HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00053111From: Staley, Danny [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=A9C6634FFC8944C999A648EDCF1A9FC7'DSTAL[Y] Sent: 7/18/I0I78:48:59PW1 To: Cohen, Mandy [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=17f67deI%b794971bf44d5913fb7fZ7a-mcohen] CC: Talley, Noe||e3[/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cd9[3Q8%4Z1745bcb5a6Ocbe8Zcdff89'nstaUey];Kritzer,]amie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer];Benton,Mark [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=f464O49Ode444ee7a40G84877891p3fl-mbenton2];K8ackeKChris [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=aef8f6bOGb2342c5b282ae0Dd2b45lce-cmackey]];Hn|man,Shpi|a [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=94a3fG9G74d34b769b3bd8]4a97lO5c5-schu|man]; Young, Christen Unke [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPDQ]/cn=Redpient$cn=aOp57e0Gb4l148bcbGd2aG7b7b2alDf4-cynung12];VVeinpr, Sadie [/o=ExchangeLubs/ou=ExchungeAdministrative Group (FYD|BOHF2]SPD[O/cn=Redpient$cn=dfQ8bd64929O43eeaub54e5D9dd7d1b2-amveiner] Subject: Re: GenXPublic Forum VVed,July 19thatOdell Williamson Auditorium Looks like the Public Health role on the panel will be a local prospective. David Stanley from Brunswick. I will be in audience and recognized. At least that was the plan. Will prep with FAQ's and have the role of health goal development as opening if needed. Danny Staley NC Dept. of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Division Director 5605 Six Forks Road, Building #3 1931 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N[J7699-l931 Phone: (919)7O7`5D24 Fax: (919)OO7-48I9 Email: VVebshe: Can Shelia and Danny circulate their opening statements tothe group? | imagine kwill befrom cleared materials we have used already as we are not making new news. Questions that are being worked onare below. | think it is fine itsome ofthe answers are both repetitive and say "we are still working onthis ...... but want toatleast get those prelim answer down on paper. Feel free toadd any other hard questions | may have missed. We will set up a prep call — Noelle, Jaime, Chris -- can you plan to play the role of angry reporter or angry community member? OEQ-CFVV_00053111 Is the water safe to drink right now? Would you drink the water? If not, why? Was the water safe to drink on may 1 of this year? Jan 1? What about in 2016? When did you first learn about Gen X in the water? When did the Governor first learn about this issue? Why did it take an outside scientist to alert you to this? Don't your scientist monitor the water routinely? What do they do to approve permits? Do the permits for Chemors allow for discharge of Gen X? Who regulates this? Is there a standard that can be legally enforced by DEQ or EPA? How frequently was the water tested and over what period of time? Who would those results bereported to? Was itthe company that did the testing oranindependent entity? What other chemicals are in the water that we should be worried about? If DHHS isn't responsible for conducting research/tests on these other chemicals, who is responsible and have memade arequest tothem? Who is responsible totest the water for Gen Xgoing forward? And who is responsible totest for other chemicals? Why was there nohealth goal for Gen Xprior tothis month? Why did the health goal get reduced *oquickly after itwas first announced? What data are you using to make these determinations? Is there Gen X in the soil? Air? Other? How is that regulated and what is the total impact on a person? Who does studies of the impact on Gen X on humans? Have any been done? If not, why not? It sounds like you are passing the buck to EPA, what is the state's role in regulating Gen X and other chemicals? Why hasn't EPA acted already to address this? What is the process to get them to act? How/ long will it take? Is it safe for me to water my vegetable garden? Is it safe for me to give my pet water? What are the long-term impacts for them of drinking the water? Is it safe for me mix my baby's formula with the local water? |sthere ablood test orbody scan todetermine if|have GenXinmybody? Will [hemoursorthe state