HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00054378From: Massengale, Susan [/D=NCMA|L/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD1BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=SUSAN.PWASSENGAUE] Sent: 6/25/I0I45:59:06PW1 To: erin@watrhub.com CC: Young, Sarah [/h=NCMA|L/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF233PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=sarah.young]; Poupart,]eff [/o=NCW1A|L/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFI]3PD[n/cn=Kedpients/cn=ief[poupart]; Elliot, Drew [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Elliot, John D4f9];Kritzer, Jamie [/o=NCK8A|L/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHF233PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=jamie.kritzer]; Reeder, Tom [/o=NCMA|L/ou=ExchangeAdministrabve Group (FY08OHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipipnt$cn=tom.reedpr] Subject: Permit Record Request for VVatrHub Attachments: ListOf Perm itteclAnimal Faclities-01-10-2014.xls; Information request ND permits 5-28-13.xlsx Hello Erin, Sarah Young and Jeff Poupartshared your request for copies ofseveral ofour wastewater permits with me. | think itisimportant that vveclearly identify the scope ofyour request. If"having acomplete set ofthe most recent permits" means a copy of every permit in our system, then that is beyond what we will provide — we do not have suffidentfile library staff tu devote a staff member to this effort. We have close to 1200 individual NPDES wastewater permits alone. In addition, you have requested all [AFO and other non -discharge wastewater permits. | believe the non - discharge permits add another 500 permits or so to the request, and we have a little over 2600 animal permits — each with a certificate of coverage and waste management plan. Although we have plans to make these available in an online library eventually, that isnot yet the case. The best way topursue your request is for you to visit our Division of Water Resources file room in the Archdale Building in downtown Raleigh. Here you will be able to view and copy as many NPIDES, non -discharge and animal feeding operations permits asyou wish. The cost would beminimal $O.U5per page after the first 2Spages. |fyou bring your own scanner, you would incur no charge for the copies. If bylooking atthe list ofindividual and general NPDESpermits onour m/ebshe under Permit |nfo),and the attached lists ofnon-discharge and animal operations permits you can identify a half -dozen permits you would like copies of, I would be happy to scan those and email them toyou. Beyond that, we would be very happy to have you visit our file room and begin your review and copying process. Please let meknow which option you choose. Susan Massengale Susan Public Information Officer QBN8-Divisiou of\N'ater}leacuurcea z0z7MSC, Raleigh, NCu76g9-z6z7 Please note that og'phone number has changed. (010)707-90/4 E'-moil corresponclence to this ocl(rescmo v6z,subio/tothe /�n"�.�orodmo/'u�&c8�con�r�m+mnd*u�/�eu�rc&med/o���n/�ordex,