HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00032166NPont Fluoraproducts P. 0. []rawer Z Fayetteville, 'VC 28302.1170 Ime [XII-Iont FlUoroproducts February 12, 1998 Mr. James A Cuter, Chief Division of Waste Management 401 Oberlin Road - Suite 150 Raleigh, NC 27605 Attw Mr. Christopher M- Olds RE., Confim-wory Sampling Workplan Permit No, NCD 047 368 642 Dear Mr, Carter: As required by Part V(E)(1) of the Hazardous Waste Management Permit, enclosed are five copies of the Contm.-natory Sampling Workplan. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (910) 678-1155. Michael E. Johnson Environmental Coordinator Enclosures L 1. du 11,jr: do Nqqqomn ;m(� CuffP1j;jwj Printed Uri Relr-hxl Pave, Fl. 4 DEQ-CFW-00032166 11 Ell c CONFIRMATORY SAMPLING WORK -PLAN OUPONT FAYETTEVILLE WORKS FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA February 10, 1998 Ui� E, L du Pont de Nernours and Company Fayetteville Works f"ayetteville, North Carolina 02833M Corporate Remediation Group A Partnership between DuPont and The W-C Diamond Croup Barley Mill Plaza Building 27 Wilmington, Delaware 19880-0027 D51FA4103-0 DEQ-CFW-00032167 U L "V KeviftS.-SiTter Assistant Project Engineer Woodward -Clyde David E. Epps Project Manager �~ »e'at Bradley S. Nave Project Director DuPont Corporate Remediation Group DEQ-CFW-00032]ea Ll l( B...... ................................................ .---.---.---..—l-I 1.1.7 Plant Site Operations....... ........................................... .............. . }.Z 1.1.2 Regulatory ................................................... ....................... ........ 1-2 Section 2 Facility Characterization ................................................................................................ 2-1 2.I Regional Setting ................................................. ..................... ....... ....... 2-1 2.I.1 Regional Geology .................. ...... ....... ...................................... 3-} 2.1.2 Regional Hydrogeology ................................ ..................... ........ 2-Z 22 Site TopographyAnd Drainage .................. ............................................ 2-2 3.1 Svvoiu6-Process Sewer System .—..---...—,..,..,.---...3-1 3-2 Svvozo7 Storm Sewer System --.----.---......--..—....3-2 3.3 SvvnlV 98\, B, & (l - FormmzWmv+p Lagoons ____,..,~..,.,,,_... 4,1 Technical Approach .......... ...................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Schedule ................................................................................................... 4-2 4.3 Personnel .................................................................................................. 4-2 5.1 Media Investigations ......... .................................................................. 5-) 5.2 Release Determination ............................................................. ............... 5-1 53 Soil Investigation ... .................... .............. .................... ...... ,.,,—,~.5-2 5.4 Groundwater Investigation ............... ........................... ........................... 5-2 5'4.1 Analytical Methods And Parameters .................... ...................... 5-3 5.3 Sampling Locations ....................... ............... ........... ............................. 5.3 5.5.1 SWM[}6 -ProuesmScpner System ......................... ..................... 5-3 5.5.2 SWMU 7 - Stnnnl Sewer System ................................................ 5-5 5.5.3 SWMO 9 - Former Waste Water Treatment Ilant Lagoons .^..5-5 5.5.4 Aoc C......................................................................................... 5-7 5.6 Field Prncrdurm$....................................................................................... 5-8 5.6.1 General Field Procedure Guidelines ........ ........... ............. ......... 5-8 5.6.2 Field Procedures ................. ......................................................... 5-g 5.6.3 Calibration Of FieldEquipment ....................................... ......... 5-10 5.6'4 Decontamination [)fField Equipment --..--..---..—..5-10 5.7 Axmn|iog Procedures .................................................. ............. ............ 5-T0 OEQ-CFVV_00032169 ME L7 �ARDLE OF CONTENTS 5.7.1 Collectl¢o,Prcmervatoo,And Handling Samples ...................... 5-lO 5.7.7 Field Custody Procedures ............... .................. —.................. 5-l2 5.7.3 Laboratory Custody Procedures ................................................. 5-}2 5.8 Quality Control Checks ......................................................... ................ 5-13 5.8.1 Collection Of Quality Control Samples ......................... ...... ,.5~}3 5.8.2 Frequency .......................... ............. .......................................... 5-)3 Section 6 bata Management Plan .................................................................................................. 6-1 6.1 Data Record .--.............. ............................................ ........ .............. 8-1 6.1.1 field Sampling Records ............................................. ................. O-1 6.1.2 Unique Sample Code ........... —.......................................... —... 6-Z 6-2 Data Prcomm1otioo ............. --................... ............................................. 6-3 8.2.1 Data Presentation Objectives ........... .................... .......... ........... 6-2 6.2.2 Tabular Displays. .................................................................. ,,^6_3 6i2.3 Graphical Displays .................. .................................................... 6-3 6.3 Statistical Evaluation --.—..._---..---.--.—~--.-----..6-3 6.4 T]c1mnmibo1ou(lf The Need For Further Investigation (]f Confirmatory Sampling OfSwoluoAnd Aoc—........................... .......... 6-4 6.4.1 Data Qe\evoz4 To Establishing Area Background ....................... 6-5 6.5 Prioritization (]fSvrnovs................. ........................................................ 6-8 OEQ-CFVV_00032170 L-] | Table l—.----.—..—.—.~---..S\�Yw�[J Sem�n}' / Requiring - Table 2....... ......................... .................... AnalysisFor Background Soil Samples � Table 3....... ............. ........ .............. ........ Soil Sampling 8*SWM[}/8.00 | Table 4..................... ChemicalSnmnling POmanmeter$and Analytical Test Methods Figures^..................... ........................................ ^...... ..................... ......... ....................... .......... ^...... Figure l............................................................... —............ Regional Location Map � Figure 2............................. .... Confirmatory Sampling Plan SWMULocation Map Figure 3...................... ................................ —.................. SWMT]6 Process Sewer Figure 4..................... ....... ......... .................... SWM[)6-Process Sewer Detafls Figure 5--..—.—.—.SWMU 7-Storm Sewer Confirmatory Sampling Location Figure 6................................... ............. SWM[}9(A-C)-Former WWTP 11 Appendices—......._--,.--.~'_........................................................................................................ Appendix A.. ...................... ................... FayettevilleWorks SIVMT1Location Map Appendix B............... ........................... —.......... CoofiSampling Schedule Appendix Standard Operating Procedures Appendix D .................... ............... Process Materials - DuPont Fayetteville Works OEQ-CFVV_00032171 PECTIONONE Introductior This confimator-y sampling (CS) Workplan was developed in accordance with requirements set forth in Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Permit No- NCD047368642-RI (permit) issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) to the DuPont Fayetteville Works (site) on December 2, 1997. The permit stipulates that DuPont prepare a CS Workplan to determine if the solid waste management units (SWMUs) and area of concern (AOC) listed in Appendix A of the permit have released hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to the environment (Table 1). This Workplan includes a: J Characterization of the, facility, SWMUs, and AOC C3 Project management plan L3 Confirmatory sampling and analysis plan Z1 Data management plan The following references were consulted in preparation of this document- Characterization of Hazardous Waste Sites, ,4 Methods Manual: Volume II, Available Sampling Methods, EPA Publication No. 600/4-84-076, EPA Region TV LStandard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual, and North Carolina Hazardous Waste Permitting Branch Confirmatory Sampling Warkplan Guidance - Interim Drafi Final, July 1994. 1.1 BACKGROUND E-L du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont) owns and operates the .Fayetteville Works Plant in the Duart Township of Bladen County, North Carolina. The facility is located 15 miles southeast of the city of Fayetteville on N.C. Route 87, along the B laden-C umber] and county line (Figure 1). The DuPont property was purchased as several parcels from several families in 1970. The first manufacturing area of the Fayetteville Works was constructed in the early 1970s, The facility is currently a manufacturer of plastic sheeting, fluorochemicals, and intermediates for plastics manufacturing. A former manufacturing area, which was sold in 1992, produced nylon strapping and Elastomeric Tape, The geographic location of the facility is 34"50'30" North latitude, 78'50'00" West longitude. The site contains 2177 acres cif relatively flat farmland and woodland bounded on the east by the Cape bear River, N,C, Highway 87 on the west, and farmland on the north and south. In addition to the manufacturing operations, DuPont operates a wastewater treatment plant (wwrp) for treatment of process waste. Hazardous waste generated as a result of the chemical process and laboratory analyses are currently managed in drums at the Hazardous Waste Container Storage Area prior to being shipped offsite for treatment, disposal, or recycling. In September 1993, a RCRA Facility Assessment (RFA) was submitted to the NCDENR, The RFA was resubmitted in December 1996 and identifies 24 SWMUs and four AOCs at the site. A Ago& figure identifying the location of these units is provided in Appendix A. Based in part on the RFA, the NCDENR identified three SWMUs and one AQC that require CS and are the subject of this Workplan (Figure 2). W66d..&C"e 4:XDSPA4103NCSVVPrEXT.DOC110-Feb-90105FA4103%PHI DEQ-CFW-00032172 mNt 0 1.1.1 Plant Site Operations 113troduction The DuPont Fayetteville Works consists of three main areas, where the following products are manufactured: Area 1 0 Butacite(& polyvinyl butyral sheeting - the plastic inner layer of automotive safety glass. Area 11 0 Nafiong Fluorocarbon membrane for electrolic cells. * Fluorocarbon intermediates for Naflong membrane, Teflon(P) resin, and Vitong elastomers. * Polysiloxane Abrasion Resistance Coating (PARC), Area.111 & Dymetrolg nylon strapping, 0 EPS Elastomeric tape for tape drives such as auto window regulators. 1.1.2 Regulatory The Fayetteville Works operates under permits from several regulatory programs; CR-A/solid waste, NPI)ES/water quality and air. 7V RCRA/Sofid Waste Permits: The facility received its initial RC: RA Permit (NCD047368642) to operate a hazardous waste container storage area and tanks in February of 1983. An amended Part A application was last submitted in 1991 to document upgrades to its fluorocarbon waste treatment and tank system. 11 The RCRA Part B permit application submitted in August 1993, identified a total of 71,750 gallons of container storage capacity at the container storage area. Waste stored included characteristic wastes (DOO I, D002, D003, D007, D009, and D029) and listed wastes (F002, F003, and F005). This permit was reissued and became effective on January 1, 1998, and will remain effective for 10 years, NPIDESAVater_Quality Permits: The Fayetteville Works also operates under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No- NCO003573 with discharge to the Cape Fear River. The earliest known water pollution control activity associated with the site was the issuance of a temporary discharge permit by the North Carolina State Stream Sanitation Committee. Since the original permit, this facility has been continuously permitted, holding discharge permits issued by the North Carolina Department of Water and Air Resources, and more recently, by the EPA/state NPDF-S branches, The most current NPDES permit will expire May 31,2001. W—dwa-1-cwe CO J:Z5FA410MCSWPTEXT, 00C%1 O-Feb,9805FAA I 03BPHI 1-2 DEQ-CFW-00032173 "16ECTIONONE Introductior Air Qualily, Permits, The Fayetteville Works currently has permitted air emissions sources. These sources are associated with boilers, process equipment such as exhaust stacks, condensers, mist eliminators, scrubbers, filters, and tank vents. The State regulatory agency established a system of source registration in 1971 and changed to emissions permitting in 1974. Permit requests were submitted to the State for the Fayetteville Works on an as -needed basis between 1971 and 1978. During the mid-1980's NCDENR began combining emissions permits into one or two facility emission permits. Presently, the. Fayetteville Works has all sources combined under one permit (No. 3735R,17), which is under continuous modifications as new sources are added to the facility. The objective of the CS is to determine if any of the units listed in Appendix A of the RCRA Part B permit have released hazardous waste, or hazardous waste constituents (Table 1). A release may be indicated by the discovery of any constituent previously or currently managed in a SWMU or A discovered by virtue of its detection in media beyond the engineered boundary of the unit and in concentrations of organic compounds above Practical Quanitation Limits (PQLs) or concentrations of"metals above the 95 percent Upper Tolerance Limit (95 percent UTL) for background soil concentrations. If a release is identified, then the unit will require a RR to dekm-nine the extent and impact of the release - A secondary objective of the CS is to provide data that will assist in the prioritization of those units that require an RFI. The purpose of this prioritization is to identify those units that pose the most potential for harm to human health and the environment. The prioritization will support risk management decisions making an effort to best utilize DuPont and NCDENR resources. wo.o..&C" 40 JA05FA4'fOMSWRTEXT DOr-%10-Vob-9MD6FA410MPH1 1-3 DEQ-CFW-00032174 Facility Characterization 2.1 REGIONAL SETTING The DuPont Fayetteville Works is located on 2,177 acres, 15 miles southeast of the City of Fayetteville at the Cumberland-13 laden County line. The site is bounded on the east by the Cape Fear River and on the west by NC 87- This area is characterized by generally low topographic relict' except along the west side of the Cape Fear River, The majority of the site is located on a relatively flat plateau with an elevation of approximately 145 feet above mean sea level (MSL). Relief is more moderate on the northern portion of the property along Willis Creek, west of the Cape Fear River, and near the Georgia Branch located in the southern region of the site. Slopes near the drainage areas range from approximately five to 20 percent while the slope on the plateau is generally less than 0.5 percent. The DuPont Fayetteville Works is located on the boundary between Cumberland and Bladen Counties with 75 percent of the land within Bladen County- This area is entirely within the Coastal Plan Physiographic Province, The Coastal Plain consists of a seaward thickening wedge of sedimentary deposits ranging in age frorn Cretaceous to Recent. These deposits are underlain by Paleozoic age metamorphic and Igneous rocks. In the northern Bladen County these "basement" rocks are approximately 400 feet below the surface. 10 The `Tuscaloosa Formation (also known as the Middendorf Fm.) of late Cretaceous age unconformably overlies the basement rocks. This formation consists of red, gray and yellow interbedded sands and clays. The sand layers are lenticular, poorly sorted and arkosic. The clay luycr� are massive, and dominate the formation in outcrop. Unconformably overlying the Tuscaloosa Formation, the Black Creek Fon-nation can be found at the surface in Bladen and Southern Cumberland Counties- In outcrop, the Black Creek is composed of dark gray, fine grained sandy clay and very fine to coarse sand. It is dark gray to black in the subsurface or in fresh exposures and brick red where it has been deeply weathered. The formatioi-I is approximately 300 feet thick in northern Bladen- Thc Duplin Marl of'Miocene age outcrops in a few areas along the Cape Fear River where it fills irregular depressions in the Black Creek Formation. The marl is composed of gray shells in a matrix of gray gilt and fine to medium sand. Surface deposits that cover much of the area are thought to be Pleistocene in age. They consist of white to tan very fine to coarse sand associated with a mottled tan sandy clay. Locally, the thickest deposits are found east of the Cape Fear River, while on the west side of the river they are often absent. The soil on the Fayetteville Works Plant site falls within the Norfolk -Goldsboro -Rains general classification (Soil Survey of Bladen County, 1990). These soils are on old, high stream terraces III the northern part ol'Bladen County- They range in being well to poorly drained soils that have a sandy or loamy surface layer and a loamy subsoil. Wbad.awd-CWe 40 j:%DSFA41034CSWPTEXT.DOC%10-rob-gMD5FA4103`PHI 2-1 DEQ-CFW-00032175 ?ECTIONTWO FaMIJIVCharaCterilation The Black Creek Formation and surficial deposits are the principle aquifers in the site area. The layers of sand within the Black Creek Formation supply much of the groundwater locally, especially for the larger supply wells. The surficial deposits in the site area provide water for many small domestic wells. It is assumed that the general groundwater flow in the site area would be to the east toward the Cape Fear River. However, a natural high point directly east of the former WWT'P lagoons directs the groundwater flow in that area to the southwest and northwest, and if the groundwater flow follows the area's surface topography, it would eventually turn back to the east toward the river. *4�1 k I a 001041c] M Thl a VEM L, 113 11 111,111 Ll The Cape Fear River is located along the eastern boundary of the Fayetteville Works approximately 1850 feet away fTom the manufacturing and associated buildings. Willis Creek, a tributary of the Cape Fear Rivef is located in the northern portion of the site approximately 3,000 feet away from the manufacturing area. An effluent channel leading to the Cape Fear River is located ,just south of the plant and is used as the outfall area covered by NPDES Permit number NCO03573. Only parts of the Georgia Branch are within the southern boundary of the site. Surface water runoff firom the manufacturing areas which are not captured by the process sewer system, are captured by the storm sewer system and is directed to the wood -lined ditch which also discharges into the effluent channel. The plant facilities are located on a plateau area approximately 70 feet above the 100 and 500 year flood plains and at least 1,000 feet from the 100 year flood plains nearest approach. VKMdWfa"1-C"e a J AD5FA4103=VVPTEXT.D0CX1 D-Feb-9MSFA41 MPHI 2-2 DEQ-CFW-00032176 NARWE unit characteristics 0 This section describes the three SWMUs and one AOC that will be the focus of the CS 17J investigation. The locations of each SWMU and AOC included in the CS are shown in Figure 2. These areas are discussed in terms of the dates of operation, unit and waste characterization, and potential migration pathways. Unit characterization describes the location, operational history, operational status, construction, and processes of each SWMU/AOC. Waste characterization describes the wastes managed by the units. Migration pathways define the environmental medium most likely to be impacted by a release from the unit- In most if not all cases, soil is the initial medium impacted by a release from a unit; hence, soils below the CS units will be the focus of the investigation. The RFA also provides a description of these units. The SWIG Us/AOC identified in the Hazardous Waste Management Permit as requiring a CS are- • SWMU 6 - Process Sewer System ❑ SWMU 7 - Storm Sewer System ❑ SWMU 9 (A, B Sr. Q - Former WWTP Lagoons ❑ AOC-C - Former Ag Products Gasoline/Diesel UST Area MUNE13 "M •�t1 Date of Operation. 