HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00059458KGOTMEMITM-WITTSU M 10TILIUM, Mmo I News releases, media advisories + other publications DEQ events this week July 31: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Hendersonville (Henderson Public Works Department office) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure Aug. 1: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Boone (High Country Council of Government office) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 1: DEMLR's Annette Lucas will convene a stakeholder team to update a section of the state's Stormwater Design Manual at Triangle J Council of Governments. Aug. 2: DEMLR's Annette Lucas will present to staff at UNC- Wilmington on the state's new stormwater rules and design standards. Aug. 2: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Hickory (Western Piedmont Council of Govermnent office) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 3: Division of Waste Management's Thomas Slusser be giving a presentation at the Western North Carolina Water Quality Conference in Hickory on August 3, 2017. The conference is sponsored by the Western Piedmont Council of Governments. The presentation is tided From Awareness To Action: Education Initiatives For Environmental Problem -Solving and Community Development. The content will address the interconnection of natural systems and human social systems, the benefits of nature -based education, and examples from schools using the Environmental Connections magnet theme to teach core content via project -based problem solving educational experiences inside and outside of the classroom. Aug. 4: Division of Air Quality staff will deliver presentations at the I I th annual Western North Carolina Air Quality Conference presented by the Western Piedmont Council of Governments at Lenoir -Rhyne University in Hickory. Topics include DAQ's response to WNC wildfires last fall (Asheville Regional Office Supervisor Brenden Davey and Paul Chappin, environmental chemist) and the Volkswagen Settlement (PIO Jill Warren Lucas). Additionally, Asheville PIO Keith Bamburger will deliver two sessions designed for teachers about N.C. Air Awareness and its new high school curriculum. "Ws Our Air." Looking Ahead Aug. 7: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Raleigh (N. C. Rural Center) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 8: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Kinston (Public Works Department) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 9: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Fayetteville (Fayetteville PWC) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset. Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Aug. 10: Division of Water Infrastructure will conduct how -to -apply training in Wilmington (Northeast Regional Library) for the fall 2017 funding cycle for the following funding programs: Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, State Wastewater Reserve, State Drinking Water Reserve, Asset Inventory & Assessment grants, Merger/Regionalization Grants, and Community Development Block Grants -Infrastructure. Sept. 20: State Water Infrastructure Authority meeting at N. C. Rural Center, 4021 Carya Drive, Raleigh. Sept. 20 — 22: DAQ is hosting the Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA) 2017 Fall Business Meeting in Raleigh. Location: Doubletree by Hilton Raleigh (Brownstone -University). Registration opens soon. The meeting will include open sessions for all interested participants and closed sessions limited to AAPCA members and govermnental attendees. Additions/corrections: or 919-707-8604 DEQ-CFW-00059458 Sept. 27-28: The Coastal Resources Commission will meet in Wilmington. Location to be determined. will -help -redraw -map Oct. 10-11: Division of Water Infrastructure's Kim Colson and Francine Durso will be speakers at the Water & Finance Management Journal's 2017 Water Asset Management Conference in Boston. The Water Asset Management Conference gathers CEOs, directors, general managers, asset managers and other decision makers of water, wastewater and stormwater utilities for a two-day discussion around challenges and strategic management solutions for water infrastructure. Environmental Groups' Database takes Aim at Drinking Water Standards http://www.sal isburypost.com/2017/07/26/environmenta I-groups- database-takes-ai m-at-dri nking-water-standards/ Concerns about DuPont's discharge raised in 2002 http://www.starnewsonI ine.com/news/20170726/concerns-about- d u p o nts-d i sc h a rge- ra i se d- i n-2002 Nov. 7-8: The Coastal Resources Commission will meet at. the Hilton How's GenX affecting you? Researchers hope to find out Double1ree in Atlantic Beach. http://www.starnewsonline.com/news/20170726/hows-genx- affecti ng-you-researchers-hope-to-find-out News Articles Gov. Cooper declares State of Emergency after power outage causes mandatory evacuation on Ocracoke Island http://myfox8. co m/2017/07/27/gov-coo per-d ecl a res-state-of- emergency-after-power-outage-causes-man datory-evacuation-on- ocracoke-island/ NC's fracking fortunes caught in legal limbo as drilling hopes fade away http://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/articlel64058387.ht ml In signing wind moratorium and executive order promoting wind energy, Gov. Cooper tries to have cake, eat it too http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2017/07/27/signing-wind- moratori