Sent: 1/14/I0I47:I3:24PW1
To: FX#aaniJon [/b=NCMAL/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYDBOHFI]3PD[T)/cn=Recipients/cn=jon.hsXaard]
Subject: RE: spreadsheet of permits
Attachments: NDPermits I-I4-IOI4.x|sx
Ect Hardee
Division.. of Watez Resources
watez Quality Pezmittir�.g Seotinr', Bou-Dioo�azg� ��z�ittiog Duit
1636 Mai'L Ser�,Ti:c Cen-lcz
�a�sigb, 27699-1636
Phooe (9l9> �D7-63l9
DI3CIAIMEP; Eoait-o aod tzoo �his address is sub-e:t �o the North
Caznlioa !��ublic 3ecozds Law and may be disclosed to thi-rd parties nuleso the cootent is
exeolDt by statnt-e or other reguIat-ioo.
To: Hardee, Ed
Subject: RE: spreadsheet of permits
Can you send me another spreadsheet with all WQ permits except for the reclaimed distribution, collection system, and
gravity sewer extensions.
For each facility |need
Permit #
Facility name
Permit type
3na Risgaard. - Sups] ---visor, Non-Jinchazge Unit
Watez Quality Pezinitting Seotioo
16"'6 V.oi1 Service Ceo�e.r
pal-sigb, 27699-l636
From: Hardee, Ed
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: spreadsheet of permits
Is this what YOU need?
Ed Har-dee
Divis-'Loi., of Wa.ter Resources
Wa.ter Quali-ty Permitta.ng Se.ctJ_cj.,, UT-Idt
16 2) 6 11,a i _': S e r v e C e,
6) 99 - 1C 3 6
(919) 8 07 6 3 -1. 9
DI SCLAIMEP : Email correspondence Lind f rom, t1h. i s address i s s u-1- ect t.-.) t-he North
C a. r o., n a. 'P u b L i c 'Re c o r cis L a.,,,T a n d m aY L) e clis. c I os� ecl. t c) L, J_.� - d r t J. e S 1J. I e S S. t rt e C 0 1 -, t e �r, L, i s
exempt by statute otne]-_-
From: Risgaard, 3on
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 1:10 PM
To: Hardee, Ed
Subject: spreadsheet of permits
Please send me a spreadsheet of all active and expired permits that have data submittal requirements.
Wastewater irrigation
High rate
Reclaimed water
For each facility I need
Permit #
Facility name
Permit type
J o, I IRJ: s -,f a, a -rd S L; pe _rvi s o r , Non Disc-hafge Pe-rntitting Unit
-,e.r Qualit,; Section
-V, er
16"'6 Mai -I Sel -Lce cen�L,
PaLeig.1-1, N-1- 2'769Q--16__)6
9 -1:9 8 0 6 4'- a
http: h2 o. enr. s ta te. r1C. LIS 1 a u/inain. htinl