1972 to present Unit Characterization SWMLJ 6 is a system of underground sewer pipes, manholes, and sumps which convey process wastewater from the main plant areas to the site's WWTP system (Figure 3)_ Plant personnel and site sewer map,,, indicate that the pipes are constructed of reinforced concrete, vitrified clay and steel. There are four process sewer sumps throughout the plant and all are in -ground and constructed of reinforced concrete these include the following: Butaciteg sump; PVA sump' Nation (P common sump-, Semiworks sump, All sumps are concrete -lined, and the Na one common sump is also polylined- Waste Characterization The unit manages wastewater from the ButaciteT) Area, DymetrolS Area, Naflong Area and Power House Area. The wastewater may contain any of the wastes generated or raw materials managed at the facility. Based on interviews with DuPont personnel, Appendix D contains a list of process materials that may be found in small quantities in the process sewer system. The following is a brief description of the waste streams from each process area that may enter the process sewer system'. J:05FA4 I G3%CSWPTEXT,Q0C11 0-Feb-98NDMM103WHI 3-1 DEQ-CFW-00032177 E I I il F &TOM 9 Nafion 0 Area: The process sewer leaving the Naflone area contains process wastewater, cooling water, and steam condensate from the various manufacturing units. The Nafiong internal process sewers notTnaliy contain only cooling waster or steam condensate. During floor washing, small quantities of process materials and lute oils may be washed into the sumps. Closed sumps within the Naflont area are tested for pH and the presence of a heavy fluorocarbon liquid phase. If pH. is not neutral or if a fluorocarbon phase is detected, the sump material is drummed for disposal by incineration. Butaciteg Area: The process sewer from the Butacitek area contains process wastewater, cooling water, steam condensate, rain water and filtered water. a Power House Area. The waste stream that enters the process sewer system from the Power House Area consists of sulfuric acid and caustic from the neutralization sump and tank. Releases from SWMLJ 6 would impact soil and potentially groundwater. TA [Tj RZANUS i'l a Vjjji Dates of Operation: 1972 to present SWMU 7 consists of asysten-i of sumps, drains and ditches located throughout the plant which collect stormwater that is eventually routed to the Cape Fear River. The storm sewer system is constructed of earthen drainage ditches and a wood lined ditch, The stormwater collection system is designed to handle a combined rate of approximately 13,900 gallons per minute (gpm) Engineering control devices are in place to prevent the mixture and/or contact with plant process constituents, Rainfall accumulated in permed chemical containment areas and other engineered spill containment structures are routed through the process sewer system after the waters have been tested and approved for such discharge. Confirmatory sampling is being focused on a small section of the storm sewer system where solid polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles were observed in the storm sewer system actiacent to the PVA unloading area of the Butacite(-R) area, Methanol is normally present in PVA and is a likely contaminant resulting from the PVA being present in the storm sewer. This section of the storm sewer is shown on Figure 5. The unit manages storm water from throughout the plant- Small amounts of PVA from the rail 40 car unloading area have reportedly been conveyed to the storm sewer through surface water runoff. VdhodwardZ�-& J %05FA41 0310SWPTEXT.D0C%1 Q-FQb--S8U)5FA41 ajVpH 1 3-2 DEQ-CFW-00032178 it Characteristics Migration Pathways Potential discharges to this section of the storm sewer system from the Butaciteg process area may impact soil and potentially surface water. 3.3 SWMU 9 A. FORMER WWTP LAGOONS Dates of Operation: Lagoons A & B 1979 to 1990 Lagoon C 1972 to 1979 Unit Characterization SWMU 9 A and B. consists cif unlined lagoons used for the settling of sediments from process and sanitary wastewater. From 1979 until the current WWTP was completed, these lagoons served as biosludge settlement lagoons for the plant's wastewater before discharging to the Cape Fear River. These lagoons replaced SWMU 9 C lagoons prior to the startup of the Nafione area. The lagoons were inground, trapezoidal in. shape and consisted of approximately eight impoundment cells. SWMU 9 A and B dimensions were approximately 180 feet by 270 feet by 6 feet and were located east of the existing WWTP. The lagoons were made up of several impoundment cells that were operated by alternately filling the cell with treated effluent, letting Am& the sludge settle, then decanting the supernate to the WWTP. The two lagoons (SWMU 9 A and B) were dismantled in 1990. A plate and frame filter press was used to process the sludge present in the lagoon, Filtrate generated by sludge processing was returned to the WWTP. Sludge residuals that remained on the lagoons bottoms and sides after primary sludge processing, were removed. Cement kiln dust was used to bind any free liquid to insure scrapings passed the paint filter test. The lagoons were backfilled with the same soil that was removed to construct them. The sludge and scrapings were properly disposed of at the 13171 Sampson County Landfill. SWMU 9.C. were the first lagoons constructed at the facility in 1972- SWMU 9 C was constructed by building earthen berms using the soil excavated when the original Equalization Basin and original clarifier were built for the WWTP. The lagoons were constructed to handle blOSIUdge. generated at the WWTP from the Butaciteg process. The lagoons were operated by filling separate impoundment cells one at a time, letting the sludge settle, then decanting the supernate to the WWTP. Prior to the startup of the Naflon 9 process, SWMU 9 C lagoons had become full of sludge and Were closed. SWMU 9 A and B lagoons were constructed to replace SWMU 9 C. The locations of the former WWTP lagoons are shown on Figure 6, Waste Characterization SWMU 9 A and B received both process and sanitary waste from throughout the facility. However SWMU 9 C received process and sanitary waste from the Butacite(& area only. W-odwa-J-CW. GI JI1)5FA410ICSWPTEXr. D001 0-P8b-9&%D5FA4 I 031PH 1 3-3 DEQ-CFW-00032179 S"ECTIONTHREE Unit Characteristics 10 migration Pathways The lagoons were in -ground and unlined. Potential releases from these SWMUs would primarily be to the subsurface soil and gToundwater. A system of groundwater monitoring wells has been installed as per NCDENR requirements. The wells in the area of this unit were designed 10 monitor impacts to the groundwater from past activities. The monitoring wells are constructed of either 2 inch or 4 inch diameter PVC pipe. Each well has a 5 foot screen with standard gravel packing - Date of Operation. 1977 to 1989 This area consisted of three 1,000 gallon underground storage tanks that contained gasoline and diesel fuel (42 fuel oil) used in association with the Agricultural Products test farm area. The tanks were removed in 1989. The holes were backfilled after tank removal and are now an unused, grass covered area. Figure 7 shows the location of AOC-C, .4 Waste Characterization These tanks handled gasoline and diesel fuel. The tanks were made of metal and were removed intact with no visual holes or defects noted at the time of removal. After the tanks were removed the tank excavations were also inspected for any sign of leakage and none was found. Releases from the tanks would impact soil and potentially groundwater. 3!1D5FA41031CSWPTEXT.DOC6IG-Fab-984[)5FA4102PHI 3-4 DEQ-CFW-00032180 A14 Project Management Plan 'Phis Project Management Plan (PMP) has been prepared by W-C Diamond Group as part of the Workplan preparation effort for implementation of a RCRA CS at the DuPont Fayetteville Works. The purpose of a PMP is to communicate and document the management approach for the project. The PMP contains the following sections, ❑ Technical approach D Project Schedule ❑ Persorwel (including roles and responsibilities) This PMP is intended as a supplement to the CS Workplan. Each project team member identified below will be familiar with the, CS Workplan. Additional documents (e.g., Waste Management Plan, Health and Safety Plan (HASP), field notes logbook, sample status logbook, etc.) may be developed as part of the pre -field mobilization effort as needed to ensure that all field activities are completed safely and effectively. The technical approach employed for this project will include: ❑ Selecting qualified personnel to perform management and technical duties 1* • Field investigation 0 Data review and interpretation 0 Project management 0 Report preparation activities U Effectively managing the personnel and project to meet the objectives of the CS Workplan ❑ Assembling and reviewing available data pertaining to site and technical studies 0 Executing effective investigative studies, as described in the CS Workplan ❑ Analyzing data and interpreting findings ❑ Presenting the data, findings, and conclusions resulting from the investigations ❑ Communicating with NCDENR (as required) The CS Workplan outlines an investigation that will be performed to determine if a release of hazardous constituents have occurred from the SWMUs and AOC listed in the permit as requiring CS (Table 1). If a release of hazardous constituents is determined to have occurred frorn a particular unit, a recommendation will be made to NCDENR to progress to the next phase of investigation, the RFI Workplan. If no releases have occurred from a particular unit, based on 10 the data, a recommendation of no further action will be made. Woodward.cwe W J;=FA4103%C34VPTEXT.17=1 O•Fao-WOUA4103%PH 1 4-1 DEQ-CFW-00032181 Project Management Plan The CS Workplan also describes the development and use of a Conceptual Evaluation Model (CEM) which will be used to prioritize all of the units that will require an RFL The CEM will be used to compare the relative potential for a unit, Or group of units, to pose a threat to human health and the environment. Based on the results of this evaluation, a risk management decision can be made regarding which units should be addressed first. A schedule has been developed for implementation of the CS Workplan and is presented in Appendix B. The duration of specift tasks reflect the current understanding that DuPont has regarding the scope of each task and is based on the experience of implementing similar programs at other DuPont facilities. Since implementation of the CS depends upon NCDF-NR approval of the CS Workplan, no fixed dates have been indicated on the schedule. DuPont understands that the CS is the first phase in a multi -phased RFI (if required). Since each phase builds on the preceding phase, a detailed schedule for the entire program cannot be completed at this time. If the CS phase of the investigation indicates a release of hazardous constituents from a particular unit, an, updated schedule will be prepared for the next phase of the investigation, the RFI Workplan. 91 9 0 N 1* 4 _161 to] N NO DuPont and W-C Diamond Group have carefully assembled a to of highly qualified professionals for the CS project possessing the knowledge and experience necessary to fulfill the needs of the Fayetteville CS. All senior personnel assigned to this jab have experience on complex, multi -phased construction, environmental, and remediation projects. The principal members of the DuPont project are. Q Project Director (PD): The PD is a DuPont corporate resource responsible for high-level project guidance and consistent application of DuPont philosophies across all projects. Cl Project Manager- The duties of the Project Manager are to schedule and access pro , ject resources, to prepare and ensure compliance with all project scopes schedules, and budgets, to provide project scheduling; to oversee and coordinate the activities of project ject personnel-. and to ensure satisfactory execution of all project work as well as communicate with NCDF-NR. 0 Project Geologist- The Project Geologist will be the primary technical resource involved in project support and report preparation and will supervise, coordinate, and assist in the performance of field operations. Z1 Staff Geologist-- The Staff Geologist will support report preparation activities, provide technical and geologic services, and assist in field operations. W-od*vard4DWe Q JMSFA4 I OaTSVPTEXT, DOCX1 O-Peb-WDSPA4101PHI 4-2 DEQ-CFW-00032182 LI E "PrOlect Management Plan LI Health and Safety Officer: The Health and Safety Officer will be responsible for preparing the project HASP, reviewing all project health and safety issues, and ensuring all project operations are performed in accordance with all applicable health, safety, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (()SHA) regulations and requirements. U Analytical Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Officer- The Analytical QA/QC Officer is responsible for preparing the applicable documentation that will guide the collection and analysis of all project analytical data. He or she will also be responsible for analytical audits on all applicable project tasks and phases to ensure that the highest quality analytical data are collected and preserved for use by the project team. U Regulatory Consultant: The duties of the Regulatory Consultant are to provide regulatory guidance and to ensure that all regulatory requirements are fulfilled in the performance of the project tasks. LI Site Supervisor. During CS field operations, the Site Super -visor will be designated to oversee field personnel and contractors. The Site Supervisor responsibilities will include direct supervision of field sampling operations and transmittal of samples to laboratories. J Site Safety Officer,, The Site Safety Officer is the prime field resource for ensuring that all activities are properly planned and implemented. This person will be responsible for ensuring that daily too] box meetings are held before work commences, that all field team members are complying with the HASP, and for documenting field safety activities. The Site Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that all team members understand their responsibility to work safely and to be alert to their CO -workers' safety. ❑ Contractors: During CIS field operations, it is anticipated that a drill crew and survey crew will be, required. The personnel on these crews will be properly trained and licensed in North Carolina to perform these duties. All contractors will be directed by the Site Supervisor and will be required to follow the project HASP, JID5FA41G3XCSVVPTEXT. DOC1I 0-F86-9MD6FA4103kPH 1 4-3 DEQ-CFW-00032183 U Zj! i q '�I'NiTTT .tj," 4H1 This sampling and analysis plan (SAP) presents a prograrn that will provide information to determine if potential release has occurred from selected units at the DuPont Fayetteville Works. The RR Guidance Document (EPA Publication 530/SW-89-03 1) was used to develop monitoring and data collection elements of this Workplan. All analyses will be perfon-ned in accordance with procedures described in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, PhysicallChemical Methods, EPA Publication SW-846 [Third Edition (September 1986), as amended by Update I (July 1992)]. As described in the PMP in Section 4.0, the CS is the, first phase in a multi -phased RFL Only CS activities are described herein. Groundwater and soil (surface and subsurface) will be sampled during the CS. Unit -specific soil investigations will be performed to provide preliminary information on elevated constituent levels within or near the units. Urtit-9pecific groundwater investigations may be performed to determine groundwater elevation and flow direction, and to provide preliminary information on elevated constituent levels in the groundwater near the unit. Sampling locations and depths have been carefully selected to provide samples representative of site conditions, and biased.to sample the most likely point of release. Based on facility records and the RFA for DuPont Fayetteville Works (DERS, 1993 revised 1996), analytical parameters for each sample have been determined by considering knowledge of the waste and constituents handled in the units and the operational history of the units. In SWMUs where a variety of wastes could possibly have been managed, a 46 more extensive list of analytical parameters, such as volatile organics, will be implemented. For units with a well-defined operational history, a more specific sampling and analysis plan is applicable. The field procedures outlined in the guidance documents in Appendix C will be followed during all phases of the field investigations or variance will be noted- The data management plan in Section 6-0 details the use and presentation of collected data. ReleawsOf Organic constituents from the units will be determined by comparing the reported constituents to background which is assumed to be non -detect. An organic constituent release will be. confirmed for a unit if reported concentrations exceed the PQL. Also, releases of metals from a unit will be determined by comparing the analytical results to background concentrations for the metals listed on Table 2- ` o determine site background concentrations of metals, 4 soil borings will be advanced to approximately 12 feet below ground level (8GL). Figure 2 shows the proposed locations for the background soil borings. Soil samples will be collected at intervals which are geologically equivalent to sampling horizons around the MMUs. (i.e., background metal samples consisting of unsaturated surficial aquifer material will be collected for comparison to samples collected in that same horizon near a SWMU). A total of at least 12 soil samples (three per boring) Will be collected. 'Soil samples will be analyzed for the metals listed in Table 2. WbodWard-Chda W J1D5FA41034GSVVPTEXT. DOC% 1 O-Feb-MD5FA4 1 03TH1 5-1 DEQ-CFW-00032184 SECTIONFIVE Confirmatory Sampling And Analysis Plan 10 Background concentrations will be calculated using the UTL approach described in Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities {EPA, 1989a). The UTL is the upper limit of the tolerance interval which establishes a concentration that contains a specified portion (P) of the population with a specified level of confidence (Y). For calculation of background concentrations, a P of 95 percent and a Y of 95 percent will be used. Thus, there is a 95 percent confidence that the calculated UTL will contain 95 percent of the distribution of background concentrations for each constituent. .Procedures for calculating tolerance limits are detailed in Section 6.4.1. Soil samples will be classified by soil horizon and compared to background U'ri,s from the same horizon. Borings will be advanced using a GeoprobeTM or hollow -stem augers, and soil samples will be collected in split -barrel samplers or Shelby tubes. Some areas of the site may be inaccessible to drilling rigs, in those areas, a stainless steel hand auger will be used to collect samples. For logging purposes, all borings will be continuously sampled, but only the sampling intervals specified in each SWMU will be collected for laboratory analysis. Appropriate guidance documents are provided in Appendix C. Table ') describes soil boring depths and number of borings at each SWMU, and Table 4 summarizes the analytical parameters. All soil sample analyses will be reported on a dry weight basis to meet the requirements of the NCDENR Division of Waste Management- If groundwater elevation is above the base of the unit for 01 SWMU 6 and AC C - C, groundwater samples wwill be collect in lieu of soil samples for that unit. During the sampling activities, all work will be monitored with an organic vapor detector, such as a flame ionization detector (FID), as a means of assessing the presence of volatiles in soil at the various sampling locations. Other monitoring may be conducted to fulfill requirements of the pro ' iect HASP, All samples will be collected, preserved, transported, and analyzed in accordance with the guidance documents in Appendix C. All solid wastes generated will be placed into 55-gallon drums and scaled for final disposition at a later date. To avoid cross -contamination between sample locations, all field equipment will be decontarninated before use at each boring location, in accordance with guidance documents included in Appendix C. The groundwater investigation portion of the CS will focus on potential releases from SWMU 9 A, 13, and C and SWN4U 6 or ACC - C where the base of the unit is below the water table. Groundwater information collected from sarnple points, monitoring wells and temporary wells will be used to depict groundwater flow direction. Samples collected downgradient will be compared to upgradient samples for that area of investigation. If no significant increase in groundwater concentration levels exists between the upgradient and downgradient wells, and no elevated concentrations are detected in the downgradient groundwater and surrounding soil 110 samples (relative to site background information), then data from both media will confirm that no release has occurred. Woodward -Clyde 40 JMSFAA I 031CSWPTEXT. QW1 0-FoO-9805FAA I OMPRI 5-2 DEQ-CFW-00032185 SECTIONFIVE Confirmatory Samplino And Analnis Plan 010 Six monitor wells will be sampled near SWMU 9 A, B, and C as part of the CS investigation (Figure 6). The monitoring wells near SWMU 9 A, B, and C will be sampled within the same time period. If groundwater elevations are determined to be above the invert of SWMU 6 or ACC - C groundwater samples will be collected from GeoprobeTA pre -packed screens installed within the soil boring. To minimize turbidity and the effects of drilling, groundwater samples will be collected from the temporary wells a minimum of 48 hours following completion and development. Water levels will be measured in newly installed wells and existing wells ill the vicinity of the investigated SWMUs with an electronic water level indicator. Water level measurements in new and existing wells will be perfom-ied prior to sampling groundwater. Methods for purging and sampling monitor wells are detailed in the guidance documents in Appendix C and include methods described in the RCR,4 Groundwater Monitoring Guidance (EPA, 1992a) and in EP,4 Region IV &andard Operaling Procedures and Qualify Assurance Manual (FPA, 199 ]a), Analytical methods for background and SWMU soil and groundwater samples are listed in Tables'-), 4, and 5, 5.5 SAMPLING LOCATIONt Boring locations for each unit were selected using process and historical knowledge to determine where releases were likely to