 appeared to have light floc passing over the weirs. The sludge depth was measured in the clarifier at <(less than) 1 foot of solids. 9. Clarifier #2 appeared to have light floc passing over the weirs also. The sludge depth was measured in the clarifier at >(greater than) 1 foot of solids. 10. Sludge is removed from the clarifiers to the "DAF" unit and from there to the sludge holding tank. The sludge is then pressed, dewatered and dried and placed in bins to be delivered to `BFI" site in Roseboro where it is disposed. 11. Maintenance records and schedules are on computer. 12. The effluent appeared to be visably clear. 13. The effluent outfall was easily accessible. Name and Signature of Inspector Belinda S. Henson 4waD 4. /Yk� Name and Signature of Reviewer Paul E. wl Agency/Office/Telephone Date DENR/Fayetteville/(910)486-1541 Agency/Office/Telephone DENR/Fayetteville/(910)486-1541 Regulatory Office Use Only Action Taken Compliance Status _Noncompliance _Compliance i-2-ci-qg Date Date DEQ-CFW 00061044 VERIFICATION, RECORDKEEPING, AND REPORTING EVALUATION CHECKLIST A. PERMIT VERIFICATION Mailing Address: Brief Facility Description: nLkk witoi seed 5ysiew 11QeYci/4i0t'1 `_ (�1�11� ��•�,x� C�G���-ieiS � e-���UP(1T� ��oi� r"VIFciSl�a�r�fr►Pc1� � 1-ir�t� NE es' No N/A 1. Inspection observations verify information contained in permit. NE Yes' No N/A 2. Current copy of permit on -site. NE es' No N/A 3. Correct name and mailing address of permittee. NE es,' No NIA 4. Facility as described in permit. NE 'e� ; No N/A 5. Notification given to EPA/State of new, different, or increased discharges. NE es No N/A 6. Accurate records of influent volume maintained, when appropriate. NE Q' No N/A 7. Number and location of discharge points as described in permit. NE No NIA 8. Name and location of receiving waters correct. NE 'e ' No NIA 9. All discharges permitted. NE Yes (moo..' N/A 10. Federal Construction Grant funds used to build plant. DEQ-CFW 00061045 B. RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EVALUATION NE e No N/A 1. Records and reports maintained as required by permit. NE e No N/A 2. All required information available, complete, and current. NE C"e No N/A 3. Information maintained for 3 years. KE (XeD No N/A 4. Analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs. 5. Sampling and analyses data adequate and include: NE (VvT No N/A a. Dates, times, and location of sampling. NE 'e No N/A b. Name of individual performing sampling. NE a No N/A C. Analytical methods and techniques. NE e) No N/A d. Results of analyses and calibration. NE es, No N/A e. Dates of analyses. NE No N/A L Name of person performing analyses. NE No N/A g. Instantaneous flow at grab sample stations. 6. Monitoring records adequate and include: NE 'e ' No N/A a. Flow, pH, DO, etc., as required by permit. NE Yes No N/A b. Monitoring charts kept for 3 years. NE Ces No N/A C. Flowmeter calibration records kept. NE �s No N/A 7. Laboratory equipment calibration and maintenance records adequate. 8. Plant records* adequate and include: Yes No N/A a. O & M Manual Yes No N/A b. "As -built" engineering drawings. NE �Vl No N/A C. Schedules and dates of equipment maintenance repairs. Yes No N/A d. Equipment supplies manual. NE Yes No N/A e. Equipment data cards. * Required only for facilities built with Federal Construction Grant Funds. 9. Pretreatment records adequate and include inventory of industrial waste contributors, including: NE Yes No N/AJ a. Monitoring data NE Yes No N/A b. Inspection records NE Yes No N/A C. Compliance status records NE Yes No N/A d. Enforcement actions DEQ-CFW 00061046 C. COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE STATUS REVIEW 1. Permittee is meeting compliance schedule. NE Yes No NE Yes No N/A 2. Permittee has obtained necessary approvals to begin construction. NE Yes No N/A 3. Financing arrangements complete. NE Yes No N/A 4. Contracts for engineering services executed. NE Yes No N/A 5. Design plans and specifications completed. NE Yes No N/A 6. Construction begun. NE Yes No N/A 7. Construction on schedule. NE Yes No N/A 8. Equipment acquisition on schedule. NE Yes No N/A 9. Construction completed. NE Yes No N/A 10. Startup begun. NE Yes No NIA 11. Permittee requested an extension of time. NE Yes No N/A 12. Permittee met compliance schedule. DEQ-CFW 00061047 D. POTW PRETREATMENT REQUIREMNTS REVIEW NE Yes No S/ THE FACILITY IS SUBJECT TO PRETREATMENT REQUIREMENTS 1. Status of POTW pretreatment program NE Yes No N/A a. The POTW pretreatment program has been approved by EPA. (If not, is approval in progress? 