HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00078155From: Coleman, Scott [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANG[ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=4864114D21A24FGBAO1889F3B4763FD9-RSCOLEMAN] Sent: 6/13/I0I71I:29:24PM To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] Subject: FVV:6en-XDiscussion Update Attachments SenXHealth Effects Summary DHHS6_II_I7PDF.pdf FYl- Dr. Moore indicated that this had been sent to DEQ, but I wasn't sure if you were copied on this. Scott Coleman W.C.Department ofHealth and Human Services Office of Communications Communications Manager, Public Health Division 181 Blair Drive, Raleigh NC 27803 Phone:Q1Q-86S-4QS4 Fax:A1Q'733'7447 Sent: Monday, June lZ,ZOl76:26PM To: Coleman, Scott <Scot Io|eman@dhhs.nc.8o*,; Staley, DannyxDanny.Bta|ey@dhhs.ncBou" Cc: Mackey, Chris <Chris. Mackey@dhhs.nc.8ov>;Barrett, Melody <Me|ody.8arrett@dhhs.nc.8ov>;[u|ton,[ubey x[obeyIu|ton@dhhsoc.8ov>;Haight, Kelly <KeUy.Hai8ht@dhhs.nc.8ov>;Shehee,Mina <mina.shehee@dhhs.nc.gov> Subject: RE: Gen'XDiscussion Update Hi Scott and all, We sent the attached version to DEQ and the New Hanover and Brunswick County Health Directors earlier today. We included inthe email that DE{lcould share this information with General Assembly members and/or public Utility directors who had requested it, I appreciate your concerns about releasing a staternent with SUch firnited information available. We have emphasized several of these limitations in this summary and in other communications, including those you mentioned below. ifyou have additional suggestions about how to proceed going forward, please let us know.Thanks. Zack Moore, MID, MPH State Epidemiologist and Epidemiology Section Chief Division ofPublic Health Noah Carolina Department of Health and Hurnan Services 819548-1725 office (NEW) 8197830490 fax (secure) 2250. McDowell St. Raleigh, NC27S03 1902Muil Service Center Raleigh, NC27S0Q-10Q2 OEQ-CFVV_00078155 Bn� ""s ito0� �o/�rOa/n�naPu�6:�eco/�,.JxLaw/a//��, abw��a/b�� T��LY���� Unauthorized disclosure of jmmmle..health, legally privileged, momevviuoconfidential Information, including confidential information relating monongoing State pmovremnnteffort, isprohibited by law. If you have received this e-mail in error, please nofi� the sender immediately and delete all records ofthis e-mail. From: Coleman, Scott To: Staley, Danny; Moore, Zack Cc: Mackey, Chris; Barrett, Melody; Culton, Cobey; Haight, Kelly Subject: Gen-X Discussion Update Importance: High After discussing this issue with Chris, Melody and our press office team, we have concerns about releasing this, or possible any statement on this isoue, at this time. The samples in the study cited in the article by Sun et al., are from 2013 — 2014. Given that these samples are three to four years old, we can't be certain that these match the current levels of GenX in the Cape Fear River. Do vveknow nfany more recent samples? | realize that citing the European study, the |eva|o nfQanXdetected in2O13-14would seem to indicate a low risk tohuman health. But, without more recent sampling and testing, can we safely say that the current levels do not pose arisk? |nbullet point number four are wmperhaps comparing apples to oranges? o "Limited health information is available for QonX.pFOAand PFOS(chemicals that are part ofthe same family of fluorinated compounds) were recently reviewed by the EPA and the most common effects observed in laboratory tests were kidney and testicular cancer, impaired fetal dawa|opment, and effects on the liver, thyroid, and immune system. The EPA recently released a Health Advisory with recommendations for drinking water not to exceed 70 parts per trillion (70 ng/L) for PFOS and PFOA * VVhika QonX is in the same family as PFOA and PFOS, with no regulatory standards in place and the fact that this chemical may have different, possibly worse, health effects, should we even make this comparison at all? We certainly appreciate the time and effort put into this research; we are just trying to exercise a high level of caution in our response. Just some things to consider, before moving forward. Sincerely, Scott Coleman N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Communications Communications Mana er, Public Health Division 101 Blair Drive, Raleigh NC 27603 Phone: 919-855-4954 Fax: 919-733-7447 OEQ-CFVV_00078156 Scoff,Cole manOdhhc - nny www.ncdhhs.qo Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile, health, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort, is prohibited by law. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records of this email. DEQ-CFW-00078157