HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEQ-CFW_00058578From: Sink, Marla pNadu.Sink@ncdencgov
Sent: 6/28/201712:32:04PyW
To: NCDENR.DENR.DVVR[/h=ExchangeLabs/ou=ExchangeAdministrative Group
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Subject: FW: DEQ verifies Chemours has stopped discharging GenX wastewater: Site visit to Chemours part of o
Attachments: ATT00001.txt;ATT00002.txt
Roy Cooper, Governor
Ddense:|MWD|ATD Contact: ]uode Kritzer
Michael S. Regan, Secretary
DEQ vcrMficmChcn'ourmhas nbVpmddischarging GcnXvvuwbwutcr
Site visit to(hemomzpart of ongoing state investigation
RAJL0DG|0—Staff with the NI.DopmYmontn[ Quality today inspected Chenxour ` Fayetteville facility and
verified �com
pany is wastewater from the byproduct {}ooJ{preventing the unregulated chemical compound
from discharging into the Cape Fear River.
DBQofficials verified during unon-siteinspection Tuesday that Chenxour is redirecting the wastewater from the GenXprocess
into temporary storage tanks e1theFayetteville facility mndcan hemoved off -site for disposal. Cbonunuruofficials told state
DEQ officials that the company shipped one tank of wastewater from the process to an Arkansas commercial incinerator for a
trial bum on June 22 and that the company is making arrangements to move and incinerate the waste collected from the process.
"We are holding Chemours accountable forcontaining the chemical compound aa*ocontinue (oinvestigate the presence of
GeuiKinthe Cape Fear Bher" said Michael Ro8on,soon:kuyofthe y�I.Department o[ Quality."While we
have vod�odthat Chon�our ���nnk�nuord6ochu{3on}{into the Cape Fear River, xrare continuing towork iobetter
understand this unregulated compound, how much of it is in the river, and its potential impacts."
The site visit impart o{aoongoing ukVoinvestigation. DE0,iuconsultation with the N.C.Department o{Health and Human
Services, is looking into reports o[uu unregulated chemical known ux{}onX iothe lower Cape Fear River. Chemours produces
GcnX at its facilit-v in Fayetteville and previously discharged wastewater from the process into the Cape Fear.
In response to requests from DEQ, local officials and residents, Chemourxannounced onJune 2Othe company would capture,
remove and safely dispose of wastewater containing the byproduct GenX instead of releasing it into the Cape Fear.
Aspart o[its investigation, DBQofficials are water mun�o�xui|2[g����giuthe Cape Fear Rbernear Cbonuoum`
FayoUovUb�1�Uh'and dunnabounoa{the area's water system intakes, finished water and groundwater nnOa
serving the lower Cape Fear region. The first water samples were collected June l9intheFayetteville region and June 22inthe
Wilmington region. DEQ officials repeated the same water collection process this week, with samples collected in the
Fayetteville region ouJune 26and scheduled for collection iothe Wilmington rogiononJune29.DB0plauxiorepnuismnpl
again on July 3 and 6.
The water samples collected by DEQ are being analyzed by two independent laboratories, a certified facility in Colorado and a
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lab in the Research Trii angle Park. The water samples collected by DEQ on June 19 and
June 22 arrived last week at the Colorado and EPA labs.
Once lab analysis is complete, results will be reviewed by state officials with DEQ and DHHS and made available to the public.
Results are expected to be available about a month from the time the samples arrive at the labs. Collecting and analyzing
multiple samples is essential to develop a comprehensive understanding of conditions and further evaluate potential health
For the latest information on what DEQ and DHHS are doing to address this issue, please visit DEQ's web page devoted to
GenX, httl)s://deg.nc.,gov/news/hot-tol)ics/`�--enx-investigation.
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