Sent: 6/19/I0I79:I3:28PW1
To: Smith, Ruth Ravhz[rsmbh@nhcgoxoom]
CC: Kritzer, Jamie [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: News release
Attachments: 3amp|ingO6I9IOI7.docx
Hey Ruth,
Quick item I wanted to bring to your attention. I noticed the Star News ran a story this afternoon for their online editions
that said the sampling had been delayed.
We actually started the sampling in Fayetteville on schedule and are due to sample inthe Wilmington area Thursday, as
w/ehad planned.
Sounds like we spoke with someone in New Hanover when we had not received the lab materials this morning,but they
arrived shortly thereafter.
The reporter had asked one of your staff about this and he indicated there had been a delay.
| spoke toour staff as they were conducting the sampling at Chemours in Fayetteville this afternoon.
I've attached the news release.
I just wanted to let you know, so your folks can direct any of those types of inquiries our way in the future.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
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From: Smith, Ruth Ravitz[maiho:omNh@nhcgovcom]
Sent: Thursday, June 15,2O17O:3OAM
To: Kritzer, Jamie xjamie.krkzer@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: RE: News release
Here's schedule:
— 11:15
— 1:00
1:15 —1:45
2:15 —
Secretary Regan and Deputy Secretary Benton arrives in Chairman's office
Prep meeting with the government/CFPUA participants & staff
Lucie Harrell Room, # 601
Meeting with Chemours, Lucie Harrell Room, # 601
Press Conference — HR Training Rooms
Call to debrief legislators (state & federal —staff ok)
Ruth Smith I Chief Communications Officer
County Manager - Office of Cornmunications and Outreach
New Hanover County
230 Government Center Drive, Suite 195
Wilmington„ NC 28403
(210) 98- 17 r p 1 (10) 98- 277 f
From: Kritzer, Jamie [maiIto: jam ie.kritzer@ncdenr. ov]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:47 AM
To: Smith, Ruth Ravitz <rsmith nhc ov.com>
Subject: RE: News release
Oh and thank you for everything, Ruth.
I really appreciate you going through the mechanics of today's meeting with me. It was very helpful.
Jamie Kritzer
Communications Director
Department of Environmental Quality
• ♦ 6i
DEQ-CFW 00078527
From: Smith, Ruth Ravitz [mailto:rsmith@nhcov.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 7:00 AM
To: Kritzer, Jamie <jamie.kritzer@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Re: News release
Thanks Jamie we have it posted to our website.
Are you coming to wilmington today?
Ruth Smith I Chief Communications Officer
County Manager - Office of Communications and Outreach
New Hanover County
230 Government Center Cris{e, Suite 195
Wilmington„ NC 28403
(010) 700-7177 p 1 (10) 700-7277 f
On Jun 14, 2017, at 10:45 PM, Kritzer, Jamie <ja.inie.kritzer�z)ncdenr. rov> wrote:
DEQ News Release
http://deq.ne. -ov/deq-dhhs-investigating-reports-unregilat.ed-chemical-cal)e-fear-river
Sent from my iPhone
DEQ-CFW 00078528