Sent: 6/9/20I7I2:48:57PW1
To: Sink, Marla [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Munger, Bridget [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
(FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=7]d475cbae324a29687el7l1dc9a79c5-|mcu|pppper];Zimmerman, Jay
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: Following upnnGenXand Chemnurs
Work with them on both Adam Wagner and Vaughn's questions. I forgot Bridget is out at the dentist this morning.
Here are the final talking points. Just as an FYI.
* EPA has put in place standards for many pollutants impacting water quality and public health. However, on
occasion, the presence of other contaminants such as GenX are introduced into the nation's waterways.
* North Carolina is awaiting guidance from the EPA that will provide the state Department of Environmental
Quality with the information needed to begin developing regulatory limits for GenX.
0 The EPA is the sole agency responsible for establishing drinking water standards nationwide and has extensive
resources necessary to determine the nature, extent and potential impacts of chemicals.
* When EPA establishes guidance for emerging contaminants such as GenX, this triggers the process used by
states like North Carolina to develop regulations for these contaminants.
* However, there are steps that DEQ staff plan to take in the interim. DEQ officials plan to work with Chemours to
assess waste streams containing GenX and determine if the company can reduce the amount of the chemical
Jamie Kritzer
Co-it,imwiic-?tio-is DirectA
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
From: Sink, Marla
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 8:42 AM
To: Kritzer, Jamie <jam ie.kritzer@ ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Munger, Bridget <bridget.munger@ncdenr.gov>; Brower, Connie <connie.brower@ncdenr.gov>; Grzyb, Julie
Subject: FW: Following up on GenX and Chemours
Fyi... See questions below from Vaughn Hagerty. I will work with Bridget, Julie, Connie etc on formulating a response.
Marla Sink
Public Information Officer
Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Water Resources
919 707 9033 office
mm• i , �1�
From: Vaughn Hagerty
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 7:35 AM
To: Sink, Marla
.... ............................................................... . ....
Subject: Following up on GenX and Chemours
Hi, Marla.
First, I wanted to check in to see if there were any factual issues or other problems with the stories we've
published so far. We definitely want to be accurate and correct any errors as soon as possible.
Second, I'm hoping to follow up on a few things and was wondering if you could help facilitate that. The first
two are more immediate priorities. The last two are things we'd like to explore in the coming days.
1) One thing I'm trying to nail down is, who is responsible for ensuring that a company such as Chemours
follows the stipulations of a consent order issued by EPA? Is DEQ involved in that at all? If so, is there
someone I can speak with regarding Chemours' consent order?
2) Has anything occurred or in the works on DEQ's end regarding this issue -- GenX in the Cape Fear and
CFPUA? Any word on when you'll be meeting with Professor Knappe? Any contact with Chemours or plans to
contact them? With EPA? Other officials? Has DEQ been contacted by residents in Southeastern North
Carolina about this issue?
3) 1 believe Connie mentioned something about the state currently revisiting the standard for PFOA in
groundwater. I know we'd like to get more background on that and a status update.
4) We'd like to pursue a more detailed story about how DEQ goes about monitoring a company such as
Chemours and how Chemours has been monitored specifically. I realize this is a big subject, so maybe we can
chat about the best way to go about it.
'- •
Vaughn Hagerty
DEQ-CFW 00077996