HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00052948E. Scott Pruitt Administrator, United States Environmental Protection Agency 12OOPennsylvania Ave,NVV Washington, D[IO46O | am writing to ask your assistance in North Carolina's efforts to address the unregulated chemical known asGenX. As you may know, this compound has been found in the drinking water supply in the lower Cape Fear River, downstream from Chemours, the company whose wastewater discharge contained the chemical. The company recently took action to divert the waste stream containing GenX toastorage tank atthe facility. VVeare working toconfirm that GenXisnolonger entering the river through the wastewater discharge. Water quality protection and wastewater management strategies remain fundamental to promoting public health and strengthening our state'seconomy. North Carolina General Statutes and implementation of the Clean Water Act requirements guide our commitment to water quality and protection ofpublic health. Staff members of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) have been collecting water samples near the facility and downstream since June l9,2Ol7. These samples have been analyzed by both your staff at the National Exposure Research Laboratory and a private lab, Test America. We have just released the data from the first two weeks of sampling. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has been working closely with toxicologists and scientists in your Office of Water and the Risk Assessment Division to develop a health assessment for this chemical. | understand that your agency isworking tofinalize ahealth assessment. write to you today to ask that this effort be expedited to the extent possible. I also request that EPA proceed with setting amaximum contaminant level for GenX. | believe these actions will help guide North Carolina asvveaddress this chemical. Finally, the Toxic Substance Control Act (TS[A) which is not delegated to the states is the initial gateway to chemical manufacturing. VVeappreciate the complexity inthe review ofmanufacturing registrations and the balance taken tosupport economic growth with product services. States rely onthe EPA for those evaluations to ensure chemical manufacturing is accomplished in a manner protective of the environment and public health. |nthat role xveask for the EPA toensure the federal TS[Achemical manufacturing registrations are conducted such that byproducts are evaluated from other onsite production lines, including consequences ofwastewater discharges. | thank you for the support your staff inthe offices mentioned above, aswell asthe staff inEPA Region 4,have already provided mystaff inDE{land DHHS. Their input has been invaluable during this process.