pay for it? Why are the GenXtest results higher in some areas than others, particularly sites near the Chemours plant? OEQ-CFVV_00053112 If Chemours has stopped discharging GenX in to the river, why is GenX still being detected? Does GenX cause cancer? How about the other chemical compounds found in the river? What kinds of cancer are associated with GenX? Why did your health risk assessment rely on animal tests, wouldn't we want to know how it impacts humans? Your health goal iutied tothe level ofrisk for aninfant. Not everyone isaninfant, sowhy not set/share goals for different subgroups of the population? I'm a livestock farmer, is it safe to give the water to my [chickens, turkeys, hogs]? Is there any risk GenX will get intothe food supply? Should I purchase a water filtration system for my house so as to remove the GenX from my water? My water softener company says they can remove all of the GenX from my home water, do you agree or disagree with them? Is it safe to bath in the water or to wash my clothes in it? Can GenX seep into my skin? Is DHHS and DEQ working well together, or are they squabbling again like what happened with the Coal Ash thing? From: Talley, Nod|e5 Sent: Tuesday, July 18,2O174:13PM To: Cohen, Mandy ;Krkze�Jamie Benton, Mark ��ackey [hris �Ho|man,Shei|a �shei!abojman��ncdenroov� Cc: Staley, Danny Young, Christen Unke �VVeine�SadieSubject: RE: GenX Public Forum Wed., July 19th at Odell Williamson Auditorium Those sound like appropriate steps and | think it's fine for DHHStocoordinate prep for this public meeting. Noelle Talley Office of Governor Roy Cooper Office: 919-814-2101 From: Cohen, Mandy Sent: Tuesday, July 1Q,JO17Z:S7PK4 To: Kritzer, Jamie Benton, Mark Talley, NoeUeS Mackey, Chris ; Holman, Sheila OEQ-CFVV_00053113 Cc: Staley, Danny Youn�[hrbtenUnke Subject: RE: GenX Public Forum Wed., July 19th at Odell Williamson Auditorium Thanks — I think these questions, along with the long list of internal CIA I put together needs to be completed before this event .... and everyone should be answering hard questions the same way, even if the answer if "we aren't able to answer that right now". Additionally, will each person have an opening statement before answering questions? |fso, that should becirculated ahead oftime. Given the cameras that will bedhere—| would recommend a prep, with folks getting asked hard questions. Let me know who is owning these steps in the process? If needed, DHHS will. 11111 "M M From: Kritzer, Jamie Sent: Tuesday, July 18,2O172:11PM To: Benton, Mark ; Talley, NoeUeS Mackey, Chris �Ho|man' Sheila ' Cc: Staley, Danny �Cohen,K4andy �Young, [hhstenUnke Kritzer, Jamie Subject: RE: GenX Public Forum VVed,July 19th at Odell Williamson Auditorium ME | just spoke with Tyler VVittkof ky,theP0forH2Go.|confirmedthatDE{landDHHSw/ou|d|iketo participate tomorrow night. He said that vvewould bewelcome to participate. He indicated there was one spot available on the panel, due to space on the stage, and asked ifxvecould have a DEQ rep. since David Stanley, Brunswick County's health director, would already be on the panel from the public health side. I thought Sheila Holman, DEQys assistant secretary for the Environment, would be appropriate for the panel. He also said that itwould be great if members of both agencies wished to be in the audience and that he would make arrangements to have one of the moderators introduce the panelists and the special guests in the audience such as Danny Staley or anyone else from DHHSand DE[L | need tosend Mr. VVk1kof kyour|istofpartidpantsthisafternoon. Soplease let meknow ifwho |have sofar isokay? w <!--[if !supportLists]--><!--[endifj-->Danny Staley, director of the state Division of Public Health with DHH8 w <!—[if !supportLists]—><!—[endif] —>5hei|a Holman, assistant secretary for the Environment with DE{I I'm planning on attending as well, but I'm so famous I'm sure I need no introductions. (9 wom <!—[if!supportLbts—>x!—[endd]—>Panelists arrive at5:3Op.m.atOdell Williamson Auditorium, 1SOCollege Road NE, Bolivia, NI.28422 d—[if!suppurtLiris]—»«!—[endU]—>Doors open at6 <!—[if!supportLists]—>x!—[endif] '->Or8anizersare expecting ~3UOpeople OEQ-CFVV_00053114 x!