HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00052819From: shei|a.holmun4pncdenr.gov[shei|a.ho|mun4pnodenrgov Sent: 7/7/20179:46:I7PyW To: Benton, Mark [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXe Administrative Group (FYD|BOHFI]3PDLT)/cn=Kedpients/cn=f464O49Ode444ee7a4O684877Q9Ie3f1-mbentonZ] Subject: Fwd:Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Attachments: PRECAUTIONARY WATER ADVISORY.DOCX; ATT00001.htm lwanted k`make sure you and your team are aware ofthis situation. Sent from nly Whonc Begin forwarded message: From: "Culpepper, Linda" Date: ]uh' 7 2017 at 5:13:36 PM flD/7 To: Sheila" "Zimmerman, ]oy" Cc: " Jessica" j J "Midgette, Robert" Subject: FW: Cape Fear Public Utility Authority I don't see that this has been distributed to DHHS staff other than Mandy Cohen. Sheila — would you like to send it to Mark Benton? Linda Culpepper Deputy Director Division of WaterResuume North Carolina Department uJEnvironmental Quality 1611Mail Service Center Phone: �)19-707-9014 From: Jim F|echtner Sent: Friday, July O7 20175:08PK4 To: Regan, Michael S ; Lane, Bill F ;Culpepper, Linda Tarts Phillip Cohen, Mandy Subject: Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Today | received the attached draft Precautionary Water Advisory ("PVVA") from Brunswick Regional Water & Sewer H2Go ("H2Go"). H2Go purportedly intends to publish this PVVAto its customers. The PVVA recommends that H2Go customers find alternative sources of drinking water due to the presence of[8and GenXinthe Cape Fear River. While H2Go suggests it is not "hitting the panic button,, | am concerned that will be the practical effect of the PWA—whether warranted or not. I am mindful of the June 12, 2017 statement published by the OEQ-CFVV_00052819 Occupational Environmental Epidemiology Branch of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, citing Derived No Effect Level of7O,9U9 n8/Lof6enX based on a 2-year chronic toxidtyutudy,andcondudin8thattheGenX|eve|udeteotedintheCapeFearRiver`wou|dbeexpected to pose a |oxv risk to human hea|th." HJGo's PWA appears to contradict DHHS's own position. | recognize that the agencies copied hereon are tasked with evaluating the toxicity of these substances and establishing standards protective of the public. Due to the urgency of this issue, | request your immediate advice with regards to an appropriate response to H2Go's Precautionary Water Advisory. ]amesR. F|echtner, PE Executive Director [ape Fear Public Utility Authority 23SGovernment Center Drive Wilmington, N[Z84O3 910'332'6669 ]im.F|echtner@cƒpua.or8