HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079141From:
Munger, Bridget [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
RE: Questions and fact check Greater Wilmington Business Journal
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
'-,,ay be fb��3,
From: Munger, Bridget
Sent: Thursday, June JZ,JO173:39PK4
To: Kritzer, Jamie <jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Munger, Bridget <bhd8etmun8er@ncdenc8ov>
Subject: RE: Questions and fact check Greater Wilmington Business Journal
Importance: High
Please reviewASAP—sheiuon deadline right now.
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ohemic,a/ornx/orob/o/i:our8ivexnj, heoxffiuodinAhoIvst71/'suhow mo^UoxdIlmtht-j'jooxoorisk /o
As orequirement ofthe Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gathers
data about select unregulated contaminants to determine their prevalence and levels at drinking water facilities in the
nation. When combined with relevant health effect studies, the data is used to help EPA determine if regulation is
necessary, and if so, at what levels. The web page for the overall program and monitoring data can be found at:
Ho,,v mani;/mdusLries oov being m��red' in,uui, re�����C���/������_�an
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mtn�/'s inym`/toa,t, Oybodi/
There are |Y majorfaoUdeo|oca1edondhomoinstcn/ofdu[opoFoarRJvurdhoLhovcaNPD2Snaetenm1ordiochorre
ponnd. Over half ofthose facilities are municipal wastewater treatment plants. All ofthese facilities are required Vo
perform monitoring and submit monthly discharge monitoring reports Vz0E0. For bnduebia|dischargers, the types nf
chemicals they are required &xnoondorfhrdopundeondhoirinduehio|pvocoeeuoandapp|ioob|cotatuandfedund
Is this (1en,V wcsiigatiori inpacvitllu att), Olrief, H-,;,histries alorq- the C"(,ve Veat,RivtT'�
No. At this time, DEQ believes the source of the GenX compound to be the Chemours' Fayetteville facility.
1- ow the
,l ii ,sIIihevn�e Cud,dsOhcnb
ho1; or iri ,�,h(a 1,�qys this irresfigcaioi? couli h0ile 0S are eri(tPCSIIFI,� e
Staff with DEQ are monitoring multiple locations along the Cape Fear to determine current levels of the GenX compound
in the water. This monitoring will continue for three weeks, allowing the state to capture new data on conditions in the
river. Our objective is to determine the current concentration of GenX in the lower Cape Fear, and in partnership with
DHHS, better characterize any potential health risk associated with that concentration. The potential health risk will help
guide next steps in the process.
IS th'SO 0,,`{er the .5--,war hme/r,-mw, orsimpy a loermit rek7ewal ok7d is t/wre o diAJ"&rence.` Andwhal is 1he
timehinefi)r Chewolws ner perynlit? ])oes the have any iin 'pacl on f'/W retielval
(at thts tlime? In wher 1,,wrds, are t 10ti, ah' fi-tr the £ -oinIvIcied iiwestigation bel"Ore isstiii "C"V 1>t rmit to hemoi',rs
Yes, this permit is up for renewal as part of the five-year pernut cycle. Chemours' wastewater permit renewal is currently
on hold pending results of the state's investigation.
From: Christina Haley [mailto:chaley@wilmingtonbiz.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 7:42 AM
To: Kritzer, Jamie <jam ie.kritzer@ ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Questions and fact check - Greater Wilmington Business Journal
Hi Jamie,
I wanted to check to see if you all received my questions yesterday. My absolute deadline for my story on GenX is today.
Also, I am inputing some of the permitting information released during the press conference last Thursday and wanted t#
send you the what I have written about it to double check it for factual information. As I understand your staff may not
have had documentation in front of them at the time, I wanted to give you all the chance to correct anything that needs
to be corrected. I have posted the information below.
MIS rsTrEM78TOW.0111=2 FUZ9.9fral 9- 0 0 -
Is this a reapplication after the 5-year timeframe, or simply a permit renewal and is there a difference? And what is the
timeline for Chemours new permit? Does the NCDEQ's investigation have any impact on the timeline for permit renewal at
this time? In other words, are you all waiting for the completed investigation before issuing a new permit to Chemours?
From last week; this section has been corrected to eliminate errors;
Chemours, like all manufacturing companies that discharge wastewater as part of their industrial operations, are required
to obtain NPDES wastewater discharge permits from NCDEQ. In accordance with the federal Clean Water Act, wastewater
discharge permit terms may not exceed five years.
Currently, NCDEQ is evaluating Chemours existing permit, which expired in October 2016. The facility is required to
continue operating under the terms of its existing permit until NCDEQ issues a new permit. The state has said issuance of
the new permit is on hold until their investigation into GenX is complete.
According to NCDEQ Assistant Secretary Sheila Holman, every five years companies are required to submit a renewal
application to NCDEQ, which reports any changes in the facility's wastewater discharge volume and characteristics. The
agenEy�s Fules set a peFrnit shield ef six menths while the NGDEQ EendLiets this F—i— V ------- DLiFing that tirne a
company is allowed to operate under the existing per (5ee int-0 dbove)
In NCDEQs current evaluation of Chemours' application, and with the new information on GenX, the agency is looking
into any additional changes that need to be made with company's existing permit before reissuing its new permit, Holman
A hope you all can at least provide a timely response to the questions and factual check on the circumstances of
Chemours current stance as it relates to the NCDEQ's permitting process.
Christina Haley O'Neal
Christina Haley O'Neal
Greater Wilmington Business Journal - Reporter
Office: 9107375-7290
Cell: 704-651-5828