HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_000343176324 Fainiew Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Tel. (704) 362-6630 Fax (704) 362-6636 DuPont Engineering �,1,\g19202'222 7 'IV OR 2005 Receiv v December 16, 2005 Hazardous Waste Mr. Larry Stanley 61 Section Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environment %9 ez 1, And Natural Resources 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Re: Revised RCRA Phase 11 Investigation Work Plan Update DuPont Fayetteville Works EPA ID No. NCD 047 368 642 Dear Mr. Stanley: DuPont has received your comments, dated December 14, 2005, on the RCRA Phase 11 Investigation Work Plan Update. As a result, please find enclosed a revised work plan. The revisions reflect our proposed responses as discussed with you via telephone on December 14, 2005. For ease of review, a comment -by -comment response is also enclosed with this letter. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 362-6626. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Si ely, eexSi . Jamie Van Buskirk CRG Project Director Enclosures Cc: Michael Johnson Fayetteville Works Environmental Manager File DEQ-CFW-00034317 RCRA Phase II Investigation Work Plan Update Objective 2 Characterize Surface W 1) Just as a reminder, the two surface water sampling points (Locations F and G) and the two in - situ groundwater sample locations (Locations H and 1) are reversed when the text is compared to Figure I -Locations Map. DuPont Response — Figure I has been revised to correct this error. 2) The HWS will direct EPA-SESD to collect a sediment sample at the surface water location currently designated as Location H on Figure 1. The sample will be analyzed for APFO. T sample will be collected during the sampling event scheduled for late January. I DuPont Response — DuPont recognizes the desire to conduct sediment sampling in the subject drainage ditch although the comment does not contain a stated objective that will be met by doing so. Nonetheless DuPont will collect a sediment sample at this location and accommodate whatever split sampling desire the HSW has. It is requested that additional consideration be given to developing a stated objectivefor this sampling effort to aid in determining the appropriate analysis result evaluation process. In addition, the sampling protocols and procedures should also befurther evaluated by DuPont and HSW. Note: As discussed above this location has now been correctly identified as "Location F" Figure I of the revised work plan. I Objective 3 Characterize Groundwater Qualily North and Northwest of the APFO Facility 3) A wind rose diagram included with DuPont-Fayetteville's Part B permit application shows a strong northeast -southwest orientation. At the APFO facility, southwest winds should blow toward monitoring well SMW-03. Attempts to sample this well were unsuccessful because Page I of 4 OEQ-CFVV_00034318 the well was dry. The HWS recommends that DuPont collect a groundwater sample at this well location and analyze it for APFO. DuPont Response — DuPont has and will continue to try and collect a groundwater samplefrom this location. If this location remains dry then it may be necessary to place another monitoring point at this location screened at a lower depth to pull the desired sample. This decision will 4�6�1,mkmvhta 2-14f oi:&,Td`hjg- will be conducted during the Phase III RFI event. 4) At the location of the APFO unit, northeast winds would blow toward the facility's Butacite unit. The HWS recommends that DuPont collect a groundwater sample in the vicinity of the Butacite unit. The sample should be analyzed for APFO. DuPont Response - Sample location SMW-01 was originally and intentionally located to correspond with this seasonal wind direction. It has consistently been non-detectfor APFO. DuPont &s*e Iy-mwkv closer to the APFO Manufacturingficility in this direction. SMW-01 has apparently been deemed to be toofar away by HWS. No information exists that would indicate that the Butacite@ manufacturing area is a more appropriate location to collect APFO groundwater data. DuPontfeels that the current location of SMW-01 is appropriately located to monitor potential groundwater impactsfrom potential airborne deposition in this direction, especially as it would relate to the potentialfor off -site migration. However, in order to try and address the HWS desire, DuPont will collect a shallow groundwater APFO samplefrom the Butaciteg area during subsequent, Phase III RFI sampling activities. This part of thefacility will be the subject of an investigation related to the discovery on a new RCRA Corrective Action AOC (reference correspondencefrom Mike Johnson dated 12108105). It is assumed that shallow groundwater monitoring will be d�*Vakw�' list at an appropriate and agreed upon location(s). 