HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079301From: Young, Sarah [/O=EXCHANGELA8S/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=94E11148]3AA46B9887F8D4[GB961]F4-SK8YOUNG1] Sent: 6/27/I0I79:09:31PW1 To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] Subject: Re: are you gone? I'll send it shortly. z definitely want to teach znhn to see them so you am start dealing with him from now on. sent from my iphone , on 3un 27, 2017, at 5:06 PM' Kritzer, zamie ^jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.gov> wrote: > Thank you, friend. Didn't mean to be terse. my apologies. Attached is the news release. ' , cutline l ^ In the photo, chemuurs' mark Ingram (foreground) with chemours explains to mark Brantley how wastewater with aenx is loaded into tanker trucks for shipment and disposal to an out-of-state facility. Brantley works for the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality and inspected chemours' Fayetteville facility Tuesday. ^ Cutline Z • seen are the temporary storage tanks where Genx wastewater from the chemours facility is being stored until it can be shipped and disposed of at an out-of-state facility. Each of the 20 tanks at the site can hold about 15'000 gallons of waste. chemours officials stated that more storage tanks could be rented if necessary. � > can you post to website' racebook and Tweet too w/ the attached pics/cutlines? ' , Thank you. ^ � � , zamie Kritzer , Communications Director ^ N.C. Department of Environmental Quality * 9I9-707-8602 , 919-2I8-5935 ' ' ^ [cid:imageOO1.png0Olo2cnlF.8pl294eO] � , Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the , worth Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ' • From: Young' Sarah • sent: Tuesday, 3une 27, 2017 4:5I PM , To: Kritzer, 3amie <jamie.kritzer@mcdenr.gov^ , subject: Re: are you gone? ^ > I'm leaving for the gym at 515 so I'll send it if o get it in the next 15 min � , Get outlook for ios<https://aka.ms/oOukef> ' ^ From: Kritzer, zamie • sent: Tuesday' 3une 27' 2017 4:45:21 pm , To: Young, Sarah , subject: RE: are you gone? ' � ' ' ' * 3amie Kritzer * Communications Director , N.C. Department of Environmental Quality , 919-707-8602 OEQ-CFVV_00079301 ^ 919-2I8-5935 � � , [cid:imageO01.png@Olo2caIp.8pI294aO] ^ Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the > worth Carolina public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ' , From: Young' Sarah , sent: Tuesday' 3une 27' 2017 4:45 PM ^ To: Kritzer, zamie <jamie.kritrer0ncdenr.gov<mailto:jamie.kritzerNncdenr.guv>^ > subject: Re: are you gone? ' , No need to bite the hand that literally feeds you. ^ > Get outlook for ios<https://aka.ms/oOukef~ � , From: Kritzer, 3amie , sent: Tuesday' 3une 27' 2017 4:44:04 mw ^ To: Young, Sarah > subject: RE: are you gone? � , I've just had to run this through l] people. zust gets a bit frustrating. ' ^ � ' , zamie Kritzer , Communications Director > N.C. Department of Environmental Quality > 9I9-707-8602 , 919-2I8-5935 ' ^ > [cid:image0OI.pngwOIo2colr.8pl294aO] � , email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the , North Carolina public Records La* and may be disclosed to third parties. ^ > From: Young' Sarah , sent: Tuesday, 3une 27, 2017 4:43 PM , To: Kritzer, 3amie <jamie.kritzer0ncdenr.gov<mailto:jamie.kritzer0ncdenr.gov>, , subject: Re: are you gone? ^ > will have to show 3ohn tomorrow. That's why z was calling to ask when. sorry to have bothered you , Get outlook for ios<https://aka.ms/oOukef> ' > From: Kritzer, 3amie > sent: Tuesday, 3une 27, 2017 4:4I:]] pm , To: Young, Sarah , subject: RE: are you gone? ^ > should be ready to send any minute. Gov's office is taking a last look. I'd love it if you could show 3ohn hmm' ' ' ^ � , zamie Kritzer , communications Director , N.C. Department of Environmental Quality > 9I9-707-8602 > 9I9-2I8-5935 ' ' ^ [cid:imageOO1.png0Olo2cnlF.8pl294eO] � > Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the , North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ' ^ From: Young, Sarah > sent: Tuesday' 3une 27' 2017 4:4I Pm ^ To: Kritzer, zamie ^jamie.kritrerNncdenr.gov<mailto:jamie.kritzerNncdenr.guv>^ > subject: Re: are you gone? � , Heading home now. ' ^ met outlook for ios<https://aka.ms/oOukef, � , From: Kritzer, 3amie , sent: Tuesday, 3une 27, 20I7 4:38:43 pm , To: Young, Sarah ^ subject: are you gone? � ' ' ^ � � , zamie Kritzer , Communications Director ^ N.C. Department of Environmental Quality * 9I9-707-8602 * 9I9-2I8-5935 ' ' ^ [cid:imageOO1.png0Olo2oalF.8pl294eO] � , Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the , worth Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ' • /image004.png> • <Genx 062720I7.dncx, , <os0 chenmurs site visit 062720I7.jpg` , /os0 chemours site visit 062720I7 Z.jpg, ^ <image002.png>