HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00059572Brantley, Mark
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 5:51 PM
To: Perez, Helen l; Brantley, Mark, King, Morella s; West, Steve
Cc: Satterwhite, Dana; Karoly, Cyndi; Culpepper, Linda; Jones, Nick
Subject: FW: Discussion for sampling and analysis
Please forward this information to others as needed. Thanks!
Chris Johnson
Water Sciences Section
Correspondence with this email address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Tong-Argao, Sania [mailto:Tong-Argao.Sania@epa.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 2:30 PM
To: Strynar, Mark <Strynar.Mark@epa.gov>; Johnson, Chris <chris.johnson@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Medina -Vera, Myriam <Medina-Vera.Myriam@epa.gov>; Buckley, Timothy <Buckley.Timothy@epa.gov>
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis
I would also like to note the importance of the following given the high visibility of this project:
• For sample tracking, be sure there is chain -of -custody (CoC) documentation that includes....
o Date sample collected
o Time sample collected
o Field technician who collected sample
o Location sample collected
o Sample ID
o Sample Type
o Sample preservation info
a Comments field to document any issues or potential issues with each sample.
o Sample relinquished by signature and date line (for each person the sample passes through)
o Sample received by signature and date line (for each person who receives the samples)
• For sample integrity, be sure to...
o Seal sample bottles with sample custody/security tape
o Mark the liquid line on the bottle for each sample to indicate the level of each sample in the bottle so
one can tell if a leak occurred upon receipt or during storage.
o Document either on the CoC sheet or elsewhere each time the sample is removed from and replaced
back into the storage location :(include date, time, person moving sample, reason for removal).
o Store samples in a locked location only accessible by authorized personnel...
o Specify required temperature, storage location, and holding times for samples.
Note that sample handling procedures/requirements should be outlined in the QAPP addendum for these particular
From: Tong-Argao, Sania
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 2:11 PM
DEQ-CFW 00059572
To: Strynar, Mark <strynar.mark@epa. ov>; Johnson, Chris <chris Johnson@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Medina -Vera, Myriam <Medina-Vera.Myriam@epa.gov>; Buckley, Timothy <Buckley.Timothy@epa.gov>
Subject: RE: Discussion for sampling and analysis in Wilmington
Hello Mark and Chris,
Thank you for bringing this to my attention and for reaching out to make sure that proper QA documentation is in place.
Please see below for my thoughts and follow up questions.
• 1 agree with Mark that it's important to include the quality control (QC) samples such as trip blanks and spikes
whenever possible.
Question from Chris: Mark, can you tell me about the requirement related to the QAPP? Is this something that
needs to be "customized" for the particular project or is it a copy of our standard sampling procedure? Does EPA
need a copy of the QAPP before testing begins?
Sania's reply: I understand that the NC DEQ is responsible for sample collection whereas EPA is responsible for
sample analysis.
Chris - Can you please confirm that the 'standard sampling procedure' will be the standard operating procedure
(SOP) used to collect samples? Also, is there a separate QAPP that outlines the other aspects of the particulars of
this project (e.g., the who, what, when, where, and why of the project)? Please do send copy of both the NC DEQ
standard sampling procedure as well as QAPP so that we may have a copy of the documentation that reflects the
QA plan for the sample collection portion of the project.
Note that the EPA requirement for QA project plans (QAPPs) is to have an approved QAPP in place prior to the
start of sample collection and/or sample analysis. QAPPs are project specific so that the who, what, when,
where, why, and how of a project can be documented as the plan to follow for a particular project. This doesn't
mean that things won't or can't change. The key is to document the plan prior to the start of the project via an
approved QAPP and to be sure to document any changes to the plan during the project.
In this case, the scope of EPA's work is with the sample analysis only. It is understood that NC DEQ is responsible
for the sample collection and that NC DEQ has their own SOP and QAPP associated with the project (to be
confirmed after receipt of these documents). To help ensure QA documentation is complete on EPA's side of the
house, I recommend an addendum to Mark's existing QAPP. As Mark stated, the NC DEQ standard sampling
procedure as well as existing QAPP can be referenced, and any detail that is unique to this project can also be
outlined in the addendum for sample analysis such as reference to the specific analysis SOPs to be used.
Mark - To give you an idea of what info to include in the addendum, below is a brief list. Please let me know if
you'd like to discuss what to include.
Who (Project Organization) — Who is responsible for each part of the project? A table can be used to identify
EPA and NC DEQ folks or others doing the sample collection and analysis.
Why (Project Background) — Why is this project being conducted? Basically, what's the issue at hand and what
do you want to accomplish (i.e., project goals/objectives)?
What/When/Where (Project Description) - Summarize work to be performed and expected products. What is
the project schedule? Where are samples going to be collected, what types of samples are going to be collected,
and how many samples do you plan to collect? You will want to specify NC DEQ's specific role and EPA's specific
role in the project (i.e., EPA is receiving samples from NC DEQ who will follow their own protocols and QA
DEQ-CFW 00059573
How (Sampling Methods/Sample Handling & Custody/Analytical Methods/Data Management) — Reference
relevant SOPs.
Hope this helps,
Sania 1N. 7ong Argao
Quality Assurance Manager
Exposure Methods & Measurement Division (EMMD)
National Exposure Research Laboratory
U.S. EPA - Office of Research & Development
109 T.W. Alexander Drive, MD: E205-01
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
Phone: (919) 541-1397 Fax: (919) 541-0239
E-mail: Tong-Argao.Sania@epa.gov
DEQ-CFW 00059574