Sent: 8/17/2017 1:16:53 PM
To: Tarr, Jeremy M [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
(FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=98859532088e4437968231eb6fef6b70-jmtarrl]; Holman, Sheila
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
CC: Owen, Jenni [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Subject: RE: Connecting NC & Netherlands Environmental officials
Agree. Seems to me that it would be a worthwhile exercise.
From: Tarr, Jeremy M
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 11:49 AM
To: Whichard, Jordan <Jordan.Whichard@nc.gov>; Holman, Sheila <sheila.holman@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Owen, Jenni <Jenni.Owen@nc.gov>
Subject: FW: Connecting NC & Netherlands Environmental officials
I'd suggest we set up a call with Jan Wijmenga, Jan Peelen, Sheila, Mark, and me to compare notes on the facilities,
pollutants discharged (GenX and others), and government responses. From the emails below, it sounds like a
conversation would be fruitful for them and us. Thoughts?
Jeremy Tarr
Policy Advisor
Office of Governor Roy Cooper
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301
919-814-2043 I - l:r_3rr 1. 5z k4�.
From: Wijmenga, J. (Jan) - DGMI p... t €.3.;r € -€ € r r................. nl
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 11:13 AM
To: Whichard, Jordan <Jord�in.Wll.icliard...l�c..�x .>; Holman, Sheila <s 3i a I ra >; Tarr, Jeremy M
Cc: Jong, Bart de <ba€t-deJon--,@minbuza.nl>; Peelen, Jan <JR.r-leelen$ €ninbu a,r l>
Subject: RE: Connecting NC & Netherlands Environmental officials
Clear colleagues,
.I.hanks for the opportunity to discuss this case with the NC government!
As Jan Peelen explained I am the coordinating officer within the ministry of Environment for all research that we have
initiated (on the national level) around the Chernours plant: in Dordrecht:, NL. There also provincial ('state') and municipal
investigations running, and an inquiry by the public prosecutor's office.
DEQ-CFW 00053828
We have been working this case for about two years now, and after an initial foS:US on PFOA only, we have now several
investigations running, some are concluded already but some are still pending (arid one is about to start), both on PFOA
and GenX.
I have not sears reports on PFOA emissions from the Chemours plant: in NC, so there might: not be a link there, but: just: to
be complete: PFOA was Used at the plant in Dordrecht, but emissions were terminated in 2012 and now only a very low
emission to water is still permitted from a soil decontamination facility on the site. Nevertheless, we still get many
questions on health effects of the historical emissions, and a measurement campaign found several citizens living close
by the factory that even at this moment have blood concentrations of PFOA that may lead to health effects (see the
T,p.2�:t for more details).
With the phase --out of PFOA, Chernours has introduced the GenX technology as a replacement, with a provincial permit
for emissions to water and air. We have been investigating (effects of) PFOA for about: two years, and GenX for about a
year now. Published work includes an overview of available info, drinking water sampling and the derivation of a
threshold for GenX in drinking water (150 ng/1), but we were so far unable to conclude on some aspects of the
substances used, e.g. we have riot: been able to derive a water quality standard to protect: the water ecosystem. I would
be interested to see whether there is any information available within the NC: administration on this aspect of the GenX
emission to water (e.g. a bioaCc.umulation study in fish).
A more recent development is that a study from the Free University of Amsterdam found GenX and PFOA in leaves and
grass around the factory, up to levels that — according to the researcher — would warrant a warning for eating vegetable's
grown in the vicinity. We are currently following -LAP on this, as only non -edible plants were tested so far. If there is any
information available on similar studies carried out in NC it would be greatly appreciated if this could be shared.
For us it would also be useful to know some operational details about: the plant: in NIA', as C;hernours has committed to
cease its emission to water in the gape Fear river. We have had (and still have) extensive discussions with the
management: of the Dordrecht works, but: a similar commitment: has so far not been obtained. C;hemours claims that: the
Fayetteville and Dordrecht works are not comparable and the commitment male in the US could therefore not be made
in del L.
We certainly expect that: discussions will continue on the emissions of GenX, as recent measurements have shown GenX
in trace quantities in drinking water at large distances from the plant and expect questions from the public and from
parliament on the differences between the Fayetteville and Dordrecht works (and on the (im)possibility to reduce
I would of course be able to share any data that we have on GenX, or facilitate contacts with the colleagues from our
water management: unit: or the National Institute for Public Health and Environment: (RIVM), which has participated in
most of the research work carried out so far.
Thanks again for the possibility to discuss these and I am looking forward to a further exchange of information
Jan Wijmenga
Directorate for Environmental Safety and Risks
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Rijnstraat 8 1 The Hague
P.O. Sox 20001 1 NL-2500 EX I The Plague
The Netherlands
T +31 70 456 0867
E jan.wijdnen;a€dninienrr€.nl
W www, overnrnent,rl rnin€st:r€eshenrn
DEQ-CFW 00053829
Van: Pee|en,Jan
Aan: 'Whichard,]ordan' ;'Ho|man,Sheila' ;7arr,Jeremy M'
CC: VVijmen0a,].(Jan) DGM| Jong, Bart de
Onderwverp:RE: Connecting N[&Netherlands Environmental officials
Dear Jordan, Sheila enJeremy,
Jordan, thanks for your efforts to connect us!
Sheila & Jeremy, great to meet you through this medium! As Jordan mentioned, I am based in DC as the attach6 for the
Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (comparable to US DOT, EPA /&HUD).This year, mycolleagues in
The Netherlands asked me to keep an eye out for cases involving PFOA and GenX in the US, since there are growing
concerns about traces of those substances in the drinking water in a particular region the Netherlands. We learned DEQ
launched an investigation on GenX in the lower Cape Fear River. The source of GenX in NC is the same as the
Netherlands: achemical company called [hemours.
Our lead onthis topic iu Jan Wijmenga (in cc). He is a senior advisor at the directorate for Environmental Quality & Risks.
He asked me to introduce him to NC officials, so they could compare notes and perhaps share experiences and data. I
hope this is the start of a fruitful exchange.
Jan PeeUen
AttaCh6 for Infrastructure and the Environment
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Office for Infrastructure and the Environment
4200 Linnean Avenue NW
Washington D.C, 20008, USA
T +12032742730
M +13836886256
From: VVhichao[Jordan
Sent: dinsda815au8ustus2U17O9:3O
To: Pee|en,Jan ; Holman, Sheila Tar�Jeremy K8
Subject: Connecting NIC & Netherlands Environmental officials
Thanks for reaching out last week regarding GenX and Chemours, an issue that our state and your country are both in
the midst ofdealing with.
I'm connecting you by this email with Sheila Hollman, Assistant Secretary for the Environment at NCIDEQ, and Jeremy
Tarr, one of the Governor's Policy Advisors in our office. They are happy to work with your environmental officials to
have a conversation about these and other emerging compounds, and Sheila can coordinate with members specifically
involved in Water Resources at DEQ.
Jeremy and Sheila, Jan is an attach6 for infrastructure and the environment at the Embassy of the Netherlands in
Washington, DC.
Let me know if I can be helpful as these conversations begin. Thanks to you all for your continued engagement.
D. Jordan Whichard IV
Office of Governor Roy Cooper
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-0301
919-814-2036 direct
919-818-6085 mobile
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