HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079060GeuX Contacts —JVVLReplies — June 21 (includes history: June 19-2U) June 21,2017 I1:20anmChuck Trymn'9I0-391-5064 * Surprised that I call. Read that Wilmington water problem —you're on it and the company has stopped using it? Capturing the discharge * The Intercept is an iffy publication... Sounds like there is a legitimate concern about GenX being in our drinking water. Basically, I want to hear that people are on it and checking. That's how it's 0 Carolina Beach gets its water from a different source? The mayor posted something to that effect. Told him about vvebsite 0 1 appreciate the work you guys are doing. * More disturbing news this morning. Paul Lawler (WaUer?—nut related to her) isonthe city council. | went to that meeting last night. * Bob Walker, director ofH2GO. * I've been watching the air quality for a while and got involved with the water. People are all getting interviewed here... We have maybe contaminated water. We also have issues with our pipes, they're not wide enough. There is a water master plan, 2000 to 2015, $68M to allow for growth population. There's supposed to be another master plan getting us to 2030. 1 don't know much about it. * As the population is growingwe're They built one last year... We have a water problem, maybe a month ago, where we had no water. None. I happened to be up at 3 in the morning. It came back later and my husband was able to shower and get to work. We didn't get notified until 12 noon. They came out and said there was nowater because someone turned off avalve. It started in the town of Leland and there was a boil water advisory. (said later that a lot ofpeople atGE, her husband'sworkplace, gotdck—vvorkedviaiPhones from bathroom) * That doesn't make any sense to me. | just found out that was a lie coming from the Town of Leland, which supplies our water. We have backup in our water tower to take care of situations if there is a problem with our pipes. They had to patch up a break in a small pipe. And when Matthew came ripping through here, we thought we had good drinking water from the water towers. But I just found out today that there is no water in our water towers here. w Just spoke to the director of H2GO, Bob Walker, he told me the true story. Everyone here is so up in alarm. | don't trust any information locally. Citizens here are all upset about this deception. w Last night at the meeting, Paul Lawler said [hemours put out a press release. | think the state pressure helped. | just talked with Paul about the water towers. They've got the same small pipes down there. They can't run the pressure tofill the water towers. According to Bob Walker, the director ofH2GO,the water towers have nothing. * Then you call, which isgreat. K4yhead bspinning. |fxvehave amajor crisis, like Katrina orSandy, we'll be in trouble. Jimmy Strickland over there, the head of our water department, we can't trust him. There might be water tower in Wilmington that are sitting empty,too. They probably have small pipes, too. Someone must know that these water towers are empty. We're relying on people elected to do their job. Isn't there some master plan to alert the public? We don't even have one day or good drinking water to keep us safe. Isn't every city supposed to have some kind ofemergency plan? This isunbelievable. * Suggested that locals are objecting to reverse osmosis or other steps, or broadly worry about GenX, because there is safe water in the towers - but she has been told there is not w Says Chemours has a lot of debt, they are issuing $500,000 corporate bond — it clearly says so on ready to happen. It's all about money and greed. their website, because they have to settle lawsuits and get them off the books. It's a bankruptcy Said she talked yesterday to Adam Wenger of StarNews: I said to Adam, there is another, much bigger story to this. There are a lot of potentially sick employees because of bad water. Who is going to hire these sick workers if GE turns their back, if they are too sick to work? w K4ybackground is ... father was very sick, cites bad manufacturing practices. Studied computers in college, left school and because a computer operator. Then a stock broker on trading floor. After 9/11, she returned to NC. Charlotte temp job, quality assurance, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and all these scientists. Started business asa recruiter (referenced her FBpa8e). 