Sent: 10/23/20I56:I7:39PM
To: Rogers, Michael [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministradve Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
CC: Lawson, Christine [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: DECiRecord Request Permits and NQVsIssued
Attachments: DECiRecord Request —Permits |oued_AFQ.x|sx
Here bthe revised AR]permits issued spreadsheet. Ihave removed the Deemed permitted tab from the spoeadsheet.
From: Rogers, Michael
Sent: Friday, October Z3,ZO1SlZ]ZPK4
To: Watts, Debra <debra.watts@ncdenr.gov>; Garoma, Miressa <miressa.garoma@ncdenr.gov>; Manuel, Vanessa
Cc: Lawson, Christine <[hristine.Lawson@nodenr.gov>;Ris8aard,Jon ^jon.risgaard@nodenr.8ov>
Subject: RE: DEC\Record Request Permits and NOVsIssued
Vanessa -
Here are the revised spreadsheets, Per Debra'sinput, Ideleted the tabs for GWdeemed permitted for the Permits
spreadsheet. There were no changes to the NOV GW sheet as there was a NOV issued for a deemed permitted site in
201.1 ifyou have any qoesdons,let meknow.
From: Watts, Debra
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 11:40 AM
To:Gamma, Mireoa R�eo,�bha�
Cc: Watts, Debra Lawson, Christine Ris0aand,Jon
Subject: RE: DEQ Record Request - Permits and NOVs Issued
Below is the original tusk/mnaiiSee Vanessa'semail inresponse tomycomment about the 1jeemed"facilities — she is
leaving this touswhat weinclude, I WOLAId recommend we delete the deemed facilities unless we aCtUally issued the
permit. Please send inrevised spreadsheets, Let meknow ifyou still want todiscuss. Thanks!
Debra Watts
Supervisor, Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Protection Branch
Division n{Water Resources
North Carolina Department nfEnvironmental Quality
512 NL Salisbury Street
183GMail Service Center
:�,:..k.._,....k�.._ E.,....,... ..,.,..�..E...,..E:� �.,. ....�k�.,,..,
From: Jeffrey Hudson (Research) [rr ailto:.Jeff rev, Hudson,@ clep net]
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2015 10:26 AM
To: Reeder, Tom <to€ ,ree€Je€ ncdenr. ov>; Dockham, Matthew T <rnat:thew,dockharn-'ncde€ €. ov>
Cc: Jennifer McGinnis (Research) <Jennifer.M c innis@ ncle�;.net>
Subject: Department Permits and NOVs
We've been asked to get from the Department the following information for this year and each of the preceding 4 years:
• The number of permits issued by each regulatory division within the Department (Coastal Management; Air
Quality; Water Resources; Waste Management; and Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources).
• The number of notices of violations the Department has issued by regulatory division; the resolution, if any, of
each NOV; and the county where the circumstances giving rise to the NOV occurred.
We've been given a deadline of Friday, October 30. Let me know if you have any questions.
From: Manuel, Vanessa
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 6:44 AM
To: Watts, Debra <debra.wat:ts`e:)€icde. ii.gov>
Cc: Garoma, Miressa Lawson, Christine <Chnstme.Lawson 6 ncdenr,Ro >; Rogers,
Michael < chael. €x'.. ..i c ra gay>; Risgaard, Jon Poupart, Jeff
<leff. ou art:`@nt:denr. ov>
Subject: RE: DEQ Record Request - Permits and NOVs Issued
Hi Debra —
It is not my determination to make in deciding whether or not to include deemed permits in the record request:. That is
why I forwarded the spreadsheets to the various programs so the expert individuals within those programs can make
that determination. In her response back to me, Deborah Gore removed the WQCSD permits because these are not
actual permits but: rather tracking numbers captured in RIMS for the SSO or inspection events. If, in your determination,
the deemed ground water permits are not true permits issued, then please use your best judgement in deciding
whether or not they should be included. If they should not be included, then as instructed below, please remove them
from the spreadsheet and return the modified spreadsheet to me indicating the change.
Thanks for your group's help with the task.
