HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00053212From: Albert Stanley K8eiburg [meiburgeync4pgmuiicom]
Sent: 7/20/20173:33:06PN1
To: Solomon, ]0RAL[JD.So|omon@pCH2K8.com]
CC: JD Solomon [pamlicojd@gmail.com]; Holman, Sheila [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Subject: Re: media inquiry: EK8C,water quality and emerging contaminants
FYI. ltalked with Lisa this morning. lv/aa clear about who } am speaking for only) and my credentials
(she won't refer to me as a scientist).
The call went well. ldidn't feel pressed to go beyond where lwas comfortable. ltalked about the SDWA
structure and the role ofEPA inlooking a1 unregulatedoontan)inanLs. Used the 9F(]S/PFOA health advisories
asexamples ofthe complexities ofmaking risk d«tenninationomnsidering health effects, exposures, the
regulatory process and cost -benefit considerations . Also said that this showed how important it iatnhave an
EPA that is credible on science matters.
Story will probably run tomorrow. Thanks for your advice!
Sent from my iPad
Short answer:
| would reply that w/ewill plan have presentations to the EK4C in September on topics related to
emerging contaminates like the ones mentioned inthe email. However, the EK8Cisarule making body
and assuch relies ondata and public involvement prior tomaking decisions. DE{lhas the
responsibilities for addressing most of the short term issues and data collection on behalf of the state in
these matters. Atthis point, the best information can begained through Asst. Secretary Holman and
the DE[lPublic Information office.
Long answer:
| agree with you unbeing apublic body and communicating transparently. And you are probably equally
or more skilled than me with respect to speaking in public and not saying anything.
I don't think you will be able to separate yourself on a personal level from being a former EPA official, a
member ofthe EK4C,orafaculty member atWake Forest. | would hope you could, but | strongly doubt
it — they are wanting to talk to you because of all of those roles, not because you are Stan.
From what I know and what you probably expect from your past experience, there are some locals
trying to grandstand on this issue even though they know state and federal officials have been active. |
would not want any member of the EMC to get ambushed, and be perceived that one or more of us are
taking political sides or misquoted to appear to be assessing blame on any of the parties.
| don't believe the EM[,sdme has come on this issue yet, and | think we should at this point yield to the
Governor and his departments to get this issue ripe for us to consider, when and if appropriate.
We have historically relied on the DEQ public information office and taken a very low profile outside our
meetings with respect tomedia communications. Acouple ofcommissioners have expressed some
interest to developing a more formal communication approach for the EMC, and I may form an ad hoc
small group to map out some of the issues, but without paid staff we are really at a disadvantage with
respect to proactive communication.
Tar.—MON011111111115—NING A 0=6 61
Thanks too for making me aware of this.
From: JD Solomon [mailto:pamlicoid@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 8:29 PM
To: Solomon, JD/RAL <JD.Solomon@CH2M.com>
Subject: Fwd: media inquiry: EMC, water quality and emerging contaminants [EXTERNAL'
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Albert Stanley Meiburg" <rneiburgerncLa),.gmai1.corn>
Date: Jul 18, 2017 7:32 PM
Subject: Fwd: media inquiry: EMC, water quality and emerging contaminants
To: "JD Solomon" <pamlicoJdagmail.com>, "Lois Thomas" <1ois.thomas(Anc& �.loy>,
"Sheila Holman" <Slieila.holtnan L-�,ticdenr.gov>
Hi, JD, Lois and Sheila.
I have received the following inquiry from NC Policy Watch.
1) Do you know if other EMC members have received similar inquiries?
2) Does the EMC have a standing policy on members responding to press inquiries?
3) As the EMC is a public body, my general inclination is to talk to members of the press. In this
case I would have the following messages.
A) I am speaking only for myself I am not speaking for the Commission, any Committee, DEQ,
or EPA. I am not myself a technical hydrogeologist nor a specialist in health effects of
contaminants in drinking water.
B) I can talk about the importance of science and the role of EPA in setting drinking water MCLs
and publishing drinking water health advisories, but would do so only in general terms and not
with specific reference to these contaminants or to any of the particular cases.
C) I would also distinguish between the role of the EMC and the role of DEQ. In general, the
EMC's role is to act upon matters that come before it based on actions by DEQ. Matters related
to unregulated contaminants may come before the Commission in the future, and any further
comments I would have about them would be appropriate at that time, in public session, but apart
from expressing interest and concern about this situation it would not be appropriate for me to
comment further at this time. In particular I would not speculate on the best course of action for
the state. It is up to DEQ to first formulate recommendations on this point.
D) I am aware of the letter that the Governor sent to the Administrator about GenX and have no
comment on that. I would refer any questions about the letter to the Governor's office or DEQ.
Do you have any further advice?
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Lisa Sorg <1-.isaCe.),iicpolicywatch.com>
Date: July 18, 2017 at 6:07:05 PM EDT
To: "meiburgemc(.(Tgmail.com" <meiburgemc(.(Tgmail.com>
Subject: media inquiry: EMC, water quality and emerging contaminants
Dear Dr. Meiburg,
This is Lisa Sorg, environmental reporter with NC Policy Watch in Raleigh.
(iicpolicywatch. com).
First, congratulations on your appointment to the Environmental Management
Commission. Given your CV, I'm sure you'll provide valuable insight to the
Second, I'm contacting you because of your experience at EPA and expertise in
water poll ution/hydrology. I'm working on a story about emerging contaminants
in surface/drinking water in light of the discovery of GenX, Chromium 6 and 1-4
dioxane in various NC waterways and drinking water wells.
The focus of the piece is to help the reader understand the roles and
responsibilities of EPA, DEQ and the EMC in setting MCLs
and interim standards for these as -yet unregulated substances in drinking water.
I've read I 00s of pages on the EPA's role (GAO reports, congressional testimony,
as well as EPA documents) and am awaiting responses from DEQ. I'm now
interested in understanding how the EMC should proceed in grappling with this
difficult problem. Given the science (or lack thereof) about these contaminants,
what, in your scientific opinion is the best course of action for the state? In your
experience, what are the challenges facing both DEQ and the EMC in setting their
own standards — absent EPA guidance?
If you have time to speak by phone tomorrow morning, I'm happy to call you at
your convenience. Otherwise, if you prefer email, I can provide follow ups to the
above questions.
If you're unfamiliar with NC Policy Watch, here are links to representative work
on the environmental beat.
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tch-.comO//02F2017/05/25/fc)nner-house-speakei--tiied-strong-ai-i-n-deq-chemical s-
Thanks very much for your time.
Best regards,
Lisa Sorg
Environmental reporter
NC Policy Watch
224 S Dawson St
Raleigh NC 27601
919-536i--2-3-41- (cell)