Sent: 4/12/I0I62:20:35PW1
To: 6odeauJessica [/o=ExchanXeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
Subject: R[: PFC Discussion
I've been playing telephone tag with Jim Giattina, ironically just now trying to call him again before I saw this email, He
had called last week to discuss PFOA^s in public water systems so I may get more details once we are able to talk.
S.Jay Zimmerman, P.G.
Division ofWater Resources
1Gl7Mail Service Center, Raleigh, 0[27Ggg'1Gl7
web page:
Email correspondence toand from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties unless the
content is exempt by statute or other regulation.
From: Godrea4Jessica
Sent: Tuesday, April lZ,IO1G9:39AK4
To: Zimmerman, Jay <jay.zimmerman@ncdenr.gov>; Reeder, Tom <tom.reeder@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: FVV: PF[Discussion
A heads Lip —
Becky Allenbach from EPA called me to alert me confidentially that EPA is revising the health advisory for PFCs
perflUorinated compounds and that some 0[systems will beover their new level. Greensboro and Moore [oPub
She indicated that EPA may be looking for states to take some action, ever) without the regulatory development process
which considers broader Issues than just the pure health advisory level with no other context. VVehave always been
clear with EPA that while vve can make recommendations to systems, we have no authority to require them to take
actions not required byregulation. They may push for other action, such as the imminent hazard order under powers of
the secretary io 130\-323.
Jessica C Godream
Chief, Public Water Supply Section
Division ofWater Resources
Department ofEnvironmental Quality
9197078078 office
9197078i00 maionumbor
Jessica. God n*aut5ncdencoov
1634 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 278991834
512 N Salisbury St, Relob]h, NC 27804
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'mRe- am/mndo,ayx.
From: AJ|enbach,Becky
Sent: Monday, April 1lIO16S:S7PK4
To: Godreau,Jessica Lawson, Jeffrey Harrison,
Dennis <; Hays, Lewis� � 'Foy, Carla' � >
���[ampbeU'Dunba��havvneiUe Thomas, Lee ;
Humphhs,AJ|ison Hall, Richard
Subject: PF[Discussion
Dear State Drinking Water Administrators,
As you all are aware, EPA is preparing to finalize the HAs for PFOA and PFOS soon. We expect the level ofinterest from
the public, press, elected officials and others to increase, much like what we've all experienced concerning lead ALEs. |
have had initial conversations with each of you during the past couple of weeks, and I appreciate the time and attention
that you have already given tothis emerging issue. |fpossible, | would like toschedule aconference call this week with
each of you to individually discuss questions the Region has about water systems in your state. Please look for a
meeting invitation and more details inafollow-up email. Also, please don't hesitate togive meacall ifyou have
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