Sent: 8/3/20I53:I6:15PM
To: Brantley, Mark [/b=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
(FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=4dd9d7cd94fO44caaeIa45bc5Qba5ef 2-kmbra nt|ey]
Subject: FVV:Active Permits NPDE3VVVVGeneral
Attachments Active Permits NPD[SVVVV6enera|.x|s
ryi . .
Belinda S. Henson
Regional supervisor
wcoswn-Division of water Resources
Water Quality Regional operations section
Fayetteville Regional office
910-435-]]26 voice
910-486-0707 fax
Email: belinda.henson@mcdenr.gnv
web page: http://*pw.ncwater.nrg/
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina public Records Law
and may be disclosed to third parties.
o on Green! print this email only when necessary. Thank you for helping wcocmn be environmentally
---original message -----
From: no_reply0ncdenr.gov [mailto:no_replyNncdenr.gov]
Sent: Saturday, August OI' 2015 9:26 mw
To: Davidson, Landon; price' Zan (George); Henson, Belinda; Allen, Trent; parker' Michael; Pitner'
Andrew; smith' Danny; onlich. Rick; May, David; sregsnn, 3im; monella.sanchez-
cc: xisgaard' zon; Zimmerman, zay; aelnick' Tom; Bowden, Kevin; Chapman, Amy; Hennessy, 3ohn; Higgins,
Karen; naroly, cyndi; poupart, 3eff; xllncco, Marcia; tom.f.moore
subject: Active Permits - NPDES WW General
Please find the attached subject report for the current EPA Fiscal Year period.