have occurred- If no information is available to predetermine soil -sample locations, then the borings will be located adjacent to the unit, and the soil samples will be, taken immediately below the base. Borings located within a unit shall not damage an engineered unit. Boring locations of units without well-defined boundaries (i.e., WWTP Lagoons) will be located within the known area. Samples will be taken below the base of the unit in native soils, VFM- Rnlq=- r 3 A total of 9 soil borings will be completed adjacent to the process sewer system. Sample locations were selected based on observations made during a January 1998 site inspection. Nine soil borings will be completed along the sides of pipes and pipe joints along the entire process sewer system (Figures 3 and 4). Soil boring locations were selected near sumps, lift stations and manholes where several process sewer lines converge. These locations were selected because they represent worst case locations for leakage around joints and connections. Soil samples will be collected from the base of the sewer line to two feet into natural soil (Table 3). The borings will be terminated at the first occurrence of saturated soils. No soil samples will be collected is below the water table- WbodwarcLCIydo W j�)E)5FA4103%CSWPTEXT,DOC%IG-Fbb-984DSFA4103%PHI 5-3 DEQ-CFW-00032186 SECTIONFIVE Confirmatory Sampling And Analysis Plan 10 If groundwater is encountered above the base of the unit in any boring around the process sewer system, a single point groundwater sample will be collected from that boring. The groundwater samples will be analyzed for the same chemical constituents as the proposed soil sample at that location. Potential Source Material Samples will be analyzed for potential source materials that, according to existing records, could be present in this S.WMU. Samples will be analyzed based on the source materials that are discharged to the SWMU by source area. The material and applicable analytical test methods are- Cbemical. Parameters Analytical Test Method Appendix IV Volatiles Glycols Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Fluoride Ionyy --------- - --- Chloride Ion 7470A/7471A -6010B (ICP trace• EPA Analysis Method(s) Because the waste managed in this SWMU comes from different sources along the main process sewer trunk, soil samples collected along the branches of the process sewer will be analyzed for the contaminants discharged from the source areas. Samples collected along the process sewer trunk will be analyzed for the combination of all contaminants. It should be noted that analytical methods are not available for all of the process materials that may be found in trace quantities in the process sewer system. As such, a target analyte list (Table 5) was developed to represent those constituents that may be present that can be analyzed directly with an approved analytical methods. Samples from the Nafiong, process sewer branch will be analyzed for Hazardous Substances List volatiles by Method 8260B, Glycols by Method 801513, Fluoride and Chloride by Method 300.OA, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) by Method 418.1, select metals (chromium, nickel, iron and lead) by Method 601 OB (ICP trace) and pH by 904513. Wbo&ward-Clyde %I J105FA410MGMPTEXT DOCR10-FO-OMWMIO-MPHI 5-4 DEQ-CFW-00032187 Confirmatow Samilling And ARBIMS Plan Samples from the ButacitelDz processes sewer branch will be analyzed for methanol and Glycols by Method 8015E and pH by Method 904513. The sample collected from the Power Plant area will be analyzed for pH by Method 9045E only (Table 5). A total of two shallow soil samples will be completed along the storm sewer drainage ditch adjacent to and dowaigradlent of the PVA unloading area where PVA flakes were observed in the storm sewer system (Figure 5). One soil sample will be collected for analysis from each location at 0 to 2 feet below the base of the storm sewer channel to determine if a release to soil has occurred. Samples will be analyzed for potential source materials that, according to existing records, could be present in this SWMU, Since PVA was observed in the storm sewer system and methanol is normally present in PVA, the samples will be analyzed for methanol_ EPAAnalysis Method(s) Because PVA is the only contaminant known to have entered the storm sewer system, the soil samples will be analyzed for methanol by Method 801 5B, ;Vill Six soil borings will be advanced around the Former WWTP Lagoons (Figure 6). Borings will be advanced vertically through the footprint of the former lagoons- Borings will be located to avoid former earthen berms that separated the lagoons and former impoundment cells. Soil samples will be collected from 0-2, 5-7, and 10- 12 feet below the base of the unit or until groundwater is encountered (Table 3). If groundwater is encountered above 12 feet BGL a soil sample will be collected at the soil water interface. Groundwater samples will be collected from six existing monitoring wells in the SWMU area (Figure 6). Groundwater samples will be collected from monitoring wells MW-I S, MW-2S, MW-5D, MW-SS, and MW- I 2S, WDocivmns-OtWe & J:%Q5FA4103TSWPTF.XTD0M1 0-Febw%W5FA4 i MPH 5-5 DEQ-CFW-00032188 1 JFFjTj7j=Zjj t41-1111 1jM-, 9 11 L MM Target Analytes Samples will be analyzed for target analytes based on records that indicate specific waste and constituents handled in these SWMUs. Because the former WWTP lagoons have different histories, the lagoons will be analyzed for different sets of target analytes. SWMU 9 A and B will be analyzed for the same list of analytes as the process sewer system. SWMU 9 C will be analyzed for waste materials generated from the Butaciteg area only. The target analytes and applicable analytical test methods are: hemical Parameters . ..... . ....... Analytical Test Method ------------ ........................... SWMU 9 - A and B Appendix IV Volatiles M 'r =HUM= Fluoride Ion Chloride Ion a WOMIN 6010 (ICP trace) -------------------------- NOW Groundwater -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- - - - - Appendix IV Volatiles ---------- NOW, Tfu'oride Ion ----------- Ur'l T e' P, b', N i 6010 (1 C P trace) ---------------------------------- EPA Analysis Method(s) Because the waste managed in these units was sludge from the WWTP, soil samples will be analyzed for the same contaminants as the waste that was managed by the process sewer system. Samples collected from SWMU 9 - A and B will be analyzed for the same target analytes that were developed fox, SWMU 6, Samples will be analyzed for Hazardous Substances List volatiles by Method 826013, Glycols by Method 8015B, Fluoride and Chloride by Method 300.OA, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) by Method 419, 1, select metals (chromium, nickel, iron and lead) by Method 601 OB (ICP trace) and pH by 9045B (Table 5). Woodmm'd-cwe a 4165FA4103kCSWPTEXT. DQM1 D-Feb-9805FA410WH 1 5-6 DEQ-CFW-00032189 El 0 Ll 111,14ITT Confirmatory Sampling And Analysis Plan Because SWMU 9-C received waste from the Butacitet area only, soil samples collected from the SWMU will be analyzed for methanol and Glycols by Method 8015E and pH by Method 9045B. Groundwater samples will be analyzed for the same target parameter lists as the soil samples. In addition samples will be analyzed for nitrate/nitrite by Method 353.2 and total dissolved solids by Method 160.2- A total ofthree soil borings will be advanced within the former Ag Products UST Area to a total depth of 12 feet BGL. Borings will be advanced vertically through the former UST excavations. One soil sample will be collected per boring from the first 2 feet of natural soil (Table 3). Soil boring locations are shown on Figure 7- If groundwater is encountered above 12 feet BGL, a soil sample will be collected at the soil water interface and a single point groundwater sample will be collected from a boring in the center of the UST area, 1'he groundwater sample will be analyzed for the same constituents as the proposed soil samples. Target Analytes Samples will be analyzed for petroleum constituents consistent with gasoline and diesel fuel contamination. The target analytes and analytical test methods are: Chemical Parameters Analytical Test Method BIT X 8260B TPH 418,1 TPH-DRO 8015B Pb 6010 (ICI' trace) Because the USTs in this area were used to contain gasoline and diesel fuel, soil samples will be analyzed for benzent, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene using method 8260B- In addition, soil samples will be analyzed for lead by Method 6010 (ICP trace), TPH by Method 41.8.1 and diesel range organics by Method 801513 ("'able 5), JM)5FA4103%CsVVPTEXT. DOONI O-Fab-"05FA4103WHI 5-7 DEQ-CFW-00032190 U 11 U Confirmalon SaMpling And Analysis Plan The following six steps must be accomplished prior to commencement of field activities to ensure that sampling is carried out safely and correctly: 1. The Field Team Leader shall notify the laboratory of the upcoming sampling event so that the laboratory can prepare the appropriate type and number of sample containers. The anticipated number of sampling sites, list of parameters to be. analyzed for each SWIMU, replicate requirements, and number of extra bottles needed for quality control (QC) testing shall be specified to the laboratory manager. 2. A] I equipment to be used during the sampling event will be inspected by the site supervisor. 3. Field instrumentatioi) to be used during sampling (i.e., pH, temperature, water level, and specific conductance meters) will be checked to ensure, proper calibration and precision response. 4. All forms to be used in the field (including the field logbook, chain -of -custody sheets and seals, and sample analysis request forms) will be assembled- 5. Bottles will be "'pre -labeled" during the preliminary phase of the sampling event to reduce confusion in the field. Certain information (e.g., well number, sample point, sample identification number, preservative, and type of parameters) may be affixed to the label with permanent ink during the pre -field activities. Other information (e.g., sample time and date, samplers' names, etc.) may be added to the label only after the sample is collected. A cross-reference to the information contained on the label will be documented in the field logbook to correspond with the well number or soil boring location and sampling interval_ Thefield team shall review proper sampling protocols. In addition, proper health and safety protocols shall be reviewed prior to the sampling event. Sampling procedures that will be used during the CS are detailed in the guidance documents provided in Appendix C, and include: 0=7 - �-,= J.05PA41035CGVfflTUT.DOC%10-Feb-981D5FAA103VF,HI 5-8 DEQ-CFW-00032191 E SECTIONFIVE fir at Sampling And Analvsis Plan Field Activity Guidance Docu ent Hollow -Stem Auger Drilling Rotary 17rilling (Air, Water, or Mud) 5002 5001 Lithologic Logging of Core Samples 6001 Groundwater Monitor Well Installation 4101 Groundwater Monitor Well Development _Groundwater 4102 Level Measurement 2102 Groundwater Monitor Well Purging 1202 Soil Sampling Headspace Screening .1, '. 03 L.� �2an�d/or 2�2. Field meters used during sampling [photo ionization detector (PID) or organic vapor analyzer (OVA), pH, conductivity, temperature, and water level meters] will be checked for calibration consistent with the manufacturer -recommended procedures. Field instrument and equipment calibration are included in Table 5. When the manufacturer has not specified a calibration interval for an instrument, W-C Diamond Group will establish one. Field equipment will be 46 supplied and maintained by W-C Diamond Group or Ha7-co Services. The pH meter calibration will be checked at each well through the use of two buffer solutions that bracket the historical range of pH in the wells to be sampled. The meter will be calibrated daily in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and SW-846 standards. The probe of the rneter and sampling cups will be thoroughly rinsed with deionized",ater before and after use. Calibration procedures are described in the guidance documents for this instrument. U The specific conductivity meter will be cliecked daily against a laboratory prepared potassium chloride (KCl) standard solution. If the meter exhibits unacceptable error (greater than five percent), it will be recalibrated according to the procedure defined in the guidance documents for this instrument. The probe of the meter and sampling cups will be thoroughly rinsed with deionized water before and after each use. The static water level (SWL) in a well will be measured through use of an electric water level indicator, The SWL will be measured 1rom a scribed mark at the top of the well casing. The FID or OVA detector will be used for health and safety monitoring and for screening Soil samples. The calibration will be done in accordance with manufacturer specifications, VkHm1ward-Mydo d.ID5FA41{734CSWPTEXT.DQCIID-Feb,gMD5FA41031PHI 5 _ 9 DEQ-CFW-00032192 "DECTIONFIVE Confirmatory Sampling Aml Analysis Plan M �E The frequency of calibrating field instruments is summarized in Table 5. For the p1q meter, buffers will be at pH 4, pH 7, and pH 10. Two of the three buffers will be used to calibrate the meter. The pH 7 buffer is always one of the calibration buffers, and the second buffer (pH 4 or pH 10) will be consistent with the parameters of the samples collected in the field. if the samples are acidic, then the pH meter will be calibrated with the pH 4 buffer. If the samples are alkaline, then the pH meter will be calibrated with the pH 10 buffer. If the sample parameters for pH cannot be determined prior to calibration, then one buffer, either pH 4 or pH 10, will be used to calibrate the pH meter. If pH 4 is selected and the pH of the collected sample is above 7, then the pH meter will be recalibrated with the pH 10 buffer and the sample will be reanalyzed with the final result recorded in the field notebook- Likewise for the pH 10 buffer, if it is selected and the pH of the collected sample is below 7, then the pH meter will be recalibrated with the pH 4 buffer, and the sample will be reanalyzed- The buffers will be purchased from a laboratory chemical supply, and the exact pH will be noted in the field notebook. For the conductivity meter, reference solutions will be in the range of 1,000 µomhs/cm. The median standard will be used for calibration checks. Reference solutions will be purchased from a chemical supply manufacturer. For the FID or OVA,, span gases will be purchased from chemical suppliers. These gases will be in the 10 to 100 ppm range. Calibration procedures for all "health and safety" type equipment are contained in the pro-jcct HASP, To ensure the purity and integrity ofthe soil and groundwater samples collected, the following guidance documents included in Appendix C provide procedures for decontaminating equipment: M MA Decontamination Procedure Guideline Number General Decontamination Area Guidelines 7101 Sample and Measurement Too] Decontamination 7201 Decontamination of Field Equipment with Steam 7202 1�*f -A �j PIUM MON , j I a, 16 0 1 # . Sampling procedures include collection, preservation, handling, and custody procedures. W@7[M- WIMM�- to �#- Samples will be collected using the procedures contained in the guidance documents in Appendix C. Clean gloves will be worn during the handling of all samples and sampling devices, L7=- = f JAD5FA4101CSWPTEXT. DQC5l 0-F@4-gUN05FACOMPH 1 5-10 DEQ-CFW-00032193 E E SECTIONFIVE Confirmaterg Sampling And AnalYsis Plan In general, soil and groundwater samples will be taken in the following order to reduce loss of volatile components: U Vo)atile organics D Extractable organics U Inorganics The guidance documents in Appendix C that pertain to collecting samples are., §pi!F�FooTSarnple Collection Shelbv Tube, Sample Collection Hand Auger Sample Collection Core Barrel and Hammer Sample Collecii-o—n! Yroundwater Monitor Well Sample Collectionr, Packaging and Shipment of Soil Samples — - - - ----- - N 01-0=6 — ------ ---- i --- - 11 is Table 6 presents the sample preservation methods, types of sampling jars, and holding times. Since field filtering of'groundwater samples is not permitted by NCDENR, preservation will be done immediately. Sample coolers and ice will be available to maintain the samples at a cool temperature (optimum 4°C) From the time of collection until the coolers arrive at the laboratory, ��M The custody of samples collected during a field investigation must be traceable at all times. The chain -of -custody form records possession of the samples from the time of collection until disposing or archiving the sample. A sample is considered under custody if. U It is in the investigator's possession Q It is in the investigator's view after possession has been established Cl The investigator locks up the sample after possession D It is in a designated secure area J IDSFAA1031CSV4PTEXT.DOC)10.Feb-9805FAqlO3sPHI 5-11 DEQ-CFW-00032194 SIECTIONFIVE Confirmatory Sampling And Analnis Plan 5.7.2 Field Custody Procedures At the time of sample collection, the following field activities are performed and/or documented by the investigator: LI All procedures regarding preparation of reagents or supplies used in sample collection and/or sample preservation C3 Sample quantity, type (composite or grab), and sample locations are documented in the investigator's field log 0 Preparation of sample labels, including sample identification numbers, time and date of collection, proposed laboratory analyses, and names of samplers Samples collected in the field by a team of investigators are the responsibility of each sampler until the samples are transf,!rred to a person designated as the field sample custodian. Chain -of -custody forms are not required for ;samples analyzed in the field; however, custody must be maintained at all times prior to analysis. Prior to dispatch of the samples, a chain -of -custody form is completed by the field sample custodian, Sample locations, sample identification numbers, description of samples, number of samples collected, and specific laboratory analyses to be run on each sample are recorded on a chain -of -custody form. The field sample custodian signs and dates the chain -of -custody form and retains a copy for the investigating company's records - Prior to presentation to a registered courier, the sample shipping container (cooler, box, etc.) is sealed with signed chain -of -custody forms inside. The authorized laboratory custodian that receives the samples will sign the chain -of -custody forms, thus terminating custody of the field sample custodian. IM906= M Sample custody at the analytical laboratory is maintained through systematic sample control procedures composed of the following iterns- lD Sample receipt CI Sample log -in Cl Sample storage 0 Sample archival/disposal The laboratory's chain -of -custody procedures will be documented in the laboratory's quality assurance (QA) plan, which will be provided to the Department when a laboratory is selected for the CS. WO-dW.PJ-CNdO jM5PA4 i O34C$VJPYEXT.DDCR10-Fab-SB%D5FA41031PHI 5-12 DEQ-CFW-00032195 SECTIONFIVE Confirmatory Sampling And Analysis Plan 4.