2007 moved to Wilmington with partner, who works at GE. * Got involved in Air CWa|ity, she takes air samples. He never told me why I was taking air samples, but I found out that companies have to report what they emit in the air. I was the one who matched up what I was smelling to the chemical. (Brad) never spilled the beans. I told him I wanted to go see this plant. I smelled the odor I thousand percent. It's * Asked tovisit and was told towatch a video; says you can't smell itafter awhile but workers wear helmets with sensors that light upwhen there is problem. There also is safety building in the event of an incident... Concerns about employee safety made her an activist. w Says Mark XXX, an employee of Air Quality, was there with her. Says monitors used by workers to detect pollutants were not working. Later ta|ked to EPA rep in RTP. needs to go there. • Back to GenX — I said to Adam, has anyone gone to look at this plant, Chemours? Somebody Sent link from an advocacy organization about drinking water warning to Brad Newland; sent i to StarNews, WWAY, other media — says she's going to start posting to social media, etc. Plans has the authority to alert people and take steps to rectify the problem. He thinks nobody know and he'll get it fixed before anyone else finds out about it. Wants someone from DEQ to call her back. Wants guidance from DEQ. Discussed with Jamie, who suggested that this be referred to Linwood Peelle. Emailed notes to him with CC to Maria at 12:48pm — Linwood then referred them to Jessica Godreau for reply 0 Automatic VM — left name and contact info saying he can call me directly to talk OEQ-CFVV_00079061 On behalf of Secretary Regan, thank you for your email about Chemours and GenX. He is reviewing all emails, as well as summaries of citizen phone calls, as part of his investigation into this matter. I will do my best to address your questions and comments, but please understand that I may not be able to do so fully atthis time. The N.C. Department of Environmental Quality is investigating the presence of GenX in the Cape Fear River and engaged in efforts to stop the discharge of GenX by Chemours, until impacts of the unregulated chemical are better understood. You may be aware that Chemours responded late Tuesday to requests from the DEQ as well as local governments and concerned citizens by announcing that the company is taking additional measures to capture, remove and safely dispose of wastewater that contains GenX at its Fayetteville manufacturing plant. This isagood first step, but DEQ and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services will continue to investigate this issue until we have answers to address the concerns of downstream water users. Fresh data is essential for documenting current conditions and taking appropriate action. This week, DEQ began collecting water samples from several sites along the Cape Fear River. Additional samples will be collected throughout the region inthe next two weeks. After meeting with staff inDE[,Chemuursagreed to bear all the costs for sampling and analysis. The analysis of water samples DEQ collects will be conducted by two independent laboratories, a certified facility in Colorado and a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lab in the Research Triangle Park near Raleigh. The samples will be analyzed and the results ofthe testing announced byDEOand DHHl In addition to supporting water sampling analysis, EPA is reviewing the additional toxicity data submitted by the company and updating the risk assessment using the additional toxicity data specific to GenX. DEQ will be launching a website this week to share information about GenX. The page is not yet active but wjUbeeasi|yfoundfromour|undingpageathttps:Hdeq.nc.gov/ Again, thank you for contacting DEOabout this matter. • Vicky Ewald vicki.ewald@outlook.com (rec'd 4:45prn 6/20) — reply sent 1:36pm • Kathleen Gallagher gallagherkm1@gmail.com (rec'd 10:51pm 6/20) — reply sent 1:39prn • Sara Kesler sara.e.kes1er@gmai1.com_(rec'd 8:34am 6/21) — reply sent 1:42prn w call transferred by Kathleen * Thinks DuPont iscontrolling situation * Lives on Everly(?) Road, says no environmental protections considered in development there for yea rs w Very upset, has nofaith instate * High rate ofbrain tumors in this area; says her husband died and a child has been affected * A8e6U * "This isgoing to be the next Flint, Michigan" * Wants to move away. I'm embarrassed to tell people I live in North Carolina. * Someone is paying off these people to keep quiet. If you lived somewhere like Sweden this would beshut down immediately. | don't think the state cares about the citizens here. * Why did xveallow a closed -door session with New Hanover County officials? You all are run by lobby groups. First it was all the runoff in the freshwater and creeks. Then the turkey and pig lagoons. You lost