Sent: 7/15/2017 6:13:27 PM
To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Subject: Fw: State releases first water quality data, updated health information for GenX in Cape Fear River
Sheila Holman
31�&3ta y f #?-an*ot iwiTerrL
1601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1601
Phone: (919) 707-8619
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From: Chris Mackey <chris.mackey@dhhs.nc.gov>
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 4:16 PM
To: Holman, Sheila
Subject: State releases first water quality data, updated health information for GenX in Cape Fear River
Roy Cooper, Governor
Release: Immediate Contact: Chris Mackey and Jamie Kritzer
Date: July 14, 2017 Phone: 919-855-4840, 919-707-8602
Michael S. Regan, Secretary
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
State releases first water quality data, updated health information for GenX in Cape Fear River
Treated drinking water concentrations trending down; latest levels below updated health risk threshold
RALEIGH - State officials today released their first results of water quality samples and an updated preliminary health
assessment for concentrations of the unregulated compound GenX in finished, or treated, drinking water.
The revised health goal for exposure to Go@{in drinking water is|40nanugrmnper liter (also referred to asparts per
Samples were analyzed o1the lJ.S. Environmental Protection Agency lab inResearchTriangle Park and o(Test ,America, olab
in Colorado under contract toCbemmm.
Data from samples collected June 19md July 6show that the most recent results o[finished, mtreated, water inall but one
facility were below the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services' health goal o[|40parts per trillion. The data also
reveal that concentrations oC{3on}{are trending doxnvvum\.
Although no information is available about recreational health risks, people should refrain from swimming near the Chonoouru
"Our goal iaioprotect the safety and health o{all North CuuoUniuoa," said Mandy Cohen, secretary ofthe N.C.DopurhncntoI
HouNband lfun�onServices. ^1le�ev/nckQuality to
understand and communicate information inutimely manner, (nhelp those oo( d."
N.C. Department o[Environmental Quality Secretary Michael Regan said:
"Safe drinking water iaatop priority for this administration, and D80takes seriously its responsibility boprotect the health and
welfare uIthe public. Wowill continue (oinvestigate dNaiaeucamdnoakcnovvinformudonm/aUubb(od/cnubUoina(imcly
The findings reflect water quality data from samples collected g&_[}sites in theFayetteville andWilmington areas between June
l9-July 6�Roxukmubov/b�hnrconocm�adousnear the po�dv�horoChen�our` Fayetteville ou facility was
discharging GenX into the Cape Fear River, and much lower concentrations at the public water supply systems near the facility
and 7Omiles downstream inthe Wilmington area.
The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services released an initial preliminary health risk assessment on June 8 for GenX
in the Cape Fear River. 8mmod on continuinguuak'uis of health data and consultation with the Environmental Protection
Agency, the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services today updated its initial preliminany health assessment for GenX,
the unregulated chemical compound recently identified in the lower Cape Fear River.
This updated health goal oC|40parts per trillion isex�o�ediohethe znosiconsorvudvoand health pro(ootbnfor non -cancer
effects in bottle-fed infants, Vlmix, pro&nmpornou, lud pornou, children and adults. This health goal is lower than the health
goal iothe initial preliminary health oaacaezncnt. This changes reflect information from new data. Detailed information
regardingthe initial and revised uaaoaanoonta are posted online at:
Lower second week values reflect reduced exposure ioGen}{when, aithe urging o[state, local officials and concerned citizens,
Chemours onJune 2|began diverting vvuuiowator containingthe contaminant into storage tanks ioboshipped ouio[miatoCbr
incineration. D20inspected the Chonour site again this week after the company indicated that data it had collected was higher
than what dwould have expected to see after the June 21 wastewater diversion had started. DEQ inspectors confirmed this
week that Cbomour stopped the additional discharges o[OonX into the river and iscollecting them for removal and
The �Oo data table reflects partial results ofconcentrations ofGonX after the water had been treated 6vpublic water
International Paper Finished
NW Brunswick Water Treatment
Plant (W7P)Finished
CFPUA Sweeney Finished
Gen X Concentration in Finished Water
06/22/2#17results ppt 06/%9/20{7results ppC 07/06/2017runuhn
Test America,
Test America,
Gen X Concentration in Finished Water
Location 06/19/2017 results ppt 06/26/2017 results ppt
Test America, CO Test America, CO
Bladen Bluffs Finished 790 76
Early results from all 13 test sites can be found on the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality's GenX website:
litto-s--/-ncdeir-.m-4PS-a-rggi--s-:co-ii/'glip5-IKghqppvicwr/index.htm]?ld=Occ5c I795dee4O2686675956865d5790. A document
showing the results i a spreadsheet is at: hq I _p�.//N,,Avw.newater.org basins/Ca-pe Fear/Ge D in - --------------------------- -- nX atmpreadsheelpff
Additional water sample testing and analysis are underway with results to be shared once analysis is completed.
The state's preliminary health goal was developed in consultation with EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Ongoing discussions will apply guidance from leading federal researchers of emerging contaminants to help state
officials provide the public with the best information available on potential health risks posed by GenX.
Officials have been collecting water samples at multiple locations in the Fayetteville and Wilmington areas each week since
June 19 and will continue sampling until at least late July. DEQ officials have extended the state's sampling regimen from
three -to -six weeks to provide a more comprehensive understanding of GenX concentrations in the lower Cape Fear River.
For further information, please contact Chris Mackey, with the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, at 919-855-
4840 or 919-441-3577, or Jamie Kritzer, with the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality at 919-707-8602 or 919-218-
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