Sent: 6/10/2017 3:05:26 PM
To: Holman, Sheila [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
(FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=94a3f69674d34b769b3bd834a97105c5-scholman]; Nicholson, John A.
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
(FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=88b04784e0904037af6855b326e9b943-janichol son]; Miller, Anderson
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Subject: Fwd: Letter from New Hanover County regarding Drinking Water
Attachments: NHC letter to NCDEQ.pdf; ATT00001.htm
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Smith, Ruth Ravitz" <rsrniq�@nhggov.com>
Date: June 9, 2017 at 5:57:10 PM EDT
To: "michael.regar€ W@ncdenr.--ov" <michael.€e ter€@ncdenr. ov>
Cc: County Commissioners <L) CCCM CountvCo€ missionc3rs@ nhc.ov.noF >, "Executive Leadership
Team" <D CMGR xec!Al:ivei.ea€:iersiii Tear)@r llcgpv.c€.)rn>, "lannucci, Jim" <J1anru:6�nhc€)v.c m>,
.................................................................................... ..........................�R
Jim Flechtner lirn.flechtnar ct oa.or >, "O'Keefe, Chris" <COKeefei' nhcgov.corn>, "Sterling.Cheatham
{Sterlins,Cleatlr {zsilrinstonnn.Rov)" <tc3rlir;.Cdeatd� e;,Fil€ ir;t€€c.snv>, °Tarte, Phillip"
r >,''fviichael.Lec� ncleR.€.3�t" <l`v i€:hael.i.ee���n�leg..Df,. > ill.��r�cic
........................................ ..........................................- . . .......................... . .
<bill,rahon, ncle..net>, "Rep.. Holly Grange (holly, €an a r€cle .ret)" <holly.Pra€ �e iilncle ,€yet>,
"Rep. Deb Butler ( a tl r r .i. €x:r ct), < bab tl r e nci.eR.nc:t>, "ted.davis ( -mid-
Subject: Letter from New Hanover County regarding Drinking Water
Dear Secretary Regan,
I am sending this letter on behalf of County Manager Chris Coudriet.
Please have your staff contact me should you need additional information. I can be
reached on my mobile phone: 910-899-2590 or in the office on Monday.
We expect to hear early next week from the Chemours Company on when they can be
available to meet in Wilmington.
Ruth Smith 1 Chief Communications Officer
County Manager - Office of Communications and Outreach
New Hanover County
230 Government CenterDrive, Suite 195
Wilmington, NC 28403
(910) 793-7177 p (910) 793-7 77 f
DEQ-CFW 00052513