—[if!supportLists]—><!—[endd]—>AdamVVagner(StarNevvsreportehmiUdoanopenin8 Vince Winkel (VVHOR) will layout rules, and Amanda Fitzpatrick ( will introduce panelists and special guests, including DHHS/DE{lstaff inthe audience. x!—[if!supportLists]—><!—[endd]—>Panelists are: Dr. Det|efKnappe(N[SUresearcher who found GenX in Cape Fear), Larry Cahoon (UNCW biologist), Susanne Brander, (UNCW toxicologist), Kemp Burclette (Cape Fear Riverkeeper), Daniel Wilson, executive director of the N.C. Rural Water Association; John Nichols, Brunswick Public Utility; David Stanley, Brunswick Co. Public Health Director; Randy Thompson, vice chair of Brunswick Co. Commissioners and Sheila Holman, assistant secretary DEQ. <!—[if!supportLists]—><!—[endiO—*Forum runs from 7:O9'9p.m.(Timing isabroadcast dhino. <!—[if!suppurtLists]—»«!—[endU]—>Furum will bebroadcast on91.3FM(NH{lR)and \NVVAYs w/ebsite. Reporters from area pub|ications/TVstations, including VVE[Tand Wilmington Star News and Brunswick Beacon are expected tocover. <!--[if ! su pportLists] --><!--[end if] -->Audience will be asked to craft questions before hand and hand them to the moderator, who will read the questions. It will be similar to the previous forum's format. No free-for-all. d—[if!suppurtLbts—»«!—[endif] —>CWeu ionsdeve|opedbyreporteovvhoareur8anbin8the event include: 1. <!--[if ! su pportLists] --><!--[end if] -->Types of water filter that can be used to get rid of GenX. Z. <!—[if!uupportListsj—><!—[endiD—>|scompany going tostop dumping GenX? 3. x!—[if !supportLists]—><!—[endd]—>Safe to drink water, play in sprinkler or bathe in water? 4. <!—[if!supportLists]—><!—[endU]—>Hasaclass action lawsuit been filed yet? S. <!—[if!uupportListsj—><!—[endiD—>Anyutilities sampling? 6. x!—[if!supportLists]—><!—[endd]—>VVhyisitimportant totest for other non-GenX perOuorinatedcompounds? 7. <!—[if!supportLists]—>x!—[endif] '->[urrentDE{lsampling plan for non'GenXcompounds? We can discuss these questions and some responses/talking points later today or tomorrow morning. Jamie Kritzer Communications Director 919-707-8602 En�J P0 is to 9',,e �ord7�a/n�}a�ub&�Reco/�oLam/aa�snaybad�o600ed6oPa/Vsa. Sent: Tuesday, July 18,2Ul711:SlAK4 To: Talley, NoeUeS Kritzer, Jamie Maokey, Chris Holman, Sheila ' ' Cc: Staley, Danny Cohen, Mandy Young, [hristenUnke Subject: RE: GenX Public Forum Wed,July 19th at Odell Williamson Auditorium We agree. Danny Staley, our DPH division director will represent us. OEQ-CFVV_00053115 M From: Talley, Noelle S Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 8:38 AM To: Kritzer, Jamie <jFjnl. e. ritzer@nc .ienr.� >, Mackey, Chris <Chri.s,.Mackey@dhh .nc.Q v>; Holman, ........................................................ Sheila <sheiIa,I~€oIm@n@ncdenr,go >; Benton, Mark <Mark,Benton @dhhs:nc.-P0 > Subject: Re: GenX Public Forum Wed., July 19th at Odell Williamson Auditorium Sent from my iPhone On Jul 18, 2017, at 8:17 AM, Kritzer, Jamie <1z1.i -.J . ritzer. r z . r.�.xc > wrote: • By RACHEL LEWIS HILBURN - 2�0 OURS AGO -------------------------------------------------------- e ie ':::........ public forum to answer questions about the Chemical GenX found in the Cape Fear River, Which supplies Brunswick County With its drinking water, is scheduledfor July 1in Supply. The GenX forum fakes place of 7 p.m. in Brunswick Community € ollege' Odell Williamson Auditorium. panel including UNCW biological oceanography professor Dr, Larry Cahoon, UNCW aquatic foxicology/envIronr mental DEQ-CFW 00053116 The forum is free to the public. Doors open at 6 p.m. Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer H2GO is sponsoring the event with WWAY, WHQR and StarNews. Submit questions via email to gcoggat�1,1��D�r . Or post questions on social media using #GenXBrunsCo Jamie Kritzer Communications Director N.C. Department of Environmental Quality 919-707-8602 919-218-5935 ""s to P�."'bfkl "P'ecoec"'s I'law nnav &." c"';'Sc"Osea '10 y Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile, health, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort, is prohibited by law. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records of this email. �o w�d _ rna" be k� No:`h Y DEQ-CFW-00053117