Sent: 7/19/I0I73:02:30PW1
To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group
Subject: FVV: Media inquiry regarding Gov. Cooper's GenX statement
Sheila Holman
Assistant Secretary for the Environment
1601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, N[J7699-l6O1
Sent: Tuesday, July Dl2Ol72:Z7PM
To: Talley, NoeUe5<NoeUeJaUey@nc.8ov>
Cc: Holman, Sheila «shei|a.ho|man@ncdenrBov>
Subject: FVV: Media inquiry regarding Gov. Cooper's GenX statement
Importance: High
North Carolina officials need EPA to must provide its guidance in order for North Carolina e4k4al&-to be able to set
surface and ground water standards for GenX, which Is why Governor Cooper is pressing the EPA for swift action. Once
the EPA provides their preliminary orrecommended reference dose sets + limit for GenX,North Carolina can begin
developing an enfertce enforceable water quality criteria 4 instead of having to rely on Chemours agreeing not to
discharge. As part of the state's ongoing investigation, DEQ is looking closely at Chemours' discharge permit and will
not renew itwhile questions remain about the company's actions.
Deputy Director
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina DepahmentufEmhrnnmema|Quality
1611Mad Service Center
From: Talley, Noe||eS
Sent: Tuesday, July D8,JO17l:U7PK4
To: Holman, Sheila ; Culpepper, Linda
Cc: Kritzer, Jamie
Subject:FVV: Media inquiry regarding Gov. Cooper's GenXstatement
Importance: High
Linda and Sheila, vveneed your quick review onthis response tothe questions be|ovv Please call metodiscuss if
Under current law the EPA must provide its guidance in order for North Carolina officials to be able to set surface and
ground water standards for GenX, which Is why Governor Cooper is pressing the EPA for swift action. Once the EPA sets
a limit for GenX, North Carolina can enforce it instead of having to rely on Chemours agreeing not to discharge. As
part of the state's ongoing investigation, DEQ is looking closely at Chemours' discharge permit and will not renew it
while questions remain about the company's actions.
Noelle Talley
#ffice of Governor Roy Cooper
From: Vaughn Hagerty
Sent: Tuesday, July 18,2Ul711:S6AK4
To: Talley, NoeUeS
Subject: Media inquiry regarding Gov. Cooper's GenXstatement
My name is Vaughn Hagerty. I'm o jnunlaliutworking with the StarNev/u in Wilmington on its Gen}{ coverage.
lhad ofew questions regarding Governor Cooper's statement yesterday, but lwanted tnmake sure lunderstood
what was meant by one particular part.
lnthe press release accompanying the statement, it says:
"Additional action from the EPA ianecessary inorder for North Carolina toheable 0opermanently require
Chnu)ours0nlimit nrend discharge nfGon}{nrany currently unregulatedche000al,"
Is the governor saying this iunecessary because North Carolina does not have the regulatory authority without
guidance from EPA holimit or endciofGen}{9lf so, i that something specificb`North Carolina?
If not, can you help noeunderstand the ohatacle(m)tnwhich the governor is referring?.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Vaughn Hagerty
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