the public trust when you did that first closed door session. w Calling tosay the people ofWilmington are very frightened w VVehope the contract isnot going toberenewed with [hemours w To|dherthat"|ovvrisk"meansitisnotcurrent|yrecommendedtobuybott|edvvater,boi|vvater orget a filtration system, but that she could voluntarily dothat if it made her feel more confident * Offered her my name and number — said she'd share it at a public meeting to be held in Wilmington tonight. * Comment referred by Kathleen for record: Caller just wanted the Secretary to know that she objects to Chemours having its permit renewed because of the GenX situation. w Will webesupplied with clean drinking water? No, it isnot necessary osthere isolow health risk w Building alarm went off; told her I'd call back w 10:10am Part of frustration is that it's been known for years and not disclosed to anybody until the media broke the story. I have a child who could have been exposed to this. I let him drink water out ofmy hand last week. We don't know what it causes and that's what so scary. It's not responsible to tell everyone it's safe because we don't know. | can afford to buy water but there are a lot of people who can't. The state should provide water to everyone. It is a known endocrine disruptor that causes reproductive issues. I know plenty of people here whose children have pediatric cancer. It's concerning and disappointing that when these studies came out, no one let us know. It's like Flint. w How long do we have to wait until the studies come out saying the same thing? We shouldn't just be waiting to find out and being the test subject to find out what will happen. w Is there anything being doing to provide us water? It's only a low health risk because you don't know how harmful it is. We're all concerned. I understand that you can't tell us what you don't know, but this needs to be treated as worst case scenario to be proactive. Mr. Herring: Thank you for your email referencing concerns about Chemours and GenX. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is aware of the situation and this week began collecting data samples to better understand current conditions and take appropriate action. While there is a low health risk associated with GenX, DEQ has strongly encouraged Chemours to identify any measures that can be taken to reduce or eliminate the discharges of the chemical to the Cape Fear River until the state completes its investigation. OEC> also is pushing the Environmental Protection Agency to provide regulatory guidance on GenX, which is an unregulated contaminant. DEQ will be launching a website this week to share information about GenX. The page is not yet active but will be easily found from our landing page at https:Hdeq.nc.gov/. Again, thank you for contacting OEC>about this matter. Thank you for you response, however there was little assurance in said response. Is it true that the EPA explicitly denied GenX to be discharged into the Cape Fear River? Is GenX a suspected carcinogen and is only not regulated because the research has not been dune? It now appears that GenX has been discharged into our drinking water supply since 1980. Does the length ofthis continuing violation entitle them tocontinued discharge? Is this another Flint, were all were slow to respond to a real ohsis, damaging and killing many. My central question is: If Chemours has been putting ChemX in our water against the explicit directive of the EPA, why can that discharge (which is likely cancer causing) not be stopped immediately? 10:45am- same email reply to Virginia: shavirtea@gmaii.com w Jennifer Biddle, 571-21J-6101./believe this isoUN0yprofessor w/mncerns. * Rick Shiver, 92O-392-3422.Rick boƒormerDN/Qstaffer. He's retired and bseeking the permit information on Chemours. Please work with Marla to gather that permitting information and how /tcan bemade available toRick. / think o8o/this /sonline. * Julie Brown, 92O-665-9848 * Wanda Brown, 910-352-9525 w Susan 7ronton 792D-99D-7DJ2o/910'214'60ll * Susan 8remington(might besome osabove) 92O'S92'8811—yes, lost tw/oonpsonveperson * mhiver@ecnccom—person answering phone provided his email w emai|edcopy ofpermit tohim at11:O]am(provided byMaria) • called me 1:04pm w Wants tocome and visit the file next week, ideally Tuesday -Friday w Told him that | will follow upwith him when docsare available * "Right Moves with Julie: — left VMincluding name and phone number * Called back 11:14am— wants to talk about meeting tonight and what we'll talk about * Talked to a county commissioner last week about water samples being taken this week * Says she's taking sponge baths and drinking bottled water until she hears otherwise * Thanked DE{lfor taking topic seriously — showing due di|i8ence— * 1:37pm call — meeting tomorrow night 6-8pm, saw reference on Facebook (a friend's page) — a bunch ofUN[VVprofessors, maybe at Government Center * Says Wilmington is having problems citywide with internetservice today * Says she was involved in supporting Standing Rock and wants to be involved with this issue as well since itaffects her and her community w left VMincluding name and phone number * 1Z:26she called meback * | do feel a lot ofsymptoms that the chemical is out. | get all these different rashes |'m SS and moved to NC when I was 30. 