*]IELOI'lf-l1I k V96141 ki k Wel *4111 1 *41 A QC plan ensures that data collected are both representative.and valid. The QC plan includes: El Documentation of sample collection methods 0 Calibration of field testing equipment Cl Handling of collected samples including sample preservation and chain -of -custody control Q Collection and analyses of QC samples MIEWM. [MM 17.1 Duplicates of water samples (i.e., monitor wells) will be obtained by alternately filling sample containers from the same sampling device for each parameter. am. ples for volatile organics analysis from monitor wells will be filled from the same bailer of water whenever possible and will be the first set of containers filled. Field blanks, equipment blanks, and trip blanks will be used to identify potential sources of contamination. The field blank is analyte-free water transferred from one vessel to a sample container at the sampling location, and then preserved with the appropriate reagents. Equipment blanks (field riniate blanks) are used to evaluate equipment cleaning Or decontamination procedures. At the sample location, analyte-free water or deionized water is poured over or through the sample collection device, collected in a sample container, and preserved as appropriate. A trip blank consists of sample containers filled at the laboratory with analyte-free or deionized water. The trip blank travels to the site with the empty sample bottles and back from the site with the collected samples in an effort to simulate sample handling conditions. Trip blanks are not opened in the field - All blank,-., are handled, V411Sported, and analyzed in the same manner as the actual field samples. If possible, blanks should not be held on site for more than four calendar days. The temperature of all the blanks, except the trip blanks, must be maintained at 4°C while on site and during .shipment. The trip blank is not shipped to the site on ice, but must be maintained at 4'C when accompanying collected sample,,. Holding times for individual parameters are dictated by the specific analytical method used. gamma =- Field duplicate,, (or split samples), field blanks, and equipment blanks will be taken at a level of 00 one in 20 for each appmpriate type of matrix and parameter. A minimum of one equipment blank per day will be collected. Trip blanks will accompany every shipping container that has sample bottles specified for volatile analysis. J:105PA4103\GgVvPTEXT.DOCIiO-Feb-981D5FA4iO3uF,mi 5-13 DEQ-CFW-00032196 Data Manauement Plan This data management plan (DMP) presents a program for systematically managing information acquired during the CS investigation. The DMP describes procedures for recording data, displaying data, evaluating data, and determining the need for fWlher action, A data record for in.formation collected during a CS must be developed to provide all information needed to subsequently analyze and assess the results of the field and laboratory work. Data records require consistent labeling and recording of field observations to fkilitate future data reduction and analysis and to eliminate the need for speculation concerning the quality of observations or the influence of environmental factors on an ultimate result. For each sample or measurement collected as part of the data record, the following information shall be provided: I , Unique sample number I Sampling or field measurement location and sample or measurement type 3, Sampling date 4. Sampling or field measurement raw data 5- Property Or component measured G. Results of analysis (concentration) 40 7. Detection limit 8. Reporting units M MIM I Information will berecordedin field notebooks to document the procedures used and the prevailing conditions during the field investigation. Previous field records will be reviewed at each site visit, and any unusual site conditions encountered during the field investigation will be described to allow interpretation of erroneous data at a later date. Field documentation of activities will be comprehensively recorded, so data may be easily interpreted at a later date, ],'or example, when sampling is conducted, the following types of information will be recorded: 1. Name of sampler 2. Purpose of sampling 3, Date and time of sampling* 4. Sample type* S. Sampling location description and/or grid coordinates (including photographs, if possible)* 6, Sampling method, sample containers, and preservatives used* 7. Sample weight or volume (if applicable) wa-dw-"I-M� a JAD5FA4103%CSWPTEjX'r DOCXIO-Peb-9a%D5FAA1MPHt 6-1 DEQ-CFW-00032197 E! E. E Data management plan S. Number of samples taken 9. Unique san-iple identification numbers* 10. Amount of water purged (for groundwater sampling) 11. Field observations (prevailing weather conditions and other relevant factors that might influence sample integrity) 12- Field measurements conducted* 13. Initials of person responsible for observation Information required for data record Copies of these field observations and records will be submitted to the project file after each field activity. 3UMMBM-73r r•~ Each sample collected as part of this CS will be assigned a unique number. The sample number will indicate the type of sample media and the sampling location. The sample media will be indicated by the format of the sample name. A SWMU number and depth will be included in the sample name for soil samples. A monitor well (N4W) number (and no sample depth) will be included for groundwater samples. For example, the first soil sample collected at SWMU 6, Sampling Station Number 1, could be assigned the code: FVW nSW6 LU, LMXWV� --01 sitQ (Fayetteville Situ) SW M or Sample Location Number Depth (feet) 3a= CS data will be arranged and presented to facilitate interpretation and understanding of this information as it pertains to the overall objectives of the investigation. Typical data displays include tabulation of measurements and observations and graphical displays to summarize information as it relates to conditions present at the site. It is anticipated that raw data will be evaluated predominantly through use of the appropriate tables and screening procedures to evaluate outliers and to produce data summaries. Final data will be assessed using a variety of summary procedures, including tabular and graphic forms. v"= J3D5FA4103%CSWWTEXT DQQ%10-Feb-98%D5FA4103%PH1 6-2 DEQ-CFW-00032198 SECTIONSIX Tabular Displays Data Management Plan Raw data will be presented and evaluated in tabular form using electronic spread sheets. In addition, data will be sorted and evaluated by examination of their relationship to the site to determine the presence of outliers or invalid data points. The following will be presented in tabular displays: 0 Unsorted (raw) data L1 Results for each medium or for each constituent monitored Ll Statistical analysis 11 Data soiled by potential stratification factors El Summary data These, displays will be prepared electronically to prevent transcription errors and facilitate rapid evaluation of information. Once raw data have been screened and the QC assessment has been completed, final tables and displays will be prepared- AM1�'inal project data will be displayed, where applicable, using a variety of graphical methods to AalloI and development ofa clear understanding of the sampling locations, areas where more data are needed, and levels of constituents at each sampling location. Spatial distribution of constituents found will be examined through displaying constituent concentrations on site facility maps representing the various sampling points. Where appropriate, maps will be prepared to indicate groundwater flow, changes in concentration in relation to distances from the source, and constituent concentration patterns. Features affecting intermedia transport will be displayed, as well as identification of potential receptors. Subsurface information will be displayed using vertical profiles and cross -sections to allow an examination of the change in impacts to soil or groundwater with depth. This type of display also will allow an examination of substrata- Hydrogeologic cross -sections will be used as appropriate to evaluate more fully the relationship of groundwater to potential releases from the site. At the present time, it is not anticipated that three-dimensional plots and stratigraphy fence diagrams will be necessary for description of features present at the site. Data collected during the CS investigation will be evaluated using statistical methods. Background concentrations will be established for naturally occurring substances such as metals for comparison with substance concentrations detected during the CS. The steps that will be AMR&. followed to statistically evaluate the data are- Woodward-C"o 40 JAQ5rA4103NCSWPTEXT 13QC%1G-FQb-98)05FA410MPH 1 6-3 DEQ-CFW-00032199 SECTIONSIX • Distribution testing • Handling, of nondetect values • Calculation of tolerance limits • Comparison of discrete sample values to limits Data Management Plan The calculations of tolerance limits and comparisons of discrete sample values are detailed in Section 6-4. Data Collection Planning The first -step in planning a statistical evaluation of a data set is to determine the requisite size of the data set. The distribution of the data will be tested to determine if the data set is normally or lognormally distributed (or nonnomial). Normal and lognormal distribution will be tested by observing a probability plot of the untransformed and the natural log transforrn of the data. Lognormality A06 Re will also be tested by calculating the Shapiro -Wilkes test statistic (EPA, 1989a and 1992b). The statistical method used in deriving the UTL (for background data) or the upper confidence limit (UCL) (fbr site data) will be dependent upon the distribution of the data. Nondetects in normally distributed data (ifnondelects are less than IS percent of the data set) will be handled by substituting the detection limit for the nondetect value, If the data are normally distributed and nondetects are greater than 15 percent of the data set, then Cohen's method will be used- lithe data are lognormafly distributed, nondetects will be handled using the Probability Plot method (also known as Helsel's Robust method), A criterion for determining whether a release has occurred from SWMUs/AOC included in the CS will be a comparison of sample data with area background concentrations. For organic AWIL. compounds, "background" concentrations will be the PQL. For naturally occurring substances, background concentrations will be those concentrations that occur in areas of the facility that have, not been affected by industrial activities. Waodwanf;-C� IV JAWAA I 0MG6WPrEXT.DQC%1 O-F e6-981D$FA410MPH1 6-4 DEQ-CFW-00032200 IECTIONSIX Data Management Plar The CS activities typically are not intended to generate sufficient numbers of samples from each environmental medium associated with a SWMU to allow generation of statistically -derived upper bound concentrations- As a result, maximum concentrations of naturally occurring chemical constituents detected at each SWMU investigated will be used as the basis for the comparison with background concentrations. This approach introduces a high level of conservatism. Data will be collected to characterize area background concentrations of naturally occurring substances in soil. 'The concentrations of naturally occurring chemical constituents in the background data will be used in the risk assessment to determine the presence of chemical constituents that might have been introduced to the environmental medium under evaluation as a result of industrial activities (Le., site -related), Background concentrations of naturally occurring substance,, in soils will be represented by collecting a set of 12 soil samples. Background concentrations of naturally occurring chemical constituents in groundwater will be obtained from published background values for the area - The UTL will be derived from background samples collected for soil samples only. The statistical method used in deriving UTLs will be dependent on the distribution (i.e., normal, lognormal, or nonnormal) of the data. is Calculation of Tolerance Limits After the underlying distribution of the data set is determined and nondetect values are evaluated, the UTI, of the data set will be calculated according to the appropriate distribution. For normally distributed data: Where: UTL = x + ks X � Sample mean k = Tolerance factor (95 percent coverage, 95 percent confidence) S = Standard deviation For lognormally distributed data: UTI, = e {x + ks) Where: X = Sample mean k = 'Tolerance factor (95 percent coverage, 95 percent confidence) 10 S = Standard deviation e = 2,718 Wbodward-C"a W J:%D5FA410MCSVIJPTP_XT DOCM-Feb-98%D5FA4103NPHI 6-5 DEQ-CFW-00032201 SECTIONSIX Data management Plan For nonparametric data sets, the UTL is assumed to be the maximum value of the data set, according to EPA guidance (EPA, 1992b), Discrete sample concentrations of the field sampling data will be compared to the background UTL concentrations. If the sample concentration is less than or equal to the background UTL concentration, then the sample may be assumed to be a me-mber of the background population. If a particular constituent in a field sample has a concentration greater than the background 1.31-L, then the constituent may be assumed to be a member of a population different from the background population. However, due to the nature of the UTL calculation, it is possible that as much as five percent of the true background population exceeds the UTL (EPA, 1992b). Thus, if less than five percent of the samples exceed the background UTL for a given constituent in a given area, the constituent may not be considered to be present above what could be expected from samples collected from a naturally occurring distribution of that constituent. All units designated for investigation in the RF1, by exhibiting a release as determined by this CS effort, will be subject to prioritization. The objective of the prioritization effort is to identify those units on the DuPont Fayetteville Works that have the greatest potential to adversely affect human health or the environment. Once the unit prioritization process has been completed, the RF1 can be focused on first investigating the higher priority units. Lower priority units may be addressed in order of importance (i.e., medium and low priority) at a later stage in the Corrective Action process. Prioritization ofthe SWMUs/AOCs will be performed by applying available site -specific information contained in the CEM and, when appropriate, professional judgment to determine which units (if any) are the most significant contributors to health and environmental risk. Prioritization will be based on the unit's potential to: 0 Cause fire/eNplosion or pose some other serious safety hazard 11 Release significantly beyond the perceived boundary of the unit :1 Adversely affect the health of'human (and, in some situations, ecological) receptors that might come in direct contact with affected media within the unit LJ Migrate to other environmental media such as air. groundwater, surface water, and sediments 13 Migrate to off -site receptors-, both human and ecological J.MSFAA1 031CSVVPTEXT.DQC%1 G.Feb•MDSFAA I 03TH 1 6-6 DEQ-CFW-00032202 SECTIONSIX Data Management Plan An excellent source of information to be used in creating the CEM unit prioritization process is NCDENR's Guidance. for the Use of RCRA National Corrective Action Priorilization System (NCAPS) in North Carolina, which was published on August 29,1995 (NCDENR, 1995). The guidance was based largely on the USEPA's NCAPS system to tank Hazardous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs) in the United States. NCDENR augmented the EPA guidance with information, such as climatological information, that is specific to the state to allow for ranking of facilities located in North Carolina. The NCDENR NCAPS prioritization system will serve as ab.asis for the development of the CEM and prioritization of RFI units. The NCAPS scoring system is divided into four sections, namely groundwater, surface water, air, and on -site- Although the final criteria to be used in prioritizing the units have not been selected at this time, minimum criteria have been decided and consist of the following: D Confirmation and significance of release from each unit. Sample data collected from the CS or other activities at the facility forms the basis for such determination. However, in the absence of sample data, information included in documents such as the R-FA is critical to determining the confirmation or potential significance of a release, 40 El ldentification of the potential for migration to groundwater, such as the depth to groundwater, the net annual precipitation in an area, and the physical state (e.g., solid, liquid, gas) of the materials disposed in or present at each unit. Q Integrity of any containment systems that might be present at some or all units. Whether the unit exists as a surface impoundment, as a container/tank, as a pile of solid material, or as a landfill is significant to the evaluation of integrity. 0 Toxicity and persistence of'chemical constituents that are confirmed to be present or, in the absence ol'analytical data, that might be. present within a unit, D If'available, the quantities of waste materials that might have been disposed of within a unit. 0 Potential receptors and area groundwater use patterns in the vicinity of a unit. D Distances from a unit to the nearest potential receptors. �@- 0 Presence of an observed release from a unit, either by surface runoff or by discharge of groundwater into a nearby surface water body. D Physical and chemical characteristics of a chemical substance that are conducive to migration potential to surface water. 0 Integrity of unit in respect to containment. Wbodward-CW& 40 JAD5FA41 03CSWPTEXTDOCO 0-FOO-9MD5FA41 D3\PHJ 6-7 DEQ-CFW-00032203 SECTIONSIX Data Management Plan Q Whether the unit is located in an area that is prone to flooding or in the direct path of runoff to a nearby surface water body. ZI Proximity of a unit to a surface water body. LI Quality of a surface water body in proximity to a unit, particularly when the water body contains sensitive habitats. C3 Aquatic toxicity and persistence of chemical constituents that have been or might be released from a unit. 0 Presence of an observed release from a unit, particularly a surficial release- D Physical and chemical characteristics of substances in a unit that would cause them to become airborne. D Toxicity of chemical constituents that are confirmed to be present or, in the absence of analytical data, that might be present within a unit, El Proximity of potential receptors, both on site and off site, to a unit. .0kh. On -Site Route * Presence and potential significance of an observed release from a unit, particularly a surficial release. * Potential for receptors to directly contact affected or potentially affected environmental media within a unit. Cl Toxicity of'chemical constituents that are confirmed to be present or, in the absence of analytical data, that might be present within a unit. C3 Exposure frequency and duration potentials according to current worker activity patterns in the area of each unit. LI Presence of any on -Site sensitive environments in proximity to the unit. C1 Presence of any threat of fire/explosion or other serious safety hazard. E woodwan%-C"s 40 J:%06FA410MGSWPTEXT. DOCII 0-Feb,9805FA4103THI 6-8 DEQ-CFW-00032204 Ll Ll ASECTIONSIX Data Management Plan Prioritization of each of the SWMUs;`AOC subject to investigation during the RFJ will be documented in the CS Report. The actual ranking of each criterion listed above will be quantitative, as presented in the NCAPS guidance. There also will be a need for subjective ranking, such as when there is a professional judgment input that is appropriate. Professional judgment criteria that will be considered include such factors as the existence of additional regulatory controls that apply at the units (i.e., -NPDES or solid waste), community concerns, and any additional site -specific information relevant to the prioritization process. Any additional criteria that might become relevant when the units are prioritized will be incorporated subjectively into the priontization. Weighting of some criteria over others, also a subjective criterion, likely will be considered when the prioritization is performed. When subjective inputs are part of the prioritization process, the reasoning behind such inputs will be included in the text of the CS Report. A limited amount of additional information regarding the site's environmental characteristics beyond that which presently exists or will be provided by this CS effort may be desirable to provide the appropriate level of infom-lation to support the prioritization process and resulting recommendations, If additional analytical data is deemed necessary and/or appropriate, DuPont will communicate and coordinate with NCDENR any sampling efforts that will be conducted to provide this information. a 4:;DSPA41035CSV4PTEXT.DOCNIO-Pa8-981t)5FA41035PHI 6-9 DEQ-CFW-00032205 SECTIONSEVEN Confirmatory Samplino Report The results of the investigation will be presented according to the schedule in Appendix B. The report will append all raw analytical data and include the following information: A. INTRODUCTION 1. Background a. Plant Location b. Manufacturing 2. Permit Background B. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 1. Regional Information a. Regional Topography b. Regional Geology c. Regional Hydrogeology 2. Site Information a. Site Topography b. Site Soils 1qW C. Site Geology d, Site Hydrogeology C, FIELD INVESTIGATION I - Sampling Procedures a- Soil Sampling b. Groundwater Sampling 2. Decontamination 1), ANALYTICAL PROGRAM I . Sample Handling PTOt0001 a. Sample Collection and Preservation b. Sample Custody 2. Quality Assurance and Quality Control E- SOURCE CHARACTERIZATION I. SWMU 6 Process Sewer System 2, SWMU 7 Storm Sewer System .Aso& 3. SWMU 9 (A-C) - Former WWTP Lagoons 4. AOC - C - Former Ag Products UST Area Woodwani-o"s 40 J;ROSrA4103kCSVVPTEXT.DOOIG-Feb-98%D5FA41 03%PHI 7-1 DEQ-CFW-00032206 SECTIONSEVEN [KIM, r =11, 07]=1 mi, ; F. DATA EVALUATION AND SCREENING 1. Data Quality Evaluation 2- PQL Evaluation 3. Background Concentration Evaluation 4. Statistical Evaluation G. INVESTIGATION RESULTS AND RELEASE EVALUATION 1. SWMU 6 - Process Sewer System 2. SWMU 7 - Storm Sewer System 3. SWMU 9 (A-C:) - Former WWTP Lagoons 4, AOC - C - Former Ag Products UST Area H, CONCLUSIONS I- Geologic and Hydrologic Conclusions 2. SWMLJS a. SWMIJ 6 - Process Sewer System b. SWMIJ 7 - Storm Sewer System AffibL qp c. SWMU 9 (A-C) - Former WWTP Lagoons d. AOC - C - Former Ag Products UST Area 1. RFI UNIT PRIORITIZATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS J, REFERENCES 11 VAxwWard-c"a 40 J:%D5FA41031C8VVPTEXT 00010-Feb-981D5FAA1031PH1 7-2 DEQ-CFW-00032207 SECTIONEIGHT DERS, 1996, Confirmatory Sampling Work Plan, Brevard Site, Brevard, North Carolina, October 4, 1996. DERS, 1.996, Confirmatory Sa?npling Work Plan, Kinston Plant, ,Kinston, North Carolina, Final Draft. August 1996, DERS, 1996, RCRA Facility Assessment, Fayetteville Works, Fayetteville, North Carolina, December 1996, NC'DENR, 1997, RCRA Part B Permit, DuPont Fayetteville Works, Fayetteville, North Carolina, December 1997 Fetter, C.W,, 1980, Applied Hydrogeology, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., Columbus Ohio, p. 75. Heath, R. C., 1980, Posic Elements qf'Groundwater 1-�vdrology with Reference to Conditions in North Carolina, United States Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations, Open -file Report No. 80-44, Horton, J_ W., and V. A. Zullo, editors, 1991, The Geology oj'the Carolinas, Carolina Geological ,Society, Fiftieth Anniversary Volume, The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville. North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (NCDENR), 1995, Standards ofConstruction: Wells Other Than Water Supply, T I 5A,02C .0 108. 