um-executive-order-promoting-wind-energy-gov-cooper- tries-cake-eat/#sthash.zidSfPpw.dpbs DEQ probe not required to ban toxic GenX discharge http://www.starnewsonl ine.com/news/20170727/deq-probe-not- req u i red-to-ba n-toxi c-genx-d i sc ha rge UPDATE: Water tests show decreased concentration of GenX in Cape Fear River http://www.witn.com/video?vid=437082173 Latest CFPUA testing shows level below GenX threshold; GAC testing equipment arrives http://www.wect.co m/sto ry/35986719/1 ate st-cfpua-testi ng-shows- level-below-genx-threshold-gac-testi ng-equi pment-arrives Gray matters: DUke's Dan River landfill ends one coal ash chapter, starts another http://www.greensboro.com/news/local_news/gray-matters- duke-s-dan-river-landfill-ends-one-coal/article_b35b2d64- fa25-5e19-a785-121ae713e376.htmI This massive natural gas pipeline will run right through Native American communities https:Hthi nkprogress.org/native-americans-protest-natural-gas- pi pel i ne-i n-north-carol i na-c4726edff47a GOP Map Maker Behind NC's Illegal Districts Will Help Redraw The Map Gov. Cooper weighs -in on GenX dumping; criminal investigation possibility is raised http://stateportpi lot.com/news/article_47ba85d8-7217-1le7-8529- 6bf9fd3461b8.html Editorials laud Cooper's action against GenX pollution http://puIse.ncpol icywatch.org/2017/07/26/editorials-laud-cooper- action-genx-pollution/#sthash.20uAwliH.v6EnMgYt.dpbs Complaint: Lawmakers could be sued over leachate bill because their election wasn't legit http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2017/07/26/complaint-lawmakers- sued-leachate-bil I-election-wasnt- legit/#sthash.2SrEnlec.loJPK27P.dpbs Gov. Cooper appoints Surf City mayor to Coastal Resource Commission http://www.wect.com/story/35977230/gov-cooper-appoints-surf- city-mayor-to-coasta I -resource -commission Charlotte Talks: Preparing For Rising Sea Levels In North Carolina http://wfae.org/post/charlotte-tal ks-prepari ng-risi ng-sea-levels- north-carolina Algal blooms on Little River raise concerns http://www.dailyadvance.com/News/2017/07/27/Algal-blooms.html Cooper Take Aim at Chemours, GenX, Other Chemicals http://www. northcaroli nahea lthnews.org/2017/07/25/cooper- takes-aim-at-chemours-genx-other-chemicals/ ECU scientist has reservations concerning GenX http://wncn.co m/2017/07/25/ecu-sci enti st-has-reservati ons- concerning-genx/ GenX: When An Investigation, Is An Investigation http://whgr.org/post/genx-when-i nvestigation- investigation#stream/0 EDITORIAL, July 26: Cooper brings needed firepower to GenX response http://www.starnewsonl ine.com/opinion/20170726/editorial-july- 26-cooper-bri ngs-needed-fire power-to-genx-response How many contaminants are in your drinking water? http://www.starnewsonl ine.com/news/20170726/how-many- http://wfae.org/post/gop-map-maker-behind-ncs-illegal-districts- contaminants -are -in -your -drinking -water Additions/corrections: saral, of 7ndenr. ov or 919-707-8604 DEQ-CFW 00059459 Tax credits for brownfeldscleanup sought for former GMAC tower project Our View: Our river needs better protection http://wwwjayobaenmccom/opinion/2OI7O723/oupview-ouphver- need*bettepprotection http://wwwjourna|now.com/business/business_news/oca|/tu» credits-for-brownfields-cleanup-sought-for-former-gmac- Cooper vows to lead fight against offshore drilling, testing towenartide_b9bcb98c-bea7-523f-9ebd-6dc2e9f9f7f5htm| � https:Houterbanksvoicezom/2O17/O7/ZI/gov'coopepvows-to-|ead- Fayettevi||e leaders update residents about delayed repairs of fight-against-n-c-offshore'driUinX/ damaged dams Debate rages asAtlantic Coast Pipeline nears construction http://wncn.com/Z0I7/O7/I5/byettevi||e-|eadeo-update-residents- httpwww�newaob�erveccom/news/bu�ines$��ide1630O7]2Dht about -status -of -several -damaged -dams/ ml � http://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/articlel63007328.ht &'emergirgcontaminams' httpc//www.ncpo|icywutchzom/2O17/O7/Z4/genx-emenQing' contaminunts/ Clean Cape Fear tohost forum onGenX other compounds fomm'on-genx-othepcompounds Gov. Cooper asks lawmakers for emergency funds for DEO'DHHS over6enX; 3ec'yCohen says water is safe http://pu|se.ncpo|icywatch.onD/IOI7/O7/24/gov-cooper-asks- |awmakeo-emergency'funds'deq'dhh*Denx-secy-cohen'say*wotep safe/#sthash.KoxKUzCcdpbs Emotions run high atGov. Cooper's GenXpress conference http://wwwmec.cnm/story/3595693O/emudnn*run-high'at-gov coopers-genx'pnes*cnnnerence Cooper: NCtaking steps todeal with toxic 6enX Nttp://www.faymbsenmcoom/news/%OI7O7%4/cooper-nc-takinX- step*to'dea|'with-towic'Xenx/1 Making NCWell Water Safe http://www.nnrthcann|inahea|thnewaorg/2O17/07/24/making'nc- wp||-water-safer/ Our View: Our river needs better protection Nttp://www.fm/obsemeccom/opinion/ZOI7O7Z3/oupview'ouphvep needs-betuer-protection Water tests show heat killed fish at8adinLake Nttp://www.thesnapon|inezom/news/water-tests-show^heat-kiUed- fish-at-badin-|ake/artide_5OII766O-7Ob4-11e7-ba51- 7]Gc36eccb7chtm| Our view: 'Not off our coast' http://wwwjnurna|nnw.cnm/opininn/pditoria|$6 ur-vipw'nmt-nff-nupcoast/artide_92Oa84c4-l2dF 527b-bcf9-b37986fa458chtm| Gov. Cooper |nWilmington ToDiscuss GenX Clean Cape Fear tohost GenXForum with Scientists Wednesday Nttpc//www.wwaytv]zom/2O17/O7/Z3/c|ean-cape-feapto-host- gen»forum+with'miendsts~*ednesday/ Here's what bwill take mget answers about GenX'shealth effects Nttp://portzitydai|ycom/ZOI7/O7/I]/heres-what-it-wi||-take-to-get- answers-about-genxs-hea|th-effects-h|th/ Add itionu/cornectunz or919-7U7-86U4