HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00059449From: Zimmerman, Jay [/D=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=GG]D8145]8D54EBF858721A7831DGCDF-SJZ|[W[WER[WAN] Sent: 7/28/I0I71:42:44PW1 To: Whaley, Rex A[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8DHFZ33PDLT)/cn=Recipient$cn=Oa%dda9158Z3479a9ab49980c78aa2bb'rawha|ey] Subject: FVV:Funding Request Attachments DVVRPermitting Staff- update 7-25'I7|cedits.x|sx Hope this isn't too late and can be integrated into my spreadsheet | sent last night. Linda was more involved in the staffing related to GenX so her input is helpful. See attached S.Jay Zimmerman, P.G. Director Division ofWater Resources 1617Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N[Z7699'l617 Ph#(919)7O7'9OJ7 web page: Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulation. From: Culpepper, Linda Sent: Friday, July 28, 2017 8:28 AM Subject: RE: Funding Request Suggested a few statements for some job descriptions and ran a spell check (original spread sheet had two misspellings). One Chemist was for Dana tohelp with lab CIA. Wasn't sure ifthere was aneed for aChemist inthe R{Ys. Linda Culpepper Deputy Director Division of Water Resources North Carolina DepahmentufEmhrnnmema|Quality 1611Mail SomiopCenter phone�91g'787gV14 Nbmd�cms�db��/»o��s From: Zimmerman, Jay Sent: Thursday, July 27 201711:27PM To: Whaley, Rex A ; Holman, Sheila Culpepper, Linda Cc: Councilman, TerahK8 Subject: Re: Funding Request The additional engineer (16th position) was added to allow the Permitting Section to have a position that could be dedicated to special permitting needs, such as high priority projects involving new industry to helps us be competitive and offer accelerated permitting options. Unless Secretary Regan changes the request I believe the spreadsheet should reflect 4 engineers. All of the positions except the IT position are for the DWR. I've attached the spreadsheet and added a column with a brief note concerning the program that they will be working in and if related to emerging contaminants like GenX. Some are blank and all are draft so that I can verify what was agreed to in the morning. The majority of the positions are requested to assist the DWR with a significant permit backlog in both the NPIDES and NonDischarge programs. The largest backlog by far is in the NPIDES program. We are also strugglin,!4 to keep up with wetland and 401 certification often needed by developers. As recently as this week we received a complaint from a very upset developer concerning the status of his permit from the PERCS Unit. We moved his request to the top rather than involve management, but I'm sure others that are waiting for their permits believe their projects are just as important as the complainants. We will not be able to run a fair and by the GenX situation. Last year we were dealing with the emerging contaminant 1,4-Dioxane, a known carcinogen that was showing up in Fayetteville's drinking water. Since the Secretary had requested the positions, which I understand will be this year when the GA comes back, we should discuss any thoughts about requesting some of these positions during the short session with him. Of course we can reduce the number to those most critical to addressing the backlog, but if we want to position the State in a way that allows us to more dependably issue timely permits the we will need all of the requested positions. IM From: Whaley, Rex A Sent: Thursday, July I7,2U171:l9PK4 To: Holman, Sheila; Zimmerman, Jay; Culpepper, Linda Cc: Councilman, TerahM Subject: FVV: Funding Request Please see the request from OSBMregarding the funding request w/esubmitted toOSBK4. The attached file iuthe document vveprovided 0S8K4(Shannon). While the attached reflects 15 positions, OSBM has a document/letter that reflects 16 positions with the extra position being an additional engineer for a total of four engineers (the attached only has three en0ineeo). OS8K8wants to know what each position will be doing and can we reduce the request and maybe ask for some of the funding in the Short Session. Our request included testing for afull year which w/ecould probably request funding for only the remaining weeks in the fiscal year unless xvestarted testing in early July (??). I've not made the Secretary aware ofthe request .... | know heisunasite visit today. We've referred tothis asaDVVRfunding request—areanyofthesepositionsforanotherdivisions? Your thoughts? Thanks. Rex. From: Whaley, Rex A Sent: Thursday, July I7,2U171:OOPK4 To: Creech, Shannon A Subject: Funding Request U| get with the Asst. Secretary and division staff and see what they can provide. Are vveworking from atota| oflS positions orfrom 16positions (1Gincluded the 4"'Engineer poukion)? Thanks. Rex. From: Creech, Shannon A Sent: Thursday, July Z7 20171I:02PK8 To: Whaley, Rex A Subject: RE: Draft memo Rex, Charlie has requested a breakdown of what each position in this request will be doing. Will they bespecifically working on the GenX case? Also, are all ofthese positions needed now orcan aseparate request bemade during the short session? | think vvemay also beable totrim down the request for the water sampling. Bythe time the legislature will consider this request, there will only be about 45 weeks remaining in the fiscal year, which would cut the need down to S630k. Do we have any idea when Chemoursvvi|| begin phasing out their sampling? OEQ-CFVV_00059451