46 August 29, 1995_ NorthCarolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (-NCDENR), 1995, Guidance for the Use as RCRA National Corrective Action Prioritization .System (NCAPS) in North Carolina, August 29, 1995. USE111A, 1986, Test Methods. for- Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical)Wohod, SW-846 Third September 1986, as amended by Update 1, July 1992. USEPA, 1989a, Statistical Analysis ql'Ground-svaler Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Interim Final Guidance. Office of Solid Waste. USEPA, 1989b, Interim Yinal RF1 (RFI) Guidance, Volume I of IV; Section 8, Health and Environmental Assessment, OSWER Directive 9502.00-617, EPA 530/SW-89-03 I - USEPA, 1991 a, EPA Region 1�'Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual, February 1993. USEPA, 1992a, RCRA Ground -Water Monitoring,, ,graft Technical Guidance. November 1992. USEPA, 1992b, Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Draft Addendum it) Interim Final Guidance, Office of Solid Waste. Winner, M. D., 1977, Groundwater Resources Along the Blue Ridge Parkwqv, North Carolina, United States Geological Survey, Groundwater Division, Raleigh, NC, 1977. wwd--i-cwa a j�1D5FA4103VCS"TEXTDOC\10.Feb-981D5FA41031PHI 8-1 DEQ-CFW-00032208 Table I Solid Waste Management Units Requiring Confirmatory Sampling am IV DuPont Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Ed LI SWMU Number T- Description Process Sewer System 7 Storm Sewer System 9 (A, B and C) Former Waste Water Treatment Plant Lagoons AOC - C Former Ag. Products UST Area GSTABLE$ X4$2110198 Notes- SWMU - Solid Waste Management Unit AOC - Area of Concern UST - Underground Storage Tank DEQ-CFW-00032209 qRPR '1JIM DuPont Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina ICP - Inductively coupled plasma All analytical methodsare in accordance with Test Methods Publication SVV-846 [Third Edition (September 1986), as amended by Update III (July 1997)] L-1 OEQ-CFVV_00032210 T %arl e 3 Soil Sampling Depths By SWMUIAOC DuPont Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina SWMUIAOC- Sample Number Total Depth, Sampling Soil Estimated No. Collection Depths of (feet SGIL) Method Samples No. Soil (feet) Borings per Boring Samples per SWMU 6 0-2 BBS 9 12* Geoprobe 1 9 7 0-2 BBS 2 2 HA 1 2 0-2. 5-7, and 10- 12 9A. B & C BGL 6 12* Geoprobe 3 18 0-2 BBS 3 12* Geoprobe 1 3 0-2, 5-7, and 10-12* BGS BGL 4 12* Geoprobe 3 12 HA Hand Auger If groundwater is encountered above the base of the SWMU a sample will be collected from the interface of saturated and unsaturated so[[ BBS Below Base of SWMU BGL Below Ground Level BGS Background soil Sampfo CSTABLESMSVICY98 r] DEQ-CFW-00032211 Table 4 Chemical Sampling Parameters and Analytical Test Methods 'Wilk DuPont Fayetteville Works IV Fayetteville, North Carolina emicall Parameters �F�p�pendixIVVolatiles I.BTEX Methanol • M Fluoride ]on MEMO will I• . . . . . . . . . . T6t—ajpetr70—jeU—M �!ydro�,q—rbons'— Diesel Range Organics 190111 IN Lfyrm k (Z) a&] M Notes: ICP - Inductively coupled plasma All analytical methods are in accordance with Test Methods For Evaluating Solid Waste, PhysicallChemical Method, EPA Publication SW-846 [Third Edition (September 1986), as amended by Update III (July 1997)] Ll DEQ-CFW-00032212 Ta e 5 Soil Sampling Summary 'B ` • SwMUi Sample Fluoride Chloride Nftrate/ AOC Location --IN r Process Sewer (Figures 3 and 4) • :., 1:; Former • r a i' i 'I f 10-12* ti: •t M i CSTAKES XLS2?1O 5 Page 5 DEQ-CFW 00032213 Tit 5 Soil Sampling Summary Sample Flu ride Chlorid Nitratel Location Depth Volatiles BTEX Methanol Glycols TPH DRO Ion Ion Metals' pH N ---- - ------ ---- ------- ---- ----- ------ ------- x — ------- x x x ---------- x x — ----- — ----- - - -------- - -N� ■ 10-12 MEMNON 10-12* i M �G rou n dwate r S am pies Adj WMU 9 �■s�oao�00000 % ';. �o�o� a �Ti�o�o� t.STAM,F_S XtWmc" Page 6 DEQ-CFW-00032214 C Tome 5 Soil Sampling Sample DuPont Fayetteville Works Fluoride Chloride Nitratel AOC LocationDepth r F" r - rM low U Background Soil Samples (Figure E! -- ------ ----- - ---- E � 1 I � Notes: - If groundwater is encountered above the base of the SWMU a saanple will be collected from the interface of saturated and unsaturated soil BBS - Below Base of SWMU SGL - Below Ground Level BGS Background Soil Sample 1_ -Metals by ICP trace (chromium, iron, nickel, lead) 2. - Lead analysis only. rsr,B[-Sxun1cuns Page 7 DEQ-CFW 00032215 Notes: - If groundwater is encountered above the base of the SWMU a saanple will be collected from the interface of saturated and unsaturated soil BBS - Below Base of SWMU SGL - Below Ground Level BGS Background Soil Sample 1_ -Metals by ICP trace (chromium, iron, nickel, lead) 2. - Lead analysis only. rsr,B[-Sxun1cuns Page 7 DEQ-CFW 00032215 Li NORTEH�CAR�,(JUN DUART. N.C. QUADRANGLE, 2000 4000 U.S, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1986 Job No. REGIONAL LOCATION MAP BLADEN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Date-, 02/02/1998 FIGURE I OEQ-CFVV_00032216 PLP,,.:.ASE SEE OTHER MATERIALS 0 I V i 1 1 y 1 I ti 0. Wirma'Am --------�� ! -------- ---�---- � it PENCF ,f NCz � — OEQ-CFVV_00032218 FP VALVE W,0,1 E-0 2r RCP EGE Da (g SHALLOW SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS TRUE MWA CRO orn I w wpu W 121997 , Pit o REY FAYETTEVILLE WORKS SWMU - 7 STORM SEWER LOCATION FIGURE 5 CONFIRMATORY SAMPLING WORK PLAN DEQ-CFW-00032219 (| |RLA7WE�N| 1/ / ''. .. . ~. .. � ���k�U �� . `/ ,' ^'/`/ ~/�~ . . / ' � ou ... .... ....'-....-....... .. ...... ..... ....... .. .'.. 0 DITCH NI1344'00 GR. 0'0B% INV. 1z 4~ WIDE BOTTOM 2il SIDE SLOPES 7S ui co 0 Q LO L-j ('0 (n 1E Ljj C) m es J 9A-B 4D 8. D. 240. 48 ............. .......... 10 WELL LOCATIONS lo/s 2D/S 4D 5D 7S 8S. 9S/D too 12D/S LEBEIND-1 0 PROPOSED BORING LOCATIONS + MONITORING WELLS LAST W1219970 0 I REV FAYETTEVILLE WORKS SWMU - 9 (A-C) FORMER WWTP LAGOONS FIGURE 6 CONFIRMATORY SAMPLING WORK PLAN DEQ-CFW-00032221 T SENTINEL C�FICE I W X F A(-. T I T TY cor-�CR[' SLAB DEQ-CFW-00032222 as � 00 PROPOSED BORING LOCATIONS --SAFETY SHOWER (ABANOONED) ADCC FAYETTEVILLE WORKS AG-CHEM FORMER GASOLINE UST ARF FIGURE 7 CONFIRMATORY SAMPLING WORK PLAI it PLEASE SEE OTHER MATERIALS ol Jv 0 U 0 Activity Duration Approval of C S Wof kpJan C ontractor S el ectio n Approval 8 Weeks Mobilization 2 Weeks Field Investigation SwMU 6 1 Week SVVMU 7 1 Day SWMU PA. B & C 2 Days AOC - C 1 Day Ground Water Sampling 2 Days Laboratory Analysis 4 Weeks Data Interpretabon and Analysis 4 Weeks Report Preparation 3 Weeks H 'ProjeosV-813CEOLL XLS 4# Confirmatory Sampling Schedule DuPont Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina ri MMIMMEMIN n DEQ-CFW-00032225 L] L7� E GROUNDWATER WELL PURGING GUIDELINE NO. 1202 Issued Oct-95 Revised Oct-95 Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 3 Approved by 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to provide instruction for purging a groundwater well prior to collecting samples for chemical analysis. Potential huards are addressed in the Health and Safety Plan (HASP). This procedure must be carried out in the following rnamer: I - Be aware of safety- Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the project HASP for the project. 2. Locate the desired monitoring well using a current site map. Note the following information in the field notebook or sampling data sheets: date, time, job site location, well identification nw-nber, ambient weather conditions, name of sampling personnel, purge method and equipment, and any other field observations such as well box condition, standing water, etc- 11151 FVIMIMSJIMM�= T1 R 4. Check for the presence of volatile hydrocarbons in the well headspace with a calibrate-i photo ionization detector (PID)/flame ionization detector (FID). Record thrt. measurement, Take any additional safety precautions as indicated in the HASP for the headspace gas reading recorded. 5, If the well is known not to contain light non -aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), take the depth -to -water measurement in the well using an electronic water level meter. Other -wise, use an interface probe to measure the LNAPL thickness and depth to water. Record all measurements in the field log, 6. Using the electronic water level meter or the interface probe, lower the probe end of the meter or interface probe until it touches the bottom of the well. 7, Holding the measuring tape near the measuring reference point, alternately raise and lower the probe to get an accurate feel of the bottom of the well. Record this measurement in the field log. S. Calculate the total volume of standing water within the well casing. CONFIDENrIAL 4PPC1202.D0C DEQ-CFW-00032226 GROUNDWATER WELL PURGING/GUIDELINE NO. 1202 Revised, Oct-95 Revision No, I Page 2 of 3 Alft, 9, Calculate the volume of water to be purged, usually three well volumes, 10. If a bailer is to be used, attach a sufficient length of new rope to the bailer. H. If a centrifugal, peristaltic, or, bladder pump is to be used, attach sufficient hose to the pump and lower it into the well. 12, Begin purging the well, The well should be purged at a rate low enough to prevent water from cascading down the sides of the well, if at all possible. 13. When no sediments are visible in the purging water, connect the water quality meters. 14, Measure the temperature, electrical conductivity, and pH of the water withdrawn from the well. Record these values in the field log. Repeat the measurements at regular intervals. 15. Continue purging the well until the measured parameters stabilize, to within 10 percent for two consecutive measurement. If the measured parameters do not stabilize, five well volumes should be removed, At this point, the well is ready for sampling. 16- If the well is purged to dryness or is purged such that recovery exceeds two full hours, the well should be sampled as soon as a sufficient volume of groundwater has entered the well to enable the collection of the necessary groundwater samples. FaTIMIT-0�1 18, Store any contaminated liquid, PPE, or disposable equipment in labeled storage drums for future disposal. CONFIDENTIAL 4PPC12192.D0C W-C' Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032227 1i I L] GROUNDWATER WELL PURGING/GUIDELINE NO. 1202 Revised: Oct-95 Revision No. I Page 3 of 3 I I a a 4 , I i I . Personnel implementing this guideline MUSt ensure that the f6ilowing are in place, Q Purnp and Accessories * Bailer (stainless steel, Teflon, or disposable) and rope * Electronic Water Level Meter/Interface Probe * Conductivity Meter L] Electronic Thermometer Ll pH Meter 11 PTD/FID Q Field Notebook/Field Sampling Data Sheet The following sources were used in developing this guideline: Ll EPA RCRA Groundwater Monitoring: Draft Technical Guidance, November 1992. C3 Region IV Standard Operating Procedures and Qua)ity Assurance Manual, EPA, 1991. (U-S.) Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Lisa Veldt - Principal Editor., Report Number EPA/540/P-87/001, "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations Methods," December 1987. CONFIDEYMAL APPC1202.00C W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032228 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE GUMELINE NO. 1203 WITHDRAWAL Issued Oct-95 Revised June-97 Contact John F. Greiner Page I of 3 Approved by Alfred A. Biehle 1.0 INTRODUCTION MJEL= The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for the collection of groundwater samples for chemical analysis. This procedure must be carried out in the following manner. I - Be aware of safety, Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), prescribed by the project Health and Safety Plan for the site. i 2. Be certain that measured groundwater parameters have stabilized. 3. The choice of sampling containers, preservation, and holding times should be based on consideration of the desired analytes. 4- When using a bailer, care must be taken to minimize agitation or aeration of the 14 water; ibis could lead to the loss of volatiles and to a nonrepresentative sample. The decontaminated bailer should be lowered slowly into the well, filled, and then lifted out while preventing the bailer or the rope from contacting my potentially contaminated surface, such as the ground. 5- The more volatile samples sbould be collected first. For example, volatile organic analysis (VOA) bottles and total organic halide (TOX) should be filled first, followed by serni-volatile organics, inorganics, and metals. 6. Care must be taken to prevent the sample container rim or cap from contacting any potentially contarninated surface such as fingers, rope, bailer, or pump tubing. 7- When pouring from the bailer, direct a slow, steady stream of water into the sample container, trying to minimize the aeration of the sample. 8. For sample containers with septums, fill the sample container to the top of the container so that a meniscus is formed. Allow any air bubbles to rise to the surface. Carefully and quickly screw the cap onto the container and finger tighten. CONF1M.NTIAL .4PPc1.2o3.00c W-CDiamond (soup DEQ-CFW-00032229 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE WIT14DRAWAL/GVIDELINE NO. 1203 Revised: June-97 Revision No. 2 Page 2 of 3 40 9, Invert the sample and tap it gently, looking for any air bubbles- If the sample contains air bubbles, discard the sample and repeat the sampling process with a new sampling container. 10, Other liquid sample containers should be 90 percent full. 11. If applicable, obtain a duplicate sample fTom the same well following the same procedures, 12. Affix the appropriate sample container label on all containers. Make sure that each sample is assigned a unique name that matches the name on the chain -of -custody fonn, 13. Affix and sign a custody sea] to the cap of the sample container. Place all samples on ice in an ice chest. N. Decontaminate all nondisposable sampling equipment prior to moving to another well and/or at the end of the day. See Guideline 7201 for procedures regarding decontamination, 15, See Guideline 8002 for post -sampling procedures concerning packaging and shipping of groundwater samples, 2.1 QA/QC Appropriate trip blanks, field blanks, and duplicates will be produced to document the accuracy and precision of the field task, sampling, and laboratory analysis. CONFIDENTIAL APP0203.00C W.0 Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032230 GROUNDWATER SAMPLE WITHDRAWAL/GUIDELINE NO, 1203 Revised, June-97 Revision No. 2 Page 3 of 3 40 2.2 Special Consideratioos/Requireoients/FquipmeI Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place: * Appropriate Sample Containers and Preservatives * Submersible Pump aind Accessories L) Bailer (stainless steel, Tqfiont, or disposable) and rope ED Chain -of -Custody Forms Q Custody Seals 0 Ice/Ice Chest C3 Sample Container Labels 0 Waterproof Pen 3.0 REFERENCES The following sources were used in deve)oping this guideline,. 1'4�L vk� Q Driscoll, Fletchej- G.,.Ph-D., "Groundwater and Wells," Second Edition, Johnson Division, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1986. U Scalf, Martin R., James R McNabb, William J. Dunlap, Roger L. Crosb John Ftyberger, "Manual of Groundwater Sampling Procedures," EPA, Ada, Oklahoma, 1981, 1 Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities, SW-01 1, EPA, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1977. L3Groundwater Monitoring. Draft Technical Guidance, November 1992. Q EPA Region IV Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual, 1991. CONFIDF.NTIAI, APPC1203.DOC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032231 SOIL SAMPLING USING A SPLIT- GUIDELINE NO. 1403 BARREL SAMPLER Issued May-95 Revised May-95 Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 3 Approved by 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for the collection of soil samples using split -barrel sampler. Potential hazards are addressed in the attached Health and Safety ': I This procedure must be carried out in the following manner: I Be aware of safety. Don appropriate PPE, as prescribed by the project Health and Safety Plan for the prqject, 2. Decontaminate the split barrel sampler to be used for soil sampling. 3. See Guideline 5002 for procedures on hollow -stern auger drilling. The following steps are performed at Step 9 of Guideline 5002. 4, Attach the split -barrel sampler to the center rods of the hollow -stem auger drill rig and lower the sampler to the bottom of the bore hole. 5. Attach the drill rig drive hammer to the center rods. 6. Using a specified drop height, drive the sampler into the undisturbed soil immediately beneath the bottom -most auger flight. Drive the sampler in 18 inches or until it no longer can be driven in. Record the number of blows it takes to drive the sampler in every six inches. 7. Detach the hammer and attach the center rods to the hanger assembly, 8- Pull the split -barrel sampler out of the bare hole and detach the sampler from the center rods. 10. Using stainless steel tools, place soil sample inappropriate sample containers. 11. Place a completed sample label on the container and place the sample in a cooler. 12. See Guideline 8001 for post -sampling procedures concerning packaging and shipment of soil samples - CONFIDENTIAL .4ppci4w.Doc W-C Z)'amond Group DEQ-CFW-00032232 SOIL SAMPLING USING A SPLIT -BARREL SAMPLER/GUIDELIME NO. 1403 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 2 of 3 13. If orI vapor analysis is to be performed, follow Steps (a) through (d) on how to prepare the soil sample for organic vapor analysis: b. Place the soil sample in a plastic "zipper seal' bag and seal. C. Allow the sample to sit in a warm. place for two to five minutes to allow for volatilization of organic chemicals that may be present. d. Insert the photo ionization detector (PID)/-flame ionization detector (FID) tip into a small opening in the bag and take a measurement (see Guideline 2202 or 2203, for operating procedures). Record the reacting on the field log. 14. Decontaminate all equipment prior to moving to next location. See Guideline 7201 for procedures concerning equipment decontmination. �WVWRA Appropriate gloves should be worn at all times to prevent contamination of and from the soil 46 samples- Both the gloves and the split spoons should be decontaminated before initial use and between subsequent sampling (see Guideline 7201 for proper decontamination procedures). Appropriate trip blanks, field blanks, and duplicates should be collected to document the accuracy and precision of the field task, sampling, and laboratory analysis. ''THIVIFFE I W= Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place. a C] Stainless Steel Sampling Tools L) Permanent Marker C1 lce Chest and Ice Q Sample Container and Labels CoNr�ID,CNTIAI. JPPC]403.D0C W-C Dramond Group DEQ-CFW-00032233 SOIL SAMPLING USING A SPLIT -BARREL SAMPLERJGUIDELINE NO. 1403 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 3 of 3 1 0 1* 3.0 REFERXNCA L] Ul Ob Driscoll, F. G., 1986. Groundwater and Wells. Johnson Filtration Systems, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota. CONFIDENTIAL APP('140300C W-C Diamond Croup DEQ-CFW-00032234 n SOIL SA LING USING A RAND GUIDELINE NO. 1404 AUGER Issued May-95 Revised January-97 Contact Mark Cohn Page I of 2 Approved by 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for the collection of soil samples using a hand auger. Potential hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan. Be aware of safety- Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the project Health and Safety Plan for the project. 2. Depending on the type of soil material present, attach either a regular auger bucket or a mud auger bucket to an extension shaft. Attach a cross handle to the other end of the extensio.i shaft. 3- Decontaminate the auger bucket prior to initial use (see Guideline 7201 for decontamination procedures), 4. Turning the handle clockwise, auger down until the auger bucket is full of soil. 5- Lift the auger out of the bore hole and deposit the excavated soil on an impermeable. plastic liner to prevent any leaching of possible contaminants. 6. Attach additional extension shafts as needed, 7. Place the auger back in the bore hole and advance it to the required sampling depth. 8- Remove the auger from the bore hole and decontaminate the auger bucket in preparation for sample collection. 9, Place the auger back in the bore hole and advance it through the required sampling depth interval. 10, While wearing gloves, remove the soil from the auger bucket and place it in the sample container- If a sample is to be analyzed for volatile chemicals, this sample should be collected first and care should be exercised so that there is no headspace in the sample container. Non-volatile samples will be composited in a stainless steel bowl and then placed into sample containers, to 11. Label the sample container and place it in a cooler. CONFIDENTIAL APPC1404.DOC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032235 SOIL SAMPLING USING A HAND AUGEWIGUIDELINE NO, 1404 Revised: January-97 Revision No. 2 Page 2 of 2 12. Repeat Steps 7 through 11 for the desired number of soil samples. 13. Decontaminate all equipment prior to moving to the next location. See Guideline 7201 for procedures concerning equipment decontamination. 14. See Guideline 8001 for post -sampling procedures concerning packing and shipping soil samples. 