HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00059089From: Godna4]eaica [/O=EXCHANGELA8S/OU=EXCHANG[ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=754D9266F43445529EF389242OAA44E1-JCGODR[AU] Sent: 4/14/I0I67:I5:54PW1 To: Thomas, Lee [Thomas.Lee@epa.gov;A||enbach,Becky (Al |enbach.8ecky@epa.gmv) [A||enbach.8ecky@pepa.gm4; Lad, Paul [Lad.Pau|@epa.gov] CC: Zimmerman, Jay [/o=[xchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=56]d8I453bd54ebf8587I1a7b31d6cdf-sjzimmerman] Subject: FVV:PFOA Attachments: PFCInquiry PCSmapsdoox;UCMK3_NC_PFCinquiry.x|sx Here are the maps and data extraction of PCSs included in our SWAP reports around the two facilities of interest. Jessica C Godreau Chief, Public Water SuppK/Section Division n{Water Resources Department of Environmental Quality 8197079078 office 8197079100 mainnumb*r 1834Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27899-1834 512 N Salisbury St, Relob]h, NC 27804 £�a a��eoniS'u��c��� 8�r�r—ar-"abeo�oo�aa��a�b���erb�� From: SadoukKRebeoca Sent: Wednesday, April l3,2Ol63:31PK8 To: Godreau, Jessica <jessica.goc1reau@ncdenr.gov>; Hardy, Allen <allen.hardy@ncdenr.gov>; Hudson, Eric <eric.hudson0Dncdenr.8ov^ Cc: Midgette, Robert <robert.rnidgette@ncdenr.gov>; Frick, Jay <jay.frick@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: PFOA I've looked into the questions and at the UCMR data for some perspective. This is what l\He Out of the total samples collected, 4 of the analytes were detected in a total of 51 samples taken from 19 PWSs. (25 of the detections were from systems addressed below - PFC Inqui Detects tab in the attached spreadsheet) I I I OWN 11 = W V1 UP 6.1, 1 M I �, The Mitchell WTP has an intake on Lake Brandt. I did a proximity search for all of the PCSs within 10,000ft of the critical zone for the intake and came up with 56. They can be found in the PCSs tab in the attached workbook and in a map in the attached document. According to the SWAP data there are no obvious -k-n--o-w-n- sources in the direct vicinity. As Diane indicated Fire Station #1 is the treatment plant for Well #8 in the Pinehurst water system. I did a proximity search for all PCSs within 10,000ft of Well #8 and came up with 17. They are also in the PCSs tab in the attached workbook and in a map in the attached document. Again, there are potential sources, but no obvious known sources of the PFCs according to SWAP. East Moore Water district is a purchase only water system and therefore does not have a raw water intake. Their source is Harnett Co Water (0343045) which pulls water from the Cape Fear River. Looking at the UCMR3 data, Harnett Co Water and 2 of its other purchase systems had ietections for PFCs. I did a proximity search for all PCSs within 10,000ft of Harnett Co's intake #n the Cape Fear River and came up with 43. Similar to the other systems, no obvious sources were observed in the SWAP data as it looks primarily at POTENTIAL sources and the known locations that are close are leaking USTs and dry cleaning spills which do not typically involve PFCs. N.C. Drinking Water Protection Program Coordinator and Emergenqi I/Securi [IN,- Contact N.C. Division of VV'ater Resource N.C. Deparhuent of EnN, ironmental Quality Pbone: (919) 707-9096 F.A.X: (9-19) 7/ 1,5437/4 Rebeccii,S�icloskv@iiccienr,s�ov .......................................................... ............................................... -1634 Mad Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1634 N From: Godreau, Jessica Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 2:59 PM To: Hardy, Allen <g11en.hardy@1ncdenrj.?ov>; Sadosky, Rebecca <rebc�cca.s�idosl<�@:icde:ir.pov>; Hudson, Eric DEQ-CFW-00059090 Cc: K4id8etke,Robert < Frick, Allen, Eric, and Rebecca, Please look at the questions from EPA about two Of Our systems. Allen and Eric, please provide responses to the questions other than the source water assessment questions, and Rebecca, car) you see what if anything we can glean from the SWAPs. We'll be talking to EPA this week, so need quick responses, Jessica C Godreau Chief, Public Water Supply Section Division ofWater Resources Department nfEnvironmental Quality 8197079078 office 8197079100 main number 1834Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27899-1834 512 N Salisbury St, Relob]h, NC 27804 £'ail 8�r�r�aro��a�u��o�acun�aLau/ead/nayba��o�aa�bod���arb�� From: Al|enbad\8ecky Sent: Tuesday, April 1J,Z0161:O5PK4 To: Giattina,James ; Zimmerman, Jay Cc: Godrea4Jessica [ampbeU'Dunbar,Shaw/neiUe K8ar�u�Pam �Thoma�Lee �Humphri� Allison « �HaU,Richard Subject: RE: PFOA Importance: High Jay, we were actually hoping to schedule a meeting this week with you all to discuss. Our analysis and questions are below and can be starting point for discussion. Two community water systems may be of concern for PFCs in North Carolina based on UCMR 3 and other data. Additional small systems may be of concern because they purchase water from one of the systems with data. Because small systems