HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00079055From: Talley, Nmel|eS[/O=EXCHANGELA8S/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=CD9F3882421746BCB5A6OCBE82CDFFD9-NSTALLEY] Sent: 6/2I/I0I79:I4:53PW1 To: Tarr, Jeremy K8[/b=ExchangeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=98859532O88e4437968%3Ieb6fef6b7O-jmtarrI];Kritzer,]amie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b54Ibb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] CC: Owen, ]enni[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=ZI82b573e68d4Ob]8bfIIOb153Odb5Z3-jovven2] Subject: RE: Opening stanza for web Jeremy, that is fine. I'm going to send some suggestions around this evening. From: Tarr, Jeremy K4 Sent: Wednesday, June Z1, 20175:14PK4 To: Kritzer, Jamie <jamie.kritzer@ncdenc8ov> Cc: Owen, ]enni"JenniOw/en0Dnc8ov>;Talley, NoeUe8<NoeUeJaUey@nc.gov> Subject: Re: Opening stanza for web | have a number ofquestions and comments on the CA . My plane is departing. What bthe timeline on this going out? Can itwait until tomorrow? Jeremy Jeremy, As requested, the FAQ isattached. DHHS is reviewing right now aswell. Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C.Department ofEnvironmental Quality 919'707'8602 £oa a6J`�eon�u��c��� 8hrn�Canr��e�u��o�acun,"IaLas/and/naybeo'iooh',�aa��a�b���erb�� From: Tarr, Jeremy M To: Talley, Noe|e5 Kritzer, Cc: Owen, ]enni Subject: RE: Opening stanza for web Agree with Noelle's edits. Interested in seeing the Q&As as well, when they are drafted. Jeremy Jeremy Tarr Policy Advisor Office ofGovernor Roy Cooper 2U3U1Mail Service Center Raleigh, N[Z7699'O3O1 919-814-20431 mvxm*xmmmmmvmub'-"�����mm From: Talley, Nod|e5 Sent: Wednesday, June Z1,ZU171:33PK4 To: Kritzer, Jamie Tarr, Jeremy K4 Cc: Owen, ]enni > Subject: RE: Opening stanza for web Thank you for sharing. I think this needs to be simplified. I made some suggested edits (see attached). From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Wednesday, June Zl2O171Ix46PK8 To: Talley, Noe||eS Tarr, Jeremy M Cc: Owen, ]enni Subject: Opening stanza for web The N�Department ofEnvironmental Quality, inconsultation with the NI.Department ofHealth and Human Services, is leading a state investigation regarding reports of an unregulated chemical known as GenXinthe lower Cape Fear River. Ampart o[its probe, DBQ strongly encouraged Chmoours,&��� oomnp�&che mical �dnuhduprocesses uik�J its facilityFayetteville, to any measures that can botaken boreduce or eliminate the discharges of the chemical to the river until the state completes its investigation. Chemours responded iopressure from DE0,local officials and citizens 6vannouncing that moJune 2l,20|7 the company would capture, remove and safely dispose o[wastewater that contains the byproduct Gen}{ generated at its manufacturing facility in Fayetteville. This imagood first step, but DEQ and the Department of Health and Human Services will continue to investigate this issues until nnhave answers ioaddress the concerns ofdownstream water users. New data io onessential for documenting current conditions and taking appropriate action. This week. DG0 began collecting water samples from 12 sites along the Cape Fear River. Additional samples will be collected throughout the region during the next two weeks. After meeting with staff iuD20,Cbonuoumagreed iobear all costs for sampling and analysis.Tho analysis ofwater samples will bcconducted 6vtwo independent laboratories, ucertified facility ioColorado and ai18. Environmental Protection Agency laboratory in the ResearchTriangle Park-nearThe sample results will boreleased hvthe D20and DHH3. DBQalso has been pushing theEnvironmental Protection Agency toprovide regulatory guidance on(}onX and work with the state during its investigation o[GonX'in the Cape Fear River. |oresponse, the EPA has informed D20it will work closely with the state and public water systems (odetermine theappropriate next steps to ensure public health protection. Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C.Department ofEnvironmental Quality 919-707-8602 �a 'i �Vny Law//nayedynS. From: Talley, Noe||eS Sent: Wednesday, June J1,JO171O:57AM To: Tarr, Jeremy K4 ; Kritzer, Jamie Cc: Owen, ]enni Subject: RE: web page content Jamie, Could you go ahead and share the FAQ (when complete) with Jeremy and me? Or any other elements that can beemai|ed quickly? (Jeremy, as | understand there are some technical difficulties with being able to see the entire site before its live, which is why |'m going toview it in person.) Thanks, NoeUe Noelle Talley Office of Governor Roy Cooper Office: 919-814-2101 From: Tarr, Jeremy M Sent: Wednesday, June J1, 2017 1052AM To: Kritzer, Jamie Cc: Talley, Noelle S <No -,11e.T Owen, Jenni <Jenni3Ow M, > ............. .! . ..... . ................ ........... Subject: web page content Jamie, I know Noelle is talk with DEQ at 1:30 today regarding the GenX web page. I'm out of town but would like to see the content before it goes live. Can you send me a link to the web page at some point today. Before 1 would be ideal so that I can review before flying home. I'm at 828-242-2753 today if you need to reach me by phone. Jeremy Jeremy Tarr Policy Advisor Office of Governor Roy Cooper 20301 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-0301 919-814-2043 1 Je ern 3�arr@NC�,Gc)v �r� mi: y oe o :n Y -ne P�j� J <GenX FAQ 06212017.docx> oe �o -ne P�j� N M DEQ-CFW-00079058