1 NE Yes No N/A b. The POTW is in compliance with the pretreatment program compliance - schedule. (If not, note why, what is due, and intent of the POTW to remedy.) 2. Status of Compliance with Categorical Pretreatment Standards NE Yes No N/A a. How many industrial users of the POTW are subject to Federal or State pretreatment standards? NE Yes No N/A b. Are these industries aware of their responsibility to comply with application standards? NE Yes No N/A C. Have baseline monitoring reports (403.12) been submitted for these industries? i. Have categorical industries in noncompliance (on BMR reports) submitted compliance schedules? ii. How many. categorical industries on compliance shcedules are meeting the schedule deadlines? NE Yes No N/A d. If the compliance deadline has passed, have all industries submitted 90-day compliance reports? NE Yes No N/A e. Are all categorical industries submitting the required semi-annual report? f. Are all new industrial discharges in compliance with new source NE Yes No N/A pretreatment standards? g. Has the POTW submitted an annual pretreatment report? h. Has the POTW taken enforcement action against noncomplying industrial NE Yes No N/A users? NE Yes No N/A i. Is the POTW conducting inspections of industrial contributors? NE Yes No N/A NE Yes No N/A 3. Are the industrial users subject to Prohibited Limits (403.5) and Local Limits more stringent than EPA in compliance? I (If not, explain why, including need for revision of limits.) J Comments: DEQ-CFW 00061048 . F_ FACILITY SITE REVIEW CHECKLIST A. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EVALUATION 1. Treatment units properly operated and maintained. NE Wi No N/A NE 'es No N/A 2. Standby power or other equivalent provision provided. - NE Yes No N/A 3. Adequate alarm system for power or equivalent failures available. 4. Sludge disposal procedures appropriate: NE 'e`' No N/A a. Disposal of sludge according to regulations. NE Ye No N/A b. State approval for sludge disposal received. NE (Yel No N/A 5. All treatment units, other than backup units, in service. NE (Ne§ No N/A 6. Procedures for facility operation and maintenance followed. NE ej� No N/A 7. Sufficient sludge disposed of to maintain treatment process equilibrium. Yes No N/A 8. Organizational Plan (chart) for operation and maintenance provided. NE ( Ue No N/A 9. Operating schedules established. Yes No N/A 10. Emergency plan for treatment control established. 11. Maintenance record system exists and includes Yes No N/A a. As -built drawings Ln L Yes No N/A b. Shop drawings St Yes No N/A C. Construction specifications NE Ye No N/A d. Maintenance history NE Yes No N/A e. Maintenance costs NE (Yes No N/A f. Repair history NE Ti No N/A g. Records of equipment repair and timely return to service NE (Yei No N/A 12. Adequate number of qualified operators on -hand. Yes No N/A 13. Established procedures available for training new operators. TF Yes No N/A 14. Adequate spare parts and supplies inventory maintained. NE e ' No N/A 15. Instruction files kept for operation and maintenance of each item of major equipment. (St Yes No N/A 16. Operation and maintenance manual available. NE i('O- No N/A 17. Regulatory agency notified of bypassing. (Dates 1 NE Yes (N- N/A 18. a. Hydraulic overflows and/or organic overloads experienced. NE Yes Q0 N/A b. Untreated bypass discharge occurs during power failure. NE Yes (A N/A C. Untreated overflows occurred since last inspection. , Reason: NE Yes No. N/A NE (Sij No N/A d. Flows observed in overflow or bypass channels. NEI�ce No N/A e. Checking for overflows performed routinely. f. Overflows reported to EPA or to the appropriate State agency as specified in the permit. DEQ-CFW 00061049 B. SAFETY EVALUATION (Any No answer will be discussed in the Comment section of the report.) NE Yes <So N/A I. Undiked oil/chemical storage tanks used at facility. NE (gR No N/A 2. Up-to-date equipment repair records maintained. NE es No N/A 3. Out -of -service equipment documented with DWQ. NE es No N/A 4. Routine and preventive maintenance scheduled/performed on time. NE ' Sj No N/A 5. Personal protective clothing provided (safety helmets, ear protectors, goggles, gloves, rubber boots with steel toes, eyewashes in labs). 