HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00058647From: Young, Sarah [/O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=94E1114833AA46B9B87F8D4E6B9613F4-SMYOUNGI] Sent: 7/24/2017 1:18:04 PM To: DEQ.AII [/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=5134fb84624841778f422478525cOefd-DEQ- All] Subject: DEQ News Clips: July 24, 2017 DEQ News clips News Digest Gov. Cooper In Wilmington To Discuss GenX htt °wh r.or � ust/ uv-euu er-���€I€n�n tun-�€scuss-�en�strea€�� Clean Cape Fear to host GenX Forum with Scientists Wednesday €lx-forun'-wit -�-s ientistc,-wednesda Here's what it will take to get answers about GenX's health effects htt orteitail .non 3017 ° 7 �23 °heres-g hat-it-will-take-to-met-answers-about-genxs-health-effects-hlth/ Our View: Our river needs better protection htt : 'w w.fa ob erver.uu€ a irior€' t r your -view -our -river -needs -better- roteetion Cooper vows to lead fight against offshore drilling, testing htt s: 'outerbarksvoi�e.�o / 0 0x/ ' o - uu er-vows-to-lead-fi-ht-a-ainst-n-e-offshore-drillin-/ Debate rages as Atlantic Coast Pipeline nears construction : v � v.nevrs� bserver,cu€ 'ne rs b si€3e.s.s arl:i le: 1.63007328,ht:m1 Sarah 111.'Toung Public Information N. C. r-rsent of • Quality 919-707-8604 office w DEQ-CFW 00058647