HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079122From: Christina Haley [chu|ey@wi|mingtonbizcom] Sent: 6/22/20174:06:14PN1 To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]3PDLT)/cn=Kecipients/cn=cee93c49dO1445a]b54Ibb]I7dcdc84O-jbkhtzed Subject: RE: Questions and fact check Greater Wilmington Business Journal Ok'Thank you. From: Kritzer, Jamie [maikojamie.kritzer@nodencgov Sent: Thursday, June 22,2D1711:51AM To: Christina Ha|ey<cha|ey@wi|mingtonbiz.com> Subject: RE: Questions and tsc1 check Greater Wilmington Business Journal Christina, I've got one of my colleagues working on answers now. Let me see where she's at and I'll let you know. Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C.Department ofEnvironmental Quality 919-707-8602 0111,008��� �v`,sad� ess iS &u�ft"',�m Ro:am/mndo,aybmx From: Christina Haley Sent: Thursday, June 22,2U171l:SUAM To: Kritzer, Jamie Subject: RE: Questions and fact check - Greater Wilmington Business Journal Just checking to see if you all have reviewed this. I need to turn in my story soon. Please let me know. Thank you. Regards, Christina From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Thursday, June Z2,ZU177:43AM To: Christina Haley Subject: RE: Questions and fact check - Greater Wilmington Business Journal OEQ-CFVV_00079122 Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 4119-707-8602 ION-003KOW No.r,,V", P,."'bfkl "Pecoec"'s Llaw'-".�.�' nnav "'h"'.ra, From: Christina Haley [mailto:chaley@wilmingtonbiz.com] Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 7:42 AM To: Kritzer, Jamie <jam ie.kritzer@ ncdenr.gov> Subject: Questions and fact check - Greater Wilmington Business Journal wig I wanted to check to see if you all received my questions yesterday. My absolute deadline for my story on GenX is today. Also, I am inputing some of the permitting information released during the press conference last Thursday and wanted tt send you the what I have written about it to double check it for factual information. As I understand your staff may not have had documentation in front of them at the time, I wanted to give you all the chance to correct anything that needs to be corrected. I have posted the information below. pII!I!1'p;1I I � I � I I I I I � � I i! � 11 � I� 1 � I! � � 1 11! Ill 111VInEvIrTrym 11115 !1111!, IT•TIRP71111 1•1111111 1 1 � 11 Ilt a 0 6 - Is this a reapplication after the 5-year timeframe, or simply a permit renewal and is there a difference? And what is the timeline for Chemours new permit? Does the NCDEQ's investigation have any impact on the timeline for permit renewal at this time? In other words, are you all waiting for the completed investigation before issuing a new permit to Chemours? Here is the information from last week: I0.49 Ill a a 8 0 - INN Ill Le I W.W4 uVem. UOW4 M. 1 11 1 1117!1 1111!1 lill lot— 0 11 0 According to NCDEQ assistant secretary for environment Sheila Holman, every five years companies are required to submit a new application to the NCDEQ, which looks into anything that has changed in the discharges as it relates to its regulated pollutants. The agency's rules set a permit shield of six months while the NCDEQ conducts this review process. During that time a company is allowed to operate under the existing permit. DEQ-CFW-00079123 En the NCDEQ's current evaluation of Chemours' new application, and with the new information on GenX, the agency is looking into any additional changes that need to be made with company's existing permit before reissuing its new permit, Holman said. Ahope you all can at least provide 8timely response tOthe questions and factual check 0nthe circumstances Of Chemours current stance as it relates to the NCDEQ's permitting process. Thank you again for your time. Christina Haley O'Neal Greater Wilmington 8uSine5S][mnnB| - Reporter un|[e: 910-375-7290 Cell: 704-651-5828 OEQ-CFVV_00079124