Sent: 6/20/2017 5:47:36 PM
To: Sink, Marla [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Subject: Fwd: Port City Daily re: N00003573
Please respond and cc me on the response.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Ben Schachtman <benLNocalvoicemedia.com>
Date: June 20, 2017 at 12:54:12 PM EDT
To: <iamie.kritzer(rz7,ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Port City Daily re: NCO003573
Hope this fmds you well, my name is Ben Schachtman, I'm a reporter and assistant editor for Port City Daily here in Wilmington,
I have a few questions about the ongoing issues with Chemours and CTenX. If I'm directing these to the wrong person, please
accept my apology. Perhaps you can point me in the right direction.
The first, is about the permit number for Chemours CTenX manufacturing. The water authority in our area, the CFPUA, filed a
FOIA yesterday for this permit: NC0003573. However, when I looked it up, it appeared to be Kuraray, which shares a Toxic
Release Inventory # with Chemours.
So, a few questions:
1) What's the NPDES permit 4 for Chemours?
2) In their meeting with local authorities, Chemours claimed a'seperate operation' was responsible for CTenX - as by-product of
a vinyl manufacturing process. This process has allegedly gone on since the 1980s. Dupont, Chemours and Kuraray all have
facilities in Fayetteville, which one is making the vinyl - and the CTenX byproduct?
3) Is Kuraray's operation receiving similar scrutiny as Chemours?
Thank you so much,
Ben Schachtman
Assistant Editor - Port City Daily
benn.localvoicemedia. com
Office: 910-772-6300
Cell: 910-538-2001
DEQ-CFW 00078690