HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00053625am 1 iElILLN31LIr News releases, media advisories + other publications Awards and Recognitions: Congratulations are in order for the DEQ Riverdogs for winning their fifth N.C. State Government Softball League Tournament this week at the Dorothea Dix softball field. The league includes eight state agency teams with its regular season starting in May and winding up at the end of July. The Riverdogs took second place during the regular season with an 11-3 record but first place in the tournament by defeating the Department of Transportation, the Administration Office of the Courts and the Department of Justice. The State Government Softball League has been in existence since 1989. DEQ's team entered the competition in 1999. Three DEQ players has been asked to participate in the All - Star game next Wednesday, August 9d' . They are DWR's PWS' Brad Whitman, Rebecca Duffy and DWM's Adam Ulislmey. DEQ events this week Aug. 7: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Raleigh (N. C. Rural Center) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants-Infrastructre. Aug. 7, 5 p.m.: DEQ will host a public hearing on the proposed 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program at the New Hanover Co. Govermnent Center in Wilmington. Aug. 8: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Kinston (Public Works Department) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 9,11 a.m.: DEQ representatives will join staff from the N.C. Indian Affairs Commission to attend an Environmental Justice Forum on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project at the Haliwa-Saponi Tribal Government Complex in Hollister. Aug. 9, 5 p.m.: DEQ will host a hearing on the proposed 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program at the Crystal Coast Civic Center in Morehead City. Aug. 9: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Fayetteville (Fayetteville PWC) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 10: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Wilmington (Northeast Regional Library) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 10, 5 p.m.: DEQ will host a public hearing on the proposed 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program at the Dare County Government Complex in Manteo. Aug. 10: The Washington Regional Office Public Water Supply section staff will take part in the N.C. Waterworks Operators Association (NCWOA) Meeting August 10"' from 11 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. at the Pines of Elizabeth City, 1525 N. Road Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27609. Jamie Midgette will give a Rules update. Looking Ahead Aug. 15, 5:30 p.m.: DEQ will host a listening session for communities impacted by the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project at Nash County Community College in Rocky Mount. Aug. 16, 5:30 p.m.: DEQ will host a listening session for communities impacted by the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project at the Northampton County Cultural and Wellness Center in Jackson. Aug. 16: Energy Policy Forum and Council Meeting will be held in the William G. Ross Conference Center. Opening remarks and the forum will be at 8:00 AM and at 10:00 AM the Energy Policy Council will meet. The forum will a series of Ted Talks presented by leaders in North Carolina's energy spehere. Aug. 17, 5:30 p.m.: DEQ will host a listening session for communities impacted by the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline project at the Robeson County Agriculture Center in Lumberton. Aug. 22,10 a.m.: The N.C. Sedimentation Control Commission will meet in the Archdale Building's ground floor hearing room. Aug. 22: PWS Section Chief Jessica Godreau will be in Denver, August 22nd as a member of the national Water Research Foundation's Public Council on Water Research. The Council provides input on research needs that address broad social issues affecting the water community to address current and emerging challenges. Additions/corrections: or 919-707-8604 DEQ-CFW 00053625 Aug. %4:pWS'DykLubcnwill give uRules Update uithe NCW0A Pumps and Distribution Seminar August 24hfrom 8a.nu-4p.m.u1 the Nags Head Fire Department, Station l6.53|4S.Cooatan Highway, Nags Head, NC 27959. Sept.7:The O.S.EPA will hold