Sent: 6/2I/I0I75:32:34PW1
To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Owen, ]enni[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: Opening stanza for web
Attachments: GenX web text edits.docx
Thank you for sharing. I think this needs to be simplified. I made some suggested edits (see attached).
From: Kritzer, Jamie
Sent: Wednesday, June 21,2U1712:46PM
To: Talley, Noe||eS<Noe||eJa||ey@no.0ov»;Tarr, Jeremy M <jeremy.tarr@nc.0ov»
Cc: Owen, Jenni~Jenni.Ovven@nc.8ou^
Subject: Opening stanza for web
The N�Department ofEnvironmental Quality, inconsultation with the NI.Department ofHealth and Human Services,
is leading a state investigation regarding reports of an unregulated chemical known as GenX in the lower Cape Fear
Aspart o[its proboDG0 Chemmur`the cnnq�uuyth� the chemical for �ubmh�lprocesses o(do
�o��� � m�� bok�o ��d�o �m�o�&o�oh /�the o�m��mthe
, ra�oumvu/o, /uoour�ou�zn�uouroo can �ouon or discharges
river until the state completes its investigation.
Chemours responded iopressure from DE0,local officials and citizens bvannouncing that onJune 2i20|7the company
would capture, remove and safely dispose o[wastewater that contains the byproduct Gon)< generated at its manufacturing
This ieagood first step, but DEQand the Department o[Health and Human Services will continue (oinvestigate this ieauoa
until wohave answers toaddress the concerns n[downstream water users.
New data iuuuessential for documenting current conditions and takingappropriate action. This week, D20began collecting
water samples from |2sites along the Cape Fear River. Additional samples will bocollected throughout theregion during the
next two weeks. Aftermeeting with staff inDE0,Chonunosagreed (obear oDonNsD�o and analysis. The of
vvu�roon�p�oxU|b000nduotodbvhaoindependent |uborokorics,ocertified facility inColorado and oLJ.3. Environmental
Protection Agency laboratory iuthe ResearchTriangle Park near Raleigh.The sample results will horeleased 6vthe DE0and
DG0also has been the Protection Agency (o on{3on}{and work with the
state du�it
s investigation o[(}ouXiuthe Cape Fear Riverburesponse, the 29A.has �[ornoedD20d`��l`�ockdone6'with
the state and nubUowater eyaVen�a(o dctorninod/c next steps bo ensure public health
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
�a 'i S��x��:���
Sent: Wednesday, June J1,JO171O:57AM
To: Tarr, Jeremy K4 ; Kritzer, Jamie
Cc: Owen, ]enni
Subject: RE: web page content
Could you go ahead and share the FAQ (when complete) with Jeremy and me? Or any other elements that can be
(Jeremy, as I understand there are some technical difficulties with being able to see the entire site before its live, which
iswhy I'm going toview itinpeoonj
Noelle Talley
Deputy Commumic;--tioAs Director
#ffice of Governor Roy Cooper
From: Tarr, Jeremy M
Sent: Wednesday, June J1,JO171O5JAM
To: Kritzer, Jamie
Cc: Talley, NoeUeS Ow/en,Jenni
Subject: web page content
| know NoeUebtalk with DE{lat1:3Otoday regarding the GenXweb page. I'm out oftown but would like tosee the
content before it goes live. Can you send me a link to the web page at some point today. Before 1 would be ideal so that
I can review before flying home. I'm at 828-242-2753 today if you need to reach me by phone.
Jeremy Tarr
Policy Advisor
Office ufGovernor Roy Cooper
Z03O1Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27699'U3O1
rna,, be k� Noruzz
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