HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00052768From: Holman, Sheila [/D=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=94A]F69674D34B7G9B3BD834A97105C5-SCHOLN1AN] Sent: 6/30/I0I711:4856AW1 To: Kritzer, Jamie [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExzhanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=cee93c49d01445a3b541bb3Z7dcdc84O-jbkritzer] Subject: FVV:NCD[(}and EPA OKDwork inCape Fear request for quote Can you work on a quote for me? Sheila Sheila Holman Assistant Secretary for the Environment NCDECL 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N[J7699'16Ol Phone/Fax:919-7O7-3619 8hei|a.ho|man@ncdenr.gov From: Matthews, Lba[maiho:K4atdhevvs.Lba@epa.Bov Sent: Thursday, June Z9 20174:30PK4 To: Holman, Sheila <shei|a.ho|man0Dnodenr.8ov> Cc: Carolyn Hanson <chan*on0Decos.or8>;Orme-Zava|eta,Jennifer xOrme-Zava|etaJennifer@epa.gov> Subject: NCDE{land EPA ORDwork inCape Fear request for quote Hi Shelia, It was nice to see you at EPA RTPatthe end of May. We are working with E[OS/ER|Sto develop some new stories about how ORD research and technical assistance are helping the states. Below is draft story on OR[Ys support related to PFAS and the Cape Fear River Basin. It would be very helpful to have a quote from you about the impact of EPA ORD's work. We also welcome any comments or corrections on the draft story. If you are able to provide a quote by July 5, it would be most appreciated. Thank you somuch, Lisa Partners: Cape Fear Public Utility Authority; Town ofPhtsboro,NC; Fayetteville, N[State Highway and Public Works Commission, N[Department ofEnvironmental Quality Challenge: Mapping PFASlevels across anentire river basin Resource: Methods development and laboratory analyses sertquote here —Chris.fohmoo(�wad of Organ`c 'ab)bstaff /evet POC] Because ofconcerns about long -chain per-andpolyfluoroa|kylsubstances(PFAS)vvhichpeoiriintheemvinonment,their use began being phased out in 2006. In 2007, EPA ORD began a first -ever effort in the U.S. to map PFAS levels in an entire watershed, focusing on North Carolina's Cape Fear River Basin. This mapping effort demonstrated that there were multiple sources of many different PFASthroughout the basin, suggesting that since the basin is a major drinking water resource, it could potentially be responsible for human exposures to PFAS throughout the entire region. As part of this effort, ORD also developed research based methods to measure PFAS in drinking water. EPA ORD's PFAS research in the Cape Fear Basin has continued since the 2007 mapping effort, specifically focusing on continued tracking of PFAS in surface and drinking water samples while discovering the emergence of novel PFAS using high resolution mass spectrometry (HRK4S) non -targeted analysis approaches. This work was highlighting the ongoing presence not only of many of the old, legacy PFAS compounds (such as PFOS/PFOA), but also of a suite of new PFAS (such as GenX) that came into production after the legacy PFASvveve phased out. Most recently, ORD researchers showed conclusively that these new PFAS were present in the drinking water in Wilmington, NC, which will assist the state ofNorth Carolina in understanding exposures from PFAS. Lisa Matthews Senior Advisor and State Liaison US EPA Office of Research and Development 202'564'6668office 202-577-4035mobUe