Sent: 6/26/I0I75:I7:51PW1
To: Lucas, Jill K8[/h=[xchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Young, Sarah [/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: Re:623 Cape Fear River water /6enXnews update
Sent from my iPhone
Jamie, Sarah and I made a few tweaks to your version. Is Chemours paying for testing at both locations?
It's unclear below and may prompt questions. Please advise:
The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality engaged in efforts to stop the discharge of GenX by
Chemours and is investigating the presence of GenX in the Cape Fear River to ensure that impacts of the
unregulated chemical are better understood. You may be aware that Chemours responded on June 20 to
requests from DEQ as well as local governments and concerned citizens by announcing that the
company is taking additional measures to capture, remove and safely dispose of wastewater that
contains GanX at its Fayetteville manufacturing plant.
This is ogood stop. but DEC> and the N.C. Department ofHealth and Human Services will continue to
investigate this issue until we have answers to address the concerns of downstream water users.
Fresh data is essential for documenting current conditions and taking appropriate action. Last week, DEQ
began collecting water samples from several sites along the Cape Fear River. Additional samples will be
collected throughout the region this week and next week. After meeting with DEQ staff ,Chemounsagreed
to pay an independent lab in Colorado to analyze water samples. The water samples DEQ collects will
also be analyzed by officials at the Environmental Protection Agency's lab in the Research Triangle Park
near Raleigh. The results of both analyses will be made available to the public by DEQ and DHHS.
EPA is reviewing additional data submitted by the company as part of its risk assessment on GenX.
Additionally, DEQ launched a website last week to share information about GenX. The page can be found
at the following address on DEQ's website: https:ZZdeg.nc.govZnewsZhot-topicsZgenx-investigation.
Thank you for your email.
From: Kritzer, Jamie
Sent: Monday, June Z6 201711:11AM
To: Lucas, Jill M ; Young, Sarah
Subject: Fwd:G.B Cape Fear River water /GenXnews update
Let me chat with you both on this today. Gottaake sure everything is current.
Sent from myiPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Kritzer,Jamie"
Date: June 26 ZOl7atl1:O3:53AMEDT
To: "Regan,Michael S"
Cc: "Lucas, Jill M" , "Kritzer, Jamie"
Subject: RE: 6.23-Cape Fear River water/ GenX news update
Yes, let me work with Jill and we'll fashion something we can send to her today.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.[Department ofEnvironmental Quality
�a '1 ����m��m����x��:��h�
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From: Regan, Michael S
Sent: Monday, June Z6,JOl711:O1AK4
To: Kritzer, Jamie
Subject: FW: 6.23 - Cape Fear River water / GenX news update
Hi Jamie,
| would like to draft response with the most up to date and consistent messaging to
Anne that comes from me, is this something you or P|O can help me with? | think Jill is
Michael S. Regan
NC Department of Environmental Quality
919.707.8622 office
From: Ann Colley[mailto:ann,colley@moorecap.com]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 5:25 PM
To: Regan, Michael S <Michael.Re an@ncdenr, ov>
Cc: Ashley Blazer <Ashley.Blazer@ moorecharitable.org>
Subject: 6.23 - Cape Fear River water / GenX news update
hi, Michael - I ani sure you are aware of this situation. We are
extrernely coneern.ed as you ean. i.niagin.e. Please let rn.e kn.o
i,vliat DENR is able to do.
yx Colley I Director of Public Relations and Charitable Giving I Moore Capital
�.sP I
i.x 71m.es Square Y, NY 1.0036 1 212, 7 2.7,3241 ooi-eCli ipitable.or
rung nl) ,a> <m t 073.jr;, ir_ias e0 t: �n,�-ate
Former•#'.major:toexpressour outrage"
over GenX contamination in drinking water, Cape Fear
The Progressive
og Pulse
June • 12017
M' • • • •, 1 • • • •, •'.
r • • - • - • • • ri n king - ., • y.
1O• • •
DEQ-CFW 00079246
Cape Fear River Watch hosted a GenX Community Forum of more
than 300 people on '•' •anight,•rmer Wilmington
Mayor Harper Peterson said, "we can express our fear, concern,
Chemours has not sampled its discharge a • instead used
modeling to estimate levels of GenX. The company's
state wastewater discharge permit, which has expired, doesn't
• • �' • : •MR -Ten
GenX is an endocrine disruptor, affects hormone• •
can play general havoc!• but on a
healthare unknown.
Due to a lack of • •I for university and government research on
emerging contaminants,chemical • •. pay forin-house
testing, which is often tailored to a desired outcome.
Attorney John• • funding shortages at both the EPA . •
DEQ prevent those agencies from being legally tough on DuPont
• • Chemours,but lawsuitshave proven effective against Dur •
Kemp Burdette from Cape Fear Riverkeeper said his group woul
push for a binding agreement between Chemours and the Cape
Fear Public • to permanently•• discharging
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DEQ-CFW 00079247
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