Sent: 8/14/2017 1:47:09 PM
Subject: Latest Coastal News
Reminder: The information below is an aggregate of the latest news items/editorials. Any opinions are not
necessarily endorsed by DCM or DEQ.
Climate Change: Is the World Doing Enough To Tackle Global Warming?
htt : ° wvvoibtines,c:o€n cIi€Hate-chan e-world-doi€ -enou i-tac:lle- Ic�bal-warnin 77506
Sea Level Rise Is Speeding Up in Parts of the Southeastern U.S.
htt s: °ww�. cientif€:amerian.orn article see -level -rise -is- eedin-u -in- arts-of-the-southeastern-LI-s
State of the climate isn't just getting warmer; scientists saw changes in ice and oceans, too
htt : ° wvvorichmond.com weather state-of-the-climate-isn-t-'ust- ettin-warrner-
Scientists/article f5231.868-57 -S96S- 3 e-l. d ca9Sdb5,html
Buxton Beach Nourishment Update - August 11, 2017
htt : /islandfree ress.or /2 7 rchiveS 8.1'1.. 1 7-Buxto€� ea(hNo€Arishmentt.) dateAu €�stI - :1.7.html
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OBX says no to offshore drilling - again
htts:/ ilotonline.corn `ne�s `local/environr€ent/obi-sa =s-no-to-offshore-drill"ins---a ain 'article S.aa5c-
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Apartment Complex De -annexed from Sunset Beach
htt : ° wvvosternewsorlineocom news 2 7g a artment-co€ lei-de-annexed-frorn-Sunset-beach
N. Topsail: Effort Renewed to Undo CBRA
htt s: °www.coastalreview.or 27 ° °n-to Sail-effort-renewed-undo-cbra
Republicans Question Cooper on GenX
htt So ° www,c:oastalrevie�,v,or �2��.7 �g re �ublic:ans- uestion-coo er- ens °
Swansboro Awarded Grant to Address Runoff
htt s: °www.coastalreview.or 27 ° °swenshero-awarded- rant -address -runoff
Sarah M. Young
Public Information Officer
N.C. Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Coastal Management
919-707-8604 office
saran. can ncdenr.€ r—
DEQ-CFW 00054952