1 was very healthy but my whole life has changed since I moved here. My depression has been worse. |'m ashamed ofmybody. w Lives inWilmington w 1 don't know what's going on here with my health. Getting dark spots all over me that look like moles, different color ones. | hate to cut all my hair off. My last visit, the doctor gave me a hospital card. w All I drink is water, and now I hear about GenX. I want to know why my health is deteriorating the way it is. The only thing I have now is patience, but it's running out. I feel suicidal because I don't have a life anymore. 0 Shared a lot of private medical details about a range of health problems... * 1 don't want anybody else to go through the pain and agony I've gone through I think it's the water. They say they can't filter itout. * 2:46prnWanda Brown called back —B2O-352-9525 * | did talk to Erin Broderick (means 8rockovich). She offered me her lawyers. | forgot totell you that. 11:10ammSusan 8reoxngtmm;91D'99O'7831 * concerned about the GenX and if it has affected my water supply; lives in Sampson County w | wanted to make sure it's not in my water. If we do pull from the [ape Fear, what happens? * Told her about vvebsheand game her myname and phone number * Saidshedoesnotxvanthernamecircu|ated"becausethisis8oin8tobeamess" 0 VM/°]enny"> left VMincluding name and phone number * Left phone message — * Looking specifically for report, Source Water Assessment and Protection report, referenced in CFPUA consumer conference report, but the link is broken. Would like copy electronically. * Also, Permitting process unclear to methe whole exception orclause that allows GenXto be discharged as a byproduct instead of directly discharged. Unclear how this is permitted for an unknown contaminant * Spoke first today with Kathleen, who said she was very emotional (cried during call) and worried about Wilmington * Has vacationed therefor years and saidshe and her husband had been planning to relocate there, hehas omultimillion dollar business (she also has obusiness) * Plead with you to help. We've been making final arrangements to purchase a home and move in September. My husband was going to move a multimillion -dollar business, I was going to open a shop. There's no way we can, in good conscience, come at this point, with Chemours being allowed todump. * Facebook forum shares horror stories about health concerns— It's a private group, you have to beinvited, she says. They joined because they have made friends locally. Says three kids in same area have rare form of kidney cancer. w This seems just aslethal and also smaller. | don't know ifit's possible tofilter. It's extremely concerned. We won't even vacation there until it's cleaned up. w If you look at what happened in Flint, Mich., five officials were sentenced to jail for manslaughter because they withheld information about the water conditions. You could easily face the same sort of charges if nothing is done to fix this. w Immediately, their permit needs to be revoked. It's an easy place to do it because they're up for renewal. It would be hard for them to fight. They have a history ofclass action lawsuits, looking at Chemours, DuPont... They MO is do the deed now and ask for forgiveness later. It allows them to remain profitable. * As a message to all companies around the company, this isn't responsible corporate citizenship. It should be allowed to continue. This has really hit a nerve for me. It's where xvewere going to build a future, adopt children... Now it's just not foreseeable. We're looking not at Charleston. * Tearful: A coworker just bought land and is having a house built. They thought they were going to be living the dream there, but they are looking at legal action to get their money back. * She does consulting for the government: You're going to experience a lot of this. Wilmington relies oftourism asits primary industry. Additionally, they're trying tobuild aplace toretire and tobring business, a technology corridor. That won't happen if people feel they