HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00058780From: Lawson, Christine [/O=NCMAL/OU=EXCHANGEADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYD|BOHF2]SPDLT)/CN=REOP|ENTS/CN=CHR|SDNE.8LANTON] Sent: 1/28/I0I44:46:36PW1 To: Zimmerman, Jay [/h=NCMA|L/ou=ExchanXeAdministrative Group (FYD|8OHF233PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=jay.zimmerman] CC: Watts, Debra [/o=NCMAIL/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=debra.watts] Subject: FVV:Information request permits and fees Attachments: New & Renewed Animal feeding Operations Permits O9OIOIto131I]1.x|sx Jay, } had K8iressa prepare the response for/\F{J permitting Please see the following. Christine B.Lawson ActiogBupemieur/Engioeer Animal Feeding Operations Branch NC, DxisionnfWater Resources E-mail correspondence to and frornthis address may be subject tothe North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 9:22 AM To: Massengale, Susan Cc: Thornburg, Nathaniel; Lawson, Christine Subject: RE: Information request - permits and fees Susan, Attached please find the Animal Feeding Operations data for new & renewed permits issued from Januaryl, 2009 to December31, 2013, Thanks, Mioessa From: Thornburg, Nathaniel Sent: Tuesday, January 28,IO14b:49AM To: Massengale, Susan Cc: RiSg88rd,]On; Lawson, Christine; G8nOm8, MireSS8 Subject: RE: Information requeSt- permits and fees Susan., A1taxhodimdboNou-Diuobur8edubufbruepruudm:uovvedpeuuduiuuuedfioouJuuuug'l,2089toDe000bor3l, 2013. P|eos000x:tha1l did not include omiooa>oydexuo,as. Iumnot Familiar with dheirp*rmi1typeo,etc. lho-v000pied both, Christine and Miressa on this emall, and tl-le-,7 S11101-11d beab le to P 'et y0u [lie data you need, /1\ao,ldidnntioo\udcfeoiofhuon1imzbooauaoIeeouodordzuiozpx000ioatkz¢FonzvviQhccol|cotingtbo1dota. If you have em}questions, please contact mum1your convenience. Nathaniel ***************************************************** NatbaslelD. Thornburg —Environmental EmgbaezII| Division ofWater Resources \Vater Quality Permitting 8ocdoa— Permitting Unit n638Mail SericeCenter Qalei b,NCz76gg-z636 Vzg-807-6453 Vz9-807-6490FA}{ DISUAIM8��e-mails sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Recordsl.aw and may be disclose tmthird parties. From: Massengale, Susan Sent: Monday, J8nu8ry27,2O145:30PM To: MCpherSDn, Fran; GeOpgOu|iBS, Bethany; Weaver, Charles; Thornburg, Nathaniel; S|usser,Th0maS; Leggett, Michael; Ridings, Rob Cc: Reeder, Tom; Young, Sarah; Kritzer,]amie; Munger, Bridget; Zimmerman, ]ay; Matthews, Matt Subject: Information requeSt- permits and fees We have an information request from Kate Queram with the Wilmington -Star News. She wants — statewide and for each of the last five calendar years (2009-2013): The number of newly issued permits and renewals (no modifications or revisions) The amount of revenue generated from the above. SoI'm assuming our breakdown will be: NPDESpermks—[har|es Collection Systems Michael Stormvvater—Bethany (I guess DVVRisstill handling revenue from these) Non -discharge (including animals) —Nathaniel Groundw/ater—Thomas 401[ertificadon Rob Am | missing something? Please send me the info as soon as you can get it. | am aware that the storm may put a crunch in things. Thanks for your help, Susan Susa Polffic ToKonnutkznOffizs ]DENR-DiisiomofWatozQesonroes z6z7MSC, R-uoigb,NCz76gg-z6z7 Please note that myphone number has changed. (9/9)707-9014 E'-M�yil to thisocUress inoy bpabipt to the 2VorthCarolina yxh&cRo:orchLowbnchr:loae6/n/h/xc,11?ortinx. OEQ-CFVV_00058781