were not required to sample as part of UCMR 3, data does not exist for the small systemsvvhiohpurchase water from the larger systems. Asummary ofinformation about each system is presented along with questions which would help EPA tobetter understand issues with this system. OEQ-CFVV_00059091 City of Greensboro (NCO241010) is a community water system that serves 277,080 people. This system uses Lake Brandt, Lake Townsend, and the Haw River as sources. The UCMR 3 data for this system is for the Townsend Filter in Lake Townsend and the Mitchell Filter which is in Lake Brant. Lake Townsend and Lake Brant are impoundments on the Reedy Fork of the Haw River. The source area for the Reedy Fork is the Piedmont Triad Airport, a major airport which serves several cities. Only the upstream intake, the Mitchell Filter which isclosest tothe airport has detections of concern on the U[K4R ] data. There are two PVVS systems which are located upstream on Lake Brant but they are reported to be groundwater. Greensboro resells water to two systems which do not have UCMR 3 data, the Town of Jamestown (N[O241O3O)and Oakwood Forest MH[(N[UI4lZ43). 1) Is this information correct? Z) What percentage of the Greensboro water supply is sourced from the Mitchell Filter? 3) Would the infrastructure be adequate and supply from just the Lake Townsend intake and the Haw River intake besufficient tosupply the entire Greensboro community water system? 4) Dues the Source Water Assessment for the Mitchell Filter indicate that there are any potential sources of PF[s that may impact this intake? 5) Are there any known private wells near the Piedmont Triad Airport or Lake Brant? G) Is any of the water from the Mitchell Filter intake resold to the Town of Jamestown or Oakwood Forest MHC? If so, are there alternative sources for these facilities? Moore County Pinehurst (NC0363108) is a community water system that serves 19,368 people. There are multiple sources of water for this system. However, in the UCMR 3 data only Fire Station # 1 has reported values of PFCs which may be of concern. The other eighteen sources sampled in UCMR 3 did not report PFCs at concentrations above the screening level. SIDWIS indicates that this system is sourced from purchased surface water. However, the UCMR 3 data Fire Station # I is reportedly sourced from groundwater. There are three sources for surface water for this system: Aberdeen (NC0363020) which resells groundwater, Southern Pines (NC03363010) which resells surface water, and East Moore Water District (NC5063011) which resells surface water. Aberdeen and Southern Pines have UCMR 3 data and PFCs are not reported so they would be unlikely to be a source for PFCs for Fire Station #1. East Moore does not have UCMR 3 data because it is a small system (serves 5200 people). Also, it may be of concern since it shares a border with Fort Bragg which includes Pope Army Airfield which may be sources of PFCs in fire training areas or other activities. More County — Pinehurst in turn resells water to More County — Seven Lakes (NC0363117) and East More Water District l) Is this information correct? I) What is the source of water for Fire Station # I? Is it groundwater or is it purchased from East Moore Water District, or is there another source? 3) Does the Source Water Assessment for Fire Station # 1 indicate that there are any potential PFC sources that may beofconcern? 4) Does the Source Water Assessment for East Moore Water District indicate there are any potential PF[ sources that may be of concern? 5) |sany ofthe water from Fire Station #1resold tuMoore County Seven Lakes orEast Moore Water District? |f soare there alternative sources for these facilities? IUo�z}`� u�^� a BT>A PeOEovL +-AttaMa From: Giattina,James Sent: Tuesday, April 1J,Z0161Z:5lPM To: Zimmerman, Jay Cc:Godreau,]essica AJ|enbach,Becky Campbell -Dunbar, ShaxvneiUe� le@Marcus,Subject: Re: PFOA ThanksJay ... I'm looping inBecky and ShaxvneiUe.Thursday should work, ifthey are available. I'm trying toget over a sinus infection so I haven't been in the office this week. I'll ask Pam to send an invite and call -in number ... Jim On Apr 12, 2016, at 11:42 AM, Zimmerman, Jay <iqK.lLimmerman(D Jim, Just following uponmyvoice mail message this morning. Jessica Godreauand | would like tohave a brief conference call with you to discuss PFC's/PFOA and get an idea of your agencies thoughts concerning public water supply implications for North Carolina. Jessica and | have some time this Thura1aybetxveenlU'12:3D,andthisFridaybetw/een1O-11:3OifekherofthosedaysxviUm/ork|fnot let usknow some time for next week with the exception ofApril l8m Our calendars are fairly open the Thanks and looking forward to seeing you next month. Jay S.Jay Zimmerman, P.G. Director Division ofWater Resources 1617Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N[Z7699'l617 Ph#(919)7O7'9OJ7 web page: Email correspondence toand from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may bedisclosed to third