can't live there safely. w 1 just realty hope that NC does the right thing and stops them. It's always about money. I don't know how they managed to strike a deal with the EPA that allows them to dump even the * I'm encouraging people tolook onopensecret .uqJtoseevvhat8overnmentofficia|sanebein0 paid byDuPont and [hemuuo.Follow the trail. This should not behappening. * GenXmay not beproven yet, even though its only two molecules away from CO.But dioxin is. That other chemical company there in the Fayetteville area is dumping a thousand pounds of dioxin every year, and 3,000 pounds they're burning. That river runs off into the ocean. * The only think you can do is shut them down. They're clearly an offender, and they have a track record. They're saving pennies but it will impact everyone else in the billions. What if this really is like Flint, Michigan? Housing will stop. Retirees will stop. No business will move there, no restaurant will be patronized. The whole city will experience ruination. * Referenced Erin Brockovich... People will start looking where to go for clean water. You can get ahead of it by providing the cleanest water that can be found. Chemours walked out of the meeting saying they won't stop production. |twill beuptothe state. w Told her about the vvebs/tethat will golive this week w Asked about testing being done through limestone, etc. — what's happening beyondjust testing water? w Has anyone proven that they're allowed to dump the byproduct? It seems like a loophole. Clean drinking water should beever ybody's�ght w Heard that E�nBrockov�hmoYbethere today ot6:3Op/n—true? * I'm calling to ask that Mr. Regan not renew permit with Chemours. It's a humanity issue for us here in Wilmington. We're all really concerned about access to clear water. It's a little scary to know that you're doing the right thing to protect your children. w Is there a direct path to find out if there is GenX in your system? In your body? • Will inquire about this for her —1:31p/nenvo0edinquiry toChris Mackey otQHHS * There has to be some way to find this out because of all the adverse effects they know about. Called local doctor, suggested Wilmington Health Department, they said call local utility, they were directed back to health department. Also called [DC, then EPA. w Has a child who is 23, starting 111h round of him having unexplainable symptoms. Would like to eliminate this from consideration. He drinks tons of tap water. There has to be a test out there somewhere. 0 Lives in Greensboro. Exposure to water from Cape Fear? Lived in Wilmington five years. * Concerned about water quality situation. Very polite and thanks DEQ for taking this seriously. * Originally from Michigan near Flint, watched as economics of that industry declined * Hard thing for meisthat (A) people knew and (B)_didn't say anything. Now, the only sane thing to do is to pull Chermours' permit. Don't reissue is. Make them stop dumping into Cape Fear River. I'm adamant about this. In Michigan, they said they were doing what the law said to do, but now people are being brought uponmanslaughter charges. w Wilmington is a great town. As a retired person, I won't stick around her if Chemours is not made toberesponse, and the people who knew and didn't doanything. w 1 just hope somebody is going to say, let's do the right thing for the people of NC. We're up against a rock and hard place. Just saw a picture of our new EPA head in Italy with execs of DuPont and Chemours. I'm hoping what will win out is the needs of the people of NC. * Personal issue — I'm not a Caoe Fear water oerson. I'm on a orivate well. I'm lookin2 hi2h and low on where to get the water tested for GenX. I'm told it's not the in the water table and not in the limestone, below, but who knows? I wanted to get it tested. w We should not renew the permit for Chemours to keep producing GenX and putting it in the Cape Fear. It's terrible for our community — not only health concerns but the growth of our community. Could have impacts on people without healthcare insurance * Goes toWilmington regularly onvacation and was thinking about moving there * Impacting meand mydecision. Wants acall back * 2:11prn — I had major plans to move to the area and everything has now been put on hold. We have serious reservations about trusting the water quality. We don't know if there is any safety protocol in place to ensure that the water supply would be fixed in a way that would restore confidence. I would almost think that on a weekly basis some of these levels would be * For what costs pennies ofthe dollar, you guys can almost fix the situation. VVewere down there afew weeks ago. It was our convincing moment after vacationing these for year that we would move. Part of relocating there is the idea, for me and my business, was the idea of people moving to the area on a constant basis. What if this impacts GDP to zero growth for the next few years? How many people are employed down river that are now dependent on outcomes? w What about the people who have known about this? People in the govt might face civil prosecution. In every industry people have a responsibility keep the public informed. It starts to spiral. There needs to be hyper transparency with this.