HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00054962From: Guyer Regina[rguyer@uncc.edu]
Sent: 2/I8/20107:44:55PN1
To: Montgomery, Lori [/o=NCMAL/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
(FYD|BOHFI]3PDLT)/cn=Kecipients/cn=|oh.montgomery];Jon RisgaardDon.Risgaard@ncmaiined
Subject: RE: Reclaimed Water Rules Hearing Announcement
Thanks Lori and Jon,
I appreciate the opportunity to submit some comments onthe rulings. } will do that before the April deadline.
Too bad there are not public meetings inCharlotte, iwould plan toattend.
Have agreat day!
From: Montgomery, Lori [mailto:lori.montgomery@ncdenr.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:29 PM
Don; rcox@hiepc.com;slevitus@kilpatricstockton.com;Apickle@selcnc.org; Guyer, Regina; hal@waterrecycling.com;
Subject: Reclaimed Water Rules Hearing Announcement
Please see the attached hearing announcement regarding the Division of Water Quality's proposed reclaimed water rule
changes. More information, including a link to the hearing announcement, the draft rule documents, and the associated
fiscal analysis may be found in the news section of the Aquifer Protection Section's webpage:
, and/or onthe DVV[\Event Calendar
page: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/event-calendar.
You are receiving this notification because you were identified as someone who has previously expressed interest
regarding reclaimed water rule activities. If you are no longer interested in this issue, please disregard this message.
Please forward this information on to others in your organization who may be interested. Feel free tocontact meat
919-715-6187 or Jon Risgaard at 919-715-6167 if you have questions or need further information.
Lori A. Montgomery, PE
Environmental Engineer
NCDivision ofWater 0ualitv
Land Application Unit
phone: (919) 7
� 1.5-6187
fax: (919) 7 5-6048
�M' Al'A ch, - � ql,.-.u) lo ri. m o ntgom ery@ ncden r.gov.
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