6. Safety devices readily available: Yes No N/A a. Fire extinguishers NE Yes No N/A b. Oxygen deficiency/explosive gas indicator NE Yes No N/A C. Self-contained breathing apparatus near entrance to chlorine room NE Yes No N/A d. Safety harness NE Yes No N/A e. First aid kits NE Yes No N/A f. Ladders to enter manholes or wetwells (fiberglass or wooden for electrical work) NE Yes No N/A g. Traffic control cones NE Yes No N/A h. Safety buoy at activated sludge plants NE Yes No N/A i. Life preservers for lagoons NE Yes No N/A j. Fiberglass or wooden ladder for electrical work NE Yes No N/A k. Portable crane/hoist NE Ees No N/A 7. Plant has general safety structures such as rails around or covers over tanks, pits, or wells. NE) Yes No N/A 8. Emergency phone numbers listed. NE 'es No N/A 9. Plant is generally clean, free from open trash areas. E? Yes No N/A 10. Portable hoists, for equipment removal, available. NJ Yes No N/A 11. All plant personnel immunized for typhoid and tetanus. NE 0 No N/A 12. Gas/explosion controls such as pressure -vacuum relief values, no smoking signs, explosimeters, and drip traps present near anaerobic digesters, enclosed screening or degritting chambers, and sludge -piping or gas -piping structures. NE O No N/A 13. All electrical circuitry enclosed and identified. NE Yes' No N/A 14. Personnel trained in electrical work to be performed as well as safety procedures. qE-' Yes No N/A 16. Chlorine safety: a. NIOSH-approved 30-minute air pack b. All standing chlorine cylinders chained in place C. All personnel trained in use of chlorine d. Chlorine repair kit available e. Chlorine leak detector tied into plant alarm system DEQ-CFW 00061050 PERIVIITTEE SAMPLING INSPECTION CHECKLIST A. PERMITTEE SAMPLING EVALUATION NE 'e )No N/A 1. Samples taken at sites specified in permit. ' NE Ye No N/A 2. Locations adequate for representative samples. (Sp Yes No N/A 3. Flow proportioned samples obtained when required by permit. NE 'e No N/A 4. Sampling and analysis completed on parameters specified by permit. NE es No N/A 5. Sampling and analysis done in frequency specified by permit. NE C es ' No N/A 6. Permittee uses method of sample collection required by permit. Required method(s): ( ) Grab ( ) Composite If not, method used is: ( ) Grab ( ) Composite 7. Sample collection procedures adequate: NE (rei No N/A a. Samples refrigerated during composting NE (&) No N/A b. Proper preservation techniques used NE 'e No N/A C. Containers and sample holding times before analyses conform to 40 CFR Part 136.3 NE (De No N/A d. Samples analyzed in timeframe needed (same day, etc.) NE Ye No N/A 8. Monitoring and analyses performed more often than required by permit. If so, results reported in permittee's self -monitoring report. NE Yes No / 9. Samples contain chlorine. NE es' No N/A 10. Contract laboratory used for sample analysis. NE Yes No (NON 11. POTW collects samples from industrial users in pretreatment program. B. SAMPLING INSPECTION PROCEDURES AND OBSERVATIONS NE i') No N/A 1. Grab samples obtained. NE 'es No N/A 2. Composite sample obtained. 1< of Composting frequency: N Preservation: NE Yes No N/A 3. Sample refrigerated during compositing. (KE Yes No N/A 4. Flow proportioned sample obtained. NE 1I es% No N/A 5. Sample obtained from facility sampling device. NE Ye No N/A 6. Sample representative of volume and nature of discharge. Yes No N/A 7. Sample split with permittee. NE es,; No N/A 8. Chain -of custody procedures employed. NE Yes' No N/A 9. Samples collected in accordance with permit. NE Yes Chi N/A 10. Excessive faun, grease, floating solids observed at the outfall. DEQ-CFW 00061051 OPERATION EVALUATION (continued) 17. Chlorination Basin, Feed and Storage Area NE Yes No (Po a. Sludge buildup in contact tank NE Yes No N/A b. Gas bubbles NE Yes No N/A C. Floating scum or solids _ NE Yes No N/A d. Inadequate ventilation of chlorine feed room NE Yes No N/A e. NIOSH-approved 30-minute air pack NE Yes No N/A f. All standing chlorine cylinders chained in place NE Yes No N/A g. All personnel trained in the use of chlorine 18. Aerobic Digester NE Yes N/A a. Excessive foaming in tank NE Yes (h@ N/A b. Noxious odor NE Yes d�l N/A C. Mechanical aeration failure NE Yes N/A d. Clogging of diffusers 19. Anaerobic Digester NE Yes No N%� a. Floating cover tilting NE Yes No /A b. Gas burner not burning NE Yes No N/A C. Supernatant has a sour odor 20. Sludge Drying Beds NE Yes No (S } a. Poor sludge distribution on drying beds NE Yes No N/A b. Vegetation in drying beds NE Yes No N/A C. Dry sludge remaining in drying beds NE Yes No N/A d. Dry sludge stored on site NE 1'es No N/A 21. Sampling a. Are samples collected as specified in permits? b. Are refrigerated samples kept at 40" C? C. Samples shipped to certified labs are iced and kept at 400 C. Comments: t��c-f a -I °C A be ��ia , r'1 ��c, :t �} u