Sent: 6/20/I0I75:06:38PW1
To: Lucas, Jill K8[/h=[xchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: ChemoursPermit
Yes, please.
Kathleen C.Lance
Executive Assistant tuSecretary Michael S.Regan
North Carolina Department ufEnvironmental Quality
(919)707'8661 office
217 West Jones Street
1601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27GQQ
'o S.is ��e
From: Lucas, Jill K4
Sent: Tuesday, June JU,JOl7156PM
To: Lance, Kathleen Cxkath|een.|ance@ncdenr.gov>;Kritzer, Jamie <jamie.krhzer@ncdenr.Bou`
Subject: RE: [hemoursPermit
yU start on these now, Kathleen. |'U BC Jamie on all rep|ies—doyou want to be 8[ d aswell?
From: Lance, Kathleen C
Sent: Tuesday, June ZO,ZOl71x47PM
To: Kritzer, Jamie ; Lucas, Jill M
Subject: FVV: Chemours Permit
Kathleen C.Lance
Executive Assistant toSecretary Michael 8.Regan
North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Oue|ky
(919)707-8681 office
217 West Jones Street
1601 Mail Service Center
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From: Kevin Keller [mailto:kevin.keller604@gmaii.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 1:41 PM
To: Regan, Michael S <Michael. Regan@ ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Chemours Permit
Dear Secretary Regan,
I am writing as a concerned citizen of the Wilmington area to encourage you to NOT RENEW the Chemours
Company discharge permit and to immediately cease release of Genx into the Cape Fear river.
I am very disturbed that the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority was not aware of the contaminant until late 2016
and, until the press got involved, no one told citizens (who could then make their own informed choice).
Although my home is not in the affected area, I am in Wilmington everyday for work and social life. I eat and
drink at the restaurants that are contaminated. Since learning of the GenX issue, I have taken to bringing my
own bottled water from my home in my car and have not eaten out at many places. I can only imagine the
concern of parents with infants or small children or the elderly that have no other options for clean water.
This issue has the potential of being a social and financial catastrophe from the businesses in this state. I would
encourage you to do EVERYTHING possible to send a strong message to Chemours and DuPont to stop
playing games with our children, our livelihoods, & our future. Please deny their discharge permit as the first
Kevin Keller
UNCW Clinical Research Immersion Fellow
President- Student Association of Clinical Research (SACR)