HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00054891From: Young, Sarah [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=94E1114833AA46B9B87F8D4E6B9613F4-SMYOUNGI] Sent: 6/15/2017 1:53:16 PM Subject: Latest Coastal News Reminder: The information below is an aggregate of the latest news items/editorials. Any opinions are not necessarily endorsed by DCM or DEQ. Short Term Dredging is Completed, but Connecting Channel isn't Out of Hot Water Yet htt . `islandfree ressaor s 20 7Archi es 00.14. 0 7 Sh€:)ri:Terri)DredE,inRi.sCo€.oletedBAI:Co€i€ieci:inRCt,€aririelis€'€I:O�AtOfHotW,-)te€'Yel:,htrnl Anglers may receive a Marine Fisheries survey r f€isl"€^..'.€ ieS-SUrve _........'.......t..c.........................................................................x..................,..........{..........ix...:........::..........::...............................................................................................-- DEQ News Release- DEQ DHHS investigating reports of unregulated chemical in Cape Fear River htt : de .nc. ov'de-dhhs-i€s estiatin-re orts-r€nreulated-chemical-ca e-fear-river Toxins Found In Cape Fear Water Supply htt 'wur��,or ' cst tc�irs-fcu€�d-ca e-fear-water-su 1 f�strear€���. GenX: But Can We Drink The Water ... htt 'wh r.c€- � €�st/ e€��-ca€�-we-dri€�i€-water�#strearn/0 State agencies launching investigation into GenX dumping htt : 'wvw.rect.com'stur�SGfS9C state a e€cies-lar€cchin-i€vestiation-into- ens -darn in BREAKING: NC starts Chemours investigation over GenX htt : 'w vw.€ ewberrs`,can news 2D ?00 4 rc-starts_chemours-investigation-over-genx BREAKING: State to sample Cape Fear for GenX -itt,€rtc,-chel":'ours-€nv,--sti�,ation-over- enx COMMUNITY VOICES GENX CONCERNS AT CFPUA MEETING htt : 'wvvw.vswT tv1c€o€n '201 x'06 �4 ge€�x-�f ua' UNCW BIOLOGIST, LOCAL ENGINEER NOT DRINKING WATER AFTER GENX DISCOVERY htt �:,� `w;d�Fw,wwa tv3acor����0�7 `00��4,�ur�c;d�F_biolo��ist�local-�xn sire:��xr-noted€'ir�I�in�;..�,�at�xr..aft�3r��e��x�dlscove�' � CAROLINA BEACH RELEASES WATER TEST RESULTS AFTER GENX CONCERNS ARISE Sarah M. Young Public Information Officer N.C. Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management 919-707-8604 office Sarah. oun cde r.gcv DEQ-CFW 00054891 .......... z-o DEQ-CFW-00054892