5) As relayed to Jamie VanBuskirk during our telephone conversation of December 9, Ms. Yvonne Martin, who is with Region 4's Water Programs Enforcement Branch (ATEB), contacted the HWS concerning C-8 in the groundwater at the DuPont -Fayetteville facility. Ms. Martin indicated that EPA -HQ and the WPEB are asking DuPont to monitor the groundwater at public water systems located near the Fayetteville facility. EPA is developing a list of PWSs that are close to the facility, but the list has not been finalized. DuPont Response — Based on our telephone conversation on 12114105, a response to this comment is not warranted at this time. 10-7 fff MI 1i,age 2 of 4 DEQ-CFW-00034319 6) DuPont -Fayetteville should discuss the "direct push drop -down screen sampling technique" in more detail. The HWS is notfamiliar with this method of developing a vertical geochernical profile. DuPont Response — A more detailed description of this sampling approach at Locations H and I is contained in Section 4. 0 of the revised work plan. This discussion has been updated to reflect work andfindings that have already been accomplished. You are also encouraged to contact Mr. Bryan Heath of our office at (704) 362-6633 if more information is needed. Objective 5 ConducrIWA Dat 7) The concentrations of some of the MNA parameters listed in Attachment A of the work plan (i.e., alkalinity, chloride concentration, and carbon dioxide concentration) should be compared to background concentrations. DuPont -Fayetteville should indicate which monitoring wells are considered background wells for MNA purposes. DuPont Response — As described in Section 4.0 of the revised workplan, NAF-01 has been added to the list of locations to be sampled aspart of the MNA program development. NAF-01 is located in an appropriate, upgradient location and will serve as a background monitoring point. 8) The concentration of iron in the form of Fe+2 gives more information about the potential for anaerobic biodegradation of chlorinated organic compounds than does the concentration of total iron. The HWS recommends that DuPont -Fayetteville have MNA groundwater samples analyzed for DuPont Response - Becauseferric (oxidized or Fe3+) iron is insoluble at neutralpH it is likely that a total iron measurement in non -turbid groundwater is representative of concentrations of soluble reduced (ferrous or Fe2+) iron in -situ as is anticipated with groundwater at the site. Obtaining a direct measurement of reduced iron from groundwater samples is difficult because the exposure of the sample to oxygen will result in the oxidation of reduced iron to produced oxidized iron and in this way compromise the measurement. We propose to interpret total iron measurements in groundwater as a measurement of reduced soluble iron in situ. This interpretation will be reviewedfor consistency with other geochemical evidence collectedfrom the wells (e.g. redox, dO2, suy'ate, nitrate, sulfide and contaminant behavior) to ensure that it is a reasonable assumption. However, should the groundwater in a well be turbid or if thepH is low this interpretation will be revisited and if necessary a direct method of measuring reduced iron will he identified and applied in thefield andlor laboratory. [Wecember 16, 2005 F!,'age 3 of 4 DEQ-CFW-00034320 Considering the schedule shown in Section 6.0 of the work plan, DuPont -Fayetteville should discuss the comments contained in this letter with the HWS as soon as possible. Please don't hesitate to contact me at (919) 508-8562. DuPont Response — It does not appear that resolution of any of the issues will negatively impact the existing schedule. We are currently in thefteld installing the two in -situ groundwater samplingpoints (Locations H and I) and will soon be installing the monitoring wells along the river (Locations A, B, C, D, and E). Barring any issues related to inclement weather, this work should befinished in time to conduct sampling activities as presently schedule to start in the last week of January 2006. It is important to also note that an additional modification to the workplan has been made since submittal. Figure 2 of the revised workplan has been modified to reflect the addition of another surface water samplingpoint (Location K). This point is located where 1-95 crosses the Caper Fear River. The identifying nomenclature of the other samplingpoints on Figure 2 have also been modified slightly to reflect the inclusion of this new point. Page 4 of 4 OEQ-CFVV_00034321