DEQ-CFW 00061052 RECORDS AND REPORTING EVALUATION CHECKLIST 'e) No N/A NE 1. Are record and reports maintained as required by the permit/consent order? es No N/A NE 2. Is a current copy of the permit/consent order on site? — NE 3. What is the expiration date of their permit? %� l ,► C) 0 Yes �u N/A NE 4. Is the permittee on a compliance schedule and, if so, is the schedule being met? No N/A NE 5. Are analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs? (Select random DMRs and compare results to bench sheets for possible discrepancies or omissions even if reports are prepared using a computer.) Yes No N/A 'e No N/A NE '�s No N/A NE CYONo N/A NE (jR No N/A NE Yes ('9' N/A NE Yes 6' N/A NE 6. Are strip chart recordings and DMRs maintained for three years and sludge use and disposal activities maintained for five years? 7. Do sampling and laboratory analytical records clearly identify dates, times, locations and names of individuals performing the sampling and analyses? 8. Are composite and/or grab samples being collected as required by the permit? 9. Are DMRs complete and include all parameters required by the permit? 10. Are the DAIRs signed by the ORC and the permittee? 11. If the limited inspection indicates omissions, laxity or discrepancies in the preparation of records and data, an in-depth investigation should follow. 12. Is there evidence of falsification of data for DMR reports? No N/A NE 13. Are laboratory equipment calibration and maintenance records adequate? <Ts No N/A NE 14. Are detailed maintenance records kept for mechanical equipment such as pumps, motors, aerators, etc.? Yes No N/A' NE 15. Are pretreatment records adequate and include permits, monitoring data, and inspection reports for industrial user activities? es No N/A NE 16. Are flow meter calibration records kept and are accurate records maintained of influent or effluent now volumes? Yes No N/A 17. Are sludge use and disposal activity records maintained? Des No N/A NE 18. Do operators meet certification requirements? es No N/A NE 19. Does the permittee report noncompliance information to the regional office within 24 hours? (ye)V'No N/A NE 20. Is the laboratory certified for all parameters being analyzed? 's No N/A NE 21. Do operators keep required logs to document required visitation to the facility? DEQ-CFW 00061053 5 � y •r � WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INSPECTION CHECKLIST Yes No N/A NE 1. Compliance status for all monitoring requirements contained in the permit during the last 12 month. No N/A NE 2. Compliance status with monthly and weekly averages/daily maximum limits during the last 12 months. 'e No N/A NE 3. Toxicity tests submitted as required? Yes No N/A N ; 4. Annual Priority Pollutants Analyses results submitted? e0 No N/A NE 5. Are DMRs signed by the ORC and the permittee? IN SliNo N/A NE 6. Is the ORC certified at a level equal to or greater than the classification of the facility? Yes' N/A NE 7. Is the facility operating under an SOC or JOC? If so, address compliance with schedule dates and limits. Include next milestone date contained in the order. Yes No &A NE 8. Is the BOD incubator temperature maintained at 20 +/-10 C and is the temperature maintained in a log for every day of operation? Yes No(S� NE 9. Is the fecal coliform incubator maintained at 44.5 +/-.0.2° C and is the temperature maintained in a log for every dat of operation? ' s` No N/A NE 10. Is pH, conductivity, temperature, DO taken on -site? Are calibration logs kept? es' No N/A NE 11. Check at least one month of DMR data against the lab sheets or reports from commercial labs for correctness. es No N/A NE 12. Ask about the method of sampling, mixing, preservation and shipment. Check the chain -of -custody procedures. es No N/A NE 13. Appearance of effluent/receiving stream. ( (ea t Yes No N/A NE 14. Method of sludge disposal. Yes` No N/A NE 15. Flow meter calibration date (minimum of once per year). Perform instantaneous readings if possible and comp re to meter. Must be less than 10% variation. to 0cL "; c'+' OF' nci QL Yes No N/ NE 16. Compare flow reading to capacity of facility for the average of the last calendar year. Greater than 80 to 90%? Include new regulation language if applicable. Yes No N/A NE 17. Check certification of laboratory performing the analyses. Ye' , No N/A NE 18. Are ORC visitation logs available and current? Yes No N/ NE 19. Is the facility meeting 24 hour, seven day per week operation requirement if greater than 5 MGD? Is there a certified operator on each shift? DEQ-CFW 00061054