HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00078615From: Sink, Marla [/O=EXCHANGELA8S/OU=[XCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=1443GCDF33F147ACADG2D89C87DCF81B-yWARLA.5|NK] Sent: 6/20/I0I72:I2:33PW1 To: Lucas, Jill K8[/h=[xchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=7187fc41O6394e6Oa5e554ccZ79c0d7Z-jm|ucas] CC: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49dOI445a3b54Ibb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] Subject: FVV:Chemourspermit and application Attachments NCO003573Ownership ChangeZ015.pdf Chemours permit and application are attached. Marla Sink Public Information Officer Department ofEnvironmental Quality Division ofWater Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1811Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Fnmnm:Grryb Julie Sent: Monday, June 19,JO17ll:J9AM To: Young, Sarah xsarah.younB@ncdenr.8ov^ Cc: Sink, Marla <Mada.Sink@nodenr.guv> Subject: RE: [hemourspermit and application NPIDES Wastewater Compliance History on Chemours 2011-6/2017 is below and the NPIDES permit is attached. were taken the following two months and both tests passed so no additional action was taken. Routine Compliance inspections performed 2012-2016 were all Compliant. Please note that the permit isadministratively continued until arenewal permit is issued. It's best not to refer to it as an expired permit. (More detail oncompliance ifneeded) Internal outfall 001 had two BOD daily max exceeclances and one monthly average exceeclance all in October 2014. The DIVIR explains that these excursions were due to shut down and startup of the plant after maintenance. Routine Compliance inspections performed 2O12-2D1Gwere all Compliant. A8ioassay and Compliance Evaluation was performed in 2011, the facility was found to be Compliant and the 24-hr chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Test performed at Outfall 002, using Ceriodaphnic clubia, was split between DWR's lab and DuPont's commercial laboratory (Meritech) and both were in agreement — they both passed at 3.3% effluent concentration. OEQ-CFVV_00078615 Julie From: Young, Sarah Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 10:41 AM To: Grzyb, Julie < j ie. r b@ncde€�r, o > Cc: Sink, Marla <Marls.Sink ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Chemours expired permit and application Julie/Marla- Please send me a couple of sentences of Chemours compliance history with their ww permit. From: Grzyb, Julie Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 6:02 PM To: Kritzer, Jamie <jFjnl e. �.itzer� ncn :ienr.g Y> .................. Cc: Young, Sarah <ssraf �. o€n€cder€r.ot> Subject: RE: Chemours expired permit and application Jamie, Attached is Chemours' permit that is administratively continued until a renewal permit is issued. It's best not to refer to it as an expired permit. The renewal application can be found under Laserfiche at the following link: 49. EZ: etas:€ ?searcbid=c8df ee-6399-4 28-k) 6a- ..........................................................................................................f.....................................x........g.................t........................................................................................................................... Sbbd2e 5db S Let me know if you need anything else. Julie From: Young, Sarah Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 11:17 AM To: Grzyb, Julie < j ie. r b@ncde€�r, o > Cc: Sink, Marla <Marls.Sink ncdenr.gov> Subject: Chemours expired permit and application Julie - Jamie wants to add this to the website we are creating with information about GenX. Sarah M. Young Public Information Officer N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management 919-707-8604 office saran. can cdo r.€ r— DEQ-CFW 00078616 DEQ-CFW-00078617