2.1 Special C o ns id erations/Req aire men ts/Eq uipm ent LJ Stainless Steel Auger Bucket L3 Extension Shafts LJ Cross Handle El Sample Containers 11 Stainless Steel Spoon or Sampling Tools El Stainless Steel Bowl (Optional) U fee Chest and lee D Sample Container Labels MLCMNI� t� The following sources were used in developing this guideline- 0Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Lisa Feldt - Principal Editor, Report Number EPA/540/P-87/001, "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations Methods," December 7. CONFIDENTIAL APPIC1404.DOIC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032236 L] C SOIL SAMPLING USING A CORE GUIDELINE NO. 1405 SAMPLER AND HAMMER Issued May-95 Revised May-95 ATTACHMENT Contact Tracy Gisbon Page 1 of Approved by nFEE92M =, The purpose of this guideline, is to provide guidance for obWning a soil sample using a core sampler with a hammer attachment. Potential hazards will be addressed in the attached project Health and Safety Plan. This procedure must be carried out in the following manner: 1. Be aware of safety. Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the project Health and Safety Plan, 2. Decontaminate the sample retaining cylinders (whether brass or stainless steel) (see Guideline 7201 for decontamination procedures). 3. Place three 6-inch long retaining cylinders into the core sampler. Screw the end onto the core sampler. 4. Screw the core sampler onto the harnmer attachment. 5. Using the sliding hammer, pound the core sampler into the soil until it is filled with soil. & Again, using the sliding hammer, pound the core sampler back out of the soil. 7. Unscrew the core sampler from its end- 8- Promptly cover both ends of the liner with aluminum foil and polyethylene caps. Squeeze the polyethylene caps to remove trapped air. 9. Tape the ends with Teflon'& tape and cover with electrical tape. 10. Place the liner in a plastic bag. 11. If sampling from the bottom of a borehole, extension shafts can be added between the core sampler and the hammer attachment. 12. See Guideline 8001 for post -sampling procedures concerning packaging and shipment of soil samples. 13. Decontaminate all non -disposable sampling equipment following the procedures in Guideline 7201. CONFIDENTIAL APPC1401DOC W-C Damond Group DEQ-CFW-00032237 SOIL SAMPLING USING A CORE SAMPLER AND HAMMER ATTACHMENT/GUIDELINE NO. 1405 Revised: May-95 Revision No, I Page 2 of 2 is 2.1 Special Considerations/Requirements/Equipment U Core Sampler 13 Hammer Attachment CI Extension Shafts 11 Six-inch Long Retaining Cylinders Cl End -Caps U Tape U Sample Labels U Permanent Marker lee Chest and Ice 3.0 REFERENCES Aft. The following sources were used in developing this guideline: 19 U U, S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D. C., Lisa Feldt - Principal Editor, Report Number EPA/540/P-87/001, "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations Methods," December 1987- U CONFID,ENTIAL APAC140_5.DtX' W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032238 SOIL SA LING USING A GVIDELINE NO. 1406 SHELBY TU13E Issued May-95 Revised January-97 Contact Mark J. Cohn Page I ot3 Approved by John F. Greiner 40 1.0 INTRODUCT101 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for the collection of soil samples using a Shelby tube. Potential hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan. I I III 1E•11 I Be aware of safety. Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the project 14ealth and Safety Plan for the project. 2. Decontaminate the Shelby tube to be used for soil sampling. The Shelby tube may be clear PlexiglasO, clear acrylic, clear polyvinyl chloride (PVC.), or galvanized steel, depending on the intended use for the sample, 3. See Guideline 5002 for procedures on hollow -stem auger drilling, or Guideline 5001 on. air -rotary drilling. The following steps are performed at Step 9 of Guideline 5002, or at Step 8 of Guideline 5001. 4. Attach the Shelby tube to the center rods of the hollow -stem auger drill rig or tile drill pipe of the air -rotary rig and lower it to the bottom of the bore hole. 5. Attach the drill rig drive shaft to the Shelby tube and, using the drill rig's hydraulic system, push the sample tube into the soil to a depth equal to the length of the sample tube or until it cannot be advanced any further. G. Raise the Shelby tube out of the bore hole and detach it from the center rods or drill pipe. 7. Push the sample from the Shelby tube with an extruder, and catch the sample on some appropriate material (3- or 4-inch PVC halved lengthwise works well)- 8. Trim the ends and sides of the extruded soil with a decontaminated knife to remove soil which has contacted the tube, 9, Place the VOC sample into the appropriate sample container so that there is no head space, composite the remaining soil in a stainless steel bowl and then fill the remaining I* sample containers, CONFIDENTIAL APPC1406DOC W-C' Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032239 E E U 7 SOIL SAMPLING U$ING A SHEL13Y TUBE/GUIDELINE NO. Revised: January-97 Revision No. 2 Page 2 of 3 10. See Guideline 8001 for post -sampling procedures conceming packaging and shipment of soil samples. organic 'vapor analysis is to be performed, follow steps (a) through (d) on how to prepare the soil sample for organic vapor analysis: a. Remove approximately one inch of soil material from one end of the sample. b. Place the soil sample in a plastic 'zipper seal' Maggie mid seat. C. Allow the sample to sit in a warm place for two to five minutes to allow for volatilization of organic chemicals that may be present. d. Insert the photo ionization detector (PID)/flame ionization detector (FID) tip through the baggie and take a measurement (see Guideline 2202 or Guideline 2203, for operating procedures). Record the reading in the field log. 122. The top sample should be used for lithologic logging. 3. Decontaminate all equipment prior to moving to the. next location. See Guideline 7201 for equipment decontarnination. •1111111 1 1 11 0 1 '11 �11111 111111 jj'� 11111 ;11 111�111 Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place, J Shelby Tubes (clear PlexiglasCk, clear acrylic, clear PVC, or galvanized steel) L1 Stainless Steel Sampling Tools 0 Permanent Marker Ll Stainless Steel Bowl (optional) U Sample Containers and Labels Cl lee Chest and Ice CONFIDEYTIAL 1PPC1406.D0C W-C-' Diamond Oroup DEQ-CFW-00032240 SOIL SAMPLING USING A SHELBY TUREiGUIDELINE NO. Revised: January-97 Revision No. 2 Page 3 of 3 The following sources were used in developing this Guideline, D (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Lisa Veldt - Principal Editor, Report Number EPA/540/P-87/001, "A Compendiw-n of Superfund Field Operations Methods," December 87. 0 Environmental Protection Agency, 1991. Region IV Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual. CONFIMNTIAL 4PPC1406.D0(' W-C Diamond (ircup DEQ-CFW-00032241 e: DEPTH-TO-WATEIR GUIDELINE NO. 2102 MEASUREMENT Issued May-95 Revised June-97 Contact John F. Greiner Page I of 2 Approved by Alfred A. Biehle 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for measuring the depth to water. Potential hazards Ail] be addressed in the attached Health and Safety Plan. VK�u IMITIT"I I Be aware of safety. Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the project Health and Safety Plan. 2, If the measurement is to take place in a well, unlock the well cover and remove the well cap. 3. Turn on the meter. 4. If the meter is equipped with a battery test button, press the button. A solid tone will be heard if the battery is good. 5. Slowly lower the probe end of the meter into the well, unreeling the measuring tape from the spool of the meter as you go. G. Continue lowering the probe until a continuous tone is heard. This tone indicates that the probe has come into contact with the water- 7. Holding the measuring tape near the measuring reference point, alternately raise and lower the probe across the depth at which the tone sounds. This will ensure that you have an accurate measurement of the depth to water. 8. Record the depth to water in the field notebook. 9. Reel in the measuring tape back onto the spool, thereby raising the probe out of the well, CON,rIDENTIAL APPC2102.Z)0C DEQ-CFW-00032242 v DEPTH TO WATER MEASUREMENT/GUIDELINE NO. 2102 Revised: June-7 Revision No. 2 Page 2 of 2 1LTF=Kft# =111TUM!'111 !;11!1111i I'! Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place: * Electronic Water Level Meter * Field Notebook 3.0 REFERENCES The following sources were used in developing this guideline: 0 (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Lisa Feldt - Principal Editor, Report Number EPA/540/P-87/001, "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations Methods," December 1987, CONFIDENIIAL APPC2]02.DOC DEQ-CFW-00032243 Ll USE AND CALIBRATION OF THE GUIDELINE NO. 2202 FOXBORO ORGANIC VAPOR Issued May-95 Revised Junt-97 ANALYZER 128 METER (FID) Contact John IF. Grei0er page I of 5 Approved by Alfred A. Biehle MANK=, - The Purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for the use and calibration of the Foxboro Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA) 128 meter. Potential hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan. "RENEW. �# �111. This procedure must be carried out in the following manner: I . The OVA will not "detect" any inorganics (metals). 2. The OVA will "detect" methane, which is explosive, but relatively nontoxic. The user should determine if the contaminant involved is or is not methane. 3. Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping regulations are strict for the OVA when shipped containing pressurized hydrogen. 10 4. A relative humidity greater than 95 percent will cause inaccurate and unstable responses. 5. A temperature of less than 40°F will cause slow and poor responses. 6. Actual contaminant concentrations are measured relative to the calibration gas used. Therefore, specific contaminants and their quantities cannot be easily identified. 7- The actual operating instructions issued by the manufacturer should always be used, as these are regularly updated, and may affect instrument warranty. 2.1 Procedures ]For Startup 1. Read and familiarize yourself with the instruments operating instructions. Be aware of safety. Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the project Health and Safety Plan. 2. Connect the probe/readout connectors to the side -pack assembly. 3, Check battery condition and hydrogen supply. Be certain that an extra, charged battery is on supply, COIVFIDENTIAL APM7202DOC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032244 L], E r-1 L USE AND CALIBRATION OF THE FOXBORO ORGANIC VAPOR ANALYZER 128 METER (Fil))/GUIDELINE NO.2202 Revised: June-97 Revision No. 2 Page 2 of 5 4. For measurements taken as methane equivalent, check that the GAS SELECT dial is set at 300. 5. Turn the electronics on by moving the INST switch to the <ON> position, and allow five minutes for warm-up. 6. Set the CALIBRATE switch to X 10; use the CALIBRATE knob to set the indicator at Zero. 7. Open the H2 tank valve all the way and the H2 supply valve all the way. Check that the hydrogen supply gauge reads between 8.0 and 12.0 prig. 8. Turn the PUMP switch ON, and check the flow system according to the following sections. 9. Check that the BACKF LUSH and INJECT valves are in the <UP> position. 10, To light the flame, depress the igniter switch until a meter deflection is observed. The igniter switch may be depressed for up to five seconds. Do not depress for longer than five seconds, as this may burn out the igniter coil. If the instrument does not light, allow the instrument to run several minutes and repeat the ignition attempt. 11. Confirm the OVA operational state by using an organic source such as a "magic marker." 12. Establish a background level in a clean area or by using the charcoal scrubber attachment to the probe (depress the sample inject valve) and by recording measurements referenced to the background- 13, Set the alarm level, if desired, 14, Determine the areas in which sampling is to take place. Document these areas in the Real Time Instrumentation Data Log. Be certain to note the date and time the sample was taken for each sample. 15. Survey the area for organic vapors. The tip of the probe should be placed as near as possible to the monitored source. If any response occurs, note the findings on the Data Sheet, If there is no response on the OVA, record "N/R" on the Data Sheet, CONFIDENTIAL APPC2202DOC ;V,C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032245 L] U$E AND CALIBRATION OF THE FOXY30RO ORGANIC VAPOR ANALYZER 128 METER (FID)/GUIDELINE NO.2202 Revised. June-97 Revision No. 2 Page 3 of 5 I - Close the H 2 supply valve and the H 2 tank. valve (do not over -tighten). 2. Turn the IN switch to <017F> 3. Wait until the H2 supply gauge indicates the systern is purged, then switch off the pump (approximately 10 seconds). 4. Put the instrument on the electrical charger at the completion of the day's activities. Clean the instrument thoroughly prior to storage. I - Remove the instrument components from the instrument shell. 2. Turn on ELECTRONICS and ZERO rNSTRUMENT on the X10 scale. Gas select the dial to 300. 3. Turn on PUMP and HYDROGEN. Ignite flarne. Go to SURVEY MODE. 4, Introduce a methane standard near 100 parts per million (ppm), 5. Adjust the P-32 Trimpot on circuit board to make the meter read to standard. 6. Turn off the hydrogen flame, and adjust the meter needle to read 40 ppm (calibrate at X 10) using the calibration adjust knob. 7. Switch to the X 100 scale, The meter should indicate 0.4 on the 1 -10 meter markings (0.4 x 100 40 ppm). If the reading is off, adjust the R33 Trimpot. 8, Return to the X 10 scale, and adjust the meter needle to 40 pprn with calibration; adjust the knob if necessary. 9. At the X10 scale, adjust the meter to read 0.4 on the 1-10 meter markings using the calibration adjust- Switch to the X1 scale. The meter should read 4 ppm. If the reading is off, adjust using the R31 Trimpot. 10. Log all pertinent information on the Calibration Log. 2.4 Procedures For Filling The Hydrogen Tank 1. Attach the hose fitting to the hydrogen supply cylinder. CONFIDENTIAL APPC2,M2.00C W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032246 USE AND CALIBRATION OF THE FOXBORO ORGANIC VAPOR ANALYZER 128 METER (FI)D)/G U IDELINE NO.2202 Revised: June-97 Revision No. 2 Page 4 of 5 11 2, Unscrew the cap from the refill connector on the instrument. 3. Attach the other end of the hose fitting to the OVA 128. Tighten the connections (finger -tight). 4. Set the fill valve on the fill hose assembly to <OFF>. 5. 'Turn the hydrogen refill valve on the instrument to the closed position. 6. 'Turn the hydrogen tank pressure valve to the closed position. 7. Open the main cylinder valve on the hydrogen tank (slightly); observe the pressure reading on the gauge. 8. Bleed the, line by turning the valve to <13LEED> slowly. After a few seconds, return the valve to <OFF> position. 9. Open the hydrogen refill valve on the instrument. 10. Open the hydrogen tank valve on the instrument. 11. Slowly move the FILUBLEED valve to the <FILL> position. Observe the pressure increase on the instrument tank gauge. 12, When the instrument tank is filled (same pressure as tank), close the refill valve on the instrument. 13. Move the FILL/BLEED valve to the <OFF> position. 14. Close the valve on the hydrogen supply tank. 15. Bleed out the hydrogen in the filling hose assembly. Slowly tw-n the valve to <BLEED>, then to <OFF>. 16. Close the hydrogen tank valve on the instrument. 17. Remove the fill hose from the instrument and the tank of hydrogen. Replace the cap on the refiN connector on the instrument. 18. Observe the hydrogen tank pressure gauge to verify the absence of leaks- Tank pressure should drop <300 psi/hr, while the instrument is not in use. 11 CONFIREN27AL 4PPc220zD0C W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032247 Ll USE AND CALIBRATION OF THE FOXBOR -#, Revised- June - Revision No. Page 5 ol Runwasm Measurements should be taken in triplicate. If any measurement differs more than 10 percent from the other measurements, additional readings should be taken until readings stabilize. _111111111 pli � 11111111111111 111�1' Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place: C1 Battery Charger ❑ Calibration Gas D Calibration Log 0 Extra Battery J Field Log D Hydrogen Gas Cylinder 1:3 Ink Pen 0 Operations Manual J OVA Meter U Real -Time Instrumentation Data Log The following sources were used in developing this guideline: 0 Foxboro Corporation Operations Manual- D (U.S.) Enviroamental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Lisa Feldt - Principal Editor, Report Number EPA/540/P-87/001, "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations Methods," December 1987. CONFIDENTIAL APP(_.'2202.D0C 23�� DEQ-CFW-00032248 USE AND CALIBRATION OF THE GUIDANCE DOCUMENT AO. 2203 THERMO ENVIRONMENTAL Issued May-95 Revised May-95 MODEL 580B ORGANIC VAPOR Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 5 MONITOR (OVM) Approved by 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the use and calibration of the Thenno 580B Photo ionization Detector (PID)- No hazards are generated by the use of this instrument, but other hazards may exist where it is used. These hazards will be addressed in the job -specific Health and Safety Plan. PENEWMEW Of This procedure must be carried out in the following manner; 1. Be aware of safety. Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the project Health and Safety Plan. The use of this instrument itself requires no special PPE. 2, The instrument is recharged by connecting the charger. This should be performed the night before field use. 3. Unscrew the metal sample tube from the rest of the unit to check that the porous aluminurn air filter is not dirty or missing. Also note that the outside surface of the filter must be inside the sample tube. Without the filter, readings will be extremely erratic. Put the sample tube back on the instrument, 4. Depress the "On/Off" key. This powers the lamp and starts the sample pump. Aix - should now be pulled into the instrument through the sample tube. 5. Calibration of the instrument should be performed as per the attached instructions. First the instrument baseline should be set to zero using the "zero air." 6, Then the "span gas" (the isobutylene) is used to calibrate over a range. Span gas should be of a practical range (100 and 250 ppin are good). 7. When the flow regulator is being removed from the cylinder, it will pop off at the end of the threads. This is not a hazard, but be sure to hold the regulator firmly as it is unthreaded. 8. After calibration is complete, return the instrument to "Run" mode. Calibration should be done every day. The instrument does not have to be running, however, to hold calibration. APN'1203.d; CO3VF1DENrZAL 23[QMMM= DEQ-CFW-00032249 Revised: May-95 Revision A. I Page 2 of 5 9. As a check for the instrument, pass a source of volatiles (such as correction fluid or a marker) near the sample tube. The instrument should register a value. An alternate check is to half` fill the Tedlar& bag with the span gas, and check the concentration in run mode. If the instrument registers within approximately +/-10pereent, then calibration is still valid. 2.1 Special Conqiderations/Requiremeuts/Equipment Personnel implementing this guidance document should ensure that the following are in place: 13 "White -Out" correction fluid or permanent marker * "Zero air" cylinder * Constant flow pressure regulator Isobatylene cylinder J Model 580E Portable organic vapor monitor (OVM) 13 TedlarOD bag 0 Tf.&O) tubing assembly Optional Equipment: L) Communications software 13 Communication,, cable C3 Percale -female gender changer 1, Volatile chemicals that have an Ionization Potential (IP in eV) greater than the IP of the PID lamp are undetectable by that lamp. 2- High humidity interferes with the readings of the instrument. 3. Chemicals with a different response factor than isobutylene may give readings higher or lower than the actual concentration, 4, The instrument assumes a linear response of signal to concentration. When a concentration greatly exceeds the concentration of the span gas, the value becomes increasingly inaccurate. APPC2203 doc CONFIDENTIAL W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032250 Revised: May-95 Revisiou No. I Page 3 of 5 erating instructions issued by the manufacturer should be followed and are sum-narized in Section 5-0. Set-up calibration assembly with zero air cylinder as described in Figure I - I , Power -Up instrument using Power Plug. 2. Depress ON/OFF Key to ignite lamp and initiate sample pump. 3. Depress MODE/STORE Key. 4- Depress -/CRSR Key in response to LOG THIS VALUE? prompt. 5, Depress -/CRSR Key to select Parameters Mode from the Main Menu. 6- Depress +/INC Key to advance through the Run Mode Selection parameter prompt. 7. Depress +/INC Key to advance through the Auto Logging Mode Selection parameter prompt- 8. Depress +/INC Key to advance through the Average Time Selection parameter prompt. 9, Depress +/INC Key to advance through the Alarm Setting parameter prompt. 10. Depress +/INC Key to advance through Lamp Selection parameter prompt. 11. Depress +/INC Key to advance through Response Factor Setting parameter prompt. 12- Depress RESET Key to initiate calibration sequence. 13. Depress -/CRSR Key to decline restoration of the backup calibration. 14, Connect outlet of calibration tubing assembly to the Model 580B Detector Inlet as illustrated in Figure 1. 15, Introduce Zero Air to Model 580E by opening flow regulator. 16. Depress RESET Key to "ZERO" Model 580B- 17. Close Flow Regulator. 18, Simultaneously depress RESET and -/CRSR Keys to activate the movable cursor. 19. Repeat Step 18 until the cursor is at the 'ones' place. APP('2203 ddic CONFIDENTIAL VC Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032251 Revised: May-95 Revision No- I Page 4 of 5 20. Simultaneously depress RESET and +/INC Keys to increment the'ones'place value. 