|don't think the public can ever feel really calmed without it. * No need to call her bad, she says. Be sure to read the emai|s she sent to the Secretary and Governor yesterday. w There are many serious scientists involved with this. CurayAmerican, right there on site, is releasing C8 today and is in significant violation of the Clean Water Act. They've got tobeshut down. This ishorrendous. 0 1 am a potential homeowner and I am concerned. My realtor did not let us know about the concerns about water, which vvewould get from the public utility. |amconsidering pulling out ofthe deal atthe last minute and |amsupposed toclose very soon. * 1 hope government officials take this seriously. I love the city and plan of contributing to the economy and making abusiness there. * Asking DEQ to not renew permit. Our water is being affected but it's also the tourism for our area. Please do not allow them to further pollute our waters. w Call referred by Kathleen, said caller was very upset w Concerned about quality of water in Leland and Wilmington. GenX has potential to call cancer and endocrine problems aswell asother horrible things with our children and our environment. w Doesn't understand why EPA doesn't shut them down immediately w Looking at statistical data from Knappe's results... |'m really concerned that there was not lot of data done before they were given the right to dump this environmental toxin in our watershed. Involved in dumping in the Netherlands, too. Class action suit in NJ. I don't know why someone didn't take this into consideration inthe first place. * Water is essential for everyone. We're humans. This is just unethical but also negligent on the company's part to put this into the water and hurt people. | want this company to be shut down. * The water cleanup we have for your water can't get itout ofour systems. It's a fact that we're facing; it's there. * |stalking with friends about initiating aclass action suit * Thanked me and said she will post my name and number of her neighborhood website. Ernails to Secretary_ Regan referred by Kathleen: 0 Kevin Keller kevin.keller604@gmaii.com (rec'd 1:41pm 6/20): reply sent 2:51pm 6120 Mr. Keller, On behalf of Secretary Regan, thank you for your email about Chemours and GenX. He is reviewing all emai|s, as well as summaries ofcitizen phone calls, as part ofhis investigation into this matter. | will do my best to address your questions and comments, but please understand that I may not be able todosofully atthis time. This week, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) began collecting water samples to better understand current conditions and take appropriate action. While there is a low health risk associated with GenX, DEQ has strongly encouraged Chemours to identify any measures that can be taken to reduce or eliminate the discharges of the chemical to the Cape Fear River until the state completes its investigation. Additionally, DEQ also is pushing the Environmental Protection Agency DEQ appreciates the diverse impacts this matter may have on the greater Wilmington community. As part of a broad effort to keep citizens informed as we move forward, we will be launching a w/ebdtethis week to share information about GenX. The page is not yet active but will be easily found from our landing page athttps://deqoc.8ov/. * Gail Cole cgaiU@8maiicom(recd3:SGp,6/19)—replysent2:56pm * Tamara Cairns tamaracb1@8maiicom(recd2:U6pmG/l9)—reply sent 3pn/ * Stephen Swart s0uvvart1@8maiicom(rec'd2:U5pm6/l9)—reply sent 3[08pnr * Beth Bache|dorBeth@conteuuea0ency.com(rec'd1:4OpmG/19)—reply sent 3:24pnr * Suzanne /k|tobe||oa|tobe||o.research@0mai|.00m(vec'dl:38pm6/2O)—reply sent 3:28pnr * David A.Norris dave19S7O1@ao|zom(rec'd1:IOpm6/2U)—reply sent 3:22pnv * Julie Danner dannerju|ie@0mai|.oum(rec'd1:l8pm6/2O)—reply sent 3:2fpnv * K0eUssa(K8issy)Johnson suuthern8race@0mai|.oum (vec'd 11:53am 6/ZU)—reply sent 3:4Opm w David Lee davidh|eejr@gmai|zom(rec'd1O:58am6/Z0)—reply sent 3:44pm w Mary Rhyne maryrhyneO90D8maiicom(rec'd1O:S8am6/Z0)—reply sent 3:47pm w Robert (&0mrWBratcherrmbratcher0D8maiicom(rec'd1:S6pm6/JO)—reply