HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00053192From: Benton, Mark [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANG[ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=F464O490DE444EE7A4O684D77891E3FI'[W8[NTON2] Sent: 7/19/I0I75:09:54PW1 To: Benton, Mark [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=f464O49Ode444ee7a406Q487789Ie3f1'mbenton2];TaUey,NoeUe3 [NoeUe.TaUey@pncXov];Tarr, Jeremy K8 [jeremy.tarr@ncgov]; Holman, Sheila [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ3SPDU)/cn=Redpients/cn=94a3f69674d34b769b3bd834a97105c5-scho|man]; Kritzer, Jamie [jamie.kritzer@ncclenr.gov]; Mackey, Chris [Chris.Mackey@dhhs.nc.gov] CC: Munger, Bridget [bridget.munXer@ncdenr.Xov] Subject: 6enXDaily calls w/NoeUe&Jeremy Attachments Untitled Attachment Location: 888-178-O%96Access: 746O79Z Start: 7/2I/20171:00:00PyW End: 7/21/20171:30:00PN1 Show Time As: Busy Recurrence: Weekly every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9l0AMto9:]0AM Required Benton, Mark; Talley, Noelle S; Tarr, Jeremy M; Holman, Sheila; Kritzer, Jamie; Mackey,Chris Attendees: Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile, health, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort, is prohibited by law. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records ofthis email. OEQ-CFVV_00053192