DEQ-CFW 00055297
Vanessa E. Manuel
Environmental Senior Specialist
Division of Water Resources - Water Quality Permitting Section - Wastewater Branch
Department of Environmental Quality
919 807-0892 office
Mailings 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-18017
Physical: 512 North Salisbury Street„ Raleigh, NC 27604
From: Watts, Debra
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 4:50 PM
To: Manuel, Vanessa <van€�.s.so.man!Ael@ricderir. ov>
Cc: Garoma, Miressa <€ ire��ts,aro€€ar�cdcr�rc�+>; Lawson, Christine <` hristi€c.Lcor€€de€r.a>; Rogers,
Michael <richaal,roerncdenr.#�ov>
Subject: FW: DEQ Record Request - Permits and NOVs Issued
Just to add a few words to Mike's comments below. It looks life the tasking is for permits "issued". The "deemed"
permits are technically not issued, but we do keep records on them — some for inventory purposes and some for
enforcement purposes. My question is do these "deemed" permits meet the criteria of what: is being asked. If not:,
maybe they should not be included. 'I'hanksl
Debra Watts
Supervisor, Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Protection Branch
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Depa€tment. at Environmental Quality
919 807 0888 office
deb alwatts ne.drr€r.�cv
512 N. Salisbury Street
1088 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1088
._ ........ .
DEQ-CFW 00055298
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From: Rogers, Michael
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 4:44 PM
To: Watts, Debra <debra,watts -)nc ippr f--spy>; Garoma, Miressa <r..iiressal�aroria@nc�enr g>; Lawson, Christine
Manuel, Vanessa <vanessa.ma UEJQX,..�d�'
...................................................... .................................... n ..........
Cc: Risgaard, Jon <gnrise jar(.r@�Incden�r.ov>
Subject: RE: DEQ Record Request - Permits and NOVs Issued
Vanessa- It: looks like the spreadsheets are OK as -is for the Groundwater program. However, for your information,
although wells are permitted, some wells in our program permits are individually issued, and some are considered
'deemed' permitted, depending upon certain well construction criteria. For deemed permitted sites they provide
forms/notifications containing pertinent information such as location, responsible party, etc. If you have any questions,
please let me know.
From: Watts, Debra
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 5:19 PM
To: Rogers, Michael <rnichael,r( Garoma, Miressa <rniress rn a,:@ nc-den >; Lawson, Christine
<Christine. Lawson -)nc gpy >
Cc: Risgaard, Jon <2n...risgg Watts, Debra <debra,wat s.,...D dg
....... .................. ............. t e
Subject: FW: DEQ Record Request - Permits and NOVs Issued
Here is the list DWR has COMe up With for the tasking we originally received from Jon to provide a list of NOVs. It looks
like all they want us to do is verify that the list they came up with for permits issued and NOVs is valid. Note the dates
are different than what we talked about.
My only observation is that the Deemed GW permits should probably not be included since they are not "issued"..... not
sure if the same is true for the animal side.
Please follow the instructions below and copy me on your response to Vanessa. Thanks!
Debra Watts
Supervisor, Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Protection Branch
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
919 807 6338 office
512 N. Salisbury Street
1636 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1636
�a S�isx��:���
From: Manuel, Vanessa
Sent: Wednesday, October J1,JO15Z:J1PK4
To: Lawson, Christine Watts, Debra Gore, Deborah
Thornburg, Nathaniel ; Moore, Cindy
Be|nick�Tom ;Hennessy John <�
Hardee, Ed
Cc: Poupart,Jeff ;Ris8aard,Jon
Subject: DE{lRecord Request Permits and NOVsIssued
The Department has requested a listing of all permits and NOVs issued from January 1, 2011, through the current
date. The Division was not given any information why the information is being requested.
Attached are 2 spreadsheets (permits issued and NOVs issued) listing data pulled from BIMS that meet the conditions of
the requested information. Within each spreadsheet are separate tabs for the different program categories (Animals,
Ground Water, Non -discharge, etc).
Please review the lists for your respective programs and remove any record that should not be included (for example, if
ATC permits should not be counted, then delete the ATC permits issued and provide a brief explanation of why the
reourd(s)were de|eted). Return the modified spreadsheets back tomeindicating the changes made.
Please provide responses and modified spreadsheets back tomenolater than close ofbusiness this Friday, October 23 d
... apologies for the short turn -around.
If you have any questions, let me know at the earliest.
Vanessa E.YNanue|
Environmental Senior Specialist
Division of Water Resources - Water Quality Permitting Section - Wastewater Branch
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
919807-6392 o#oo
V L"
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