Sent: 6/14/I0I79:40:50PW1
To: Holman, Sheila [/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group
CC: Owen, ]enni[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: Chemours info
| just got off the phone with Jeff Fritz, Bov'taffairs with [hemouns,and wanted toshare some things pertinent to
Afew points onChemoum/approach/messaging attomornoxvsmeeting:
w Sending technical and communications people, not lawyers.
* Believe GenX levels pose no danger to human health
w Agree with DHHS analysis found that toxicity levels from 2013-2014 samples are 100 times less than safe levels
Want to correct misinformation produced by media
0 Will meet with Wilmington Star News editorial board after meeting
The company estimates the GenX control device it installed in 2013 reduced by-product GenX discharge by 80% (GenX
production isclosed |oop).
Jeff hears that New Hanover County plans to file for injunctive relieve to shut down the company until the safety of
drinking water is proven. Have you heard this?
Chemours hears that US EPA has analysis of samples taken more recently than 2013 and 2014. The company would like
DE[yshelp getting that analysis form the EPA. [hemouswill raise this with DE[\tomorrow.
Jeremy Tarr
Policy Advisor
Office ufGovernor Roy Cooper
Z03O1Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27699'U3O1
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