uone-day workshop designed W bring together water utility staff and emergency services personnel W discuss concerns and priorities during uwater outage incident. The workshop will take place September 7ho1the Division of Emergency Management's main office at 1636 Gold Star Drive in Sept.20: State Water Infrastructure Authority meeting e1N. C.Rum| Center, 4O2lCuryuDrive, Raleigh. Sept.20-22:DA0ishosting the Association ofAir Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA)20|7Fall Business Meeting bnRaleigh. Location: DonbleUcobyHilton Raleigh (Brownstone -Dnhersity). Registration opens soon. The meeting will include open sessions for all interested participants and closed sessions limited WAAPCA members and governmental attendees. Sept.27-%#zThe Coastal Resources Cnoonjosionwill meet iu Wilmington. Location Whcdetermined. Oct. 10-U:Division ofWater Infrastructure's Kim Colson and Francine Durso will hcspeakers atthe Water & Finance Management Journal's 20|7Water Asset Management Conference inBoston. The Water Asset Management Conference gathers CEOs, directors, general managers, asset managers and other decision makers of n/uucweutew*crundmonnwaterudhdcoCnrehwo-daydiaonuaion around challenges and strategic munagcmcnxaobxionatbrn/mur bdinaknokor. Nov 7'8:The Coastal Resources Commission will meet u1the Hilton Doubletreoin Atlantic Beach. (GenX) VSprosecutors seek records ofunregulated chemical inriver http://abcnewa.Dozom/US/wirpStory/us'prnsecutors-sepk-recnrds- unregu|ated-chemica|-river-4901GD76 Despite toxic GenXconcerns, restaurant goers still drinking the water http://www.sturnewaon|ine.com/news/2017O8O3/despite'toxic- gen»concerns-restuurant-goers-stiU'drinking-wmter Feds subpoena records from DEQ on chemical release in Cape Fear (Coa|Ash) New Use for Coal Ash Scientists a^N[ABJmake coal ash breakthrough http://www.gneensboro.com/news/dun_rver/scientims-at-nc-a-t- make'coa|-ash-breakthrouXh/artide_7a4ceadc-Ic48'57eI-939e- da68Z34f 1cb.htm| (Ozone rule) EPA reverses course onozone rule https://woww.nytimeszom/%OI7/08/O3/c|imate/epa'reverses- couoe-on'ozone'ru|e.htm| Additional 1,4-0nxaneTest Results Received GOKCOOPER TOURS PEND[R0. WATER TREATMENT PLANT AMID GENX CONCERNS https .com/20l7/O7/31/gov-cooper-touns-pendpp co'*mter-treatment'p|ant-amid'gen»concerns/ Cooper turns attention toward water quality statewide http://www.wect.com/story/36012495/cooper-turns-attention- towards-water-quality-statewide Sand Project: More Turtles Than Expected https://woyw.00amo|review.or&/2O17/O8/sand-pnoject-turt|es- Steel casing was being set aside when itcut power to Hatteras https:Houterbanksvoice.com/ZOI7/O7/31/suee|'casing+yas-being- EDITORIAL, July Z9:Judge GenXresponse bytestable results, not money spent http://www.starnewsun|inezom/opinion/2Ol70729/editoria|-ju|y' 29-judge'genx-nespnnse-by-tpstab|e'nesu|t*not-muney~sppnt Coastal Towns Get Money for Water Projects https:/\www.coasta|review.org/2Ol7/O7/cnaga|-tuvvns'get-mnney- fupwateppnojects/ Tropical Storm Emily forms off Florida projected to pass North Carolina coast http://abc11zonn/weuthentropicu|-storm'enni|y-form*of-Oorida-- River http://www.wna|.com/feds-subpoena'records-from'deq'on- New Bern Officials Warn of Possible Water Scam chemical-release-in'cape-fear-river/I685817I/ httP://www.newbernsjzom/news/2O17O7%8/new+bern-ofhda|* worn'of-possib|e-water-scam CFPUAplanning uzfile lawsuit against Chemours http://www.wect.com/story/36057963/cfpua-planning-to-file- GenXScience Panel Shares Research Pla ns lawsuit-against-chemours https://www.coago|review.org/Z017/O7/genx'sdence-pane|-shares' esearch'p|ans/ The mind reels: Ciuitas,foe ofEPA and government regulation, demands EPA enforce Clean Water Act ne:GenX http://pu|se.ncpo|icywatch.urg/2Ol7/O8/03/mind-ree|*dvitas-fne' epa-gnvernmpnt'reXu|atinn'demands'epa-enfnrce-dean-watepact- NC'swind energy moratorium just political hot air http://www.newsnbsemeccom/upinion/edituha|$artidel64281892 Mystery chemical discovered inGreensboro drinking water Additionu/cornectunz or919-7U7-86U4 discovered -in'gnensboro-]hnNng+wuter/arbde_92]5ae55-fc5e- 5DTf-9c6I'bac7ff1]5e4D.htnn| NTEsecures air permit for Reidsville Energy Center Nttp://www.greensboro.com/rockingham_now/busines$nte- secure*uippermit-fopneidsvi||e'energy-center/artide_f 7dc7fu- 7If9'IIe7'b8cb'Ob7fadfb8dZthtm| Add itionu/cornectunz or919-7U7-86U4