21. Repeat Step 20 until the ones place value reads 0- 22, Repeat Step 18 to move cursor to the tens place. 23. Repeat Step 20 until the tens place value reads 5. 24, Repeat Step 18 to move the cursor to the hundreds place. 25, Repeat Step 20 until the hundreds place value reads 2. 26. Repeat Step 18 to move the cursor to the thousands place. 27. Repeat Step 20 until the thousands place value reads 0. 28, The LCD should now read: SPAN PPM = 0250 "+" TO CONTINUE 29, Depress +/INC to accept the span concentration value. Afth, 30- Connect isobutylene cylinder (250 ppin) to calibration tubing assembly. 46 31, Connect outlet of calibration tubing assembly to the Model 580B Detector Inlet. 32, Introduce isobutylene standard to Model 580B by opening flow regulator. 33. Reset key to "CALIBRATE" Model 580B. 34. Close Flow Regulator. 35, Depress +/INC Key in response to "RESET" TO CALIBRATE message. 36. Depress MODE/STORE to return to the Run Mode. I - Power -Up instrument using Power Plug. 2. Depress ON/OFF Key to ignite lamp and initiate sample pump, 3, Depress MODE/STORE Key. 4, Depress -/CRSR Key in response to LOG THIS VALUE? prompt. 5. Depress -/CRSRKey to select Parameters Mode from the Main Menu. APIT2203 404 CONFIDENrIAL W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032252 L 11 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 5 of 5 6- Depress RESET Key to initiate Run Mode. 7. Depress -/CRSR Key in response to max hold prompt to select Concentration Meter Mode. 8. Depress MODE/STORE Key to return to the Run Mode. 9, Introduce Correction Fluid Vapors to the Model 580B Sampling Probe. 10. Note Changes in Box Graph Display and PPM value. a. Repeat Steps 1-6 as described in Section III. (A)- Concentration Meter Mode. b. Depress +/INC Key to select Max Hold Mode. C- Depress MODE/STORE Key to return to the Run Mode. d. Introduce Correction Fluid to Model 580 Sampling Probe. eNote how MAX PPM value measured is recorded on upper portion of display a04 currently measured PPM value is recorded on lower portion of display, 40 6.0 REFERENCES The following sources were used in developing this Guidance Document: 0 Compiled from: U.S- Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Lisa Feldt, Principal Editor, Report Number EPA/540/P-97/001, "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations Methods," December 1987. APPC2203 &K CONFIDENTIAL W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032253 11 INSTALLATION OF GUIDELINE NO, 4101 MONITORINGANJECTION/ Issued May-95 Revised May-95 RECOVERY/OBSERVATION WELLS, Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 4 AND PIEZOMETERS Approved by MiEff=.- The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for the installation of monitoring wells, recovery wells, injection wells, observation wells, and piezometers. Hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan. I. Be aware of safety- Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the project Health and Safety Plan for the project. 2. Prior to installing a well or a piezometer, a bore hole mast first be advanced to the required depth (see Guideline 5002 for hollow -stem auger drilling procedures, or Guideline 5001 of rotary drilling procedures). Well/piezometer installation takes place at Step 8 of Guideline 5002, or at Step 8 of Guideline 5001. 3. The diameter of the well to be installed will depend on the, intended use for the well and possible engineering considerations and needs. A minimum two-inch annular space is required between the borehole and the casing (for example the inner diameter of the auger used to install a four -inch well shale be 8-1/4 inches). When drilling with hollow -stem augers, the inside diameter of the augers is what must be measured to determine borehole size. 4, All well screen and well casing used should be new and of adequate structural integrity, and should be made of material that will be compatible with the contwnination present (or anticipated), Screen size should be determined using sieve analysis. Screen length should be adequate to monitor the zone of interest, and in general should not be less than five feet long nor greater than 20 feet. lower the section into the open bore hole. For piezometers, solid well casing will be perforated over a specified length, a threaded sump placed on the bottom of the casing, and the casing will then be lowered into the open bore hole, CONFIDENTIAL APPC4101,doc DEQ-CFW-00032254 INSTALLATION OF MONITORING/INJECTION/RECOVIER YYOBSERVATION WELLS, AND PIEZOMETERS /GUIDELINE NO. 4101 Revised: May-95 Revision No, I Page 2 of 4 Teflonll� tape can be used to wrap the threads to ensure a tight fit and minimize leakage. Teflon'& "0" rings can also be used ("0" rings made of other materials are not �icceptable if the well is to be sampled for organic compounds). 6. Thread additional lengths of well screen together, as needed, until the appropriate total well screen length is achieved. Do not use cement or glue. T Thread solid well casing (in 10-foot lengths) onto the well screen section to complete the well to a height approximately two feet above the ground surface. Do not use cement or glue. Centralizers should be placed on wells greater than 50 feet. T. Once the well screen and casing have been placed in the bore hole, place filter pack material in the annulus between the bore hole wall and the well screen. The type of filter pack material used will depend on the intended use of the well and the geologic f0mation that the bore hole penetrates (sieve analysis). 9. Pour a minimum of six inches of the filter pack material under the bottom of the well screen to provide a firm footing and unrestricted flow under the screened area. Filter pack should extend a minimum of two feet above the top of the well screen, and should be placed by a tremie pipe where possible. If drilling with hollow -stem augers, the augers should be lifted as the sand is tremied into the borehole. If it is impracticable to tremie the filter pack, pouring the sand is acceptable in shallow bore holes (less than 50 feet), where the annular space is large enough to prevent bridging. The level of the filter pack materials must be measured at appropriate intervals to ensure no bridging has occurred. 10. Once the filter pack material has been placed, place a seat above the filter pack in the annulus of the bore hole to provide a watertight seal. The seal should be a minimum of two feet thick and should consist of a minimum of 20 percent solids bentonite. This type of bentonite is available in either powder or pellet form. The preferred method of placing either bentonite pellets or a bentonite powder/water mixture is by tremie pipe. If this method is not practicable (pellets only), pouring the pellets is acceptable in shallow bore holes (less than 50 feet), where the annular space is large enough to prevent bridging. The pellets must be tamped, and measured at appropriate intervals to ensure they have not bridged. CONFIDENTIAL APPC4101.doc W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032255 VP,V,-VM.Pr WELLS, AND PIEZOMETERS /GUIDELINE NO. 41 Revised. May - Revision No. Page 3 o Fq The bentonite seal must be allowed to hydrate for eight hours or the manufacturer's recommended hydration time, whichever is greater. Measure the seal after hydration time to ensure that the required two feet of seal is present. 1. After the bentonite seal has hydrated, grout the remainder of the borehole to prevent surface water infiltration. 12. The grout, material used will conform to applicable local, state, or federal regulations. Unless otherwise specified, the grout will be a mixture of Portland cement and bentonite powder. The grout will have a minimum density of 9.4 lbs/gal (going in and coming out of the hole) to ensure proper set-up. The grout density should be measured with a mud balance. 13. Once the grout has been mixed, tremle it into the annulus between the well casing and the bore hole wall. Remove the drill rig auger flights/steel casing that remain in the bore hole as the grout mixture is added. Be sure to leave the auger flights/steel casing at least one foot below the top of the grout, to prevent caving of the bore hole. Unless otherwise specified, the grout will be allowed to handle a minimum of 24 hours before well development. 14. For well protection and security, install a steel protective casing with locking cap approximately three feet above the surface (two feet below). If the well is installed in a roadway, install the steel protective casing to a height slightly above the road surface to prevent inflow of surface waters. Well protection and security may differ if engineering remediation design dictates the necessity for something different The outer protective casing should be installed into the borehole a minimum of 24 hours after the grout has been poured. 15. Prior to the use of a well or piezometer, well development must be perforTned to rest the natural hydraulic properties of the formation that were disturbed during drill operations (see Guideline 4102 for well development procedures). 16. Decontaminate all equipment prior to moving to the next location. See Guideline 720] for procedures concerning equipment decontamination. CONFIDENTIAL ,4ppc4io),doc W-C' Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032256 INSTALLATION OF MONITORING/INJECTION/RECOVERY/OBSERVATION WELLS, AND PIEZOMETERS /G UIDELINE NO. 4101 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 4 of 4 .dft� 10 2.1 Special Coimsiderations/Requirements/Equipment Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place: * Bentonite Powder/Pellets * Filter Pack ❑ Portland Cement U Steel Protective Casing and Locking Cap C1 Threaded End -Cap (sump) LJ Tremie Apparatus * Well Casing; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or Stainless Steel * Well Screen; PVC or Stainless Steel The following sources were used in developing this guideline: 11 U.S. EPA Ground -Water Monitoring Enforcement Guidance, November 1992. D Environmental Protection Agency, 1991. Region IV Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual. CONFIDENTIAL 4ppe4ioi,doe DEQ-CFW-00032257 WELL DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINE NO. 4102 Issued May-95 Revised May-95 Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 2 Approved by 0 1.0 INTRODUCTI01 W Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for well development. Potential hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan. I Be aware of safety. Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the project Health and Safety Plan for this project. 2. Well development occurs a minimurn of 24 hours after the installation of monitoring wells, recovery wells, injection wells, observation wells, and piezometers (see Guideline 410 1). Either a truck -mounted hydraulic surge block, a submersible pump, or bailer are used to develop a well. 3. Prior to initial surging of the well, purge the well of approximately three to five well bore volumes to clear out any fine sediments that accumulated in the well during installation. A submersible pump or bailer can be used to purge the well. 4. Slowly lower the surge block into the well, using a truck -mounted hydraulic winch, until it is near the top of the screened section. 5- Using the hydraulic winch, alternately raise and lower the surge block through a vertical distance of one to two feet- The velocity of the surge block motion will depend on the tightness of the formation in which the well is installed. 6, After surging the well a few times at a given depth, move the surge block deeper into the well by one or two feet and repeat Step S. 7, Repeat Steps 5 and 6 until the surge block has been lowered to the bottom of the screened section of the well. 8, Slowly raise the surge block out of the well. 9. Purge the well of water and sediment that may have accumulated due to the mechanical surging. CONFIDEiVTIAL APPC410,2,doc W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032258 WELL DEVELOPMENT/GUIDELINE NO. 4102 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 2 of 2 10. Repeat Steps 4 through 9 until the groundwater produced from the well until temperature, specific conductivity, and pH have stabilized and/or either lacks visible sediment or no further improvement can be noted. Temporaxily store the groundwater produced during well development in 55-gallon drums for future disposal. 12. Decontaminate the equipment used according to the procedures outlined in Guideline 7201 - 2.1 Special Comiderations/Req uirem ents/Equip went Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place: Q 55-Gallon Storage Drums LJ Submersible Pump/Bailer J Truck -Mounted Hydraulic Surge Block iI 3.0 REFERENCES L-11 The following sources were used in developing this guideline: D DTiSC011, F.G. 1986. Groundwatei- and Wells, Second Edition. Johnson Filtration Systems, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota. U Environmental Protection Agency, 1991. Region IV Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual- C01VFIDENTIAL APPC4102.doc ff'C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032259 ROTARY DRILLING (WATER, AM GUIDELINE NO. 5001 AND MUD) .Issued May-95 Revised June-97 Contact John F. Greiner Page I of 2 Approved by 10 1.0 INTRODUCTJON 1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for the general use and operation of a rotary drill Tig for installing a borehole. Pou-ntial hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan. This procedure must be carried out in the following manner I Be aware of safety. Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed by the Health and Safety Plan for the project. 2. Prior to drilling, inform Utilities Locating Service so that any underground utilities in the vicinity of the drilling site can be marked and identified. 3. If possible, use a hand auger to advance a hole where the drilling is to take place, and use a hand-held locator to check for the presence of any underground pipes or cables. 4. When using water rotary, the potable water that is to be used must be analyzed for the 40 contaminants of concern prior to drilling_ When using air rotary, the air compressor most have an in -line organic filter system to filter the air coming from the compressor. When using mud rotary, only pre -analyzed potable water and bentonite drilling muds may be used. All drilling materials must have adequate manufacturer documentation for material use and constituents. 5. The water, air, or mud forced down the drill pipe, escapes through small ports at the bottom of the di -ill bit, thereby lifting the cuttings and cooling the bit. The cuttings are blown out of the top of the hole where they collect at the surface around the borehole. As these cuttings collect, periodically remove them and place them on polyethylene sheeting to avoid any possible leaching of contaminants that may be present. 6. Initially, advance the borehole at a slow rate as an extra precaution, so that any possiblo contact with underground utilities will be less damaging, 7. If sampling or geotechnical evaluation is to take place during drilling, advancement the borehole can be temporarily halted and the drill pipe removed from the borehol thereby allowing the undistui-bed soil immediately beneath the borehole to be sampl or evaluated (see Guidelines 1403 or 1406 for operating procedures for vario sampling and testing techxiiques). The drill cuttings can also be sampled at any til dalhL during the drilling operation (see Guideline 1407). lie CONFIDENTIAL APPc.5ooi.D0C W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032260 ROTARY DRILLING (WATER, AIR, AND MUD)/GUIDELINE NO. 5001 Revised: June-97 Revision No. 2 Page 2 of 2 8- When the borehole has been advanced to the depth desired, the drill pipe can be removed, thereby allowing well casing to be installed (see Guidelines 4101 or 4201 for various types of well installation procedures). 9- Store excaiated material, PPE, and polyethylene sheeting in 55-gallon drums on site for future disposal. 10. Decontaminate the equipment according to the procedures outlined in Guideline 7201. IFIRITMT-47- nt Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place-. 13 Rotary Drill Rig and Associated Equipment 0 Hand Auger C1 Polyethylene Sheeting Q Wheelbarrow and Shovel • Bentonite • Type I or Type II (ASTM C- 15 0) Portland Cement ZI Potable Water for Mixing U 55-Gallon Storage Drums The following sources were used in developing this guideline: Q Driscoll, F. G., 1986- Groundwater and Wells, Second Edition. Johnson Filtration Systems, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota. El Environmental Protection Agency, 1991. Region IV Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual. CONFIDENT14L APPIC300I.D0' W-C Diamond Croup DEQ-CFW-00032261 HOLLOW -STEM AUGER DRILLING GUIDANCE DOCUMENT NO. 5002 Issued May-95 Revised May-95 Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 3 Approved by 1.0 INTRODUCTION Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the general use and operation of a hollow -stem auger drill rig for installing a bore hole. Potential hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan. This procedure must be carried out in the following rnanner: I Be aware of safety, Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed in the project Health and Safety Plan for this project. 2, Prior to drilling, inform Utilities Locating Service so that any underground utilities in the vicinity of the drilling site can be marked and identified. If working on a plant site, be sure to obtain an excavation permit. AML 3, Use a hand auger to advance a hole where the drilling is to take place, or probe with a small diameter steel rod, and use a hand-held locator to check for the presence of any underground pipes or cables. 4. During the first five to seven feet of drilling, the hollow stem auger is advanced at a slow rate as an extra precaution so that any possible contact with underground utilities will be less damaging, L] 5. Hollow -stem auger flights are five feet in length, therefore drilling is temporarily halted at five-foot intervals so that additional auger flights can be attached. Auger flights are attached to one another by threaded ends and bolts. Only TeflonO "0" rings are acceptable to make augers watertight. 6, As excavated soil accumulates at the top of the bore hole, it is shoveled into a wheelbarrow and moved out of the, way. Since the excavated soil may be contaminated, it is placed on polyethylene sheeting to prevent any possible leaching of contaminants, CONFIDENTIAL APPC3002.DOC W,C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032262 14OLLOW-STEM AUGER DRILLING/GUIDANCE DOCUMENT NO. 5002 Revised- May-95 Revision No. I Page 2 of 3 Adk IV 7. If sampling or geotechnical evaluation is to take place during drilling, advancement of the hollow -stem auger can be temporarily stopped and the soil plug, if present, can be removed. A device such as a split -barrel sampler or Shelby tube can be attached to the center rod and lowered to the bottom of the bore hole. Sampling or testing occurs in the undisturbed region of soil immediately beneath the deepest auger flight. 8. When the bore hole has been advanced to the depth desired, the center rods and soil plug, if present, can be removed, thereby allowing well casing to be installed (see Guidance Documents 4101 and 4201 for various types of well installation). 9. If the borehole is not to be closed through procedures outlined in other guidelines, then it shall be closed by grouting with a cement/bentonite mixture (the local County Department of Health guidelines will be followed). 10. Excavated material, PPE, and the polyethylene sheeting should be temporarily stored in 30- or 5-gallon drums on site for future disposal. 11. Upon removal of the auger flights and other down -hole drilling equipment, all of the equipment should be decontaminated according to the procedures outlined in Guidance Document 7201. Personnel implementing this guidance document should ensure that the following are in place: U 30- or 55-Gallon Storage Drams (Department of Transporation (DOT) -approved] CJ Drum Labels 0 Bentonite EJ Hand Auger Hollow -Stem Auger Drill Rig and Associated Drilling Equipment D Polyethylene Sheeting ❑ Potable Water for Mixing 0 Type I or Type I I (ASTM C- 150) Portland cement �3 Indelible Marker CONFIDENTIAL 4PPC5002.[)OC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032263 U HOLLOW -STEM AUGER DRILLING/GUIDANCE DOCUMENT NO. 5002 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 3 of 3 3.0 REFERENCES U Driscoll, F.G., 1996. Groundwater and Wells. Johnson Filtration Systems, St. Paul, Minrieso,a. 0 Environmental Protection Agency, 1991. Region IV Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual. CONFIDENTIAL APPC�002.DOC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032264 LITHOLOGIC LOGGING GUIDELINE NO. 6001 Issued May-95 Revised May-95 Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 2 Approved by ANIL IM 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for logging of lithological characteristics of sediments. Potential hazards will be addressed in project Health and Safety Plan. MUM1112 �Iffli 9rH I Be aware of safety. Don appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), as prescribed in the project Health and Safety Plan for this project - The top of the field log should contain information on the boring or test pit location, drilling method, water level, and pertinent project information, and should be completely filled out for each lithologic log, 3. If logging is performed using a split -barrel sampler, the lithology should be noted at no 40 greater than the intervals from which samples are collected. 