Sent: 8/4/20I7359:26PM
To: Johnson, Chris [/b=ExchangeLabs/ou=[xchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
(FYD|8OHFZ33PDO)/cn=Redpient$cn=73d475cbae3Z4aI9687e171Idc9a79c5'|mcu|pepper];Manning, Jeff
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangpAdministrative Group
[/o=ExchangeLubs/ou=ExchungeAdministrative Group
Subject: RE: FSTRAC: ECOS (Env. Council of the States) PFAS call. Aug. 7. 4-5 PM Eastern Time
Flag: Follow up
Absolutely. My office will be fine.
Dana Satterwhite
Environmental Program Supervisor III
WW/GW Laboratory Certification Branch
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Water Resources
Water Sciences Section
1623 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC27GQQ4G23
En�J P0 a�"k"ir'eaIS to0�
y�ub�Ca" n8naPunb�Reco/�oLam/aa�x/aybad�o600ed6o��d�a/�sa
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Ce�tifikatimPrD'8nymm1H'm't have'an immpactmaymv Hnot'
uendmb�an ke� na8%utbe6o8kowwi��a
From: Johnson, Chris
Sent: Friday, August O4 201711:54AM
To: Brower, Connie <connie.brovver0Dncdenr.8ov>;Culpepper, Linda x|inda.cu|pepper@ncdenr.gov>; Manning, Jeff
«jef[manning@ncdenr.gov>;Zimmerman, Jay <jay.zimmerman0Dncdenr.gov>;Fran*en,Tom
xchhstophecventa|oro@ncdencgov>;Holman, Sheila xshei|a.ho|man@ncdenc8ov>
Subject: RE: FSTRAC: ECOS (Env. Council of the States) PFAS call. Aug. 7. 4-5 PM Eastern Time
| would welcome the chance tosit induring this call. Dana's office can accommodate four orfive ofusifshe is
available. If not, we can use my office. Thanks.
Water Sciences Section
Corresoondence, with this emaii addess is subject to the No.-th C.aroiina Pubik- Records Law and rnay be disciosed to third parties.
Fnmrn: Brower, Connie
Sent: Friday, August O4 201711:46AM
To: Culpepper, Linda « ; Manning, Jeff ; Zimmerman, Jay
'Fransen Tom� 'Sattemvhite ' ' ' Dana
;Venta|oro,Christopher ; Johnson, Chris
'Hu|man' Sheila
Subject: FVV: FSTRA[: E[0S (Env. Council of the States) PFAS call. Aug.7. 4'5 PM Eastern Time
Importance: High
Good morning, everyone,
The attached word document pretty much sums up the situation(s) surrounding uncertainties the US EPA and others
have indealing with the PFAAsissues.
I have signed up for the call — but, realize that I will be out at the lab for a meeting before this call. So, Dana and Chris,
can Chris Vand | join you guys?
From: Lanber8 Susan
Sent: Friday, August O4 20179:22AM
Cc: Shamima Akhter (; Gloria Post
Subject: FSTRA[:E[05(Env.Council ofthe States) PFA5call. Aug. 7.4'SPMEastern Time
Importance: High
Lisa Matthews of EPA asked for the information below to be shared with FSTRAC members.
4:00-5:00 pm ET
The purpose of this call (every other month) is to share information on PFAS work, including analytical methods,
US EPA Cross -Agency Coordination of PFAS Activities (Bob Kavlock, Acting Assistant Administrator, EPA ORD)
Update on EPA PFAS Analytical Methods Workgroup (co-chairs: Cindy Caporale, Region 3; Schatzi Fitz -James,
OLEM; and Chris Impellitteri, ORD)
State Updates
Discussion (All)
Lisa Matthews
Senior Advisor and State Liaison
US EPA Office of Research and Development
202--564--6669 office
202-577-4035 mobile
Thank you,
Susan Adair Lanberg I En',.11mmmemnA S
Environmental Sciencps
Hel,oing Our ClieotF, Ch"an in Require ments
1"ou"a 'Inl� VETIA's �o"" RSIFRAC' m'hnm" ""'Omw�'e'x Vlk"'Idl' k""Ra"'ar Sdu'�Oms
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