Sent: 9/15/I0I67:02:57PW1
To: TudinXton,Chad [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: FVV:Inspections Conducted Wetland 40IBuffer Sites
Attachments Inspections Conducted Wetland 4OIBuffer 3ites.x|s
ryi . .
Belinda S. Henson
Regional supervisor
wcos0-Division of water Resources
Water Quality Regional operations section
Fayetteville Regional office
910-435-]]26 voice
910-486-0707 fax
Email: belinda.henson@mcdenr.gnv
web page: http://**ww.ncwater.org/
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the worth Carolina public Records Law
and may be disclosed to third parties.
o so Green! Print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping wcoc0 be environmentally
---original message ---
prom: no_reply@ncdenr.gov [mailto:nn_reply@ncdenr.gov]
Sent: Thursday, September 15' 20I6 9:06 mw
To: Davidson, Landon <landon.davidsonwncdenr.gov>; price' Zan (George) /zan.price0ncdenr.gov,; Henson,
Belinda ^belinda.hensunNncdenr.gov>; Allen, Trent <trent.allen@mcdenr.guv`; michael.parkerNncdenr.gov;
pitner, Andrew <andrew.pitner0ncdenr.gov>; smith' Danny <danny.smithNncdenr.gov,; oolich' nick
<rick.bolich@mcdenr.gnv,; May, David <david.may@ncdenr.gov,; Gregsnn, 3im <jim.gregsonWncdenr.gov,;
cc: nisgaard' zon <jnn.risgaard@ncdenr.gnv,; oelnick' Tom <tom.belnick@ncdenr.gnx,; Bowden, Kevin
<kevin.bo*den@mcdenr.gnv,; Chapman, Amy <amy.chapmanNncdenr.gov^; Hennessy, zohn
/john.hennessy@ncdenr.gov>; Higgins, Karen /karen.higginsNncdenr.gov>; Karoly' cyndi
<cyndi.karolyNncdenr.guv>; Poupart, 3eff <jeff.pnupart@mcdenr.guv`; xlloccu, Marcia
/marcia.alloccoNncdenr.gov,; Sullivan, Shelton /shelton.sullivan@ncdenr.gov>; tom.f.mo
subject: Inspections conducted - wetland 401 Buffer sites
Please find the attached subject report for the current EPA Fiscal Year period.