Sent: 4/29/2015 5:33:33 PM
Subject: FW: Cape Fear SWAT final report - with summary
Attachments: Final Cape Fear Report_RSI_2494.pdf
Just a heads rip that the TNIC funded a study by Tetra Tech (attached) that modelled nutrient loading in the
Cape Fear below Jordan Dam. Loading from Jordan & Deep River was the highest source of nutrients -
accounting for -50% of TN & TP at LOCK & Darn 41. NPS only accounted for 1/3 of the loading at L&Dff1. Below
is from the Summary on page 48.
One of the key objectives and deliverables from this project is to assist in the selection of priority places to
work in the basin and priority practices. Nutrient loads to the impacted waters at Lock and Dam #1
arise from a variety of sources, including the upstrearn boundary conditions, point source discharge, and
nonpoint discharges within the watershed. Loading from upstream via Jordan Reservoir- discharges and the
Deep diver- is the largest single source of nutrients, accounting for approximately 50 percent of the total N and_
total P loads present at Lock and Dam 1. Nonpoint sources account for only approximately 1/3 of the N and
P loud at. Lock and Darn # 1. Control of leads from upstream are outside the scope of the current project.,
although redactions could likely be obtained. Similarly, Toads from point sources (approximately 18 percent of
the total N and 2.8 percent of the total P present at Lock and Cram #1) could likely be reduced to some extent,
but are not part of the land managennent portfolio under- consideration, Because nonpoint sources within the
basin account for only approximately 1/3 of the loading, only incremental progress can likely be achieved
through land management within the basin.
Dianne M. Reid
Chief, NC Water Sciences Section
Division of Water Resources
Phone: 919,743,8416
Email: dianne.reid@ncdenr.gov
E-mail Correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the Forth Carolina Public Records Law and may be
disclosed to third parties.
From: d- Borgh, Mark
Wednesday,April 29, 2015
To: . - • _ Steve; Ruhlrnan, Carrie
Reid, Dianne
Subject: FW: CapAreport
From Nora
r - A..
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 11:17 A'
To: Vander Borgh, Mark
Subject: CapeFearSWAT or
Also a Copy of the final modeling report.
DEQ-CFW 00058832
Nora. Deamer
DENR-Division of Water Resources
Basin Planning Branch
1611 MSCI, Raleigh, -NC 27699-1611
New Phone Number** 919-707-9116
nora.dearner @ nedenr.go
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From: Margaret Fields [mailto:mfields2TNC.ORG
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 9:41 AM
To: Deamer, Nora
Subject: Cape Fear SWAT final report
And here's the final report. Let me know if you'd like anything else associated with this project.