4- The lithology should be classified using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), unless otherwise stipulated. This will include notation of the following: a- Description of grain size distribution. b. Description of soil hue using Afunseffi& Soil Color Charts. C, Notation whether sample is dry, moist, wet, or saturated. d. Notation of any hydrocarbon or other odor, e. If a clayey material, notification of stiffness and plasticity. f Notation of any evident mineralogy- g. Notation of the presence of roots, other organic material, or fill material. 5. If the sample was obtained from a California -split -barrel sampler, the consistency (for fine-grained soils) or density (for coarse -grained soils) should be determined from blow -count data, and recorded on the log sheet. American Society for Testing CONFIDENTIAL APPC.5002.D0C W-C Diamond Oromp DEQ-CFW-00032265 LITHOLOGIC LOGGING/GUIDELINE NO. 6001 Revised. May-95 Revision No, I Page 2 of 2 AML 6. If a sample ftom a given depth is missed, the reason should be noted on the log and another sample from as close a depth as possible in the same hole should be obtained. 7. At the completion of logging, the following should be performed: a. Recheck the field notes, log, and site description. b. Write a shoil job summary. Ll TF537ML �'�njz�mj=, Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place: D Field Book 0 Hand Lens D Knife 0 Munselll) Soil Color Charts 0 DISCS Soil Classification Charts CONFIDENTZAL APFC5002.D0C W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032266 .F— DECONTAMINATION AREA - GUIDELINE NO. 7101 GENERAL issued May-95 Revised May-95 Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 2 Approved by 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to provide the general requirements for appropriate safe working orocedures and management for the decontamination area- Potential hazards will be addressed in III ���l ll Jill 1181 lt] N 2. All persons entering or leaving the EZ shall pass through the Decontamination Area to don or doff their protective equipment. 3. Persons entering the Decontamination Area from the Clean Area shall be equipped with all personal protective equipment (PPE). 4- Contaminated protective equipment shall not be removed from the Decontamination Area is until it has been cleaned and properly packaged and labeled. 5. Personnel shall not be permitted to exit the Decontamination Area until contaminated clothing and equipment have been removed and employees have washed their hands and face with soap and water. f,. Removal of materials from protective clothing orequipment by blowing, shaking, or any other means which may disperse materials into the air is prohibited. 7. Portable or fixed emergency shower and eyewasb station(s) shall be strategically located in the Decontamination Area when there is a hazard to the skin or eyes or risk of absorption of toxic materials through the skin- 8. A deluge shower or hose and nozzle shall be available in the Decontamination Area to wash down heavily contaminated personnel before doffing protective clothing. 9. Eating, drinking, smoking, chewing, and applying of cosmetics shall be prohibited in contaminated areas. 10. All employees shall be required to wash their faces and hands with soap and water before - eating, drinking, smoking, or applying cosmetics. I I . Unless the risk of significant residual contamination is slight, as determined by a project- s ii f I pec ic evaluation, change rooms and shower facilities shall be provided for the use of employees working within the Exclusion Zone. CONI-IDENTIAL APPIC71OLDOC W-C' Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032267 DECONTAMINATION AREA - GENERAL/GUIDELINE NO. 7101 Revised. May-95 Revision No. I Page 2 of 2 12. When necessary to saleguard health, all personnel shall be required to shower at the erid of their shift before leaving the job site, 111171111ii! lmrr mmlrimiilmir! Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place. Q Portable or Fixed Emergency Shower and Eyewash Station(s) L] Deluge Shower or Hose and Nozzle ZI Soap and Water for Washing U Shower Facilities and Change Rooms Note: For work involving hazardous or toxic chemicals and/or materials, procedures for decontaminating personnel, PPE, tools, and machinery shall be established by the project -specific Health and Safety Plan. When the project -specific Health and Safety Plan requires a decontamination area or unit to be established, it shall be set up in a demarcated area within the Contamination Reduction Area. 00 3.0 REFERFNCES The following sources were used in developing this guideline. Ll CJ U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1985. Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. CO3VF1DE,,VT1AL APPCIIOLDOC W-C Oiamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032268 SAMPLING AND MEASURING GUIDELINE NO. 7201 EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION Issued May-95 Revised January-97 contad Mark J. Cohn Page I of 3 Approved by John F. Greiner 4 1.0 INTRODUCT101 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the proper decontamination of field equipment used during assessment, sampling, construction, and remedial actions. Potential V111 110VI EM39M hill gift I 111-11 All non -disposable equipment used for the collection, preparation, preservation, and storage of environmental samples must be cleaned prior to use and after each subsequent use. Unless the equipment and materials being used are disposable or of sufficient number so as not to be reused during any one sampling period, decontamination will have to be performed in the field. If possible, attempts should be made to minimize field decontamination by using dedicated or disposable equipment. AVOL The minimum procedures to be used to decontaminate non -disposable sampling equipment are described below: U 7. Manually scrub the equipment with a non-pbosphate detergent using a bucket, tap water, and the detergent, oj- steam clean and skip Step 3. If drilling in volatile contarninants, use high pressure wash instead of steam. 3, Rinse the equipment with tap water. In a separate bucket or other appropriate container, rinse the- equipment again. Store any contaminated liquid in storage drums rMOMMM mgm ZM IMIMME!''113M I TMSTMMrVT =_ *5. Wash or rinse by using a squirt bottle filled with pesticide -grade isopropanol if required by the Sampling and Analysis Plan. CONFIAE1VTIA1, APFC7Z01,00C DEQ-CFW-00032269 SAMPLING AND MEASURING EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION/C V IDE LINE NO.7201 Revised: January-97 Revision No. 2 Page 2 of 3 0 2.2 Procedures For Decontaminating Interface Probe I Unwind the probe spool and clean the lerigth 'of the probe and tape with non - phosphate detergent and potable water. Rinse with deionized water followed by analyte free water as required. 2. Rewind the spool, rinse with pesticide -grade isopropanol*. 3. Place the interface probe in a clean container. .7 ME =1141MM=- # KE= The pump shall be placed in a series of upright polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubes or plastic buckets, each filled with decontamination solutions in the sequence described below: *a. Pesticide -grade isopropanol, if required, to decontaminate free phase product from 40 the pump. b. Non -phosphate detergent solution; if free product was not encountered, this will be the first step. c. Potable water. *d. Pesticide -grade isopropanol. e. Analyte-free water, if required, or delonized water. I The pump will be placed into each of the decont araination PVC tubes and will be activated to purge the pump and the discharge line. The external surfaces of the hoses and pump should be cleaned in the same manner. I The pump and discharge line will be allowed to air dry before placing the pump into a clean container. * Project Specific CONFIDENTIAL XPPC7201DOC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032270 SAMPLING AND MEASURING EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION/GUIDELINE NO.7201 Revised; January-97 Revision No. 2 Page 3 of 3 0 0 . TESM-1-m9mme L3 Steam Cleaner Ll Tap Water Ll Deionized Water or Laboratory -clean Water D Non phosphate Detergent D Squirt Bottle of Pesticide -grade Isopropanol 13 Buckets 13 Brushes LJ Paper Towels and Chemwipes 6 .. . ."MM" IJ U, S. Environmental Protection Agemy, Washington, D.C., Lisa Feldt - Prillcipal Editor, Report Number EPA/540/P-87/001, "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations Methods," December 1987. K U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, 1996, Standard Operating Procedures and Qua] i ty Assurarice Manual . * Project Specific CONFIDENTIAL APPC720).DOC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032271 DECONTAMINATION USING A GUIDELINE NO. 7202 PRESSURE WASHER Issued May-95 Revised May-95 Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 4 Approved by 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the proper operation and maintenance of a steam cleaner/pressure washer. Potential hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan- P.*,Ul SS1,_J�Ul SPAR"I'Se"WD AOT LIQUED SPAATS CPLVCX*SE—SK4%04'3 INJU'Y. IF SKIN IS CUT OR BURNED BY SPRAY, SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION, ALWAYS WEAR EYE PROTECTION WHILE OPERATING THIS EQUIPMENT. PRESCRIBED IN THE DERS HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN FOP, THE PROJECT. Inspect the hose for cracks or signs of fraying. If any are found, replace the hose before using the machine. 2. Check the engine oil level. Be certain the dipstick is fully screwed into the engine. If necessary, fill with SAE 30 detergent oil (SC, SD, or SE). 3. Check the engine gasoline level. If necessary, fill with the required fuel (unleaded or regular gasoline). 4. Check the water heater diesel fuel level- If necessary, fill with No. 2 diesel fuel (35-41 API). 5. NOTE. Damage to the fuel pump will result if the machine is operated with an empty fuel tank. 6. Get the selector valve to the desired mode of operation (i.e., high-pressure spray or steam), 7. Attach the correct gun lip-, steam nozzle with No. 32 orifice for steam cleaning, or pressure nozzle with No, 07 orifice for pressure washing. 8. Attach the water supply hose to the water inlet, then turn on the water supply. CONFIDENTIAL APFC7202,DOC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032272 IE DECONTAMINATION USING A PRESSURE WAS NO. 7202 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 2 of 4 2.1 Procedures For Start -Up THE MACHINE SHOULD REST ON FIRM, LEVEL GROUND. CHECK THE W14EELS WHILE OPERATING. I L FITi MIA IfUlf-w-VI-0 M101.14 0. t :%I G1113.114101 L111Y311.510IN11, 1. Check to see if the selector valve is set to the desired mode of operation (either steam cleaning or pressure washing). 2. Secure the spray gun. 3. Open the gasoline shut-off valve. 4. Start the engine, using the choke, if necessary. 5, Open the burner valve approximately one full turn. 1. Don rubber gloves, and hold the gun firmly. Anticipate the recoil force. 2, Hold the gun by the handles only. The metal parts of the gun will be very hot. 3. Squeeze the trigger and steam clean or pressure wash the selected piece of equipment or object. Moving the spray gun slowly and methodically along the equipment or object will result in the best cleaning. CONFIDENTIAL APPC7202.DOC W-C' Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032273 Ll 11, L] DECONTAMINATION USING A PRESSURE WASHER/GUIDELINE NO. 7202 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 3 of 4 i .CA11T.1011 TURN THE MACHINE OFF AND DISCHARGE PRESSURE IN THE SYSTEM BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE THE NOZZLE TI[PS OR SERVICE THE MACHINE. 1. Close the burner valve. 2. Allow the machine to cool for two minutes with water running. 3. Stop the engine by pressing the "kill" button. 4. Close the gasoline shut-off valve. 5, Turn off the water supply hose, 2.4 Field Lubricant And Filter Requirements I . Clean the element with kerosene when dirty. 2, After cleaning, lubricate with a mixture of three parts kerosene to one part engine oil. 3. Squeeze out any excess oil. 4. Replace the element. 1. Lubricate every 25 hours of operation with Molylithium No. 2 Wheel Bearing Grease, "NEEK-4XVITA Proper operation and maintenance of the stearn cleaner/pressure washer by following the procedures listed in this guideline will result in good quality decontamination of equipment. if federal, state, or local regulations require proof of adequate decontamination, a sample of the runoff water from the equipment can be collected during decontamination procedures. r8070101000 WE W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032274 DECONTAMINATION USING A PRESSURE WASHERIGUIDELINE NO. 7202 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 4 of 4 Amk V 2.6 Special Considerations/Requirements/Equipment L'I Personnel implementing this guideline should ensure that the following are in place: CJ Gun Tip (orifice) 13 Spray Gun Q Water Pump Engine (including water pump, water heater, air filter, and hose) J Water Supply Hose CONFIDE,VTIAL APPC7202.DO(-' W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032275 U PACKAGING AND SHIPPING OF GUIDELINE NO. 8001 SOIL SAMPLES Issued May 95 Revised may-05 Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 3 Approved by 1.0 INTRODUCT101 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for packaging and shipping of soil samples for delivery to a licensed laboratory for analytical testing. Potential hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan. This procedure must be carried out in the following manner: 1. Be aware of safety. 2, Obtain a chain -of -custody and fill out all appropriate areas, including: analytical laboratory address, type of analysis, number and type of samples, turnaround time, etc. Sign the chain -of- custody as the "Relinquisher." 3, For glass sample containers, first place the sample container in shipping foam or a bubble -pack wrapper to protect it from possible breakage during shipment. 4- If using, place the metal sample liners or cylinders into a Ziplocv plastic bag to prevent any possible moisture ftom reaching the soil samples. Glass sample containers should be wrapped in bubble wrap or placed in foam molds to prevent breakage. 5. Place the metal sample liners or sample containers into a large plastic bag and place the bag into an ice chest. 6. Fill the bag with ice. Seal the bag by twisting and taping with strapping tape to prevent leakage. Place packing material into the ice chest to fill any voids, if needed, to prevent movement of the sample containers during shipment, 7. If the analytical laboratory sends a representative to pick up the ice chest, have the representative sign the chain -of -custody as the "Receiver." If the ice chest is to be shipped to the analytical laboratory, the lab representative receiving the ice chest will open the ice chest, check the containers, sign the chain -of -custody as the "Receiver," make a photocopy of the chain -of -custody, and will send the photocopy back to the "Relinquisher." CONFIDENTIAL APP(7800I.DOC W-C Diamond Croup DEQ-CFW-00032276 PACKAGING AND SHIPPING OF SOIL SAMPLES/GUIDELINE NO. 8001 Revised: May-95 Revision No. I Page 2 of 3 8, If the ice chests are to be shipped to the analytical laboratory rather than picked up by a representative of the laboratory, retain the yellow copy of the completed chain -of -custody, and place the rest of the chain -of -custody in a waterproof bag and place the bag inside the ice chest. The chain -of -custody should list only those samples contained in the particular ice chest. 9. Seal the ice chest with a custody seal. If the ice chest is to be 'shipped to the analytical laboratory, additionally secure the ice chest with strapping tape. 10. If the analytical laboratory sends a representative to pick up the ice chest, have the representative sign the chain -of -custody as the "Receiver." Give the pink copy of the chain -of -custody to the laboratory representative, and retain the white and yellow copies. 1. Ship the sealed ice chest to the analytical laboratory or allow the laboratory representative to take the ice chest. RREWIM Make certain that all samples are sufficiently protected from possible contaminant dilution from melting ice. Proper seals and signatures will ensure proper tracking and security of the samples so that any data obtained can not be invalidated due to shipping procedures_ Personnelimplementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place: L-J Chain -of -Custody Forms J Custody Seal 11 Environmental Samples 0 Ice Chest and Ice 0 Large Heavy Gauge Plastic Bag LJ Sample Container Labels D Strapping Tape 0 Indelible Marker L1 Cushioning Materials (such as Styrofoam( M or Bubble Wrap) CONFIDEIMAL APPC800J.D0C W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032277 i0ft qr 3.0 REFERENA U PACKAGING AND SHIPPING OF SOIL SAIMPLES/GUIDELINE NO. 8001 Revised: May-95 Revision No- I Page 3 of 3 The following sources were used in developing this guideline: LJ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Lisa Feldt - Principal Editor, Report Number EPA/540,'P-87/001, "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations Methods," December 1987. COI rIVENTIAL 4PPc800i.noc W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032278 PACKAGING AND SHIPPING OF GUIDELINE NO, 8002 LIQUID SAMPLES Issued May-95 Revised May-95 Contact Tracy Gibson Page I of 2 Approved by 1.0 WRODUCT101 I Purpose The purpose of this guideline is to provide guidance for packaging and shipping of liquid samples for delivery to a licensed laboratory for analytical testing. Potential hazards will be addressed in the project Health and Safety Plan. This procedure must be carried out in the following manner - I . Be aware of safety. 2- Place the environmental sample containers in shipping fban-i or in bubble wrap and chill on ice prior to transport to the laboratory. Make sure all samples are affixed with signed and sealed custody seals. 3. Line the ice chest with a large plastic bag; place the sample containers in the plastic 16 bag. Fill the bag with ice or a comparable substitute to maintain a constant temperature of 4'C. Seal the bag- Place packing material in the ice chest to fill all voids. 4. Obtain a chain -of -custody and fill out all appropriate areas including analytical lab address, type of analysis, number and type of samples, turnaround time, etc. 5. Notify the appropriate analytical laboratory of the samples and request a pick up. 6. The generator is to sign the chain of custody as the "Relinquisher"; the laboratory representative is to -sign as the "Receiver." Give one copy of the chain -of -custody to the laboratory representative and retain one copy for the future report; a third copy is for the job file. 7. Seal the lid of the ice chest with a custody seat, sign, and give the ice chest containing the samples to the laboratory representative. 8. If the ice chest is to be shipped to the analytical laboratory rather than picked up by a representative of the laboratory, retain one copy of the completed chain -of -custody and place the other two copies in a waterproof bag and place the bag inside the ice chest - The chain -of -custody should list only those samples contained in the particular ice 10 chest. C0jVF1DE?VT1AL APP0002.DOC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032279 PACKAGING AND SHIPPING OF LIQUID SAMPLES/GUIDELINE NO. 8002 Revised-, May-95 Revision No. I Page 2 of 2 AMB, ffl� 9. Seat the ice chest with a custody seal and secure the ice chest with strapping tape. 21 Special C ous id erations/Req u i rem ents/Equip ment Personnel implementing this guideline must ensure that the following are in place: U Chain -of -Custody Forms 0 Custody Seal 0 Environmental Samples 11 Ice Chest and Ice LJ Large Heavy Gauge Plastic Bag U Sample Container Labels El Strapping Tape * Indelible Marker * Cushioning Materials (such as StyrcifibamO or Bubble Wrap) 40 3.0 REFERENCES The following sources were used in developing this guideline; C3 1J.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Lisa Feldt - Principal Editor, Report Number EPA/540/P-87/001, "A Compendium of Superfund Field Operations MethodsDecember 1987. E11A RCRA Groundwater Monitoring Tee linical. Enforcement Guidance Document, September 1986. CONFIDENTIAL APPC8002.DOC W-C Diamond Group DEQ-CFW-00032280 L"I APPEN00A, S2j^0198 Appendix D Process Materials DuPont Fayetteville Works Naflon Acetic Acid Acetonitrile Adiponitrile Benzene Chromium Diethylene Glycol DiGlyme Dimethyl Carbonate (Carbonic Acid, Dirnethyl Ester) Ester Vinyl Ether Fluorocarbons Krytox Oil Lube Oil Methanol Methyl-3 Methoxy-Tetrafluoropropionate Methylene Chloride Methylene Chloride NACL Brine Nickel Nitric Acid Polyethylene Glycol Potassium Flouride Potassium Hydroxide Potassium Salts PSEPVE Sodium Carbonate Sodium Fluoride Sodium Hydroxide TAF Solvent Tetraglyme Toluene L�Inyl Ethers OEQ-CFVV_00032281 U U U APPENDD XLS2/101.98 Appendix D Process Materials DuPont Fayetteville Works Fayetteville, North Carolina Caustic Sulfuric, Acid =11 2(2'-hydroxyl 5'-methylphenyl) benxotriazole 2-Ethyl 2-Hexenal Butyraldehyde Ethylene Glyrof H2SO4 Methanol NX-diethylcyohexyl amine NaOH -Octylphenol aratoluene Sulfonic Acid olyvinyl alcohol olyvMyl Butyral Otassiurn Formate odium Lauryl Sulfate tetra ethylene glycol di-heptanoate ersene (tetrasodiurn salt of ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid im, DEQ-CFW-00032282