sent 3:52pxn w Michelle WVorcosmai|to:miche||emorcos0Dyahoo.com(rec'd1O:J8am6/JO)—reply sent 3:54pm w Tom Keenan tkeenan1@ao|.com(rec'd9:1Zam6/Z0)—reply sent 3:f7pcn * Stephanie Lucas c|tdtygir|@yahoo.com(rec'd8:4Sam6/2O)—reply sent 4prn * Lisa Peck |jpeck@ec.rr.com(rec'dl :53am6/19)—rep/ysent4/03prn * Kathleen Gallagher 8a||a8herkml0Dgmai|.com(rec'd9:2lpm6/19)—reply sent 4/D4pnTresent • Evan Hayes evan.hayes@live.com (rec'd 8:40pm 6/19) —reply sent 4:10pm • Richard (Dick) Ludwig ludwigl849@gmaii.com (rec'd 3:25pm 6/20) —reply sent 4:21pm w Laura Graham (left no number, but can add to log — She was from Leland, upset with state and said vveshould order [hemourstostop the flow ofGenXtoCape Fear River). answered her questions regarding next steps the state is taking. * Mack Coyle —91O-3SI-3I16—spoke with this fellow. Hewas angry the state could not domore to stop Chemours and its discharge of GenX to the Cape Fear River. Said he's launched a Facebook page to contradict what the state is telling people about this situation. Says this should represent an imminent danger and the state should stop company. Surprised state is not considering preliminary injunction. 0 Danielle Smotkin — 807-337-2846 — Comms director with Congressman Rouzer's Office in D.C. — she wanted to be brought into the loop onthe latest with regard toGenX She's at DanieUe.umotkin@maiihouue.8ov * Tamara Agnelli — 910-681-3837 — Wilmington resident concerned her son, who has end -stage renal failure isdrinking unsafe water. Wants state to do more. Good conversation and a very kind-hearted person, understands what actions the state is taking but indicates she will be pushing for more onbehalf ofher teenage son, Daniel, and family. w Andy Humble — 910-540-9040 — wife pregnant. In mid-40s been trying for five years to have a child. Understanding of state's actions and all we're doing. Wanted to know if water was safe. We informed him that this is a low risk situation based on the 2013-14data but that we're gathering new data to better inform decision making moving forward. * Kip DAcC|arV-9lO'87Z'63ZO 8|adenCounty Public Utility director — Wants state totest his operating wells in Bladen County. The county provides citizens/businesses with groundwater, not surface water, but he is still concerned and so are his customers, that GenX might have infiltrated the groundwater they're drinking from. Public Affairs passed along his information to Jim Gregson, regional office director for the Wilmington Regional Office, to call back to see if we can perform sampling at the Bladen utility, in addition to the places we're already doing sampling. Also, 0PAprovided Gre8son's number to K4c[|ary. * call referred byKathleen in Secretary's Office * Frustrated, doesn't feel like officials are giving answers * Explained that DE[listaking samples, will use results to make decisions about action * K4entiunedthereisaneffortto8etpeop|etuvoteoncounty|eve|"tomakeGenXi||e8a|" * Explained that it is unregulated and that a local vote would not change that. She wanted to know how people can organize; I referenced the website to go live this week as a way to stay * phone message referred byMaria * automatic pickup on voice mail; left message offering that she can call me directly with her 6enXquestions O CALLED ME BACK 10:32AM JUNE 20—WHERE 15 KNAPPE STUDY POSTED? ASSURED HER IWOULD EMAIL THIS TO HER AS SOON 4S<LEARNED MORE w Enmai|sonyde1@gmaiicom OEQ-CFVV_00079071 * Who is making decisions about whether Chemours will be forced to stop discharging? * |sthe Secretary looking atthe studies? Yes, DHHSalso involved * Concern about lack oflong term studies todetermine true health risks o Maria replied with link toKnappestudy: http://pubsacs.oro/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est|ett.6b00398 o Sarah cautioned against sending it as it's available only subscribers. She asked Maria to get ashareable copy ofthe report. o Jamie also islooking for aversion that can beposted tothe vvebsite * Interested in GenX and reverse osmosis systems to dean contaminants from drinking water * She's checking sellers ofreverse osmosis systems. Her dad worked indialysis and knows that percentages don't always mean when sellers say. Told her it's this/ o 6enX refers to a process that generates a family ofchemicals, including HFPO Dimer Acid. GenX is a lower toxicity chemical that is manufactured in a process to phase out [8, a known carcinogen. It is used to manufacture Teflon, a synthetic resin used to coat nonstick surfaces, such as cookware, stain -resistant textiles and other products. w She does not need anything further regarding reverse osmosis.